

Farmers can earn good profits by producing these varieties of moong in Zaid

Farmers can earn good profits by producing these varieties of moong in Zaid

Moong farming is rather straightforward when compared to other pulse crops. Using less manure and fertiliser in moong production can result in significant gains. Moong farming is low-cost, and farmers can increase their profitability by generating better cultivars. This pulse has a variety of nutrients that are extremely good for health.

The market price of moong crops is fairly good, therefore farmers will make good earnings. In this essay, we will tell you about several advanced types of moong that you may cultivate to make a high profit.

Moong Varieties with high yield and diversity

Pusa Giant Variety

This kind of moong matures approximately 60-75 days in the spring and 60-65 days in the summer. IARI produced this kind of moong. This mung bean is resistant to the yellow mosaic virus. This moong is black and glossy. This moong is predominantly produced in Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Punjab. After maturity, this moong produces 12-13 quintals per acre.

Also to read: Moong growing is a successful business; understand the proper seeding technique.

Pusa Ratna Variety

Moong of the Pusa Ratna variety matures in 65-70 days. IARI produced this kind of moong. Pusa Ratna tolerates the yellow mosaic used in moong cultivation. This kind of moong is easily cultivated in Punjab and other districts of Delhi NCR.

Pusa 9531

This moong species grows well on both lowlands and hills. This variety's plants mature in 60-65 days and are ready for harvest. Its pods turn light brown after ripening. Furthermore, yellow spot disease is infrequent in this variety. This cultivar yields 12 to 15 quintals per hectare.

Also to read: Pests and illnesses of moong.

H U M -1

Banaras Hindu University developed this kind of moong, which has extremely few pods. This moong cultivar ripens in around 65-70 days. Furthermore, the yellow mosaic disease, which occurs in the moong crop, has little influence on it.


This kind of moong thrives throughout the Zaid season. This type may be grown well even in the Kharif season. This cultivar ripens within 70-75 days. Also, this variety yields 8-10 quintals per acre.

Also to read: Soybean, cotton, pigeon pea, and moong planting may fall dramatically, affecting production.

Gold 12 /333

This moong is specially produced for the Zaid season. Plants of this cultivar mature two months after seeding. This cultivar yields around 10 quintals per hectare.

Pant Moong -1

This kind of moong may be cultivated throughout both the Zaid and Kharif seasons. Bacterial infections seldom afflict this type of moong. This cultivar ripens within 70-75 days. Pant Moong-1's typical output is 10-12 quintals.

How can potato growers protect their crops from blight?

How can potato growers protect their crops from blight?

Agricultural scientists and scientific centres play a critical role in preparing pupils for farming. In this regard, ICAR has issued advice to farmers planting potatoes. Farmers have received methods and instructions to protect their crops over the winter.

There is vital news for potato producers. If you grow potatoes, be sure you read this news. Because this info might rescue your crop from a significant loss. Actually, fog poses a significant issue for farmers throughout the winter months. Especially when it is quite chilly. For this reason, the Central Potato Research Institute Modipuram Meerut (ICAR) has issued advice to potato producers.

What has been said in the advisory of ICAR?

Farmers may learn how to salvage their crops from this ICAR advice. Some simple strategies have been proposed for keeping your crops secure. If the farmer grows vegetables, he should try to decrease the impact of wind by placing a curtain or straw on the ridge. Cold winds cause significant agricultural damage. Aside from that, farmers can conserve crops by spraying them with medications from the Agriculture Department's list. The wheat crop suffers no losses over the winter. However, vegetable crops might suffer significant losses. Farmers in such a circumstance have been encouraged to take prompt action.

Also to read:A completely effective solution to protect potato crops from blight illness.

Farmers to be precautious from Blight disease

According to an ICAR official, farmers planting potatoes have received specific advice. It is caused by a fungus called blight or phytophthora infestans. This disease affects potatoes when the temperature remains between 20 and 15 degrees Celsius. If there is a disease infestation or it rains, the crop is quickly destroyed. Potato leaves dry out from the margins owing to illness. Farmers should use Mancozeb 75% soluble powder diluted in water every two weeks. The amount should be two kilograms per acre.

Spray these chemicals  for potato cultivation.

