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Best ways to protect potato crops from blight disease

Best ways to protect potato crops from blight disease

For your kind information, due to unexpected fall in rain, cloud and temperature and due to fog, not only potato but also tomato, ginger and onion crops are also prone to loss. With the increase in production, sensitivity towards diseases also increases. At present, potato crops are sensitive towards late blight. Its outbreak starts from the upper leaves. In initial stages, edges of leaves start blackening. Then infection spreads very fast to complete leaves and stems to fibrous roots. This is more dangerous than early blight. If not treated in initial stages, the whole crop can die within 2-3 days.

Prevent blight disease with these steps 

Farmers should spread mancozeb with carbendazim. Concentration should be kept 2.5-3 grams per litre of water. If necessary, spray again a second time after two weeks of first preventive spray.

How to control centipede 

In this weather, mustard crops along with other vegetables are prone to infection due to centipede and its associated viral disease. With the outbreak, leaves get curled around and thicken and stiffen. Plant growth stops and increment stops and the production gets affected. For prevention spread metasystox 1.5 ml mixed in per litre of water. Keep the farm humid to prevent frost. You can also spray mancozeb. 

Other crops of vegetables will also get affected.

If the weather becomes out of order, onion, garlic growth also stops. Most of the onions are sown or are in a nursery. To sow onion, use 10 kilograms of sulphur with other fertilisers in basel dressing. Bentonite sulphur is an amazing product from IFFCO. If the nursery face rotting, spray mancozeb, carbendazim and sulphur. According to experts, spraying 18:18:18 ( soluble fertiliser) can be useful in increasing productivity. Due to low temperature, roots of garlic can shorten. Spray 13:0:45 for this. Add 10 grams of manure in one litre of water. Add 6 mg of sticker for better results. Fruits and flowers start falling in vegetables in this weather. To prevent that, spray micronutrients.

How can potato growers protect their crops from blight?

How can potato growers protect their crops from blight?

Agricultural scientists and scientific centres play a critical role in preparing pupils for farming. In this regard, ICAR has issued advice to farmers planting potatoes. Farmers have received methods and instructions to protect their crops over the winter.

There is vital news for potato producers. If you grow potatoes, be sure you read this news. Because this info might rescue your crop from a significant loss. Actually, fog poses a significant issue for farmers throughout the winter months. Especially when it is quite chilly. For this reason, the Central Potato Research Institute Modipuram Meerut (ICAR) has issued advice to potato producers.

What has been said in the advisory of ICAR?

Farmers may learn how to salvage their crops from this ICAR advice. Some simple strategies have been proposed for keeping your crops secure. If the farmer grows vegetables, he should try to decrease the impact of wind by placing a curtain or straw on the ridge. Cold winds cause significant agricultural damage. Aside from that, farmers can conserve crops by spraying them with medications from the Agriculture Department's list. The wheat crop suffers no losses over the winter. However, vegetable crops might suffer significant losses. Farmers in such a circumstance have been encouraged to take prompt action.

Also to read:A completely effective solution to protect potato crops from blight illness.

Farmers to be precautious from Blight disease

According to an ICAR official, farmers planting potatoes have received specific advice. It is caused by a fungus called blight or phytophthora infestans. This disease affects potatoes when the temperature remains between 20 and 15 degrees Celsius. If there is a disease infestation or it rains, the crop is quickly destroyed. Potato leaves dry out from the margins owing to illness. Farmers should use Mancozeb 75% soluble powder diluted in water every two weeks. The amount should be two kilograms per acre.

Spray these chemicals  for potato cultivation.

According to the spokesperson, to protect the diseased crop, spray Macozeb 63% and Metalaxyl 8% or a combination of Carbendazim and Maconech at 2 grammes per litre of water or 2 kg per hectare in a solution of 200 to 250 litres. Furthermore, farmers should apply Ridomil 4% MI when the temperature is less than 10 degrees.

Also to  read: Late blight disease of potatoes and its treatment.

Blight disease is caused by the fungus Alternaria solani. As a result, circular dots appear on the lower half of the leaf, resembling rings. As a result, the inner half forms a concentric ring. The leaf becomes yellow. This disease develops late, and when symptoms arise, farmers can spray 75% degradable powder, Mancozeb 75% degradable complete, or Copper Oxychloride 50% degradable powder diluted in water at 2.5 kg per hectare