

Optimal environmental conditions and orchard management for mango flowers to  blossom.

Optimal environmental conditions and orchard management for mango flowers to blossom.

This year, too, due to the late advent of the winter season, the minimum temperature in the last week of January has been below 10 degrees Celsius for more than a week, and the farmer wants to know if the mangoes will be fine. Will it come early or late? The current environmental circumstances indicate a possible delay in arrival. To guarantee maximum fruit output, mango trees require a favourable blooming habitat. Several factors contribute to good flowering, including meteorological conditions and soil quality, as well as adequate tree care and orchard management.

Climate & Temperature

In tropical and subtropical settings, the mango tree need two and a half to three months of dry and cold weather to develop successfully. The optimal temperature for flowering is between 77°F and 95°F (25°C to 35°C). Cold temperatures prevent blooming, thus frost protection is needed. Furthermore, the cold time of winter, when temperatures dip to around 50°F (10°C), accelerates the arrival of flowers, resulting in them arriving later in the year.

Also to  read: 42% of mango crop damaged due to rapid bug infestation

Lighting needs

In general, mango plants enjoy exposure to sunshine. To promote seedling development and health, at least 6 to 8 hours of direct sunshine are necessary every day. Adequate sunshine promotes photosynthesis, which provides the energy required for blooming and fruit production.

Soil Quality

Mango trees thrive on well-drained, loamy soil with a pH ranging from slightly acidic to neutral (6.0-7.5). A good soil structure promotes optimal aeration and root growth. Regular soil testing and amendment with organic matter helps to maintain nutrient levels and provide ideal blooming conditions.

Water Management

Mango trees require regular and enough irrigation, particularly during blossoming. However, wet situations should be avoided, since they might cause root rot. A well-managed irrigation system that provides moisture without waterlogging aids in blooming and subsequent fruit development. The farmer wants to know if he may irrigate shortly before or during blossoming. The right answer is that irrigation should not be done at this time since it may exacerbate the problem of crop loss, resulting in a loss for the farmer.

Nutrient management

Mango flowers require proper nutrition levels. During various growth phases, employ a balanced fertiliser rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Micronutrients like zinc play a key role in flower initiation and development. Regular soil testing aids in the exact administration of fertilisers.

Also read: How do you deal with mango leaf tip burn?

Sorting and Training

Pruning shapes the tree, removes dead or diseased branches, and allows sunlight to penetrate more easily. Open canopies improve air circulation, lowering the incidence of flower-related illnesses. Proper branch training encourages an upright growth habit, which allows plants greater sunshine exposure.

Pest and Disease Management

Pests and illnesses can harm flowers. Regular monitoring and the timely application of suitable pesticides aid in infection prevention. Proper cleanliness, such as cleaning fallen leaves and trash, lessens the danger of illnesses like anthracnose, which harms flowers.


Mango trees are predominantly cross-pollinated, with insect pollinators like bees playing a significant role. Maintaining a diversified habitat surrounding mango crops encourages natural pollination. When natural pollination is insufficient, hand pollination methods can be used to promote fruit sets.

Cooling Needs

Mango trees frequently require a cooling time before flowering. In locations where winter temperatures do not naturally drop, tactics such as using growth regulators or artificial chilling methods are used to induce the production of flower buds.

Also read: What to do if your mango tree is drying from top to bottom (top dieback)?

Disease Resistance

Planting disease-resistant mango types helps maintain the tree healthy and prevents illnesses from interfering with the flowering process. A healthy mango orchard requires regular monitoring and timely intervention against diseases such as powdery mildew and bacterial infection.

Finally, producing a favourable blooming environment for mango requires a comprehensive strategy that considers climatic conditions, soil quality, water management, nutritional balance, pruning, pest and disease control, pollination techniques, and particular cooling requirements. Is involved. By resolving these issues, producers may promote blooming, which will boost fruit output and overall orchard performance.

To get maximum benefits from mango orchards, flower (landscape) management is essential, know what to do and what not to do.

To get maximum benefits from mango orchards, flower (landscape) management is essential, know what to do and what not to do.

