

This new variety of wheat will be proven effective for obesity and diabetes

This new variety of wheat will be proven effective for obesity and diabetes

For your knowledge, let us tell you that the Plant Breeding Genetics Department of the Punjab Agricultural University has created a new variety of wheat PBW RS1. It will cost less to farmers. This variety prevents the increase in obesity and the amount of insulin of blood sugar. This variety is going to be very beneficial for our body. Wheat is a major crop of the Rabi season. Along with this, it is a very nutritional meal as a food. Majority of people consume it as part of their diet. Majority of people eat chapatis made up of wheat flour. Farmers can also earn good profit by producing wheat crops. Along with this, situated in Ludhiana, the Plant Breeding Genetics Department of the Punjab Agricultural University has created a new variety of wheat, which prevents the increase in obesity and amount of insulin level in blood sugar. For the same reason, this variety will be proven as very beneficial for health. This rabi season, the seeds of this variety will be provided for cultivation. Along with this training will also be provided for the cultivation of these seeds.

How much time does it takes to PBW RS1 variety of wheat to get prepared 

Generally you would have seen that the patients suffering from obesity are advised not to consume wheat. But recently, after doing a research of 8 to 10 years, the agricultural scientists of the Plant Breeding Genetics Department of the Punjab Agricultural University have prepared the PBW RS1 variety, and doctors will also not stop you from consuming that. Because this new variety of wheat is helpful in controlling obesity.

Read  also: this rabi season, farmers can earn good money by cultivating black wheat. 

What are the benefits of PBW RS1 wheat 

This new variety of wheat developed by agricultural scientists has multiple benefits which are beneficial for our health. Regular consumption of this wheat can prevent us from problems like obesity and diabetes. Nutraceutical values in this variety of wheat are adequate. It also contains resistance starch.

This newly developed variety of wheat will be available in market after the month of April, 2024

Seeds of this variety are very good for patients suffering from diabetes. It will digest easily just like fibres. This wheat will be available in the market after April, 2024. However, the crops of these seeds will be less but it will have high prices in the market. 

Uttar Pradesh's potato fame now in America too, preparation to open Agriculture Export Center in Aligarh

Uttar Pradesh's potato fame now in America too, preparation to open Agriculture Export Center in Aligarh

Potato farming is done by farmers in Rabi season and farmers earn a lot of profit from it. As we all know, the time for harvesting Kharif crops has come. The produce produced from the fertile soil of UP is continuously gaining popularity in foreign countries. The demand for potatoes grown here is reaching across the seven seas. For the first time, potatoes from UP have been exported to Gunaya, America. Farmers also need the advice of experts to do farming with their understanding and wisdom.

The dominance of potatoes in Uttar Pradesh extends even to foreign countries. In fact, for the first time, potatoes from UP have been sent to America, located thousands of kilometers away. UP's potatoes are famous in foreign countries also. According to media reports, 29 metric tons of potatoes were sent to Guyana, USA with the help of Farmer Group (FPO). Let us tell you that along with this, the Yogi government's dream of doubling the income of farmers is also coming true.

Potato exports will now cross the seven seas

The Deputy General Manager of Varanasi's Agriculture and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) says that potatoes have been commercially exported to the US city of Guyana for the first time. He has told that the exported potatoes were purchased from FPO of Aligarh and packed in cold storage. 29 metric tons of potatoes will reach Guyana via sea route.

Also read: Pink potatoes will give farmers more profits than normal potatoes

Campaign to open Agriculture Export Center in Aligarh

Let us tell you that in this series, farmers of Aligarh are becoming entrepreneurs as well as exporters. Keeping in view the production of potatoes in Aligarh, the Agriculture and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority is preparing to open an agricultural export center in Aligarh. Let us tell you that if the Agriculture Export Center opens in Aligarh district, thousands of people around the district will also get employment opportunities.

Also read: Potato farming: Important information related to potato farming

Yogi government is trying to double the income of farmers

The Yogi government of Uttar Pradesh is trying to double farmers' income by eliminating middlemen. In this series, farmers are being made exporters through FPO. Yogi government in the state is focusing on encouraging FPOs and farmer groups towards international trade. Farmers should grow good incomes by exporting crops to foreign countries. Farmers should not depend only on traditional crops.

How is cumin cultivated?

How is cumin cultivated?

