

The most important nutrient for banana cultivation, symptoms of lack of potash and technique of managing it

The most important nutrient for banana cultivation, symptoms of lack of potash and technique of managing it

Potash, also known as potassium (K), is one of the necessary macronutrients required for healthy growth of all plants, including bananas. Potassium plays an important role in various physiological processes within plants, such as photosynthesis, enzyme activation, osmoregulation and nutrient. Lack of potash in banana plants has a harmful effect on their growth, fruit growth and overall productivity. Let's know about the major symptoms of lack of potash in banana plants and various strategies to manage it ....

Symptoms of lack of potash in banana plants

Potassium deficiency in banana plants is manifested through many types of symptoms that affect different parts of the plant. It is important to understand these symptoms for timely diagnosis and effective management. Some common symptoms of lack of potash in banana plants are as follows:

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Symptoms of lack of potash on leaf

Brown of the edges of the leaf: The edges of the old leaves become brown and dry, this condition is called leaf scorching. 

Turning of leaves: The leaves turn up or downwards, which distorts their form. 

Yellowing among the veins: The yellow of leaf tissue between the veins, called interveinal chlorosis, is a common symptom.

 Leaf necrosis: In severe cases, necrotic (dead) spots may appear on the leaves, reducing photosynthetic activity.

Symptoms of lack of potash on fruit

Lowering fruit size: Lack of potash reduces the size of fruits, which affects the market price of bananas. 

Uneven ripening: Fruits do not cook evenly, making it challenging for business producers.

Symptoms of lack of potash on stem and bunch

Stagnant growth: The overall growth of banana plants may stop, resulting in reduced yield.

Small flakes: Fruits become small and thin due to lack of potash.

Also read: Banana's sigatoka leaf spot disease, causes, symptoms, effects and various measures to manage

Symptoms of lack of potash at the root

The roots are less empowered due to weak cell walls and become more sensitive to diseases.

Management of lack of potash in banana plants

Management of lack of potash in banana plants includes a combination of potassium on soil and leaves as well as other agricultural functions to improve the absorption and use of potassium. Some measures are being suggested here to effectively manage the lack of potash, such as:

Soil testing

Start by testing soil to assess potassium levels in the soil. This will provide correct guidance regarding determining the severity of deficiency and using proper potassium fertiliser.

Fertiliser application

Use potassium -containing fertilisers, such as potassium sulphate (K2SO4) or potassium chloride (KCL), based on soil testing recommendations. Include potassium fertilisers in the soil during planting or during the development of bananas. Monitor soil pH, as highly acidic or alkaline soil can reduce the amount of potassium. Adjust the pH level if necessary.

Also read: Panama Wilt Disease has affected the banana crop in these areas of India.

Spraying on the leaves

In cases of severe shortage, spraying potassium on the leaves is a quick remedy. To protect the leaves from burning, dissolve potassium nitrate or potassium sulphate in water and apply it in the morning or afternoon. Apply organic wet grass around banana plants to preserve soil moisture and maintain soil temperature continuously. This improves potassium absorption by roots.

Balanced nutrition

Ensure that other essential nutrients, such as nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), are also present in sufficient amounts to prevent the imbalance of nutrients. Bananas require 150-200 grams of nitrogen (n), 40-60 grams phosphorus (P2O5) and 200-300 grams of potash per plant on the basis of soil and variety. The use of one-fourth nitrogen (N) and one-third potash (K2O) in the time of flowering (reproductive phase) has been found to be beneficial. At the time of flowering, the use of nitrogen delays the ageing of the leaves and improves the weight of bunches and using a third potash improves finger filling. Using the total quantity of nitrogen and potassium into farming from a banana plant prepared by tissue enhancement provides maximum benefit by using the total amount of nitrogen and potassium such as the first planting, 45 days after planting, the third-90 days later, the fourth, the fourth -135 days later; 5th-180 days later. The entire amount of phosphorus fertiliser should be put at the time of last ploughing or while filling the pit.

Water management

Proper irrigation to avoid water stress, as drought conditions can increase potassium deficiency.