In North India, especially Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, the appearance of mango starts in the second week of February, it is determined by the different varieties of mango and the temperature at that time. Mango (Mangifera indica) is the most important tropical fruit in India. In India, it is mainly cultivated in Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Bihar. According to the statistics of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Government of India for the year 2020-21, mango is cultivated in 2316.81 thousand hectares in India, from which 20385.99 thousand tonnes are produced. The national productivity of mango is 8.80 tonnes per hectare. In Bihar, it is cultivated in 160.24 thousand hectares area from which 1549.97 thousand tonnes of production is obtained. The productivity of mango in Bihar is 9.67 tonnes per hectare. Which is slightly higher than the national productivity.

To increase the productivity of mangoes, it is necessary to know how to scientifically manage the orchard after planting of Manjar Tikola. Flowering is an important stage in mango as it directly affects the fruit yield. Flowering in mangoes is highly dependent on variety and environmental conditions. Thus, proper management strategies adopted during the flowering stage of mango directly affect fruit production.

Arrival of mango blossom

Mango trees usually begin flowering when mature after 5-8 years of growth, before which the flowers should be plucked. The flowering season of mango in North India generally begins in mid-February. Mango flowering initiation requires 20-25°C during the day time and 10-15°C during the night with bright sunlight. However, depending on the timing of flowering, fruit development begins by May–June. High humidity, frost, or rain during the flowering period affects flower formation. Cloudy weather during flowering helps in the spread of mango hopper and powdery mildew and anthracnose diseases, which hampers the growth and flowering of mango.

Also read: Favorable environmental conditions and orchard management for mango flowering

What effect does flowering have on fruit production in mango?

Mango flowers are small, yellow, or pinkish-red depending on the mango species, clustered in clusters that hang down from the branches. They are bisexual flowers but cross-pollination by pollinators contributes to the maximum fruit set. Common pollinators include bees, wasps, moths, butterflies, flies, beetles, and ants. The number of flowers produced and the duration of the flowering stage directly affect fruit yield. However, flowering is influenced by many factors such as temperature, humidity, sunlight, insect and disease infestation, and availability of water and nutrients. These factors affect the timing and intensity of flowering. If the above factors are not optimal during the flowering stage, it will result in fewer or smaller fruits. Not all flowers produced will produce fruit. Proper pollination is essential for the fruit to fully set and develop. Even after adequate pollination, only a certain proportion of flowers form due to the mass dropping of flowers and fruits due to several factors such as weather conditions and insect infestation. This ultimately affects the yield and quality of fruits. The timing, duration, and intensity of flowering significantly affect fruit production in mango trees.

Mango Flower Management
Traction actions

Proper cutting and pruning of mango trees after harvesting of the fruit results in good and healthy flowers. Pruning – Due to lack of pruning, the mango canopy becomes dense, due to which light is not able to penetrate the internal parts of the tree and thus flowering and yield are reduced. Pruning the tips of the branches triggers flowering. The best time to prune is after the fruit has been harvested, usually from June to August. Tip pruning, done 10 cm above the last internode, improves flowering. Girdling is a method used to induce the formation of fruit buds in mangoes. It involves removing strips of bark from the trunk of the mango tree. It increases flowering, fruit set, and fruit size by increasing foliar carbohydrates and plant hormones in the aboveground parts of the girdle by blocking the downward transfer of metabolites through the phloem. By making a circle at the time of emergence of inflorescence, the accumulation of fruits increases. The depth of girdling should be kept in mind. Excessive girth depth can damage the tree. This work should be done only after expert supervision or training.

Plant Growth Regulator (PGR)

Plant growth regulators (PGRs) are used to control flowering and increase yields by influencing the physiological processes that control plant growth and development. NAAs also help prevent flowering, bud drop, and fruit ripening. They help in increasing fruit size, increasing and improving fruit quality and yield. Planofix @ 1ml The medicine should be dissolved in 3 liters of water and sprayed just before the flowers emerge and the second spraying should be done when the fruit is equal to a pea. This spraying is necessary to prevent the tikolo (small mango fruits) from falling. To promote flowering, apply phosphorus fertilizer at the pre-flowering stage. Adequate potassium levels can enhance flowering in mango trees and increase the number of flowers and fruits. Potassium helps transport nutrients and water to the fruit, which is essential for its growth and size. It also helps in increasing the resistance of plants to moisture stress, heat, frost, and disease. The use of micronutrients gives better results by improving flowering, fruit quality, and controlling fruit drop. 

Also read: How to manage the problem of tip burn of mango leaves?