Cumin is a spice crop, which is cultivated as a spice. This cumin is exactly like fennel in appearance, but it is slightly different in colour. Cumin seeds are used to produce aroma in a variety of dishes.

Apart from this, it is used in many ways in food, some of which people use in powder or roast food. Consuming cumin seeds relieves many stomach related diseases. The cumin plant is of dry climate, and its plants need normal rains In India, cumin is most cultivated in Rajasthan and Gujarat, 80% of the total cumin of the whole country is produced here, out of which 28% cumin is produced in Rajasthan state alone, in its western region 80% cumin production is in the state. 

The same neighbouring state Gujarat produces more than Rajasthan. At present, the production capacity can be increased from 25% to 50% by growing improved varieties of cumin. Most of the farmers are also earning good profit by growing improved varieties of cumin. If you also want to cultivate cumin, then in this article you are being given information about how to cultivate cumin (Cumin Farming in Hindi) and the price of cumin.

Soil requirement for cumin cultivation

Sandy loam soil is required for good yield of cumin. In its cultivation, the land should be properly drained, and the pH value of the land should also be normal. Cumin is grown along with the Rabi crop, so its plants grow well in cold climates. Its plants need normal rain, and a very hot climate is not suitable for its plants. Cumin plants need 25 degree temperature after transplanting, and 20 degree temperature is appropriate at the time of plant growth. Its plants can easily tolerate a maximum temperature of 30 degrees and a minimum of 20 degrees.


Varieties of cumin

At present, many types of improved varieties of cumin have been prepared, which are grown to give higher yields according to different climates. R.Z. 19 , G. C. 4 , R. Z. 209 , G.C.

 Also Read: Spices or Masala price hike: First vegetable now tempering in dal also becomes expensive, spices prices increase record

Land preparation for sowing cumin seeds

Before harvesting cumin, his field is well prepared. For this, first of all, the soil of the field is ploughed deep with turning halos. After ploughing, the field is left open like this for some time. After this, 10 carts of old dung manure are ploughed in the field as natural manure, due to which the fertiliser gets well mixed in the soil of the field. After adding the manure to the soil, two to three diagonal ploughs are done. After ploughing, the field is watered and ploughed.

 Fertiliser and manure management in the crop

At the time of last ploughing of the field after the plough, 65 kg of DAP should be given. And 9 kg of urea has to be sprayed in the field. After this, the soil of the field is made friable by installing a rotavator in the field. After the soil becomes friable, the field is levelled by applying pata. This does not cause the problem of waterlogging in the field. Apart from this, the amount of 20 to 25 kg urea has to be given to the plants during the third irrigation at the time of plant growth.

Also read: Know about the schemes related to spices that get money and training

Seed rate for sowing cumin seeds

Cumin seeds are planted in the form of seeds. For this, spraying and drill techniques are used. To transplant by drill method, 8 to 10 KG seeds are required in one acre field. For transplanting seeds by the same spraying method, 12 KG seeds are required in one acre field. The seeds are treated with an appropriate amount of carbon dioxide before they are planted in the field. Through the spraying method, the beds are prepared for transplanting keeping a distance of 5 feet in the field.

 Sowing seeds

Seeds are sprayed in these beds and pressed with a hand or tooth. This pressurises the seed below one to one and a half cm. Apart from this, if you want to transplant seeds by drill method, then for that you have to prepare the rows in the field, and a distance of one foot is kept between each row. Sowing of seeds in rows is done at a distance of 10 to 15 cm. Since cumin is planted along with the RABI CROP, it is advisable to sow its seeds till the end of November.

Crop Irrigation Management

Cumin plants have a normal need for irrigation. The initial irrigation is done immediately after transplanting the seed, and the initial irrigation has to be done with a slow flow of water, so that the seed does not get washed away by the strong current of water. Its plants mostly require 5 to 7 irrigations. After the first irrigation, the remaining irrigation has to be done in an interval of 10 to 12 days.

Weed control in crop

Both chemical and natural methods are used for weed control in the cumin field. In the chemical method, the appropriate amount of Oxadiargyl is mixed with water to form a solution, which is then sprayed in the field after planting the seeds. In the natural method, weeding of plants is done. Its first ploughing is done about 20 days after planting the seeds, and the remaining ploughing has to be done in an interval of 15 days. Its plants require a maximum of two to three hoeings.

