

Know about Napier grass which eliminates the problem of animal fodder in summer.

Know about Napier grass which eliminates the problem of animal fodder in summer.

India is an agricultural country. Because most of the population here is dependent on farming. Agriculture is considered the main pillar of the economy. Along with farming, animal husbandry is also done on a large scale in India. Especially in rural areas where animal husbandry is the second largest occupation after farming. Farmers raise different types of animals from cows and buffaloes in different areas.

 In fact, along with inflation, animal feed has also become quite expensive at present. It is believed that green grass is the best option for animals as fodder. If green grass is fed to animals, their milk production also increases. But, the problem faced by the cattle farmers is that from where should they arrange green grass in such large quantity? Now the onset of summer is about to begin. In this season, animal feed remains a big problem for the cattle farmers. Now in such a situation, elephant grass can easily overcome this challenge of cattle herders. 

Napier grass is the solution to the problem of cattle farmers

The solution to this problem of farmers and cattle herders is elephant grass, which is also called Napier grass. It is a kind of animal feed. It is a fast-growing grass and its height is quite high. In height, they are bigger than humans. For this reason, it is called elephant grass. It is a very nutritious fodder for animals. According to the information given by agricultural experts, the first Napier hybrid grass was prepared in Africa. Now after this, it spread to other countries and today it is being grown in different countries.

 Also read: Now you will get Rs 10 thousand per acre for cultivating green fodder, apply like this

People are rapidly adopting Napier grass

This grass reached India around 1912 when Napier hybrid grass was produced in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. It was prepared for the first time in Delhi in 1962. Its first hybrid variety was named Pusa Giant Napier. This grass can be cut 6 to 8 times in a year and green fodder can be earned. At the same time, if its yield is less then it is dug up and planted again. This grass is being used extensively as animal feed.

Napier grass is the best hot-season fodder

Hybrid Napier grass is called a warm-season crop because it grows rapidly in summer. Especially when the temperature is around 31 degrees. The most suitable temperature for this crop is 31 degrees. However, its yield may reduce at temperatures below 15 degrees. Sunshine and little rain in summer are considered good for Napier crops. 

Also read: You can become rich soon by using these 5 grasses in animal husbandry.

Soil and irrigation for Napier grass cultivation

Napier grass can be produced easily in all types of soils. However, loamy soil is considered most suitable for this. To prepare the field, it is advisable to do one cross-plowing with a harrow and then one cross-plowing with a cultivator. With this, weeds are eliminated. To plant it properly, ridges should be made at appropriate distances. It can also be planted through stem cuttings and roots. However, currently, its seeds are also available online. Light irrigation should be done in the field for 20-25 days.

 Will the dispute between India and Canada affect the prices of lentils or not?

Will the dispute between India and Canada affect the prices of lentils or not?

The Indian government has increased the import of lentils from Australia to curb the rising prices of pulses. At present, approximately two lakh tonnes of lentils will be imported from Australia. In this series, India has also started importing lentils from Russia. Due to the statement of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, the problems between India and Canada are increasing. Now in such a situation, it is being estimated that if the tension between the two countries increases further, then inflation in India will increase significantly. Especially there will be a shortage of lentils. Because Canada is the major importer of lentils for India. But, the Central Government officials have completely rejected all types of speculations and rumors.

The increased tension in relations between India and Canada will not affect imports and exports.

Officials say that the strain in relations between India and Canada is not going to affect export-import. We are currently in the comfortable zone for importing pulses from Canada. According to officials, due to the ongoing tension between the two countries, one lakh tonnes of lentils from Canada has reached Indian ports. Officials say that India consumes about 23 lakh tonnes of pulses every year. But, the production of pulses in India is only 16 lakh tonnes. In such a situation, pulses are imported from abroad to meet the remaining needs.

Also read: Which type of lentils should be grown in which area to get maximum production

Indian government may continue zero import duty on lentils

An official has said that about 6 lakh tonnes of lentils from Canada have so far reached the ports of the country. In such a situation, no problem is going to arise regarding pulses in India. The supply of masoor dal in the market will continue as before. Sources also said that the central government may continue zero import duty on lentils even after March 2024 to give a clear signal to foreign exporters.

