

The indifference of the weather took away the smile of these farmers of India.

The indifference of the weather took away the smile of these farmers of India.

Crops in Odisha have suffered a lot of damage due to rain. Due to this reason, the prices of many vegetables have come down significantly. Due to bad weather, the worries of farmers remain the same. In the last several days, the weather in India has shown its different moods. Many areas are bearing the brunt of harsh winter and crops are getting ruined due to rain in many areas. 

The weather was bad in Sundergarh, Odisha for many days. As a result, horticultural crops have suffered huge losses. Due to this, the problems of farmers have also increased a lot. Many other crops including tomato, cabbage, and cauliflower have also been affected due to bad weather. The main reason for this is that farmers are forced to harvest crops before time. Along with this, farmers are also selling these crops at low prices.

Crops suffered loss due to this

According to many media agencies, crops have been badly damaged due to bad weather and heavy rains. Due to this, in many places, even the standing crops ready to be harvested have been completely ruined. According to media reports, the tomato crop has suffered the most damage. The tomato crop has started deteriorating due to rain. At the same time, the cabbage crop has also been damaged to a great extent. 

Also read: How to take care of green vegetable plants in summer season (Plant Care in Summer)

Farmers forced to harvest prematurely

The life of farmers is full of many problems and difficulties. Now in such a situation, the remaining crops of the farmers, troubled by the harsh weather, are also being sold at very low prices. Farmers are also worried about the fear that the remaining crop may also get ruined. According to reports, farmers are forced to sell their tomato crop at the rate of Rs 10 per kg. Besides, the price of cabbage has also come down to Rs 15 per kg. 

Many farmers are not able to sell their cabbage crops even at low prices. Also, the effect of weather has been seen in other crops including ladyfinger, bottle gourd, and bitter gourd. Due to this farmers are harvesting crops before the stipulated time. If media reports are to be believed, the prices of crops have come down significantly. Tomato prices range from Rs 10 to Rs 20. At the same time, the price of cauliflower has also fallen from around Rs 50 to around Rs 15 to Rs 20.

In this way, you can earn the best income by cultivating colorful cauliflower

In this way, you can earn the best income by cultivating colorful cauliflower

 Colorful cauliflower is very beautiful and attractive in appearance. At the same time, it is also very good for our health. In today's scientific age, everything seems easy. Science has done everything. Anything impossible seems possible here. Now even if it is something related to farming. Different types of colorful flower gobhas have come inside the market. Actually, today we are going to give you information about the cultivation of this colorful flower cabbage. So that you can produce white cauliflower as well as colorful cauliflower in your farm. The demand for these cabbages in the market is increasing day by day. In such a situation, you can earn a lot of profits by selling them in the market. Colorful cauliflower provides considerable profits to the farmers.

Colorful cauliflower cultivation

Agricultural scientists of India have discovered a new variety of colorful cauliflower. These cabbages are green, blue, yellow and orange in colour. By consuming cabbage of these different colors, people are also getting rid of diseases. It can be easily cultivated in any kind of soil. You need adequate irrigation for this. The demand for these cabbages is increasing in the Indian market. Due to this, farmers are also earning huge profits by producing it.

Also Read: Cauliflower Pests and Diseases

Sowing colorful cauliflower

Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Karnataka and Uttar Pradesh are the major producers of colourful cauliflower in India. The best time to cultivate it is winter. You can plant its nursery in September and October. Also, after preparing the field, it can be planted in the fields after 20 to 30 days. Temperatures ranging from 20 to 25 degrees Celsius are considered suitable for its excellent yield. At the same time, the pH value of cultivated soil should be between 5.5 to 6.5. Farmers

How much income is earned from the cultivation of colorful cauliflower

These colorful cabbages are ready to ripen in 100 to 110 days after sowing in the fields. Farmers can produce 400 to 500 quintals of colored cauliflower in one acre. People in the market are buying it loudly as soon as they see this color. The market price of ordinary cabbage is 20 to 25 rupees. So on the other hand, the price of these colorful cabbages ranges from 40 to 45 rupees. In such a situation, farmers can earn a lot of profit by cultivating it.

Farmers can earn good profits by growing these improved varieties of cauliflower.

Farmers can earn good profits by growing these improved varieties of cauliflower.

Farmers can achieve better production in any season through improved varieties of cauliflower. Farmers can earn a good yield by cultivating it. Let us tell you that for good production, some important things related to organic fertilizers and farming should be kept in mind. Through cauliflower cultivation, farmers can earn good profits in a short time. Maybe you are aware that farmers can cultivate cauliflower in any season. Also, people use cauliflower to prepare vegetables, soups and pickles etc. Because along with the amount of Vitamin-B in this vegetable, much more protein is also found in cauliflower. For this reason, its demand always remains in the market. At present the price of cauliflower in Delhi ranges from Rs 60 to Rs 100 per kg. Also, cool and humid climate is necessary for the cultivation of cauliflower. For your information, let us tell you that cauliflower crop is most prone to disease. For its protection, the seeds must be treated with fungicides recommended by agricultural scientists before sowing.

Early, late and medium varieties of cauliflower

Scientists at ICAR, Pusa have developed some of the best varieties to help farmers get good yield from cauliflower cultivation in any season, which include Pusa Ashwini, Pusa Meghna, Pusa Kartik and Pusa Kartik Shankar etc. 

Also read: Scientists in Bihar have developed a variety of cauliflower 6099 which can grow in summer as well

Other early varieties of cauliflower include - Pusa Dipali, Early Kuwari, Early Patna, Pant Gobi-2, Pant Gobi-3, Pusa Kartik, Pusa Early Synthetic, Patna Early, Selexan 327 and Selexan 328 etc. Apart from this, late varieties of cauliflower include – Pusa Snowball-1, Pusa Snowball-2, Pusa Snowball-16 etc. Medium varieties of cauliflower include - Pusa Synthetic, Pant Subhra, Pusa Subhra, Pusa Aghani Uyer, Pusa Snowball etc.

The important things for the cultivation of cauliflower are as follows

For cauliflower cultivation, first level the field so that the soil becomes plowable.

Then you plow twice with a soil turning plough. 

After this, run the cultivator twice in the field. 

After every ploughing, make sure to rake.

The PH value of soil should be between 5.5 to 7. 

Sandy loam soil and clay loam soil with excellent drainage are considered suitable for the cultivation of cauliflower.

Let us tell you that the soil which has high amount of organic fertilizer is very good for the production of cauliflower.