Also read: Weed control in wheat crop

Crop yield

Improved varieties of cumin are ready to give yield after about 100 to 120 days of seed sowing. When the colour of the seeds in its plants starts to appear light brown, during that time the flower canopy is cut and collected and dried in the field itself. After this, the grains are removed by machine from the dried flower canopy. Depending on the improved varieties, a yield of about 7 to 8 quintals is obtained from one hectare field of cumin. The market price of cumin is up to Rs 200 per kg, according to which the farmer can earn good profits by earning 40 to 50 thousand rupees from one crop of cumin.

 People who rear cows will get a grant from this scheme of the Yogi government.

People who rear cows will get a grant from this scheme of the Yogi government.

Nandini Krishak Samriddh Yojana and Cow Promotion Schemes are being provided. Based on all these schemes, the state government is providing many other types of assistance along with subsidy amounts to the farmers or those opening dairies.

 The Uttar Pradesh government is running various types of schemes regarding cow rearing. The main objective of the Uttar Pradesh government is to encourage cow breeding as well as increase milk production in the state. The state government is running Gopalak Yojana, Nand Baba Yojana, Nandini Krishak Samriddh Yojana, and cow promotion schemes in the state for the rearing of cow breeds in the state. Based on all these schemes, the state government is providing a huge amount of subsidy along with various other types of help to the farmers or those opening dairies. The state government is currently running the Nandini Krishak Samridhi Yojana. Under this scheme, the Yogi government will provide up to 50 percent grants in three parts on projects worth Rs 62 lakh.

The subsidy will be given to cows of major breeds.

The Uttar Pradesh government will provide this grant amount in three parts. But, there will be some major conditions of the state government for this. Any person can take advantage of this scheme only after fulfilling these conditions. The state government will allocate funds only for rearing cows which give more milk in terms of milk production. Cows of these species include indigenous cows of Tharparkar, Gill breed, and Sahiwal cows. To avail the benefit of this scheme, cattle farmers will have to show about 10 children of these breeds, after which they will be able to avail about 25 percent of the grant amount. To avail the benefits of this scheme, you will have to apply by 25th October.

Also read: How to take care of milch animals in winter

How to apply to avail benefits of this scheme.

For this, you will have to fill out the form by clicking on its official website Along with this, they must show their own or leased area for animal husbandry. Only registered farmers of Uttar Pradesh state will be able to avail the benefit of this scheme. Farmers should have about three years of experience related to cow rearing. Along with this, the beneficiaries who have already availed of the benefits of Kamdhenu will not be able to avail of its benefits. 

Also read: Cow-based Farming: This is the real proof of cow-based farming in India and its benefits.

What documents will be required to avail the benefits of the scheme?

For your information, let us tell you that to avail the benefit of this scheme, keep all the official ID cards provided by the state government or the center safe with you, so that you do not face any problems while applying. For this, you need to have an Aadhar card, original residence proof, land details, bank account details, mobile number, and passport-size photo.

 Citizens will not face the shock of inflation during the festive season – Food Secretary Sanjeev Chopra

Citizens will not face the shock of inflation during the festive season – Food Secretary Sanjeev Chopra

For your information let us tell you that Food Secretary Sanjeev Chopra says that the Central Government is making every effort to control inflation. Strict action is being taken against those who hoard food items. Central and state government teams are conducting raids at various places. In fact, before the beginning of the festive season, the Central Government has made all preparations to prevent inflation. Now in such a situation, the general public does not need to worry about inflation. Food items will be available at reasonable prices on Ganesh Chaturthi, Durga Puja, and Diwali. The central government has said that it has sufficient reserves of sugar. Now the public will have no shortage of sugar during the festive season. The supply of sugar in the market will continue as per the demand so that the prices remain controlled. He said that currently there is a stock of 85 lakh tonnes of sugar in the government stores. In such a situation, the general public does not need to worry about inflation.

There will be no impact on sugarcane yield

Sanjeev Chopra says that wheat prices are increasing artificially. But, soon this too will be controlled. He said that there is a rumor that due to less-than-average rainfall this year, sugarcane production may decline. But, this is not true at all. According to him, there will be no decline in sugarcane production. 

