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 NAFED and NCCF sold thousands of tonnes of onion through e-NAM.

NAFED and NCCF sold thousands of tonnes of onion through e-NAM.

NAFED has so far sent more than 3,000 tonnes of onion to many markets in Punjab, Haryana, and Himachal Pradesh. At the same time, approval has been sought from the Consumer Ministry to start sales in the mandis of Uttar Pradesh. Sources say major cities like Varanasi, Prayagraj, Kanpur, and Lucknow in Uttar Pradesh are likely to be covered initially.

National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation and National Cooperative Consumer Federation (NCCF) sold more than 900 tonnes of onion through the online platform e-NAM on August 30-31. This also includes trade of 152 tonnes through inter-state transactions. The sale of onion through the e-NAM platform was the government's immediate response to protests by traders in some mandis in Maharashtra. Where he had stopped the auction in protest against the 40 percent export duty imposed on onions. In response, the government had directed both NAFED and NCCF to explore alternative routes for releasing onion storage.

The purpose of this sale was to prevent the price of onion from increasing. However, onion farmers suffered huge losses due to the efforts of the government. But, the government ignored the farmers and only took care of the interests of the consumers. The government did not want that after tomato, the price of onion should also increase. Also, there should be no uproar regarding this, because he has to face elections soon.

Possibility of increasing sales through e-NAM

NAFED which had started the sale of onion through e-NAM. After taking physical stock from Lasalgaon, Maharashtra, one was able to sell 5,08.11 tonnes within the state. The National Consumer Cooperative Federation (NCCF) used both intra-state mandi and inter-state transactions. Lasalgaon Mandi is located in Nashik, Maharashtra. It is claimed that this is the largest onion market in Asia.

Also read: What caused the record-breaking fall in onion prices?

Sources say that both agencies are likely to increase sales through e-NAM. This can happen if more traders are brought on stage during the auction and they are made to understand the quality and logistics issues. The government has already provided the facility for the logistics value chain in the agriculture sector on the e-NAM portal.

Why did the farmers become very angry?

On August 17, the central government imposed a 40 percent duty on onion export. In protest against this, farmers and traders organized a strike in markets like Lasalgaon and Pimpalgaon and got them closed. To reduce the resentment of farmers, the government decided to purchase an additional 2 lakh tonnes of onion. But, common farmers did not get any special benefit from this.

On the other hand, the government decided to release onion in the market from the buffer stock of 3 lakh tonnes already created. After that, a decision was taken to purchase 2 lakh more tonnes. Before that, NCCF had sold about 21,000 tonnes of onion and NAFED had sold about 15,000 tonnes of onion. The Center announced on August 11 that it will release onions in the open market from the buffer stock by targeting the major markets of those states or regions. Where retail prices are very high.

NAFED will launch Onion in these markets

Official sources say that NAFED has so far sent more than 3,000 tonnes of onion to various markets in Haryana, Punjab, and Himachal Pradesh. Also, approval has been sought from the Consumer Ministry to start sales in the mandis of Uttar Pradesh. Sources say that major cities like Lucknow, Varanasi, Prayagraj, and Kanpur in Uttar Pradesh are likely to be covered initially. After that, depending on the response, other places can also be included.

Central government had made all the arrangements to stop the inflation before the festivals

Central government had made all the arrangements to stop the inflation before the festivals

Central government had made all the arrangements to stop the inflation before the upcoming festivals like Durga Puja and Diwali. The government has its focus on farmers too along with common people. For the same reason, the centre had abolished the export duty charges from regular varieties of onion. The central government has taken a big decision for Onion producing farmers. They have removed export duty over onions. Millions of farmers took a breath of relief after this. It is being said that it will benefit the farmers. They will get good prices for onions now. Whereas, the finance ministry has also issued a notification regarding removal of export duty over onions. The special thing about this is that the central government has removed export duty on only Bengaluru Rose varieties of onions. The government stated in its notification that the permission to export has been made on some terms and conditions. According to the government, from this decision, Onion producers will get the benefit directly.

Read this also: due to decrease in the price of onions, problems have arisen for Gujarat farmers

At what rates, onions are being sold 

Actually, to Stop the increasing price of onions, the central government had put a 40 percent export duty on onions in the last month of August. At that time, the government justified it as their step to stop the inflation. The export duty will be charged on onion till 31 December 2023. The government expected that this will decrease the export of onions from the country and the stock of onion will increase. This will result in decreasing the rates of onions in the market. However, this decision of the government resulted in lowering the price of onions. At present the 40 rupees selling onions are now sold at 30 to 35 rupees per kilogram.