Permission to import masor dal

According to government data, India had imported 4.85 lakh tonnes of lentils worth Rs 3,012 crore from Canada in the crop season 2022-23. At the same time, in about three months between April and June this year, one lakh tonnes of lentils has reached India from Canada. At the same time, in September 2021, the Center had approved the import of lentils from Russia. The government did not start importing lentils from Russia due to its high price. In such a situation, it is being said that to supply the consumption of lentils, India is preparing a list of countries from where lentils can be imported at cheaper rates. However, at present the interest of farmers in India towards pulse cultivation has increased slightly. Due to this, the production of domestic pulses has also increased.

 Record increase in wheat prices before Diwali

Record increase in wheat prices before Diwali

Wheat prices have risen again before Diwali, causing concern in the national capital Delhi where it has reached Rs 27,390 per metric ton in the wholesale market. It is expected that the prices may continue to rise in the coming days, as they did in January when wheat prices reached their highest level. Despite the Central Government's efforts, inflation has remained high, with one item's price rising as soon as another's falls. While the prices of tomatoes and green vegetables have gone down, wheat has become more expensive, potentially leading to food inflation. Traders have also noted that food imports are being affected by import duties, putting pressure on the government to remove export duties. As a result, the Central Government must release food items like wheat and rice from government reserves periodically to control inflation. The government must take proactive measures to control the prices of essential commodities, especially before the festive season, to provide relief to the common man.

Due to the increase in the price of wheat, the price of these food items will also increase.

According to agricultural experts, the demand for wheat has increased in the market due to festive days. At the same time, the supply of wheat has been greatly affected due to the increase in demand, due to which the prices have reached their highest level in 8 months. If this trend of increase in prices continues, retail inflation may increase further in the coming days. Wheat is a grain from which various types of food items are prepared. If the price of wheat increases, various food items including rotis, biscuits, pieces of bread, and cakes will become costlier.

40% import duty on wheat by the Government of India

The main thing is that the price of wheat in the national capital Delhi increased by 1.6% on Tuesday. Due to this, the price of wheat reached Rs 27,390 per metric ton in the wholesale market, which is the highest level since February 10. It is being said that wheat prices have increased by approximately 22% in the last six months. Also, Roller Floor Millers Federation President Pramod Kumar S has raised the demand with the Central Government to remove duty on wheat import. In fact, he has said that if the government removes the import duty on wheat, then its price can definitely come down. In fact, the Government of India has imposed a 40% import duty on wheat, and there does not seem to be any immediate plan to remove it.

Also read: Countrymen will not face the shock of inflation during the festive season – Food Secretary Sanjeev Chopra

Food prices will fall like this

Also, as of October 1, there were only 24 million metric tons of wheat in the government wheat stock. Which is much less compared to the five-year average of 37.6 million tonnes. However, the Center has procured 26.2 million tonnes of wheat from farmers in crop season 2023, short of the target of 34.15 million tonnes. At the same time, the Central Government estimates that wheat production in the crop season 2023-24 will be around 112.74 million metric tons. This will lead to a decline in the prices of food items.

The most important nutrient for banana cultivation, symptoms of lack of potash and technique of managing it

The most important nutrient for banana cultivation, symptoms of lack of potash and technique of managing it

Potash, also known as potassium (K), is one of the necessary macronutrients required for healthy growth of all plants, including bananas. Potassium plays an important role in various physiological processes within plants, such as photosynthesis, enzyme activation, osmoregulation and nutrient. Lack of potash in banana plants has a harmful effect on their growth, fruit growth and overall productivity. Let's know about the major symptoms of lack of potash in banana plants and various strategies to manage it ....

Symptoms of lack of potash in banana plants

Potassium deficiency in banana plants is manifested through many types of symptoms that affect different parts of the plant. It is important to understand these symptoms for timely diagnosis and effective management. Some common symptoms of lack of potash in banana plants are as follows:

ALSO READ: How to manage the growing thrips in banana cultivation in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh due to monsoon active in September?

Symptoms of lack of potash on leaf

Brown of the edges of the leaf: The edges of the old leaves become brown and dry, this condition is called leaf scorching. 

Turning of leaves: The leaves turn up or downwards, which distorts their form. 

Yellowing among the veins: The yellow of leaf tissue between the veins, called interveinal chlorosis, is a common symptom.