Also read: Learn about the characteristics and benefits of red banana

Crop circle

Change the banana crop with other plants to reduce the risk of lack of nutrients in the soil.

Disease and pest control

Immediately solve any disease or insect infection, as they can put pressure on the plant and obstruct the nutrients.

Harvesting and removing dead leaves

To promote the development of a healthy, potassium-efficient decnus, regularly damaged or sort dead leaves.

Monitoring and adjustment

Constantly monitor the plant's response to potassium treatments and adjust fertiliser experiments accordingly. Finally, it can be said that lack of potassium in banana plants has a significant negative effect on growth, fruit quality and yield. To overcome this deficiency and ensure a healthy and productive banana crop, timely diagnosis and proper management are necessary, including soil testing, fertiliser experiment and agricultural functions. By applying these strategies, banana producers customise potassium nutrition and get better overall plant health and fruit production.

What is the main cause of mastitis in dairy animals, how to prevent and cure?

What is the main cause of mastitis in dairy animals, how to prevent and cure?

Dairy animals are very sensitive towards bacteria of mastitis. Actually, this disease is caused by streptococcus microorganisms in animals. Mastitis in animals makes them physically weak. Along with this, it is generally very painful. Dairy owners also suffer a great loss due to this disease. This disease which spreads due to bacteria is an infectious disease. This is the reason that if this is not treated in early stages and if necessary actions are not taken, it increases the chance of making other cattles sick. Usually, mastitis is found mostly in cows and buffaloes. The main reason behind this is that cattles are very sensitive towards bacterias which cause mastitis. For your reference, this disease is caused by streptococcus microorganisms in cattles.

Information about mastitis disease 

Mastitis is basically an infection in the udder of animals, which is mainly caused by the entrance of bacteria in the body. Infected udder produces less and low quality milk. The danger of disease increases much when problems like appetite loss and diarrhoea arise in animals because of disease. This disease is usually caused due to streptococcus microorganisms. But in India, this disease is mainly spread by staphylococci bacteria. Because of this infection, chances of many different types of diseases increase not only in the udder but in the complete body of the animal.

Read  also: the only way to prevent mastitis Teatasule liquid spray kit (Teatasule liquid spray kit)

What are the symptoms of mastitis

Chances of swelling of udder

Feeling of much hotness on touching the udder

Udder starts appearing red

Cows become uncomfortable when udder is touched

The temperature of body of cow critically increases

Cattles suffering from mastitis gives too watery milk


Layers, clots, mucus and even blood also may be present in blood.

Major ways to control mastitis

Appropriate facility should be arranged to place two cows at different places in order to prevent the infection from one cow to another.

Infected animal should not be allowed to go near other cattles and filth 

 Let's know why bamboo is called the ATM of farmers?

Let's know why bamboo is called the ATM of farmers?

Bamboo has proved that it is capable of developing itself under any circumstances. Because it is the reason for the ability to bring changes according to its climate diversity. Tell that whether it is flood or drought, desert or mountainous area, bamboo grows very easily. It can also grow easily in fertile or barren land.

From the courtyard of the house of bamboo farmers to the battlefield , there is a durable versatile natural plant supporting many works ranging against enemies. It is also very useful in life because of the marriage from the wedding pavilion to the bed of death. The demand for bamboo is increasing day by day. Therefore, it is called 'Green Gold'. It is known as a real ATM for farmers.

Let's know about green gold i.e. about the usefulness of bamboo

As we all know, bamboo is a multi -use plant. It is because of this that it is called Green Gold. Bamboo is used in abundance from building construction to catering and cottage industry. Incense sticks are also used in industry, packing industry, paper industry and generating electricity etc. Normally, while building a cemented house in cities - towns or villages, you will have an eye on its use. However, it is also very useful in making decorative, kitchen and household items. It is used as an instrument and Ayurvedic medicine. With this, magnificent quality disciples and mats are prepared. Bamboo houses are considered more secure in natural disasters such as earthquakes, storms and flood areas. Not only this, bamboo has an important role in preventing soil -delay. In flood areas where other crops are damaged, bamboo is safe.

