
Know complete information about forest bitter gourd

Published on: 03-Feb-2024

Forest bitter gourd is cultivated in many states of our country. It is known by different names in different places, like sweet bitter gourd, wild bitter gourd, thorny Parwal, Karol, Bhat bitter gourd, etc. This is a type of vegetable available in monsoon. Thorny fibers are growing on the outer surface of this vegetable. Forest bitter gourd is tiny in size. Its scientific name is Momorekh Dygova.

Forest bitter gourd cultivation 

Forest bitter gourds mostly occur during the rainy season. When it rains, the leaves of forest bitter gourd start growing on their own. This vegetable is quite expensive compared to other vegetables. Due to its seeds needing to be easily available, it cannot be cultivated. After the rainy season ends, the seeds of forest bitter gourd fall on the ground. As soon as the first rain falls, the vine of forest bitter gourd starts growing. 

Also read: Bitter gourd will give profit, stray animals get upset - Complete information about bitter gourd cultivation.

Varieties of forest bitter gourd

There are two varieties of forest bitter gourd, which are grown in cultivated form, such as small-sized forest bitter gourd and Indira Akar (RMF 37). Forest bitter gourd is managed through tubers or seeds. That is why farmers should use a good variety of seeds. Before sowing, check the seeds carefully to see if the seeds are diseased.

Sowing forest bitter gourd seeds

For the cultivation of forest bitter gourd, the pH level of the soil is considered to be 6-7. Its sowing can be done in loamy and sandy soil but loamy soil is considered more useful for good yield. Forest bitter gourd plant requires a warm humid climate to grow well.

There is no need for any special technique for sowing forest bitter gourd. Soak the seeds of forest bitter gourd in hot water overnight. This results in good germination of seeds. It is sown at a distance of 3-4 inches. Water should be kept in it as per requirement. Tiny plants are visible only after a few days of sowing.


By eating forest gourd you can get these benefits

Many elements like vitamins, calcium, zinc, copper, and magnesium are found in forest bitter gourd. Its use provides relief from many diseases, but it is also very beneficial for health, and know-how:

Rich in carbohydrates

A large amount of carbohydrate is found in forest bitter gourd. Consuming carbohydrates provides agility and strength to the body, which is essential for doing any work. It is important to have strength in the body for day-to-day work, without strength, no work will be done. 

Also read: Grow summer green vegetables easily in the kitchen garden: Bitter gourd, Ladyfinger, Ghiya, Zucchini, Tinda, Cowpea, Cucumber.

Rich in Vitamins

Many vitamins are found inside forest bitter gourd, Vitamin A and Vitamin B are found in abundance in it. Consuming forest bitter gourd reduces the deficiency of vitamins in the body. Even if you do not get any benefit from taking expensive medicines, you can try using forest bitter gourd in your diet. By using it you will not feel any vitamin deficiency in your body.

Adequate amount of protein and fiber

An appropriate amount of protein and fiber is found in forest bitter gourd. Protein which helps repair cells inside the body. And fiber which helps keep the digestive system of the body healthy. It helps the digestive system so it can function smoothly. 

Forest bitter gourd is mostly cultivated in hilly areas. The nature of forest bitter gourd is hot and it also tastes very tasty.

Forest bitter gourd has also proved beneficial in itching, jaundice, and fainting occurring during the rainy season. Apart from this, eating forest bitter gourd also provides relief from problems like eye problems, fever, and infection. By eating it the blood sugar level also remains balanced.