Pests and Disease Management

During flowering and fruit formation, the chances of insect and disease infestation are high, leading to premature drop of flowers and fruits. Mango hopper, flower gall midge, mealy bug, and leaf webber are the major pests attacking mango flowers. Mango powdery mildew, mango malformation, and anthracnose are diseases that affect mango flowers resulting in reduced fruit growth. Check the symptoms and management of pests and diseases in mango flowers to increase the fruit yield - Diseases and pests in mango flowers should be managed.

For the last 4-5 years, the problem of the mealy bug (Gujiya) has been increasing year by year in Bihar. For the management of this pest, it is necessary to clean the garden around December-January and sprinkle Chlorpyrifos 1.5 D. dust @ 250 grams per tree in the soil and to prevent mealy bug (Gujiya) insects from climbing the tree, a 45 cm strip of alkaline should be tied with twine around the main stem of the mango. By doing this this insect will not be able to climb the tree. If you have not done this before and the Gujiya insect has climbed the tree, then in such a situation apply Dimethoate 30 EC. Or Quinalphos 25 EC @ 1.5 ml should be dissolved in per liter of water and sprayed. In mango orchards that are not managed properly, there are a large number of hoppers or maggot insects, hence the sunlight must reach the ground in the orchard. Where the orchard is dense, there also the number of these insects is higher. When insects appear on trees, these insects are very good food sources for these insects, due to which there is a huge increase in the number of these insects. The second sign of the presence of these insects is when we go near the garden. When we go, swarms of insects come near us. If these insects are not managed, they suck the juice from the plant and the plant falls. When 10-12 maggots are visible per blossom, then we should spray Imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 1 ml dissolved in 2 liters of water. This spraying should be done before the flowers bloom, otherwise, the bees coming to the garden get affected, which reduces pollination and affects the yield. 

           For the management of Powdery Mildew/Kharra disease, it is necessary to spray soluble sulfur @ 2 grams/liter dissolved in water before the arrival of the disease. When the temperature exceeds 35 degrees Celsius, the severity of this disease starts reducing automatically.

Also read: How to manage if the mango tree is drying from top to bottom (top dieback)?

The blossoms suffering from Gumma disease should be cut and removed. If there is a problem with stem borer or leaf-cutting insects in the garden, then use Quinalphos 25 EC. @ 2 ml of medicine should be dissolved in / liter of water and sprayed. But it is worth noting that from just before the flowers bloom to when the flowers are in bloom, do not use any chemicals at any time, otherwise, pollination is badly affected and there is a possibility of the soft parts of the flower getting injured.

5. Pollination

    The mango flower has both male and female reproductive organs in the same flower. However, mango flowers are relatively small and do not produce large amounts of pollen. Therefore, they rely heavily on pollinators such as flies, wasps, and other insects to transfer pollen between flowers. Without pollination, mango flowers may not produce fruit, or the fruit may become small or misshapen. Mango yield increases through cross-pollination. It is important to note that insecticides and fungicides should not be sprayed during the full bloom stage as pollination by insects will be affected at this time which will reduce the yield. To get a good yield from the mango orchard, it would be good to keep bee colony boxes in the mango orchard, this helps in good pollination and more fruits are produced. 

6. Weather Conditions

  Optimum weather conditions during flowering increase successful fruit set rates and yields. For example, excessive wind speed causes flowers and fruits to fall en masse. Thus, it is necessary to protect mango orchards from wind by installing windbreaks or shelterbelts.

Also read: Professor in this state is earning profits worth lakhs from mango farming 

7. Water Management

  Mango trees require adequate amounts of water, especially during the growing season. Insufficient or excessive watering can reduce fruit yield and quality. Proper water management also helps prevent diseases and pests, which thrive in moist environments. In hot and dry climates, irrigation can help increase humidity levels and reduce temperature fluctuations, providing a more favorable environment for mango growth. Excessive irrigation can reduce soil temperature, resulting in reduced plant growth and development. On the other hand, inadequate watering can increase soil temperatures, damaging plant roots and reducing yields. Thus, effective water management is essential to ensure healthy plant growth and fruit production. Irrigation should not be done between 2 to 3 months before flowering and when the fruit becomes the size of a pea. Some gardeners irrigate the mango at the time of flowering and flowering, due to which the flowers fall. Therefore, it is advised not to irrigate until the fruit becomes equal to a pea. 


Mango flower management for higher yields involves a combination of strategies aimed at optimizing plant growth, managing pests and diseases, and ensuring optimal environmental conditions for flower development and pollination. Following these management practices can increase flower and fruit production, leading to higher yields and improved fruit quality. 

