Complete information about mint cultivation which brings profit to the farmers.

Published on: 11-Feb-2024

The botanical name of mint is Mentha, it is also called a herbal plant. Mint plants are considered very beneficial for health. Apart from vitamins A and C, nutrients like minerals are also found inside mint. There is good demand for mint during summer, hence farmers can earn good profits by cultivating it.

The leaves of mint plant are about 2-2.5 fingers long and 1.5 to 2 fingers wide. This plant has a fragrant smell and is used in many things during summer. Mint is a perennial plant

How to prepare mint field

For mint cultivation, land with good drainage is required. Before sowing mint, plow the field thoroughly and then level the land. Cow dung manure can also be used in the field while re-plowing. Along with this, nitrogen, potash and phosphorus can also be used in the field for higher yield of mint. For mint cultivation, the pH value of the land should be between 6-7.

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Suitable climate and soil for mint

Actually, it is considered better to plant mint in spring season. But it is a perennial plant and can be cultivated in all seasons except the winter season. Hot climate is considered better for its production. More fertile soil is required for mint cultivation. Mint can be cultivated even in waterlogged areas; moisture is required for its cultivation.

Improved varieties of mint

Some varieties of mint are as follows, Kosi, Kushal, Saksham, Gaumati (HY 77), Shivalik, Himalaya, Sankar 77, MAS-1, all these are improved varieties of mint. Farmers can earn good profits by producing these varieties.

What is the method of mint cultivation?

Mint cultivation is done like paddy cultivation. In this, first mint is sown properly in a bed of the field. When its roots emerge, mint is planted in the previously prepared field. Farmers should choose appropriate varieties for mint cultivation, so that the farmer can earn more profits.

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Irrigation management for mint

Irrigation is done about 8-9 times in mint fields. Irrigation of mint mostly depends on the type of soil and climate. If there is good rain after monsoon, then irrigation work is reduced. After the departure of monsoon, the mint crop is watered about three times more. Along with this, mint crop does not require much irrigation in winter, farmers provide water as per requirement.

Weed control and management

To protect the mint crop from weeds, farmers should do weeding from time to time. Along with this, pesticides can also be used by farmers. To control weeds, the farmer should not produce only one crop, he should adopt crop rotation. By adopting crop rotation, problems like weeds in the field are reduced and crop production is also higher.

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Harvesting mint crops

The mint crop becomes ripe in about 100-120 days. The mint crop is harvested by farmers by hand. When the lower leaves of mint start turning yellow, its harvesting is started. After harvesting, mint leaves are used for many purposes. Mint can also be stored for a long time. Besides, its green leaves are also used for cooking.

Mint is commonly used in many things, like making chutney, adding it to buttermilk and many more. Mint is harvested twice, first after 100 -120 days and second after 80 days. Besides, mint is full of many medicinal properties. Mint is mostly produced in the states of Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh. Also, mint increases the immunity inside the body.