 Leaf necrosis: In severe cases, necrotic (dead) spots may appear on the leaves, reducing photosynthetic activity.

Symptoms of lack of potash on fruit

Lowering fruit size: Lack of potash reduces the size of fruits, which affects the market price of bananas. 

Uneven ripening: Fruits do not cook evenly, making it challenging for business producers.

Symptoms of lack of potash on stem and bunch

Stagnant growth: The overall growth of banana plants may stop, resulting in reduced yield.

Small flakes: Fruits become small and thin due to lack of potash.

Also read: Banana's sigatoka leaf spot disease, causes, symptoms, effects and various measures to manage

Symptoms of lack of potash at the root

The roots are less empowered due to weak cell walls and become more sensitive to diseases.

Management of lack of potash in banana plants

Management of lack of potash in banana plants includes a combination of potassium on soil and leaves as well as other agricultural functions to improve the absorption and use of potassium. Some measures are being suggested here to effectively manage the lack of potash, such as:

Soil testing

Start by testing soil to assess potassium levels in the soil. This will provide correct guidance regarding determining the severity of deficiency and using proper potassium fertiliser.

Fertiliser application

Use potassium -containing fertilisers, such as potassium sulphate (K2SO4) or potassium chloride (KCL), based on soil testing recommendations. Include potassium fertilisers in the soil during planting or during the development of bananas. Monitor soil pH, as highly acidic or alkaline soil can reduce the amount of potassium. Adjust the pH level if necessary.

Also read: Panama Wilt Disease has affected the banana crop in these areas of India.

Spraying on the leaves

In cases of severe shortage, spraying potassium on the leaves is a quick remedy. To protect the leaves from burning, dissolve potassium nitrate or potassium sulphate in water and apply it in the morning or afternoon. Apply organic wet grass around banana plants to preserve soil moisture and maintain soil temperature continuously. This improves potassium absorption by roots.

Balanced nutrition

Ensure that other essential nutrients, such as nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), are also present in sufficient amounts to prevent the imbalance of nutrients. Bananas require 150-200 grams of nitrogen (n), 40-60 grams phosphorus (P2O5) and 200-300 grams of potash per plant on the basis of soil and variety. The use of one-fourth nitrogen (N) and one-third potash (K2O) in the time of flowering (reproductive phase) has been found to be beneficial. At the time of flowering, the use of nitrogen delays the ageing of the leaves and improves the weight of bunches and using a third potash improves finger filling. Using the total quantity of nitrogen and potassium into farming from a banana plant prepared by tissue enhancement provides maximum benefit by using the total amount of nitrogen and potassium such as the first planting, 45 days after planting, the third-90 days later, the fourth, the fourth -135 days later; 5th-180 days later. The entire amount of phosphorus fertiliser should be put at the time of last ploughing or while filling the pit.

Water management

Proper irrigation to avoid water stress, as drought conditions can increase potassium deficiency.

Also read: Learn about the characteristics and benefits of red banana

Crop circle

Change the banana crop with other plants to reduce the risk of lack of nutrients in the soil.

Disease and pest control

Immediately solve any disease or insect infection, as they can put pressure on the plant and obstruct the nutrients.

Harvesting and removing dead leaves

To promote the development of a healthy, potassium-efficient decnus, regularly damaged or sort dead leaves.

Monitoring and adjustment

Constantly monitor the plant's response to potassium treatments and adjust fertiliser experiments accordingly. Finally, it can be said that lack of potassium in banana plants has a significant negative effect on growth, fruit quality and yield. To overcome this deficiency and ensure a healthy and productive banana crop, timely diagnosis and proper management are necessary, including soil testing, fertiliser experiment and agricultural functions. By applying these strategies, banana producers customise potassium nutrition and get better overall plant health and fruit production.

Optimal environmental conditions and orchard management for mango flowers to  blossom.

Optimal environmental conditions and orchard management for mango flowers to blossom.

This year, too, due to the late advent of the winter season, the minimum temperature in the last week of January has been below 10 degrees Celsius for more than a week, and the farmer wants to know if the mangoes will be fine. Will it come early or late? The current environmental circumstances indicate a possible delay in arrival. To guarantee maximum fruit output, mango trees require a favourable blooming habitat. Several factors contribute to good flowering, including meteorological conditions and soil quality, as well as adequate tree care and orchard management.