Dr. SK Singh Professor (Plant Pathology) and Head of the Department, Post Graduate Department of Plant Pathology, Principal Investigator, All India Fruit Research Project, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Pusa-848 125, Samastipur, Bihar

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M&M LTD's Division Swaraj tractor launched Swaraj 8200 Smart Harvester for farmers

M&M LTD's Division Swaraj tractor launched Swaraj 8200 Smart Harvester for farmers

Division Swaraj Tractors of Mahindra & Mahindra Limited have currently unveiled Swaraj 8200 smart harvester for farmers. The company has presented it in the kharif season, which has shown excellent results in harvesting crops like paddy and soybean. The company is going to increase the production of this smart harvester.

Swaraj Harvester 8200: Swaraj 8200 smart harvester yield is being increased in the agricultural machinery plant Pithampur (Madhya Pradesh) presented by Mahindra & Mahindra.This is the first smart harvester prepared domestically in India. Division Swaraj Tractors of Mahindra & Mahindra Limited have unveiled this smart harvester for farmers. The company has presented it in the kharif season, which has shown excellent results in harvesting crops like paddy soybean. With the successful start of this new smart harvester, the company hopes that this product is going to be in great demand in the upcoming Rabi crop season. Senior Vice President and Business Head, Farm Machinery, Mahindra & Mahindra Limited Caras Vakharia has said that Swaraj can complete the work of harvesting with 8200 smart harvesters with ease and less expenses.

24 × 7 monitoring facility has been provided

Caras Vakharia has reported that 'Swaraj has been very pioneer in harvesting technology in India and is carrying out this heritage in the world of 8200 smart harvester technology. The company provides the facility to monitor the Harvester's performance and 24 × 7 monitoring with the company service and product support team with the intelligent harvesting system. He said, you can stay anywhere and learn about this smart harvester on your phone, such as fuel, its location and other information.

Smart harvester will run smoothly even in dry or wet crop

Caras Vakharia has said that Swaraj 8200 Smart Harvester has provided a considerable fuel efficient engine based on New Technology. With its help, up to 90 thousand rupees can be saved. He said, the speed of this smart harvester is higher than the rest of the smart harvester. It is not going to cost much on its maintenance. Giving information, Vakharia has said that farmers can run this smart harvester easily in a wet crop. You can use this smart harvester in rabi -kharif crops. Means, you can harvest many crops including wheat, paddy, soybean and maize.

On -form service facility is also available

The company is also providing facilities for health alert and personal help with this smart harvester with a relationship manager and app -adjoining video calling. Swaraj 8200 smart harvester is being used in many states including Punjab, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Caras and Vakharia of India. Through the dealer network spread across the country, this new Swaraj 8200 smart harvester has been made available for sale. More than 100 dealers of Swaraj are present in India.

 Loan of Rs 9 lakh is being given to unemployed youth under Gopalak Yojana in this state.

Loan of Rs 9 lakh is being given to unemployed youth under Gopalak Yojana in this state.

According to UP Gopalak Yojana, unemployed youth of the state will get loan facility of up to Rs 9 lakh to open a dairy farm. The benefit of this government scheme will be available to those people who have at least 5 milch animals. A unique scheme has been started by the Uttar Pradesh government for unemployed youth, so that the youth of the state can get employment opportunities. Also, he should be able to make positive improvements in his financial condition. Let us tell you that Yogi government has started Gopalak Yojana for the people of the state. Under this scheme, the youth of the state can open their own dairy farms. For this work, the state government will provide loan facility up to Rs 9 lakh to the youth. But, this scheme of the government is not for all the youth.

Also read: Good news for cow herders, you will get Rs 25,000 for buying a local cow in this state.

Under the Gopalak Yojana of Uttar Pradesh Government, only those youth of the state who have at least 5 or more animals will be able to apply. Let us further give you information about this scheme of the government in this article. So that the youth can apply easily.

Only milk producing animals will be included in the Gopalak scheme.

Cow-Buffalo means milch animals have been included in Gopalak Yojana. If you are a cattle rearer and also have a cattle shed, then also you can avail the benefit of loan from this scheme. But, keep in mind that the annual income of the applicant should not exceed Rs 1 lakh.

Also read: how to rear milk production animals in winter

Eligibility to avail benefits of Gopalak Yojana

Only the youth of the state will get the benefit of this scheme, that is, it is mandatory for the cattle rearer to be a permanent resident of UP. 

