
Farmers cultivating this variety of groundnut will earn excellent income.

Published on: 03-Sep-2023

Groundnut variety D.H. 330 can be cultivated even in areas with low water availability. Groundnut is grown in states like Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, and Karnataka. Due to drought in these states, farmers face a lot of challenges in peanut production. Due to less rainfall here, the yield of groundnut is less. Besides, the income of the farmer brothers is also less. In such a situation, today we have the peanut variety D.H. We are going to give information about 330, which requires less water for its cultivation.

When is groundnut sown?

For your information, let us tell you that peanuts are sown in July. It starts germinating 30 to 40 days after sowing. After flowering, pods start appearing in it. If there is a possibility of low rainfall and drought in your area, its productivity will not decline. For this, 180 to 200 mm of rainfall is sufficient.

Soil preparation for groundnut cultivation

To prepare the soil, irrigate it once after plowing the field. After sowing, when the plants start producing pods, cover the soil around the roots of the plants. Due to this, pods are produced well. Soil preparation is very important for better crop productivity.

 Also read: Prevent the pests and diseases that most affect the groundnut crop in this way

How to get good production of peanuts?

Farmers can spray organic fertilizers at the time of sowing the crop to increase the production of groundnut. Apart from this, mix Indole Acetic in 100 liters of water and keep spraying it on the crop from time to time.

Also read: Prevention of white braided pest is very important for good yield of groundnut.

Protection of groundnut crops from diseases

There is a high possibility of collar rot disease, tick disease, and termite attack in groundnut crops. For this, fungicides like Carbendazim, Mancozeb, and a 2.5 kg quantity of Manganese Carbamate should be mixed in 1000 liters of water and sprayed about 4 to 5 times at intervals of 15 days. Farmer brothers were given this variety of groundnut by D.H. For best production from the sowing of 330 and information related to any disease, take advice from agricultural experts and scientists.