

Huge Decline in the prices of oilseed mustard crops in India

Huge Decline in the prices of oilseed mustard crops in India

For your information, mustard seed prices have been the most affected among the crops in the same category. Prices rose significantly at the end of last year. However, prices have fallen dramatically. What is the current mustard price in India's granary markets?However the prices of other oilseeds crop are also declining but currently most of them are stagnant.

There is a crop shortage that has been recorded in some cases, particularly for mustard seeds, and prices have been affected the most since the end of last year. There was a time when the prices were near 9000 Rs per quintal but now those same prices are even under the minimum support price. Therefore this has led to an alarming situation among the farmers.

Prices of mustard in markets nation-wide

The central government established an MSP of 5650 rupees per quintal , but farmers in Indian markets are currently not receiving the MSP price for mustard crops.They currently cost 5500 rupees per quintal. 

According to the Union Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare's Agmarknet portal, on Saturday (January 6), except for one or two mandis in India, prices remained below the MSP. On Saturday, the best mustard price was achieved at Karnataka's Shimoga Mandi. Where mustard was  sold at Rs 8800 per quintal.

Also read :Spray insecticide to prevent aphid pest in mustard crop.

Similarly in Amreli Mandi of Gujarat Mustard is sold at 6075 rupees per quintal . If we keep these exception aside then in all other mandis it is sold at less than 5500 rupees per quintal which is even lower than the MSP. Alarmingly at some places prices are even 4500Rs/quintal. Experts believe that the drop in prices is due to a decrease in demand. If demand does not rise, prices will fall even further, which is extremely bad news for farmers.

Here you can see the list of other crops.

To inform you for any crop its prices depend upon its quality. In such a case traders decide the prices according to the crop quality. Higher the quality of the crop, higher its prices. If you are also keen to check crop prices in your state markets then you can search for the whole list on the official website of .

Prevention of white braided insects is very important for good yield of groundnut.

Prevention of white braided insects is very important for good yield of groundnut.

Farmers expect a decent harvest from groundnut planting when they can eliminate white braid disease in groundnut crops. Whiteflies are omnivorous insects that live on the soil.These are also referred to as root braids. Let us inform you that white braided insects feed on organic substances found in soil and plant roots. Aside from groundnuts, white braided potatoes, walnuts, tobacco, and other oilseeds, pulses, and vegetable crops obtain their sustenance by attacking the roots of guava, sugarcane, coconut, and betel nuts. Whiteflies can cause a 20-80% loss in the groundnut crop.

When does the incidence of whiteflies peak?

Normally, white threads are visible all year. However, their activity becomes more obvious during the wet season. Adult males congregate in huge numbers for mating during the first monsoon rains in mid-May or June. Females found in and near the fields return to the earth in the early morning. Also, they begin to lay eggs. They then return to the soil to complete their life cycle. The earth remains inert at a depth of roughly one metre until the monsoon rains arrive.

Also  read: Prevent the pests and illnesses that most impact the groundnut crop in this manner.

Symptoms of white-braided infection in groundnut field

Because this insect lives underground, the damage it does is often overlooked. Infected plants seem yellow and wilted. In such a case, the plant ultimately dries out and may be readily removed from the ground. Plants perish with strong infestations. Also, dead plants appear in spots throughout the fields. Whiteflies also consume plant roots, destroying them. Braids cause a significant loss in groundnut productivity. Adult moths are the first to create holes in leaves at night. They then consume the whole leaf with the exception of the middle leaf's central vein.

White braided pest control in a groundnut crop.

Let us inform you that if a whitefly infestation occurs in any location, it cannot be managed by a single farmer. To do this, the farmer brothers as a society must take preventive actions. White hair management is only attainable through a community-based approach.

Also  read: Mungfali Ki Kheti: Detailed information on peanut/groundnut cultivation.

White Braided Adult Management

After the first rain, use one light trap per acre.

Cut down trees near fields in flood-prone locations. Also, trim and remove the shrubs around the field.

