

Know how farmers can detect the deficiency of nutrients in plants.

Know how farmers can detect the deficiency of nutrients in plants.

Like humans, plants also suffer from nutrient deficiencies, to fulfill which they also have to depend on external nutrients. But, the problem arises when we do not understand which nutrient is lacking in them. Let us tell you today, how you can identify it in a plant. Healthy plants are essential for a thriving garden or successful harvest. Lack of nutrients can affect the growth and development of plants, causing growth to stop. At the same time, the leaves also turn yellow and the production of fruits or flowers gets spoiled. 

Healthy plants are essential for a thriving garden or successful harvest. Lack of nutrients can affect the growth and development of plants, causing growth to stop. At the same time, the leaves also turn yellow and the production of fruits or flowers gets spoiled. Today we will provide you with information about which element is deficient in plants and when. Plants need many essential nutrients for their growth and development. These nutrients can be broadly divided into two groups. Macronutrients and micronutrients.


Plants require macronutrients in abundance and these include nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (CA), magnesium (MG), and sulfur (S). 

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Micronutrients are required in small amounts and include iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), boron (B), molybdenum (Mo), and chlorine (Cl).

Recognizing the symptoms of nutrient deficiencies

Nutritional deficiency in general: Plants are seen based on the characteristics of their leaves, stems, and growth. Let us tell you that based on some common symptoms, we will give you information on how you will be able to identify the deficiency of which element in a plant.

Deficiency of Nitrogen (N): Yellowing (chlorosis) of older leaves that starts at the tips and spreads inwards, stunting growth. 

Also read: Find out which nutrient is lacking by looking at the plant, new instructions from scientists

Deficiency of Phosphorus (P): Dark green leaves with red-violet color, older leaves may turn blue-green or brown and curl.

 Deficiency of Potassium (K): Yellowing or browning of edges and tips of leaves, weak stems.

Deficiency of Iron (Fe): Interveinal chlorosis (yellowing between the veins) on new leaves, leaves may turn white or yellow.

Deficiency of Magnesium (Mg): Interveinal chlorosis on older leaves, leaves may turn red-violet or curled.

Deficiency of Calcium (Ca): Young leaves may become distorted tips may die back, and flower tips in fruits may rot. 

Deficiency of Sulfur (S): Yellowing of new leaves, stunted growth, and reduced seed and fruit production.

Micronutrient deficiency: These vary depending on the micronutrient. For example, iron deficiency causes interveinal chlorosis. Also, zinc deficiency causes leaves to become small and distorted. 

If you see these symptoms in any plant, then you can very easily identify which nutrient is lacking in that plant. Once the symptoms are known, you can easily find the treatment accordingly.

 Farmers can get the soil test report of their fields sitting at home through the post office.

Farmers can get the soil test report of their fields sitting at home through the post office.

The Maharashtra government is going to start testing facilities through the post office to remove the problems of the soil testing center of farmers. With its help, farmers will be able to get soil test reports sitting at home on their mobile phones. For this, the government will upgrade its tehsils with new technologies. To help the farmers, along with the Central Government, the State Governments also keep helping them at their level.

In this context, the Maharashtra government is going to take an important step for the farmers of the state. This step of the government is related to the soil of the farmer. Let us tell you that the Maharashtra government will increase soil testing centers at the local level in the state. So that farmers can get their soil tested in less time. For this, the government is bringing testing facilities through the post office. Farmers can send their field soil samples to the testing center with the help of their nearest local post office. After this, the report will be received sitting at home. If the soil testing center is far from your home, now with the help of a post office you can easily send the soil sample of your farm to the testing center without any expense. Farmers can then get the soil test reports on their mobile phones.

Soil test reports will be provided to farmers at home

State Agriculture Minister Dhananjay Munde recently said at the Phoenix Foundation College of Agriculture that to improve the quality of the soil, the state government has decided to conduct testing through the post office. He further said that from now on, farmers can send soil samples to the testing centers of their respective tehsils through local post offices. Then he can get the report on his mobile phone sitting at home within seven days. All information about soil will be available in this report. Like what is lacking in the soil and what type of fertilizers are to be used in it. Also, which crops will the farmer get profit by planting in this soil?