According to the spokesperson, to protect the diseased crop, spray Macozeb 63% and Metalaxyl 8% or a combination of Carbendazim and Maconech at 2 grammes per litre of water or 2 kg per hectare in a solution of 200 to 250 litres. Furthermore, farmers should apply Ridomil 4% MI when the temperature is less than 10 degrees.

Also to  read: Late blight disease of potatoes and its treatment.

Blight disease is caused by the fungus Alternaria solani. As a result, circular dots appear on the lower half of the leaf, resembling rings. As a result, the inner half forms a concentric ring. The leaf becomes yellow. This disease develops late, and when symptoms arise, farmers can spray 75% degradable powder, Mancozeb 75% degradable complete, or Copper Oxychloride 50% degradable powder diluted in water at 2.5 kg per hectare

Selecting these varieties for spinach cultivation will be beneficial.

Selecting these varieties for spinach cultivation will be beneficial.

Farmers can cultivate spinach to get better profits. Let us tell you that in India, spinach is cultivated in all three crop cycles, Rabi, Kharif, and Zaid. For this, there should be a better drainage system in the field. Also, light loamy soil produces excellent spinach leaves.

Farmer brothers, take special care of these things

For cultivation of spinach on one hectare of land, 30 kg of seeds are required. At the same time, if farming is done through the sprinkling method, 40 to 45 kg of seeds are required. Before sowing, treat the seeds with 2 grams of Captan per kilogram, so that the yield is good. For the sowing of spinach, keep row to row distance of 25–30 cm and a plant-to-plant distance of 7–10 cm. For spinach cultivation, improved varieties with high production can be selected according to climate and soil.

All Green

For your information, let us tell you that the green leafy spinach variety is ready in 15 to 20 days. After sowing once, it can cut leaves six to seven times. This variety undoubtedly gives more production. But, if cultivated during winter, it produces seeds and leaves in 70 days. 

Also read: By sowing off-season spinach, profit will double: Demand increased during wedding season.

Pusa Harit

Many farmers cultivate Pusa Harit to ensure round-the-year consumption. Spinach grows straight upwards. Also, its leaves are dark green and large. There are many benefits of cultivating it on alkaline soil.

Desi Palak

Desi spinach is sold at very good prices in the market. Desi spinach leaves are small, smooth, and oval. It gets prepared very quickly. Most of the farmers cultivate it for this reason.

Vilayati Palak

The seeds of foreign spinach are round and thorny. It is more beneficial to grow thorny seeds in hilly and cold places. Round varieties are also cultivated in the plains.

Sowing of winter sugarcane by scientific method will prevent disease

Sowing of winter sugarcane by scientific method will prevent disease

To earn more production than sowing winter sugarcane, the farmers should accept this scientific method, so their crops don't get affected by any kind of disease & also a plenty of profit could be achieved in production capacity. In regards to such situations, we’ve brought some information about scientific sowing of sugarcane for the farmers today. Farmers have started sowing winter sugarcane in different states of India. In such a situation, if farmers sow sugarcane better in their fields, then they can get maximum profit. In this series, agricultural scientists have issued advice to take some precautions for sowing sugarcane. Actually, farmers should plow the field better to get the best yield of sugarcane. Along with this, high quality manure should also be added to the field, so that the crop can be increased rapidly. Also, there should be no disease of any kind in it.

Do these things before sowing winter sugarcane

Farmers, if they want to sow winter sugarcane recently inside their fields then they should first plough the field deeply, then add 10 tonnes of dung manure per hectare in the field. just to let you know that this is for the elimination of the diseases present in the field and for the crop to grow in a great & uncaptive manner. After this, you have to plough the field once again. After this, the soil has to be made uniform by running the leveller. After this, one can now sow sugarcane in the field with a single big method. To sow sugarcane by a single big method, farmers can easily plant 10-12 quintals of sugarcane seeds per hectare.

Also read: Government of India has released 10 new varieties of sugarcane after consultation with the Central Seed Committee

Fertiliser during sugarcane sowing

During sugarcane sowing, provide 100 kg urea and 500 kg single super phosphate per hectare. At the same time, apply MOP - 100 kg per hectare, Zinc Sulphate - 25 kg per hectare, Regent - 25 kg per hectare, Bavaria Bassiana Metarhizium anisopliae - 5 kg per hectare, PSB - 10 kg per hectare, Azotobacter - 10 kg per hectare. During sugarcane sowing, use chemical fertilisers in proper and prescribed quantities.