

Selecting these varieties for spinach cultivation will be beneficial.

Selecting these varieties for spinach cultivation will be beneficial.

Farmers can cultivate spinach to get better profits. Let us tell you that in India, spinach is cultivated in all three crop cycles, Rabi, Kharif, and Zaid. For this, there should be a better drainage system in the field. Also, light loamy soil produces excellent spinach leaves.

Farmer brothers, take special care of these things

For cultivation of spinach on one hectare of land, 30 kg of seeds are required. At the same time, if farming is done through the sprinkling method, 40 to 45 kg of seeds are required. Before sowing, treat the seeds with 2 grams of Captan per kilogram, so that the yield is good. For the sowing of spinach, keep row to row distance of 25–30 cm and a plant-to-plant distance of 7–10 cm. For spinach cultivation, improved varieties with high production can be selected according to climate and soil.

All Green

For your information, let us tell you that the green leafy spinach variety is ready in 15 to 20 days. After sowing once, it can cut leaves six to seven times. This variety undoubtedly gives more production. But, if cultivated during winter, it produces seeds and leaves in 70 days. 

Also read: By sowing off-season spinach, profit will double: Demand increased during wedding season.

Pusa Harit

Many farmers cultivate Pusa Harit to ensure round-the-year consumption. Spinach grows straight upwards. Also, its leaves are dark green and large. There are many benefits of cultivating it on alkaline soil.

Desi Palak

Desi spinach is sold at very good prices in the market. Desi spinach leaves are small, smooth, and oval. It gets prepared very quickly. Most of the farmers cultivate it for this reason.

Vilayati Palak

The seeds of foreign spinach are round and thorny. It is more beneficial to grow thorny seeds in hilly and cold places. Round varieties are also cultivated in the plains.

There is a tremendous demand for spinach in winter, farmers choose its improved varieties

There is a tremendous demand for spinach in winter, farmers choose its improved varieties

Among the major varieties of spinach, Sampoorna Hari, Pusa Green, Pusa Jyoti, Jobner Green and Hisar Selection-23 are the most grown varieties. Today we will give you information about these varieties as well as their high demand. As soon as winter arrives, the name of green vegetables comes first among the things that are going to be eaten the most. Among them, soya-fenugreek, spinach, bathua and mustard greens are the most special. Of these, today we are going to tell you about some major varieties of spinach. Actually, farmers also cultivate spinach due to its high demand. According to Ayurveda, spinach has the highest iron content. Which helps in controlling haemoglobin in our health. Due to this, this vegetable is in highest demand among the people.

Spinach Variety whole green

The plants of this species of spinach are generally green in colour. At an interval of 5 to 20 days, the leaves soften and become ready for harvesting. Explain that it can be harvested 6 to 7 times. This major variety of spinach gives more production. In the cold season, seeds and stalks come after about two and a half months.

Also read: Amaranth cultivation can provide profit to farmers and good health to people

Spinach Variety Pusa Jyoti

This is another advanced variety of spinach, whose leaves are excessively soft and fibrous. Plants of this species grow quite fast. Also, the leaves are ready for harvesting, which also leads to higher yields.

Spinach Variety Jobner Green

The main feature of the Jobner green species is that it can be grown even in acidic soils. All the leaves of this variety of spinach are uniformly green, thick, soft and juicy. Its leaves melt easily when cooked.

Spinach Variety Pusa Green

This magnificent variety of spinach is suitable for hilly areas. Also, it can be grown here throughout the year. Its plants grow upwards. Also, the colour of the leaves is dark green. Its leaves are also quite large in size. The specialty of this variety is that it can be grown in a variety of climates. It can also be easily cultivated in acidic soil.

 Loan of Rs 9 lakh is being given to unemployed youth under Gopalak Yojana in this state.

Loan of Rs 9 lakh is being given to unemployed youth under Gopalak Yojana in this state.