Also read: Soil Health Card scheme: What is this Soil Health Card scheme, and how will farmers benefit from it? Where to get soil samples tested

The work of soil testing of the field will be done at tehsil level.

Every work of soil testing will be done at the tehsil level. Soil testing centers have been constructed in all the tehsils of the state. The work of upgrading those centers with more new technologies will start, so that farmers can get the soil test reports at their homes in less time without any hassle.

 How to check crops for lack of nutrients.

How to check crops for lack of nutrients.

How to check crops for lack of nutrients. 

During farming many times the crop gets destroyed. Also the production capacity decreases and the crop gets infected with diseases. The major reason for these problems is the lack of important nutrients in the crop. Therefore in today's articles we will tell you about some necessary nutrients which decide the growth and development of the plant. Like a human body requires nutrients for its growth the plants also require nutrients for their development and growth. Due to nutrients the plants develop and these nutrients also help the organic matter grow. If these nutrients aren't provided in the timely manner it could stop the growth of the plant and ruin the crop. Important nutrients for crops include oxygen, potash, nitrogen, phosphorus, carbon, etc. The deficiency of the nutrients affects the produce.

Symptoms of lack of nutrients

1 Lack of Boron

Due to lack of Boron in the crop the plants turn yellow from the growing parts. Along with this buds turn white and look like dead tissues. 

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2 lack of sulphur

Lack of sulphur causes a change in colour from deep green to White in the leaves. Later these leaves turn white. Lack of sulphur target new leaves first.

3 Lack of manganese

Manganese deficiency causes the leaves to turn their colour to brownish yellow and brownish red. The edges and tips of the leaves changes colour.

4 Lack of zinc

Lack of zinc in crops causes the veins of leaves to lose their green colour. Also the leaves look like bronze.

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5 Lack of magnesium

It causes the tips of the leaf to turn dark green and the veins turn golden yellowish. After that red purple spots start to appear inwards from the edges.

6 Lack of phosphorus

Leaves of different plants remain small due to lack of phosphorus. Also the plant turns pinkish.

7 Lack of calcium

Due to lack of calcium the top most leaves start to fall and also buds start to dry.

 Get the soil tested through the Soil Health Card Scheme to get excellent yield

Get the soil tested through the Soil Health Card Scheme to get excellent yield

Farmers must get the soil of the field tested for best crop yield. Soil Health Cards will have to be made to get the soil tested. The government is running various schemes to benefit the farmers. Farmers can get the best yield of the crop. For this, Soil Health Card Scheme is being run. Under this scheme, farmers get the soil of their fields tested. After getting the investigation done, they do farming on the basis of the report, which costs them much less. Also, the production is quite good.

Laboratories have been created to test the soil of farmers' fields. Where scientists prepare a list of properties and defects present in it after examining the soil. This list contains information and accurate advice related to the soil. Farmers get better crop yield by farming under soil health cards. Also, the balance of the soil remains stable.

How to make a Soil Health Card

To prepare Soil Health Card, farmer brothers, you first have to go to the official website After that, login by filling the information sought on the home page. Now select the state when the page opens. If you are applying for the first time, you will have to select the option of registered new user. Farmer brothers fill all the details sought in the application form correctly. After this, click on the submit button. If they face any problem, they can also contact the helpline number 011-24305591 and 011-24305948. At the same time, e-mail can also be made on

Also read: Soil conservation method and its benefits

Benefits of Soil Health Card Scheme

For your information, let you know that under this scheme, any Indian farmer can easily get the soil of his farm tested. Through this card, farmers can get information about which nutrients are lacking in the soil. Also, how much water to use and which crop to cultivate will give them more profit. After the card is created, the farmer is provided information about productive capacity, moisture level in the soil, soil health, quality as well as ways to improve the weaknesses of the soil.