To avail the benefit of this scheme, the cattle owner must have at least 5 animals. 

The annual income of the applicant should be less than Rs 1 lakh.

 The applicant should also have an animal which has been purchased from the animal fair.

 Learn about the specialty of foxglove flower and its disadvantages

Learn about the specialty of foxglove flower and its disadvantages

As beautiful as the foxglove flower looks, it is also many times more dangerous. Actually, if anyone consumes it, then he can suddenly get a heart attack at any time. Because it contains a powerful compound called cardiac glycosides.

The beauty and fragrance of the flower attracts everyone, due to which its demand in the market is very high. In India, different types of flowers are cultivated, which are very beautiful to see. But the products made in it are much more dangerous. Today we are going to give you information about one such flower, which is very beautiful in appearance. But, as beautiful as it is, it is also harmful. Actually, the name of the flower we are talking about is Foxglove. When scientists researched this flower, it was seen that consuming products made from this flower increases the risk of heart attack. Because, inside this flower, a powerful compound called cardiac glycosides is present. Foxglove flower is most commonly used in herbal medicine.

The foxglove flower would have venom inside it

According to media reports, the foxglove flower contains a very powerful compound called cardiac glycosides. Which is like poison for our body. Consuming it can also cause heart-related disease. Due to this flower, a person can also have a sudden heart attack. It is being said that this flower can also cause conditions like ventricular fibrillation.

Also read: Bundelkhand farmers are benefiting a lot from the cultivation of Bluecon flower

When does this flower come in handy?

For your information, let us know that the biggest feature of this flower is that it is used at the time when all types of medicines stop working. In such a situation, medicine made from this flower plant is consumed so that it can be saved. Research has found that this flower acts directly on the heart muscles. If a person's heart stops working, then the foxglove flower also acts as a lifeline. It pumps blood throughout the human body.

Also read: Remove financial constraints by planting lantana flowers in your home pot

Why should you not consume foxglove flowers?

This foxglove flower is very helpful for heart failure patients. But, on the other hand, if another person accidentally puts this flowering plant in his mouth, then he should immediately show the doctor around him. Otherwise, he can lose his life from this poisonous plant. By consuming it, the person has to face problems related to vomiting, dizziness, nausea, skin irritation, headache, diarrhoea, blurriness, problems related to urination.

 The air of many cities has become poisonous due to increasing cases of stubble burning.

The air of many cities has become poisonous due to increasing cases of stubble burning.

 As you know, currently the paddy harvesting season is going on. Every year the governments of Punjab and Haryana talk about imposing strictness on farmers and stopping them from burning stubble. But, in reality, farmers are continuously busy burning stubble. For this reason, due to the pollution being spread due to stubble burning, the AQI i.e. Air Quality Index of Delhi-NCR is continuously increasing towards dangerous levels. Like previous years, the threat of stubble has started increasing in the states of Punjab and Haryana this year too. Let us tell you that despite the strictness of the governments of both the states, farmers are seen burning stubble in the open fields. The smoke rising due to stubble burning is proving fatal for the breathing of the people of Punjab, Haryana, and Delhi-NCR. The monitoring done by CPCB in Delhi-NCR has reported an average AQI of 263. Because of this, people are at risk of serious diseases.

Stubble is being continuously set on fire in the states of Punjab and Haryana. As the paddy harvesting season is progressing, the cases of stubble burning are also increasing continuously. Due to the smoke and pollution generated by stubble burning, the AQI of many cities of Haryana including Delhi-NCR has reached very poor levels.

Stubble is being burnt without fear in Punjab

Even though it is being claimed that the cases of stubble burning are decreasing in the state of Punjab, the process of openly burning stubble is also continuing. In Derabassi around Chandigarh, stubble was seen burning openly on the side of the highway. Today, if you pass through any national highway in Punjab and Haryana, you will see burnt-black fields on the side of the road. Where the stubble will be seen completely reduced to ashes, farmers cleverly set fire to the stubble in their fields and then leave their fields, so that no legal action can be taken against them.

Also read: Haryana government plans to save environment from residues like stubble etc.

In Haryana, conscious farmers are managing stubble properly.

For your information, let us tell you that there are farmers who believe in managing the stubble instead of burning it. In Naggal village of Panchkula, farmers were seen using the stubble as fertilizer in the fields and directly sowing wheat seeds through a Super Seeder machine. These farmers say that the farmers who can buy expensive machines are the ones who manage the stubble. But, small and marginal farmers have no option other than burning the stubble.