Climate & Temperature

In tropical and subtropical settings, the mango tree need two and a half to three months of dry and cold weather to develop successfully. The optimal temperature for flowering is between 77°F and 95°F (25°C to 35°C). Cold temperatures prevent blooming, thus frost protection is needed. Furthermore, the cold time of winter, when temperatures dip to around 50°F (10°C), accelerates the arrival of flowers, resulting in them arriving later in the year.

Also to  read: 42% of mango crop damaged due to rapid bug infestation

Lighting needs

In general, mango plants enjoy exposure to sunshine. To promote seedling development and health, at least 6 to 8 hours of direct sunshine are necessary every day. Adequate sunshine promotes photosynthesis, which provides the energy required for blooming and fruit production.

Soil Quality

Mango trees thrive on well-drained, loamy soil with a pH ranging from slightly acidic to neutral (6.0-7.5). A good soil structure promotes optimal aeration and root growth. Regular soil testing and amendment with organic matter helps to maintain nutrient levels and provide ideal blooming conditions.

Water Management

Mango trees require regular and enough irrigation, particularly during blossoming. However, wet situations should be avoided, since they might cause root rot. A well-managed irrigation system that provides moisture without waterlogging aids in blooming and subsequent fruit development. The farmer wants to know if he may irrigate shortly before or during blossoming. The right answer is that irrigation should not be done at this time since it may exacerbate the problem of crop loss, resulting in a loss for the farmer.

Nutrient management

Mango flowers require proper nutrition levels. During various growth phases, employ a balanced fertiliser rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Micronutrients like zinc play a key role in flower initiation and development. Regular soil testing aids in the exact administration of fertilisers.

Also read: How do you deal with mango leaf tip burn?

Sorting and Training

Pruning shapes the tree, removes dead or diseased branches, and allows sunlight to penetrate more easily. Open canopies improve air circulation, lowering the incidence of flower-related illnesses. Proper branch training encourages an upright growth habit, which allows plants greater sunshine exposure.

Pest and Disease Management

Pests and illnesses can harm flowers. Regular monitoring and the timely application of suitable pesticides aid in infection prevention. Proper cleanliness, such as cleaning fallen leaves and trash, lessens the danger of illnesses like anthracnose, which harms flowers.


Mango trees are predominantly cross-pollinated, with insect pollinators like bees playing a significant role. Maintaining a diversified habitat surrounding mango crops encourages natural pollination. When natural pollination is insufficient, hand pollination methods can be used to promote fruit sets.

Cooling Needs

Mango trees frequently require a cooling time before flowering. In locations where winter temperatures do not naturally drop, tactics such as using growth regulators or artificial chilling methods are used to induce the production of flower buds.

Also read: What to do if your mango tree is drying from top to bottom (top dieback)?

Disease Resistance

Planting disease-resistant mango types helps maintain the tree healthy and prevents illnesses from interfering with the flowering process. A healthy mango orchard requires regular monitoring and timely intervention against diseases such as powdery mildew and bacterial infection.

Finally, producing a favourable blooming environment for mango requires a comprehensive strategy that considers climatic conditions, soil quality, water management, nutritional balance, pruning, pest and disease control, pollination techniques, and particular cooling requirements. Is involved. By resolving these issues, producers may promote blooming, which will boost fruit output and overall orchard performance.

Farmers can earn big money every month by producing different types of vegetables in their fields.

Farmers can earn big money every month by producing different types of vegetables in their fields.

Farmers can earn a good income by cultivating many vegetables in one field. Farmer brothers can grow coriander, spinach, and tomato crops in one go.

Let us tell you about the intensity with which technology is developing. At the same pace, the use of new equipment and techniques in farming has also increased. If you also do farming, then the information provided here can be beneficial for you. A large population in India is dependent on agriculture. Because of this, India is also called an agricultural country. Changes with time have also made farming advanced. If farmers wish, they can earn good profits in a single crop. Many such vegetables give huge profits in a short time, especially include coriander, tomato, spinach, etc.

You can earn profits worth lakhs from vegetable farming

Talking about normal days, the price of tomato in the market is Rs 250 to 350 per carat. Farmers can earn lakhs of rupees in a year just by selling tomatoes. Also, if you cultivate and sell coriander, spinach, and chili, these will give you huge profits. Nowadays, horticulture crops are earning more income than traditional crops.

