

Know about Napier grass which eliminates the problem of animal fodder in summer.

Know about Napier grass which eliminates the problem of animal fodder in summer.

India is an agricultural country. Because most of the population here is dependent on farming. Agriculture is considered the main pillar of the economy. Along with farming, animal husbandry is also done on a large scale in India. Especially in rural areas where animal husbandry is the second largest occupation after farming. Farmers raise different types of animals from cows and buffaloes in different areas.

 In fact, along with inflation, animal feed has also become quite expensive at present. It is believed that green grass is the best option for animals as fodder. If green grass is fed to animals, their milk production also increases. But, the problem faced by the cattle farmers is that from where should they arrange green grass in such large quantity? Now the onset of summer is about to begin. In this season, animal feed remains a big problem for the cattle farmers. Now in such a situation, elephant grass can easily overcome this challenge of cattle herders. 

Napier grass is the solution to the problem of cattle farmers

The solution to this problem of farmers and cattle herders is elephant grass, which is also called Napier grass. It is a kind of animal feed. It is a fast-growing grass and its height is quite high. In height, they are bigger than humans. For this reason, it is called elephant grass. It is a very nutritious fodder for animals. According to the information given by agricultural experts, the first Napier hybrid grass was prepared in Africa. Now after this, it spread to other countries and today it is being grown in different countries.

 Also read: Now you will get Rs 10 thousand per acre for cultivating green fodder, apply like this

People are rapidly adopting Napier grass

This grass reached India around 1912 when Napier hybrid grass was produced in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. It was prepared for the first time in Delhi in 1962. Its first hybrid variety was named Pusa Giant Napier. This grass can be cut 6 to 8 times in a year and green fodder can be earned. At the same time, if its yield is less then it is dug up and planted again. This grass is being used extensively as animal feed.

Napier grass is the best hot-season fodder

Hybrid Napier grass is called a warm-season crop because it grows rapidly in summer. Especially when the temperature is around 31 degrees. The most suitable temperature for this crop is 31 degrees. However, its yield may reduce at temperatures below 15 degrees. Sunshine and little rain in summer are considered good for Napier crops. 

Also read: You can become rich soon by using these 5 grasses in animal husbandry.

Soil and irrigation for Napier grass cultivation

Napier grass can be produced easily in all types of soils. However, loamy soil is considered most suitable for this. To prepare the field, it is advisable to do one cross-plowing with a harrow and then one cross-plowing with a cultivator. With this, weeds are eliminated. To plant it properly, ridges should be made at appropriate distances. It can also be planted through stem cuttings and roots. However, currently, its seeds are also available online. Light irrigation should be done in the field for 20-25 days.

 Prevent and treat PPR disease in sheep and goats in this  way

Prevent and treat PPR disease in sheep and goats in this way

Sheep and goats suffer from various types of diseases, one of which is PPR disease. This serious disease completely weakens the sheep and goats. But, if you use vaccination and medicine for PPR disease from the beginning, then sheep and goats can be protected. Besides, it can also be prevented.

More than half of the sheep and goats of many farmers and cattle herders often remain sick. It has been found that PPR disease occurs mostly in them. PPR is also known as 'goat epidemic' or 'goat plague'. For this reason, the mortality rate is usually 50 to 80 percent, which can increase up to 100 percent in very serious cases. Today, through this article we will tell you about the diseases occurring in sheep and goats and their prevention.

Also read: By rearing sheep of these breeds, cattle herders can soon become rich.

You should know that PPR is a viral disease, which is caused by Paramyxovirus. Various other domestic animals and wild animals also get infected with this disease. But, sheep and goats are among the animals most infected by this disease.

What are the signs of this disease in sheep and goats?

Due to this disease, sheep and goats get fever, diarrhea, mouth ulcers, and pneumonia, which even leads to their death. According to a study, there is a loss of ten and a half thousand crore rupees due to PPR disease in the goat rearing sector in India. PPR disease is extremely serious and fatal, especially in lambs, sheep, and goats suffering from malnutrition and parasites. Due to this, the foul smell comes from their mouth and their lips start swelling. The eyes and nose become covered with sticky or putrid discharge. There is a lot of difficulty in opening the eyes and breathing.

Also read: 50% subsidy will be available for sheep, goat, pig, and poultry farming, know complete information

Some animals suffer from severe diarrhea and sometimes even bloody diarrhea. PPR disease can also cause abortion in pregnant sheep and goats. In most cases, sick sheep and goats die within a week of infection.

Treat and control PPR disease in this way

Vaccination of sheep and goats is the only effective way to prevent PPR. Because PPR is a viral disease, there is no specific treatment. However, the death rate can be significantly reduced by using drugs that control bacteria and parasites. Before vaccination, sheep and goats should be given deworming medicine. First of all, healthy goats should be kept in a separate enclosure from infected sheep and goats, so that the disease can be prevented from spreading. After this, treatment of sick goats should be started.

Also read: Maharashtra government gave compensation to cattle herders, about 98% vaccination done

Antibiotics prescribed by a veterinarian are used to control secondary bacterial infections of the lungs. The wounds near the eyes, nose, and mouth should be cleaned thoroughly with cotton twice a day. Apart from this, sheep and goats get a lot of benefits from washing mouth ulcers with 5% boroglycerin. Only nutritious, clean, soft, moist, and tasty fodder should be given to sick sheep and goats. In case of an outbreak of an epidemic, immediately provide information to the nearby government veterinary hospital through PPR. Dead sheep and goats should be destroyed by burning. Along with this, it is very important to keep the goats' enclosures and utensils clean and pure.