What complaints do farmers have against the government?

In Mankaiya village of Panchkula, some farmers are making heaps of stubble after traditionally harvesting the paddy crop. But, they also complain that instead of employing laborers, they are managing the stubble to burn it. But, they have neither received any assistance nor been given any kind of grant from the government. They have to manage the stubble at their own expense.

Also read: Farmers became aware of the pollution caused by stubble, the percentage of cases reduced in these states

Cases have decreased significantly from before

There has been a decline in the cases of stubble burning in Punjab this year as compared to last year. So far, incidents of stubble burning have been reported at 1764 places in the state. These figures are the lowest in the last 2 years. In the same period, 4327 cases were registered so far in 2021 and 3114 cases in 2022. If we talk about Haryana state, 714 cases of stubble burning have been reported this season. However, if compared to last year, 893 cases had been reported so far last year. If the government of Haryana-Punjab states makes the farmers fully aware and provides them resources, then the challenge of stubble can be rid of. Let us tell you that the recorded AQI of some cities of Haryana is frightening. 255 air quality index was recorded in Karnal-243, Rohtak-182, Jind-155, Faridabad-322, Bahadurgarh-284, Kaithal-269, Kurukshetra-256 and Gurugram.

 Learn about the specialty, price and benefits of Laser Land Leveler Machine

Learn about the specialty, price and benefits of Laser Land Leveler Machine

To get excellent crop production from the field soil, farmers should use agricultural machine laser land levellers in their field. This will make the soil of the field uniform. Also, there will be no shortage of moisture and nutrients in the soil. To get excellent production from the crop, it is very important to have good soil in the field. For this, farmers perform different types of work in their field. But today we have come up with information about a brilliant agricultural machine to make the soil of the field fit for harvest, whose name is Laser Land Leveler. Explain that this machine is used to homogenise the soil of the field. If the soil of your field is not uniform, then it may lack moisture and nutrients in the soil of the field. Because of this, farmers are not able to get the best yield of their crop.

This is how the laser land leveller machine is operated

Before operating the laser land leveller machine in the field, the farmer should plough his field deeply. Also, moisture should remain up to about five percent in the soil. It should also be taken special care that there should be no weeds and grass etc. in the field. Laser Land Leveler Machine is run in the field by tractor. Because, by putting it on the back of the tractor, the soil of the field is made uniform. This agricultural machine can make the soil of one acre of land uniform in one to two hours.

Also read: “ Computer manjha” is a boon for farmers

What are the benefits of laser land leveller machine

  • After running the laser land leveller machine in the field, the crop production is almost the same. Increase in crop production by 10-15 percent. 
  • During irrigation, 30-35 percent water consumption will be reduced. 
  • Once used in the field, the soil of the field remains safe for 2-3 years. 
  •  By using this, farmers can get the best production at a low cost.

How much does a laser land leveller machine cost?

Talking about the price of a laser land leveller machine, the price of this laser land leveller machine is much more economical for farmers. Also, the price of this agricultural machine in the Indian market starts from around Rs 1.35 lakh.

 Top 5 goat species for milk production

Top 5 goat species for milk production

Top 5 goat species for milk production

The top 5 milk producing goats are jamunapari, beetle, Sirohi, Usmanabadi and Barbari. These pieces are capable of giving four liters of milk everyday with very low maintenance cost. Rearing these five species of goats you can earn huge profits in less time. Rearing goats besides farming is a good business for farmers. Most of the farmers in India also have domestic animals such as cows, buffalo, goats etc. But in rearing goat farmers have greater profits than rearing cow buffalo. 

Also rearing goats is cheaper and less capital intensive. Amongst goat farming the milk producing goats are the most profitable. In this article we will talk about the top 5 milk producing goats. 

Top 5 milk production goats

1 Barbari goats

This breed is commonly found in Aligarh and Agra district. This cow a small in size and has different colours. These goats have their years folded. Most of these goats are white with brown spots. Babari goats give almost 1.5 l milk daily. 

Also read: Cattle, pig and hen farming can get you 50% subsidy, learn more information.

2 Beetle goat

Beetle goat is the most reared goat in Punjab. This species of Goat is large in size and black in colour. It has white or brown spots on its body and its hair is small and Shiny. Its ears are long and dangling. Beetle goats give almost 2.5 l of milk daily.