Also read: Farmer Shravan Singh became rich by producing horticulture crops.

Coriander-spinach production will yield good profits

Farmers can sow all these vegetables in the same field. These vegetables do not require much space. To earn a good income from these vegetables, farmers can plant coriander and spinach on the ridges of their fields. On the other side of the ridge, farmers can also cultivate tomatoes and chilies.

Farmers can also produce these vegetables

For your information, to earn a better income, farmers can grow many crops in the middle of the fields beside the ridges. Farmer brothers can grow okra, potato, cauliflower, and bitter gourd here. All these vegetables are sold in the market at good prices. If farmers follow all the points mentioned here, they can earn a handsome income.

 A farmer can save a lot of expenses by growing vegetables through kitchen gardening.

A farmer can save a lot of expenses by growing vegetables through kitchen gardening.

Through kitchen gardening, you can also grow vegetables at home. These vegetables will be pure and the hassle of purchasing them from the market will also end. In times of inflation, you can grow vegetables at home, due to which you can save a lot of money. These vegetables grow in a small space in the house, which does not cost you much. According to experts, while growing vegetables on the balcony, you have to take care of some special things, so that you can earn excellent yield at low cost.

You must be remembering the skyrocketing prices of tomatoes. To protect yourself from similar problems, you can take the help of kitchen gardening. Apart from tomatoes, chilies, okra, or coriander, you can also grow many other vegetables in it. For this, some pots filled with soil and sunlight are necessary.

Farmers plant seedlings inside big pots only.

For your information, let us tell you that the balcony of almost everyone's house gets sunlight. In such a situation, growing vegetables on the balcony can be a great option. With this, there will always be greenery in your house. Money will be saved and you will get pure vegetables in your home. During kitchen gardening, take special care that vegetable plants should be planted in big pots so that the roots get ample opportunity to spread.

Also read: Grow summer green vegetables easily in the kitchen garden: Bitter gourd, Lady's finger, Ghiya, Zucchini, Tinda, Cowpea, Cucumber.

Farmers take special care of the weather

Let us tell you that apart from this, the plants in bigger pots will become stronger and the plants will also bear fruits in good quantity. Experts say that it is very important to keep the weather in mind even in kitchen gardening. It is very difficult to get fruits from vegetables planted out of season. By doing balcony farming you can easily save thousands of rupees per month. You can grow tomatoes, okra, coriander, and chilies at home and use them yourself. Farmers need to have information about kitchen gardening. Because you can earn a little profit during kitchen gardening. Farmers should use kitchen gardening at the very beginning. Due to the weather, farmers had to pay very high prices for tomatoes.

This tractor with less than 49 HP has power to make agricultural works smooth and consumes less oil

This tractor with less than 49 HP has power to make agricultural works smooth and consumes less oil

The tractor plays an important role to make farming easier. Therefore, the tractor is called a friend of the farmer. If you also want to buy a powerful tractor that consumes low fuel, then the Mahindra 585 DI XP Plus tractor can prove to be a great option for you. This Mahindra 585 DI XP Plus Tractor tractor has a 3054 cc engine producing 49 HP power with 2100 rpm, which is prepared with fuel efficient technology. Mahindra 585 DI XP Plus Tractor: Mahindra company is maintaining a distinct identity among farmers for its best performance tractors in India. Most of India's farmers like to use only Mahindra tractors.

What are the characteristics of Mahindra 585 DI XP Plus?

In the Mahindra 585 Di XP Plus tractor you are provided ELS Water CooleD engine in a 4 cylinder with a capacity of 3054 cc, which produces 198 Nm maximum torque with 49 HP power. This Mahindra tractor contains 3 Stage Oil Bath Type Pre Air Cleaner Type Air Filter. The engine of this tractor of the company produces 2100 rpm. Also, its maximum PTO power is 44.9 HP. Mahindra 585 DI XP Plus has a capacity to lift the weight of 1800 kg. The forward speed of Mahindra 585 DI XP Plus Mahindra tractor is kept at 30.0 kmph. It comes with 11.9 km H reverse speed. In this tractor with XP Plus series, you are provided with a 50 -liter capacity fuel tank.