Spray pesticides such as Imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 1.5 ml/lit or Monocrotophos 36 SL @ 1.6 ml/litre on trees and shrubs at sunset.

Gather fallen strands near the trees and dispose of them.

White Braided Pest Management

If water is available, sow early.

Farmer brothers should utilise better-decomposed organic manure.

Farmer brothers should undertake thorough ploughing in the summer to expose the pupae to direct sunlight.

Pay extra attention to preserving tiny birds, which feed on these whitetails.

Before planting, incorporate carbofuran 3 cg @ 33.0 kg/hectare or phorate 10 cg @ 25.0 kg/hectare into the soil.

Spraying pesticides such as Thiamethoxam 25 WS @ 1.9 litres/ha or Fipronil 5 FS @ 2.0 litres/ha along the sowing lines in whitefly-infested fields. Use.

Before planting, treat seeds with Chlorpyrifos 20 EC at 6.5-12.0 ml/kg or Imidacloprid 17.8 SL at 2.0 ml/kg.

When adult whiteflies are detected in the crops, spray Chlorpyrifos 20 EC @ 4.0 litres/hectare or Quinalphos 25 EC @ 3.2% litres/hectare in the roots of the crops.

 Farmers cultivating this variety of groundnut will earn excellent income.

Farmers cultivating this variety of groundnut will earn excellent income.

Groundnut variety D.H. 330 can be cultivated even in areas with low water availability. Groundnut is grown in states like Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, and Karnataka. Due to drought in these states, farmers face a lot of challenges in peanut production. Due to less rainfall here, the yield of groundnut is less. Besides, the income of the farmer brothers is also less. In such a situation, today we have the peanut variety D.H. We are going to give information about 330, which requires less water for its cultivation.

When is groundnut sown?

For your information, let us tell you that peanuts are sown in July. It starts germinating 30 to 40 days after sowing. After flowering, pods start appearing in it. If there is a possibility of low rainfall and drought in your area, its productivity will not decline. For this, 180 to 200 mm of rainfall is sufficient.

Soil preparation for groundnut cultivation

To prepare the soil, irrigate it once after plowing the field. After sowing, when the plants start producing pods, cover the soil around the roots of the plants. Due to this, pods are produced well. Soil preparation is very important for better crop productivity.

 Also read: Prevent the pests and diseases that most affect the groundnut crop in this way

How to get good production of peanuts?

Farmers can spray organic fertilizers at the time of sowing the crop to increase the production of groundnut. Apart from this, mix Indole Acetic in 100 liters of water and keep spraying it on the crop from time to time.

Also read: Prevention of white braided pest is very important for good yield of groundnut.

Protection of groundnut crops from diseases

There is a high possibility of collar rot disease, tick disease, and termite attack in groundnut crops. For this, fungicides like Carbendazim, Mancozeb, and a 2.5 kg quantity of Manganese Carbamate should be mixed in 1000 liters of water and sprayed about 4 to 5 times at intervals of 15 days. Farmer brothers were given this variety of groundnut by D.H. For best production from the sowing of 330 and information related to any disease, take advice from agricultural experts and scientists.

Farmers to earn large profits if they cultivate this variety of groundnuts

Farmers to earn large profits if they cultivate this variety of groundnuts

The DH 300 variety of groundnuts require much less water for cultivation. Also it requires barely 4-5 months to get completely cultivated and harvested.Groundnuts are delicious and a beneficial crop.Almost everyone in India likes peanuts. Gujarat is the leading producer of groundnuts in India. Following that are Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, West Bengal, Rajasthan, and Madhya Pradesh. If you, farmer brothers, are thinking about making a nice living by farming it. So, in this post, we will teach you about its cultivation, which will allow you to earn a solid living by producing high-quality peanuts in just four months.

The best approach to cultivate peanuts

Groundnut agriculture must be advanced and efficient, requiring both good seeds and sophisticated technology. DH 330 sowing must be done after the fields have been ploughed three to four times. Following this, after levelling the soil, organic manure, fertilisers, and nutrients should be mixed onto the field as needed. D.H. 330 is a kind of groundnut that does not require heavy watering. Peanuts should be seeded once the land has been prepared. For a higher yield, you should carefully select healthy seeds.

