
Brinjal farming: complete information about brinjal farming

Published on: 04-Nov-2023

Farmers can earn good profit by cultivating brinjals. For this, they need to take care of a few things. Brinjal also contains iron, calcium, phosphorus and vitamin A-B-C. Brinjal is mainly cultivated as a vegetable. Let us know that if cultivated with these scientific processes, better yield is obtained. Farmers can earn good profit from this. Brinjal can be cultivated and used three times in a year. June-July for preparing nursery and July- August for sowing are the best months. Brinjal crops need good water channels and Sandy- loamy soil.

Preparation of brinjal farm

First ploughing should be done by soil turning plough. After that, make a bridge after treating 3-4 times by Harrow and using traditional plough. Before 10 to 15 days of sowing, land should be mixed with rotten cow dung or slurry manure. In the last ploughing, first 120 grams of nitrogen, 60 gram phosphorus and 80 grams of potash should be mixed then half nitrogen, whole phosphorus and potash should be mixed.

Read  also: complete knowledge about brinjal farming. 

Preparation of nursery is much important for brinjal production 

Let us tell you that 400-500 grams seed and 300 grams of hybrid seeds are considered suitable for per hectare of brinjal crop. Before sowing, seeds should be treated with trichoderma. Where the nursery is prepared, that land must be dug perfectly. Rotten cow dung manure should be mixed after removing weeds, so that the land has an adequate amount of organisms. Add 8 to 10 grams of trichoderma per metre square to kill land borne disease. Construct 15-20 beds(one metre wide and three metres long) to prepare the plants. Sow the seeds at a distance of 5 cm upto a depth of 1 cm in a series. 

Plucking and production of brinjal 

Fruits should be plucked when they acquire complete shape and good colour. Production of brinjal depends upon variety and the climate. Approximately, 250-500 quintals per hectare produce can be obtained on an average.

Read also: insects won't be able to attack on new variety of brinjal, farmers can earn good profit while producing

Sowing of brinjal 

For your reference, let us tell you that plants with 4 leaves of 12-15 cm long are considered suitable to be sown. Along with this, the sowing must be done in the evening. A distance of 60x60 cm from the plant must be maintained. Shower a little water after sowing. Crop should be irrigated every 12-15 days. Weeding and hoeing must be done before completion of crops.