Also read: Mahindra 475 DI tractor features, specification and price

What are the features of Mahindra 585 DI XP Plus?

In this XP plus tractor of Mahindra, you get to see Manual / Dual Acting Power Steering. Explain that this 49hp tractor has an 8 forward + 2 Reverse gear gearbox available. You get to see this tractor of the company with a single / dual (optional) clutch. Also, Full Constant Mesh Type Transmission has been provided in it. Dry DISC / Oil IMMERSED Brakes have been provided in this XP psus tractor of Mahindra 585 DI XP Plus Mahindra. This tractor of Mahindra Company consists of MRPTO Type Power Techop, which produces 540 RPM. Mahindra 585 DI XP Plus is a 2WD i.e. two wheel drive tractor. Explain that it has 7.50 x 16 front tires and 14.9 x 28 rear tires.

What are the features of Mahindra 585 DI XP Plus?

In this XP plus tractor of Mahindra, you get to see Manual / Dual Acting Power Steering. Explain that this 49hp tractor has an 8 forward + 2 Reverse gear gearbox available. You get to see this tractor of the company with a single / dual (optional) clutch. Also, Full Constant Mesh Type Transmission has been provided in it. Dry DISC / Oil IMMERSED Brakes have been provided in this XP psus tractor of Mahindra 585 DI XP Plus Mahindra. This tractor of Mahindra Company consists of MRPTO Type Power Techop, which produces 540 RPM. Mahindra 585 DI XP Plus is a 2WD i.e. two wheel drive tractor. Explain that it has 7.50 x 16 front tires and 14.9 x 28 rear tires.

Also read: Mahindra Novo 605 DI V1: These features of this 55 HP tractor of Mahindra Company are making it dear to farmers?

How much is the price of Mahindra 585 DI XP Plus?

In India, Mahindra & Mahindra has fixed this Mahindra 585 DI XP Plus Mahindra 585 DI XP Plus tractor ex -showroom price of Rs 7.00 lakh to 7.30 lakh. The on road price of 585 DI XP Plus may vary due to RTO registration and road tax in all states. The company offers a 6 -year warranty with Mahindra 585 DI XP Plus tractor.

Cheapest Five Tractors Available in Indian Market

Cheapest Five Tractors Available in Indian Market

There are many such tractors available in the Indian market, which give great performance along with being economical . Plus, make farming easier . Today we have brought you information about the 5 cheapest tractors in India.

Different types of agricultural machines and equipment are needed for farming. But, the most important machine among them is considered to be the tractor. Due to the high price of tractors in India, most farmers are not able to buy tractors . There are many such tractors available in the Indian market, which are economical, give excellent performance and make farming easy.

The 5 cheapest tractors in India are as follows

1) Swaraj Code Tractor

2) Sonalika GT 20 Tractor

3) Mahindra JIVO 245 DI Tractor

4) Farmtrac Atom 26 Mini Tractor

5) John Deere 3028 EN Tractor

Also Read: Which Are The 5 Most Powerful Tractors In India

Swaraj Code Tractor

For your information, let us know that in the Swaraj Code tractor, you are given a water cooled engine in a single cylinder with a capacity of 389 cc, which is 11 HP power. Generates . This tractor from the company comes with 9.46 HP max PTO power . Also, its engine generates 3600 rpm . The lifting capacity of this small tractor has been fixed at 455 kg . This tractor comes in a fuel trunk of 10 liters capacity. In this, you get mechanical steering and 6 Forward + 3 Reverse gearboxes. It is a 2WD tractor and comes with 4.00 x 9 front tyres and 6.00 x 14 rear tyres. The ex-showroom price of Swaraj Code tractor in India has been fixed from 2.45 lakh to 2.50 lakh rupees.

Sonalika GT 20 Tractor

The Sonalika GT 20 comes with a 3 cylinder water cooled engine with a capacity of 959 cc, which generates 20 HP power . The maximum PTO power of this small tractor is 10 HP. Also, its engine generates 2700 rpm . The lifting capacity of this mini tractor has been fixed at 650 kg. This tractor comes with a fuel tank of 31 litres capacity. This tractor is provided with mechanical steering and a gearbox with 6 Forward +2 Reverse gears . It is a 4WD tractor, it offers 5.00 x 12 front tyres and 5.00 x 12 rear tyres. The ex-showroom price of Sonalika GT20 tractor in India has been fixed from 3.25 lakh to 4 lakh rupees .