Also read: Preventing white braided insects is critical for a high peanut crop.

Irrigation is crucial in peanut agriculture

The DH  330 crop  version. requires less rain to develop. As a result, it is commonly referred to as a water-saving crop. If there is a risk of significant rainfall in your location, you should avoid cultivating this type entirely. Waterlogging in the groundnut crop raises the danger of rotting, as well as insect infestation.

Organic insecticides in the groundnut crop

There is a potential of over-weeding in this variety of groundnut crop. In such a case, you can increase your output by utilising organic fertilisers. Weeding should be done in the fields 25-30 days following groundnut seeding. Remove any hay generated in the field. Continue to apply pesticides two to three times each month to protect the crop from pests and illnesses.

Information related to the cultivation of nutrient-rich black guava

Information related to the cultivation of nutrient-rich black guava

Black guava is very beneficial not only for income but also for human health. Today we will give you information about its amazing properties as well as its cultivation.

 We all know about guava very well. Today we are also familiar with many information about its cultivation. But, the guava that we are going to discuss. It is different from the category of normal guava and not only this, the color of this guava is also completely different from the rest of the guava.

Black guava is grown in these places inside India

Black guava is produced in Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh of India. But, if we compare it with other guavas, then it is grown in very small quantities. The biggest feature of this plant is that it is not only guava in black color, but you will also see blackness clearly in its leaves and tree. If we talk about the price of this guava, then it is the highest compared to the rest of the guavas.

 Also read: Japanese Red Diamond Guava Can Make Farmers 3 Times More Income Than Normal Guava

Black guava is rich in nutrients

For your information, let us know that if we talk about nutrients in black guava, then it is a medicinal fruit. Antioxidants are found in the highest amount in it. Along with this, if we talk about the rest of its elements, then there are many multivitamins and minerals along with vitamin-A, vitamin-B, vitamin C, calcium and iron inside it. In a way, we can say that this guava works completely as an Ayurvedic medicine for our body.

How to cultivate black guava

The best time to cultivate black guava is during the winter season. If you sow this plant properly by testing the soil, then it starts giving you fruits within 2 to 3 years. In general, loamy soil is most favorable for this plant. You can use 10 to 20 kg of dung manure in their 1 to 3 year old plants. Along with this, single super phosphate 250 to 750 grams and muriate of potash 200 to 400 grams should be used. We can also use urea 50 to 250 grams and zinc sulphate 25 grams per plant for their best growth. Even after all this, if your guava tree is not flowering, then you should use high concentrations of urea or ethephon-urea spray in it. It acts as a stimulant in plants.

Leaving the government job, Mukesh is earning big profits from cucumber cultivation through polyhouse

Leaving the government job, Mukesh is earning big profits from cucumber cultivation through polyhouse

 For your information, let you know that young farmer Mukesh says that subsidized money is also received from the government to build a net house. Initially, he got a subsidy of 65% for setting up a net house. However, currently the Haryana government has reduced the grant amount to 50%.

 As we all know that even today people have gone absolutely crazy behind government jobs. It is the desire of every parent that his child gets a government job, so that his whole life becomes secure. Now the government job must be of low level. But, today, we will talk about a person who, leaving a good government job, is now coming to the village and doing farming.

Where is farmer Mukesh from?

Actually, the young farmer we are going to talk about is named Mukesh Kumar. Mukesh is a resident of Karnal district of Haryana. Earlier, he used to work in a government job in the Haryana Board. During the job, Mukesh used to get a salary of 45 thousand rupees per month. But, he did not feel like this government work, so he kicked this job. Today he is farming on his ancestral land with the net house method, due to which he is earning very well.