3 Kutchi goat

This species of goat is generally found in the Kuch region of Gujarat. This goat is large in size and has long hair within an uplifted nose. It's horns are thick, pointy and slightly outwards. Kutchi goat give almost 4 l of milk daily. 

Also read:

learn about different species of cattle before cattle rearing. 

4 Saddle goat

Saddle goats or gaddi goats are mostly found in Kangra region of Himachal Pradesh. These goats are generally reared for the purpose of Pashmina. The ears of these goats are 8 to 10 cm long and their horns are very pointy. In the Kalu Ghati these goats are also used for transportation of goods. They give 3.5 litre of milk daily.

5 Jamunapari goat

Jamunapari goats are mostly found in Itawa, Mathura etc. These goats are heavy and white coloured, they also have small brown spots on their body. With long ears and horns of about 8 to 9 CM these goats produced 2 to 2.5 Litre milk daily.

Meteorological Department has issued an alert for farmers regarding the Michaong Cyclone

Meteorological Department has issued an alert for farmers regarding the Michaong Cyclone

The Meteorological Department has issued some advice for farmers regarding the Michaong Cyclone. However, this advice is different for farmers of different states. Here you can get information according to your state.

Cyclone Michong is causing destruction in the coastal areas of South India. This is the reason that the Meteorological Department has currently issued an alert regarding this. According to the Meteorological Department, that heavyl rains may occur in the northern coastal areas of Andhra Pradesh on 6 December. Apart from this, heavy rainfall is also estimated in some areas of Chhattisgarh, Telangana and Odisha. At the same time, the Meteorological Department says that some areas here will have moderate rainfall. Also, excessive rainfall is estimated in some parts.

What has been said to farmers

The Meteorological Department has released some advice for farmers regarding the Michaong Cyclone. The Meteorological Department says that whatever farmers of Andhra Pradesh are, they should stop cutting ripe rice, late sown peanuts and chilli at present. At the same time, the Meteorological Department said that the farmers here should stop choosing rice, millet and cooked cotton seeds.

The Meteorological Department says that the crops that have been harvested, they say that they should be kept in safe places. If your crop is a farm, then cover it in a great way with tarpaulin. At the same time, give support to the plants on which the crop is planted in good quantity. Do this mainly with vegetable plants. If you did not do this in time, then these plants will fall down. Your crop can cause severe damage.

Be careful for the next 5 days

The Meteorological Department has forecast five days to come to the coastal areas of Kerala and South Indian states, that thunder electricity will have light rain in many places and there will be strong rain in many places. At the same time, there is hope of thick fog in the areas of Punjab. At the same time, fishermen are advised not to go to the banks of the Bay of South -West Bengal and Northern Tamil Nadu -Puducherry for the next five days. The situation can worsen here at any time.

 Under this scheme, financial assistance of Rs 12,000 is provided annually to married women

Under this scheme, financial assistance of Rs 12,000 is provided annually to married women

To double the income of farmers, the central and state governments issue various welfare schemes for the farmers at their respective levels. Under the Mahtari Vandana Yojana, annual assistance of Rs 12 thousand will be provided to the farmers. Eligible women can apply for this scheme by visiting the official site. 

Chhattisgarh government has launched a new scheme for the people of the state, which has been named Mahtari Vandana Yojana. Through this scheme, the government will provide financial assistance of Rs 1,000 every month to married women. This scheme has been approved in the recently held cabinet meeting. Farmers can also avail the benefits of this scheme. 

Financial assistance to married women under the Mahtari Vandana Yojana 

Through Mahtari Vandana Yojana, financial assistance of Rs 1000 per month will be provided to married women of the state. This scheme is being issued to help women in making them financially self-reliant. It is expected that this scheme will help in improving the standard of living of women.

Also read: Assistance of Rs 500 for three months to women account holders of Jan Dhan Yojana

Who will benefit from Mahtari Vandana Yojana

To avail of the benefit of Mahtari Vandana Yojana, the woman should be a permanent resident of Chhattisgarh state. The benefit of this scheme will be provided only to married women. The woman applying under Mahtari Vandana Yojana should be 21 years of age. Under the scheme, women will be provided Rs 12 thousand annually. The process to apply for this scheme has started. For this, candidates can apply by visiting the official website Also, if more information is required then applicants can also get help from the official site.