Also Read: Sonalika DI 745 III Bring Alexander Tractor Home & Make Your Farming Task Easier

Mahindra JIVO 245 DI Tractor

The MAHINDRA JIVO 245 DI tractor comes with a Water Cooled engine in 2 cylinders with 1366 CC capacity, which generates 24 HP power. The engine of this tractor generates 2300 rpm . It comes with a maximum PTO power of 22 HP. The weight lifting capacity of this Jivo mini tractor has been fixed at 750 kg. This tractor comes with a gearbox with 8 Forward + 4 reverse gears with power steering. Let us explain that this Mahindra tractor has a fuel tank of 23 litres capacity . This is a 2WD tractor from the company, it has 6 X 14 front tyres and 8.3 X 24 rear tyres. The ex-showroom price of the Mahindra JIVO 245 DI tractor in India has been fixed at Rs 4 lakh.

Farmtrac Atom 26 Mini Tractor

This tractor from Escorts company comes with a 3-cylinder Coolant Cooled engine, which generates 26 horsepower . Its engine generates 2700 rpm. Also, it has a maximum PTO power of 20 HP. The lifting capacity of this Farmtrac tractor has been fixed at 750 kg. This tractor from Escorts comes with a fuel tank capacity of 24 litres . This mini tractor is provided with a 9 Forward + 3 Reverse gear gearbox with balanced power steering. This is a 4 WD tractor from Farmtrac with 5 X 12 front tyres and 8 X 18 rear tyres. The ex-showroom price of the Farmtrac Atom 26 mini tractor in India has been fixed at Rs 5.4 lakh to Rs 6 lakh.

Also read: Low cost and more power tractors for farmers with low land holdings

John Deere 3028 EN Tractor

In the John Deere 3028 EN tractor, you get to see a 3 cylinder cooled with overflow reservoir, naturally aspirated engine, which generates 28 HP power . Its engine generates 2800 rpm and has 22.5 HP of max PTO power. The lifting capacity of this tractor has been fixed at 910 kg . Also, it has a fuel tank with 32 litres capacity . In this John Deere tractor, you will get 8 Forward + 8 Reverse FNR Sync Reverser / FNR Sync Reverser with Power Steering. The collar reverser gearbox is visible . It is a four wheel drive tractor, it has 6.00 x 14 front tyres and 8.30 x 24/14 front tyres. 9.50 x 24 rear tyres are provided . John Deere 3028 EN 4WD tractor price in India has been fixed from Rs 7.10 lakh to Rs 7.55 lakh (ex-showroom) Is.

 Electric current is being given to plants at this place, what is the reason?

Electric current is being given to plants at this place, what is the reason?

For your information, let us tell you that scientists say that if this technology is successful, then it will be spread all over the world very soon. He also said that with its help they can also deal with the global food crisis. 

Agriculture is changing rapidly. People are producing more crops than expected through modern agriculture. However, farmers also use various types of experiments for this. In this article, we will tell you about one such experiment. The most important thing is that if this experiment is successful then very soon you can get to eat vegetables without fertilizers and chemicals. To make them grow and develop quickly, they are being given electric shocks instead of chemical fertilizers.

An experiment is being conducted at Imperial College London

This is a type of experiment which is being conducted at Imperial College London. Here, a project on plant morphogenesis uses hydrogel cubes with electrodes to transform vertical farming. In fact, during this experiment, the fluidity in the network structure present in these translucent cubes is maintained stable. Let us tell you that for this, mild electric shocks are given to these hydrogel cubes. After that, due to this, green leaves emerge from the small air tunnels present in the lab. 

Also read: Vertical farming can produce produce in less space and less time.

Scientists said that this technology will spread across the world

Scientists say that if this technology is successful then it will be spread all over the world very soon. Let us tell you that this technology is being described as very brilliant by scientists. He says that with its help they can also deal with the global food crisis. The biggest thing is that by using it the vegetables will be chemical free which will be much better for health. Also, for countries like India and China where the population is very high, this technology will be very beneficial for them. With the help of this technology, farmers will be able to grow vegetables in abundance in their fields as well as in small places. Even for urban farmers who do farming in terrace gardens, this technology will prove to be very helpful. 