Role of healthy soil in managing plant disease on account of world soil day

Role of healthy soil in managing plant disease on account of world soil day

Healthy soil plays an important role in managing plant diseases by the medium of different mutually connected systems, which contribute to the overall health of plants. The ecological system of a soil which is rich in nutrients and has balanced microorganisms and has a good physical structure reduces the chances of plant diseases to a very low extent. Healthy soil works for plants against pathogens as a frontline defence. 

Balancing nutrients 

Healthy soul provides an optimal balance of essential nutrients for the development of plants. A sufficient level of micronutrients like nitrogen, Phosphorus, potassium and other nutrients are important to strengthen the immune system in plants. Plants with a balanced amount of nutrients are more capable of recovering from infection and diseases. Plants become susceptible to different diseases because of lack of nutrients in soil.

Microbial variation 

A vivid and enriched microbial community is helpful in suppressing diseases in plants. Essential microorganisms, like some bacteria and fungus, establish a symbiosis with plants, promote health growth and increase protecting power to fight pathogens in plants. The variety of microorganisms create a competitive situation which controls the spread of germs. I always try to explain with the help of my different articles that soil is of two types- one living soil and a non living soil. living soil is that which has plenty of microbials and the soil which has deficit amount of microbials is said to be non living soil so we should always try to increase the amount of microbials in the soil and we should not do any such thing which is not suitable to microbials living inside the soil. Due to indiscriminate use of agriculture chemicals the amount of microbials in our soil is decreasing and soil is getting converted from living to non living. Today on the account of world soil Health day we need to take the oath that we won't do any such thing which will result in making the soil nonliving.

Structure of soil and aeration 

Structured soil along with good aeration provides optimal root growth to plants and also helps in increasing the absorption power of nutrients. Strong and healthy roots are more resistant to diseases and a good structure of soil can prevent water accumulation which is often accompanied with root diseases.

Oppressive soil

Some soil shows natural oppression against some specific plant pathogens. This is considered responsible for the presence of some anti microorganisms and substances which alters the growth of pathogens. Understanding the nature of oppressive soil and its implementation can be an effective strategy against plant diseases.

Induced systemic resistance (ISR)

Healthy soil develops systemic resistance in plants. When plants interact with some essential microorganisms or compounds, then they activate their defence system. This induced systemic resistance increases their immunity against pathogens.

Biological disease control 

Healthy soil is a store to useful organisms which play an important role as biological control agents. Predatory nematodes, parasitic fungi and other organisms controlling their numbers, hunt on plant pathogens. These natural enemies are provided help in managing environment suitable diseases and sustainability when integrated into soil.

Humus and carbonic matter

Humus obtained from decomposed carbonic matter improves the structure, water holding capacity and nutrients. Apart  from this, carbonic matter increases activity of useful microorganisms, which improves the ecology of soil which makes it less suitable for pathogens to live. 


Deduction in plant diseases by means of crop rotation 

Crop rotation is a method which helps in maintaining soil health. By planting crops with variations, farmers interrupt the life cycle of pathogens and pests. It reduces accumulation of pathogens in soil and the danger of infection reduces. 

Soil pH regulation

The level of pH in soil affects the availability of nutrients and microbial activities in the soil. Maintaining correct pH for every specific crop creates an environment which supports plants' health. Some pathogens grow in acidic and some in alkaline, and well adjusted pH limits their effect.

Flexibility against environment stress

Healthy soil provides protection against dry or very high temperatures. Plants grown in soil enriched with nutrients, well structured soil are able to bear up stress suitably, which makes them less sensitive towards opportunistic pathogens which targets weak plants.


Healthy soil plays a mutual and multidimensional role in plant disease management. From provision of nutrients to microbial interaction, soil health affects different factors which collectively provide ability to plants to fight disease and recover against diseases. Methods of giving priority to soil health not only supports plant growth but also provide long-term solutions to challenges raised by pathogens.