Documents required to avail of the benefits of the scheme

  • Aadhar card
  • Bank account passbook
  • Age certificate
  • Passport size photo
  • Identity card
  • Address proof
  • Mobile number

Also read: Rajasthan Government's Gift for Girls: Agriculture Students Promotion Scheme, if you have the documents then apply and get Rs 15 thousand

How to apply for Mahtari Vandana Yojana 

Application for Mahtari Vandana Yojana can be made both online and offline. To apply online, women will have to visit the website of the Chhattisgarh government. To apply offline, women are required to go to their nearest Janpad Panchayat office.

 What is Trichoderma, the main basis of organic farming? What is the method and benefit of its use?

What is Trichoderma, the main basis of organic farming? What is the method and benefit of its use?

Trichoderma's miraculous benefits in agriculture and horticulture

Trichoderma is a species of fungi that is continuously playing an important role in agriculture and horticulture due to its diverse beneficial effects on plants. This versatile group of fungi is becoming very rapidly popular for its mycoparitic, biocontrol and properties promoting plant growth.

1. Mycoparasitic Capabilities

Trichoderma species are skillful mycoparasites, which means they parasitize and control the development of other fungi. This characteristic is particularly valuable in agriculture, where pathogens produced by soil cause significant damage to the crop. The same species of Trichoderma actively attack and inhibit their growth by competing with nutrients and harmful fungi to the location.

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2. Biocontrol agent

Trichoderma serves as a natural biocontrol agent against a wide range of pathogens of plants, including the species of fusarium, rhizoctonia and pythium. Trichoderma establishes a protective barrier, which prevents pathogenic fungi from infecting the roots of plants. This bio -control mechanism reduces the need for synthetic chemical fungicide, promotes durable and environmentally friendly agricultural practices.

 3. Inclusion of the protection mechanism of plants

Trichoderma induces the plant's own defence mechanism, increasing its immunity to diseases. Fungi stimulates the production of various defence-related compounds, such as phytoalexins and pathogenesis, proteins in plants. This systemic resistance helps crops to withstand infection and stress, which contributes to the overall health of plants.

4. Nutrient solubility

Some species of  Trichoderma display the ability to solve essential nutrients such as phosphorus, iron zinc as well as other micronutrients such as other micronutrients, making them more available to plants. This nutrient solubility increases the growth and development of plants, especially in the decreased soil, and reduces the requirement of synthetic fertilisers.

Also read: Why is the government's fertiliser subsidy bill increasing?

5. Advanced root development

Trichoderma promotes root growth and branches by producing substances that promote oxin and other plants. Better root systems result in better nutrients and water eclipses, which increases the strength and overall crop productivity of the plants.

6. Stress Tolerance

Trichoderma helps plants to deal with various environmental stresses, such as drought, salinity and excessive temperature. The symbiotic relationship between Trichoderma and plants can increase the ability to adapt and survive in the challenging conditions of the plants, eventually producing more flexible crops.

7. Bio -degradation of organic matter

 Trichoderma species contribute to the dissolution of organic matter in the soil. They secrete enzymes that facilitate the decomposition of organic residues, making the nutrients back into the soil. This recycling process improves soil composition and fertility, creating a favourable environment for the growth of plants.

Also read: Use organic manure and increase crop yield, farmers here are taking full benefits

8. Professional use

Trichoderma-based bio-fungal and bio-fertilizers have gained popularity in the agricultural industry. These commercial products containing live trichoderma inoculants are planted on seeds, soil or plant surfaces to provide various benefits above. Farmers are increasingly integrating these biological agents into their crop management practices to promote sustainable and eco-friendly agriculture.

9. Biological control of nematodes

Some Trichoderma strains display anti-activity against plant-parasitic nematodes. This bio -control capacity is valuable in the management of nematode infections, which is harmful to crop health.

10. Seed Treatment

Trichoderma-based formulation is used to protect seed treatment, protect seeds from soil-related pathogens and promote seedling installation. These preventive measures contribute to making crops healthy from the initial phase of development.


The versatile advantages of Trichoderma in agriculture and gardening arise from its mycopo -suitable capabilities, bio -control mechanisms, plant defence reactions, nutrient solutions, promoting root growth, increasing stress tolerance and contributing to organic matter decomposition. As the agricultural sector continues to adopt durable practices, the use of Trichoderma-based products is playing an important role in promoting plant health, reducing chemical inputs and ensuring food security.