Also read: Detailed information related to sugarcane cultivation

Prices of rice increased by 10%

He said that due to rumors, the price of rice has increased by 10%. But, there will be an excellent yield of paddy in the crop season 2023-24. Now in such a situation, prices will fall due to the arrival of new rice in the market. He has said that the storage limit on wheat has been reduced. Farmers also felt extremely happy when the price of rice increased. Because paddy is a Kharif crop. The right time has come for harvesting this Kharif crop. The time of harvesting of Kharif crop rice is going on. Now in such a situation, if the price of rice increases then farmers will get a lot of benefits.

How much paddy is produced in India

India is the second country in terms of paddy production. India exports rice to foreign countries. India ensures the food supply of rice to the world. Many countries depend on India. If rice production in India decreases, it affects the food security of the entire world. India is well known for the production of different varieties of rice. Nepal remains largely dependent on rice from India.

 Learn about the specialty, price and benefits of Laser Land Leveler Machine

Learn about the specialty, price and benefits of Laser Land Leveler Machine

To get excellent crop production from the field soil, farmers should use agricultural machine laser land levellers in their field. This will make the soil of the field uniform. Also, there will be no shortage of moisture and nutrients in the soil. To get excellent production from the crop, it is very important to have good soil in the field. For this, farmers perform different types of work in their field. But today we have come up with information about a brilliant agricultural machine to make the soil of the field fit for harvest, whose name is Laser Land Leveler. Explain that this machine is used to homogenise the soil of the field. If the soil of your field is not uniform, then it may lack moisture and nutrients in the soil of the field. Because of this, farmers are not able to get the best yield of their crop.

This is how the laser land leveller machine is operated

Before operating the laser land leveller machine in the field, the farmer should plough his field deeply. Also, moisture should remain up to about five percent in the soil. It should also be taken special care that there should be no weeds and grass etc. in the field. Laser Land Leveler Machine is run in the field by tractor. Because, by putting it on the back of the tractor, the soil of the field is made uniform. This agricultural machine can make the soil of one acre of land uniform in one to two hours.

Also read: “ Computer manjha” is a boon for farmers

What are the benefits of laser land leveller machine

  • After running the laser land leveller machine in the field, the crop production is almost the same. Increase in crop production by 10-15 percent. 
  • During irrigation, 30-35 percent water consumption will be reduced. 
  • Once used in the field, the soil of the field remains safe for 2-3 years. 
  •  By using this, farmers can get the best production at a low cost.

How much does a laser land leveller machine cost?

Talking about the price of a laser land leveller machine, the price of this laser land leveller machine is much more economical for farmers. Also, the price of this agricultural machine in the Indian market starts from around Rs 1.35 lakh.

 Farmers can get loan up to 2 crore rupees under Krishi Avasanrachana Yojana

Farmers can get loan up to 2 crore rupees under Krishi Avasanrachana Yojana

Farmers can get loan up to 2 crore rupees under Krishi Avasanrachana Yojana

If you are a farmer and are thinking of starting a small business then you can avail the benefits of the agriculture infrastructure fund scheme by the government. Under this scheme farmers will be given loans up to Rs 2 crore. There are multiple schemes run by the government in India for the upliftment of farmers. The purpose of all these schemes is the upliftment of farmers and providing them financial aid so that farmers can change their lives. Under this initiative the Central Government has started the agriculture infrastructure fund scheme. Under this scheme farmers can get loans up to rupees 2 crores for setting up cold storage,  processing units, warehouses and packaging machines. Government also provide guarantee to loan seeking farmers.

Krishi Avasanrachana Yojana

Krishi AvasanrachanaYojana helps provide loans to farmers. The interest on the loans is 3% less. This concession last for 7 years. Under this scheme a loan upto rupees 2 crore the collateral will be provided by the government. And it's responsibility will be taken by Micro and Small Enterprise Fund Trust. The guarantee fees for the collateral is also paid by the government therefore farmers don't have to pay anything from their pocket. You can take the benefit of this scheme while being under any other scheme. 

Also read: important agriculture schemes for farmers implemented by the government

Benefits of thr Krishi Avasanrachana Kosh Yojana

Krishi Avasanrachana Kosh Yojana help take loans for almost any agriculture related activity or need. Under the scheme farming, botany, animal husbandry et cetera can get loans easily. This means that under the scheme farmers can easily get loans for small businesses and for agriculture.

Self help groups, FPOs, startups, agrigation providers, etc can also avail the benefits. 