Farmers can grow vegetables and fruits using only water with this technology.

Farmers can grow vegetables and fruits using only water with this technology.

Farmers, you do not need land for farming. Now farmers can grow fruits and vegetables only in water, which is rich in nutritional elements. New technologies are being developed to make farming easier across the world. With the help of all these technologies, resources are saved and labor consumption is also reduced. Hydroponics technology is also included in this. Whereas in traditional farming, large quantities of agricultural equipment, fields, fertilizers, manure, and irrigation are required. At the same time, with eco-friendly hydroponics technology, excellent crops can be grown in less water.

Hydroponics farming does not require soil. For this reason, it should be done in a protected structure. In addition to water, minerals, and nutrients are available to the seeds and plants. Let us tell you that these include calcium, potash, zinc, sulfur, iron, phosphorus, nitrogen, magnesium, and many other nutrients, which increase the crop yield by 25–30 percent.

Hydroponics technology is less labor intensive and resource intensive.

New technologies are being developed all over the world to make farming easier. This saves resources and reduces labor consumption. Hydroponics technology is also included in this. Whereas traditional farming requires large amounts of agricultural equipment, land, fertilizers, manure, and irrigation. On the other hand, through eco-friendly hydroponics technology, excellent crops can be grown in less water.

Also read: The government is gearing up for the success of the aeroponics method of growing potatoes in the air, many schemes will start soon.

These vegetables and fruits can be grown with this technology

Hydroponics technology has been successful in vegetable cultivation. Many farmers in India are using this technology to cultivate small leafy vegetables, such as cucumber, peas, chili, bitter gourd, strawberry, blackberry, Blueberry, watermelon, melon, pineapple, carrot, turnip, cucumber, radish, pineapple, capsicum, coriander, tomato, and spinach.

Nutrition-rich vegetables are grown through hydroponics technology

Vegetables grown through hydroponics technology are rich in nutrition. Therefore there is always demand for them. The cost of manufacturing it in an area of ​​100 square feet can be Rs 50,000 to Rs 60,000. Also, 200 vegetable plants can be planted in a 100 square feet area. In terms of earnings, this technology can provide profits to farmers in larger areas. Hydroponics can be used to earn more money by planting crops along with grain crops in less area.

Many countries raised questions regarding the ban on the export of rice from India.

Many countries raised questions regarding the ban on the export of rice from India.

India is a country that exports rice on a large scale. Many countries including Canada and America had raised questions regarding the decision to curb exports. India has said to the World Trade Organization (WTO) that the ban on the export of rice should not be considered as a ban. It's just a regulation. This was an important step to ensure the food security of India's 1.4 billion people. India on July 20 banned exports of non-Basmati white rice amid the Ukraine-Russia crisis, in a move to boost domestic supplies and control retail prices. Many countries including Canada and America had raised questions on this decision of India.

The Indian government took the decision keeping food security in mind

During the World Trade Organization committee meeting held in Geneva, India said that this decision has been taken keeping food security in mind. India has said that keeping in view the global circumstances, no advance information was given to WTO regarding this decision to ban the majors from manipulating the market conditions. There was a possibility that if the information related to this was given earlier, then big suppliers could have manipulated it by storing it. These measures are temporary and are regularly reviewed based on domestic demand and supply conditions. 

Also read: Stir in America Due to Ban on Export of Non-Basmati Rice by the Central Government

India's approval for exports to needy countries

It has also been said from the Indian side that despite the ban, India has already permitted exports to needy countries. Non-Basmati rice has been exported through NCEL to Bhutan (79,000 tonnes), UAE (75,000 tonnes), Mauritius (14,000 tonnes) and Singapore (50,000 tonnes).

These countries raised questions regarding the ban on rice export by India

For your information, let us tell you that India is the largest rice exporter in the world with more than 40 percent of global exports. Brazil, the European Union, New Zealand, Switzerland, Thailand, Britain, America, Canada, Japan, and Australia had raised many questions regarding the decision to ban India's exports. It was said on behalf of these countries that this has an impact on countries that are heavily dependent on imports of agricultural commodities.