Read this also: the price of onion in this country has blown up the minds of common people

The supply of onion is done in these countries 

Let us tell you that this Bengaluru rose variety of onion has high demand in foreign countries. Its major export is being done in countries like Thailand, Taiwan, Malaysia and Singapore. Along with this, the exporters will have to show the certification of quality of Bengaluru rose onion for export in the horticulture commission of Karnataka. As the government has made it compulsory to show the certification.

 Red onion jammed in the mandis of this state

Red onion jammed in the mandis of this state

For your information this year, due to lack of rain, the arrival of red onion is coming from delay. It was planted with delay, as the monsoon rains started with great delay in most of the states in the state. Farmers hope that onion prices will remain stable till the new onion comes in plenty in the market in the coming time. Explain that onion is getting brilliant in the Karanjad sub -market located in Washim district in the state of Maharashtra. Explain that about 19 thousand 500 quintals of summer red onion came from about one thousand vehicles. Red onions have a higher price than summer onions.

According to market committee Chairman Manisha Pagar and Secretary Santosh Gaikwad, summer onions have the highest number of Rs 3300 to 3695 per quintal and average price of Rs 3000 per quintal. In comparison, red onion got the price of Rs 4150 and an average of Rs 3600 per quintal. After the fifteen day holiday of Diwali, the onion market has been getting excellent since the opening of the onion market on Monday. Summer onion season is in its last stage. Also, it is expected that onion prices will remain stable in the coming time.

Reason for delay in arrival of red onion

This year, the rude weather means that the arrival of red onions is being delayed due to lack of rain. Actually, it was planted with great delay. Because, in most of the states, monsoon rains were very delayed. Farmers are hopeful that onion prices will be controlled in the coming time till new onions come in plenty in the market. Prior to Diwali, onion prices had reached Rs 5,000 per quintal. This was the reason that there was only summer onion in the market; new onions had not come. The arrival of red onions with the kharif season has started. This has reduced the price.

Why does the government not come to help farmers

However, in the past, thousands of farmers have sold their onions at cheaper prices. Onion producing farmers union officials have expressed the response, saying that more traders are benefiting from farmers. Earlier, when the Kisan was selling 200 rupees a quintal onion, the government did not provide assistance. Now when the prices were a little cured, the price came out. Farmers are angry with this type of attitude. For a long time, the farmers of the state have sold onions at a lower price than the cost of production. The government should then help them.

What has Mandi Samiti appeal to farmers

Currently, after diwali, the arrival of onion in the m A large amount of onion is coming from areas in the Karanjad sub -divisional campus. Secretary Santosh Gaikwad, Arun Ahire has appealed that the farmers should sell the goods and take cash payments from the traders concerned after the auction. While parking the vehicle, farmers should cooperate with the market committee administration.

The inflation of tomatoes and onions is making us cry again, the government will take important steps.

The inflation of tomatoes and onions is making us cry again, the government will take important steps.

People living in countries around the world have been facing the wrath of inflation for many days. Even India is not spared from its blow. The effect of rising inflation in the country is also being seen in food items. According to various media reports, the prices of vegetables are also increasing significantly. Talking about tomato, its price has increased by 50 percent on an annual basis. Also, it is being sold in the retail market for up to Rs 30 per kg.

The situation of onion is also similar. However, the retail price of onion has increased by 20%. These have increased to Rs 30 per kg. Not only this but it has also been said in some news that the prices of potatoes, tomatoes, onions, etc. will increase in the coming times. Talking about last year, there was a decline in the prices of tomatoes and potatoes. Due to an unfavorable monsoon in July 2023, tomato prices increased by more than 200%.

The government has taken strict steps to control prices

The government works to keep the prices of tomatoes and onions under control. Some time ago, tomatoes were sold at very high prices in different regions of India. In some places, its price had reached Rs 100 to Rs 250. After which the government took serious steps regarding the matter and controlled its prices by repairing its chain. 

Also read: Due to uneven gap between demand and supply of onion and tomato, prices reached sky-high

Onion inflation is making people cry

At present, onion is being sold in the retail market for Rs 30 per kg. At the same time, its retail prices have seen a decline of 25% in the last three months. In October 2023, onion prices had increased by 74%, after which the export of onion was banned by the Central Government. Along with this, the government had also decided to sell onions at the price of Rs 25. Due to the efforts of the Central and Maharashtra Governments, the price in Nashik Mandi has come down to Rs 1000/quintal, which was Rs 2000/quintal at the beginning of the month.