 Detailed information about production of onion in Rabi Season

Detailed information about production of onion in Rabi Season

Maharashtra is a major onion producing state of India. Here production of onions is done on a large scale. Here, onions are cultivated three times a year. Nashik, Pune, Solapur, Dhule and Ahmednagar are considered strongholds in the state for onion production. At present, Rabi season onion planting has started in Maharashtra. Farmers cultivate maximum onion in the state and here Asia’s largest onion market is in Lasalgaon, Nashik. Generally, cultivation of onions is done only once a year in different states. But it is nothing like here in Maharashtra. Three crops are done during a year in the state. Here it is produced in Kharif, post-Kharif and in Rabi season. Onions are a cash crop in Maharashtra. A majority of farmers here depend on its cultivation. Farmers get maximum production of onion in the Rabi season. 

When is the sowing of the second season of onion done?

The second season of  onion is sown in the month of october-november , which is currently being done in the state. It gets ready in between January and march. The third crop of onion is Rabi, which is sown in December-January. At the same time, it is harvested from March to May. 60 percent of total production of onion in the state occurs in Rabi season only. 

Onion is produced in large quantities in these districts of Maharashtra.  

Onion is cultivated most in Jalgaon, Dhule, Ahmednagar, Satara, Nashik, Pune and Solapur districts of Maharashtra. At the same time, farmers cultivate this crop in Marathwada district of Maharashtra. Nashik is famous for producing onions not only in Maharashtra but all over India. Out of its total production in India, 37 percent of onion is produced in Maharashtra and 10 percent of the onion production in the state is done only in Nashik.

What should be the soil for onion cultivation?

According to agricultural scientists, onions can be cultivated in different types of soil. But, excellent yield is obtained only in soils like clay, sand, loamy, gar and brown soil. To get high yield in onion cultivation, there should be good drainage facilities in the field.

What type of land should it be?

To prepare for the cultivation , first plowing of the land should be done three to four times. Also, add rotten manure to increase the amount of organic matter in the soil. After this, divide the field into small plots. Planting should be done on a 1.2 meter wide strip at a height of 15 cm from the land surface. 

How much fertilizers should be used?

Onion crop requires a large amount of nutrients. Manure and fertilizer should be used in onion crops on the basis of soil test. Rotten cow dung manure should be used in the field at the rate of 20-25 tonnes per hectare from one-two months before planting.

Great onion varieties and pruning time.

Bhima Shweta: This variety of white onion is already approved for Rabi season, this variety gives an average yield of 18-20 tonnes in Kharif while it gives an average yield of 26-30 tonnes in Rabi.

Bhima Super: This red onion variety has been identified for production in the Kharif season. It can also be grown as a late crop in the Kharif season. This variety gets ripe in a time interval of 95-100 days. Its production is approximately 20-22 tonnes per hectare.

Talking about the right time to prune onions, the right time to remove onions from the fields is when the moisture in the plant gets exhausted and its bulb starts coming up almost on its own.

Great benefits of Natural farming on farmers,crop and environment.

Great benefits of Natural farming on farmers,crop and environment.

Natural farming proves to be excellent for crop growth and  for farmers progress. It leads to high yield of crop moreover it is of great significance if we look through the environmental aspect.these days a trend of practicing natural farming is being observed among farmers since it is more profitable for them.

You might like to know practicing natural farming is very advantageous if he look with an environmental aspect. As there is no use of any kind of chemicals. This type of farming focuses more on biomass mulching , cow  dung manure The Indian government takes significant steps from time to time to promote prakritik kheti.This is done in order to  to help farmers increase their yields and income. 

Benefits of Natural Farming

It increases the underground water level as well as reduces the pollution caused by edible items, soil and water. Usage of waste to prepare compost reduces the chances the diseases . The most extraordinary impact is that with the least amount of capital needed of production we get maximum output so it also increases income.

Also  read: natural farming beneficial for farmers, farmers to get prosperous soon.

Objectives of Natural Farming

It focuses on reducing cost of profit and maximising profit. It assists in increasing soil fertility and reduce the usage of chemical fertilisers and pesticides. Also to increase production with minimum need of water and irrigation.

Main components of Natural Farming




Plant protection

Natural Farming is being encouraged by the government

To encourage farmers to adopt natural farming practices, the Government of India has established a website for natural farming at, which contains all relevant information. As a result, farmers no longer have to go somewhere else for their farming. Farmers can also use this portal to get quick updates on important government initiatives. The Union Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare created this natural farming portal.