Also read: Farmers' crop savings up to 75% on ShedNet

Farmer Mukesh is providing employment to the people

Farmer Mukesh is also providing employment opportunities for many other farmers. Mukesh, a farmer, says he has set up four net houses on his land. Farmers Mukesh cultivates cucumbers inside them. According to farmer Mukesh, the demand for cucumbers increases a lot in summer. Now in such a situation, farmer Mukesh has been cultivating cucumbers for almost 2 years. Explain that farmer Mukesh is earning very well from this. This is the reason that he has gradually increased the area of cucumber cultivation. Along with this, Mukesh has also provided employment to many people around him.

Cucumbers can be cultivated throughout the year

Mukesh says that it costs two and a half to three lakh rupees to build a net house. But, the income increases considerably by cultivating it inside. The young farmer says that there are many varieties of cucumbers, which can be cultivated throughout the year inside the net house.


Also read: Farmer Subodh has set an example by cultivating cucumbers with the advice of a friend

There is very little wastage of water when irrigation is done by drip method

 Farmer Mukesh says that he has found the biggest feature of cucumber cultivation is that its cultivation consumes very little water. Actually, crops are irrigated through the drip method in the net house. The wastage of water is very less by drip irrigation. Along with this, water reaches the roots of the plants. Farmer Mukesh supplies cucumbers grown in his field to many cities including Delhi and Gurugram. At present, he is selling cucumbers at Rs 15 per kg.

Female farmer Shikha Chaudhary has also provided employment opportunities for other women and youth.

Female farmer Shikha Chaudhary has also provided employment opportunities for other women and youth.

Farmer Shikha Chaudhary is a role model for other women. Today, with her hard work and wisdom, she is earning huge profits and is also providing employment opportunities to the youth. As we all know, women are keeping pace with men in every field. If we talk about the country's politics and or agriculture sector, today we will tell you the story of one such woman farmer who is an example for other women. These women farmers are earning huge profits. Further in this article we will tell you about this female farmer Shikha Chaudhary.

Where is female farmer Shikha Chaudhary from?

For your information, let us tell you that this woman farmer Shikha Chaudhary is a resident of Kangra district of Himachal Pradesh. Apart from being a woman farmer, she is also a woman agri-entrepreneur. With the help of KVK, women farmers gained knowledge about marketing of food products and today they are earning good profits. Apart from this, she is also representing a women self-help group. In the initial times he had a lot of responsibilities. Also, due to recession, job opportunities in the district also reduced. Keeping all these things in mind, Shikha started a self-help group.

Also read: Female farmer started mushroom cultivation due to economic crisis, now earns lakhs 

Shikha Chaudhary provided employment opportunities to the youth

Currently, her group is earning an additional income of Rs 1 lakh 38 thousand as compared to the year 2017-18. Shikha Chaudhary has also provided employment to the remaining unemployed youth.

Shikha Chaudhary prepared various products

Shikha's family owns a 10 Kanal piece of land. Where she cultivates wheat, paddy and vegetables. Along with this, Shikha is engaged in cultivation and marketing of oyster mushroom. In the vocational training program organized by KVK in the year 2016, got information about many aspects of food marketing products including scientific processing. After this, she prepared many products of her group, which include Seera, Sepubadi, Dalia, Pickles, Mango Powder, Triphala Churna, Sevai etc.


Unique structure created by a farmer to protect crops from storms.

Unique structure created by a farmer to protect crops from storms.

Unique structure created by a farmer to protect crops from storms. 

A farmer from Madhya Pradesh made a structure to protect his crops from storms and heavy wind. This structure isn't affected by hailstorm. Other farmers in the region are also impressed by this structure. There is a saying which means need is the cause of invention. This saying has been proven true by Aakash Chaursiya from Madhya Pradesh. Many farmers are reaching out to him for testing this new method. Due to this invention any crop can be protected from heat, winters and winds. Aaksah Chaurasiya does organic farming. He is known in the region for his thoughts for modren farming. He always keeps experimenting with different farming methods.


Unique structure to protect crops

To protect crops from harsh weather conditions Aakash Chaurasiya made a structure, in which he has prepared a net at a certain height using bamboo and grass. In winters to protect crop from morning due. But using this structure you can protect all your crops upto 12 feet heights. It can protect from hailstorm as well. And the melted water from hailstorm in turn benefits the crops. 