According to UP Gopalak Yojana, unemployed youth of the state will get loan facility of up to Rs 9 lakh to open a dairy farm. The benefit of this government scheme will be available to those people who have at least 5 milch animals. A unique scheme has been started by the Uttar Pradesh government for unemployed youth, so that the youth of the state can get employment opportunities. Also, he should be able to make positive improvements in his financial condition. Let us tell you that Yogi government has started Gopalak Yojana for the people of the state. Under this scheme, the youth of the state can open their own dairy farms. For this work, the state government will provide loan facility up to Rs 9 lakh to the youth. But, this scheme of the government is not for all the youth.

Also read: Good news for cow herders, you will get Rs 25,000 for buying a local cow in this state.

Under the Gopalak Yojana of Uttar Pradesh Government, only those youth of the state who have at least 5 or more animals will be able to apply. Let us further give you information about this scheme of the government in this article. So that the youth can apply easily.

Only milk producing animals will be included in the Gopalak scheme.

Cow-Buffalo means milch animals have been included in Gopalak Yojana. If you are a cattle rearer and also have a cattle shed, then also you can avail the benefit of loan from this scheme. But, keep in mind that the annual income of the applicant should not exceed Rs 1 lakh.

Also read: how to rear milk production animals in winter

Eligibility to avail benefits of Gopalak Yojana

Only the youth of the state will get the benefit of this scheme, that is, it is mandatory for the cattle rearer to be a permanent resident of UP. 

To avail the benefit of this scheme, the cattle owner must have at least 5 animals. 

The annual income of the applicant should be less than Rs 1 lakh.

 The applicant should also have an animal which has been purchased from the animal fair.

The need of special care for Cattles and crops in the upcoming 15 days

The need of special care for Cattles and crops in the upcoming 15 days

During the next 15 days in the month of November, agricultural scientists have issued advisories regarding what farmers should do and what not to do in their fields. Apart from this, scientists have also issued necessary advice for livestock farmers. As we know, the month of November has moved on. In such a situation, scientists of Directorate of Extension Education, Chaudhary Sarwan Kumar Himachal Pradesh Agricultural University, Palampur have issued an advisory to the farmers to carry out the works related to agriculture and animal husbandry in a systematic manner during the first fortnight of November i.e. for the next 15 days. So that farmers can increase their income by doing these works. The advisory issued by agricultural scientists talks about crop production, peas, vegetable production, crop protection and livestock etc

Production of Rabi Crops of Wheat

Wheat is the major rabi crop in various states of India. In such a situation, the initial crop of wheat needs a temperate environment. If the environment is initially warm, the root of the crop is formed significantly less. Also, the chances of it getting diseased also increase. In addition, farmers of lower and middle areas will get wheat HPWD-249, HPW-368, HPW-155, HPW-236, VL-907, HS-507, HS-562 and HP-562 in the first fortnight of November. W-349 varieties should be planted in your field. Apart from this, farmers in low-lying areas will also get HD of wheat. -3086. Plant DPW- 621-50-595, and HD-2687 varieties. For sowing the farmer, Rexil 1 g/kg seed Bavistin or Vitavex 2.5 g/kg. Seeds treated with seeds should be used.

Also read: Govt sets target of 114 million tonnes for this rabi season.

Wheat sowing should be done in late September or early October. If the weed plants are in the stage of 2-3 leaves, 35 to 40 days after sowing, then at this time spray weed killer chemicals in wheat. Isoproturon 75 WP 70 kg of medicine or 16 grams of Vesta is sufficient for one kanal. Use 30 litres of water per canal for spraying.

Identify diseases in animals

Livestock farmers should ensure the work related to the management of winter diseases in animals. If seen, diseases of the lungs, respiratory system and skin are more common in this season. Deadly infectious diseases like PPR are possible sheep and goat pox in “Sirmaur” district at present, mumps disease in Kinnaur district and foot and mouth disease in Shimla. If the cattle breeder has any symptoms of the disease such as loss of appetite or loss of appetite, consult a veterinarian immediately in case of high fever. Do not ignore the infection of lace worms called “facialola” and “amphistome” at this time.