Also readInformation regarding the most commonly planted crops in India

Cost of making the structure

According to Aaksh the upfront cost of making the structure is Rupees 50000 but once made it lasts upto 6 years. Instead of making the structure farmers can grow two crops simultaneously. One on the ground crop production and another one a winter crop on the bamboo sticks. After making such a structure farmers can earn up to 1.5 lakhs from 1 acre of land.

Aakash Chaurasiya trains farmers for free

Aakash Chaurasiya also teaches how to build this structure for free so that other farmers can also benefit and save their crops. Aakash says farmers come to him from various different regions to learn how to build this structure. Aakash Chaurasia belongs to Sanjay Nagar where he has 2.5 acre of land covered with this structure. He also has a farmhouse in Kapuria village where he teaches other farmers how to build the structure.

What is the banyan tree and its benefits and disadvantages?

What is the banyan tree and its benefits and disadvantages?

Bargad tree is also known as Banyan tree. This tree has huge branches. The Banyan tree is very shady and is also a long lived tree. Ficus benghalensis is the botanical name of the banyan tree. The trunk of the banyan tree remains very strong and straight. Banyan tree remains renewable for a long time, hence it is also known as Akshayavat.

What are the useful parts of banyan tree

Not only the banyan tree but also its roots, leaves and stems are useful. All these are used for Ayurvedic medicines. Problems like cough, nose, ears or hair can be cured by using banyan tree.

Also read: Khinni tree and important information related to it

Benefits of banyan tree

Some elements are also found in the roots, flowers and leaves of the banyan tree, which help in the treatment of mental illnesses. Banyan tree also provides help in skin related diseases. High immunity is found in the shoots of this tree, which helps in maintaining a balanced health of a person.

Banyan tree is beneficial in tooth and gum pain

Many elements are found in the root, bark and leaves of the banyan tree which are helpful in destroying inflammation and bacteria. The roots of the banyan tree are chewed and softened and used as a toothpick. It is helpful in reducing tooth decay.

Also read: Farmers can earn a lot of money by growing Anjeer

Banyan trees are helpful in treating piles.

Banyan trees provide relief from diseases like piles. Nutrients like serine, sugar and resin are found in the leaves of banyan trees, which provide relief in piles. Therefore we can say that the milk of banyan tree plays an important role in pile disease.

Helpful in prevention of diabetes

Many elements that reduce sugar are found in the root of the banyan tree. To control diabetes, extract of its roots should be prepared and mixed with water and drunk. It reduces the effects of diseases like diabetes on the body.

Beneficial in itching problems

Sometimes, bacterial infection occurs on our skin, due to which we have to face problems like itching. To avoid this problem, we can make a paste of banyan leaves and apply it on our skin. Also, you can make a paste of the bark obtained from the banyan tree and use it. It proves helpful in providing relief from the problem of itching.

Also read: Jackfruit farming information

Disadvantages of banyan tree

There are many uses of banyan tree, but along with them there are many disadvantages also. Do not use any part of the banyan tree without consulting a doctor. Use different parts of the banyan tree according to the disease. Excessive use can also cause health related diseases.

Allergy or infection on the skin

People whose skin is more sensitive should consume it in less quantity. If a person is using banyan daily, and he notices allergies, red spots or pimples on his body, then he should not use banyan. or any other disease, then stop using banyan immediately.

Do not use banyan along with medicines

People who are already using any kind of medicines should not use any part of banyan tree. Do not use it with medicines, health related diseases may occur. If both are used together. This can also cause infection and other side effects in the body. Therefore, use it after consulting a doctor.

Banyan tree also has many benefits and qualities. You have also been told in which situations the banyan tree should not be used. If you have been impressed by the properties of banyan mentioned in this article and want to use it. So read the information given in this article carefully. Banyan tree has been used to treat health problems since ancient times. Banyan roots and leaves are also used for brain health.