Bamboo is called ATM of farmers

Bamboo is called the ATM of farmers. Due to its use in many things, there is no problem in selling bamboo. Buyers or traders themselves, cut off bamboo from the fields. There is no mess of the market, no chick of price. Along with this, in other crops where one has to be monitored at all times. It takes a lot of human labour. Along with this, there is no need for much human labour in bamboo gardens, once applied. Along with this, from 5 years to 30 years, it keeps income regularly. Due to these special qualities, bamboo is called the ATM of farmers.

The brilliant varieties of bamboo are as follows

According to the National Agricultural Forestry Research Center Jhansi, 58 varieties of bamboo are usually found in India. These species are in eastern and western areas. The St. Actus dynasty in India is found to be 45 percent, Bombusa Bombay; 13 percent and Dendrox Miltney 7 percent. Bamboo seeds are like rice. Bamboo tissue is planted from the plant prepared through culture. 

Bamboo cultivation has a profit of millions in less cost

After every four years, bamboo gardens are ready. Then you can harvest bamboo. You can take 15 to 20 lakh income from one acre in four years or by applying on the ridge, you can take income of up to 20 thousand per year. Bamboo lasts for a lifetime of 30 years. In this way, by applying bamboo horticulture, you can also earn good and definite income in flood areas. It is a sales plant all the time, due to which it is also called green gold. The National Bangu Mission is being run to encourage its cultivation in India. At present, the government is also providing grants under the National Betu Mission. You can benefit by becoming a participant.

 Let's know what ecology and its major components are?

Let's know what ecology and its major components are?

Ecology is an important branch of science, with anthropology, population, community, ecosystem and biosphere. How ecological organisms, environment and organisms talk with each other and their environment. It has various levels, such as community, biosphere, ecosystem, organisms and population. The primary purpose of an ecological scientist is to greatly improve life processes, adaptation and their understanding in the context of the interaction of organisms and biodiversity.

Biological and inorganic factor

The main objective of ecology is necessary to understand the distribution of biological and abiotic factors of living things in the environment. His conversation with living and inanimate factors and environment in biological and abiotic factors is shambled.

Biological component

Biological components are a living factor of an ecosystem. Some examples of biological components include bacteria, animals, birds, fungi, plants, etc.

Abiotic component

The innovative components are inanimate chemical and physical factors of an ecosystem. These components can be obtained from the atmosphere, landmarks and watermanders. Some examples of abiotic components include sunlight, soil, air, moisture, minerals and more.

Living organisms are classified into biological components, while non -lively components such as sunlight, water, and topography are listed under the abiotic components.


Ecology can be divided into different types. Various types of ecology are provided below.

Global ecology

It is associated with mutual activity between the Earth's ecosystem, land, atmosphere and oceans. It helps in understanding the inner activities and their effects on the planet.

Landscape ecology

It is associated with the exchange of energy, materials, organisms and the rest of the ecosystems. Landscape puts light on the role of human effects on ecology, landscape structures and functions.

Ecosystem ecosystem

It belongs to the entire ecosystem, under which the study of their relations with living and inanimate components and environment is shambled. This science researches how ecosystems function, as well as their interaction etc.

Community ecology

It is associated with how the community structure is revised by the interaction between living organisms. The ecological community is formed from two or more populations of various species living in a particular geographical area .

Population ecology

It is associated with factors that convert and affect the size of genetic structure and population of organisms. Ecological scientists are interested in any other conversation with ups and downs in the size of the population, growth of population and population.

In biology, the population can be defined as a group of individuals of the same species living at some place in a scheduled time. Birth and immigration are the main factors to increase population and death and migration are the major factors that reduce population.

The population checks the ecosystem population distribution and density. The population density is due to the number of individuals in a given volume or area. This helps in determining whether a major species is in crisis or its number is to be controlled and resources are to be compensated.

Creature ecology

Biological ecological environmental challenges are the study of a personal organism, physiology, morphology in the north of environmental challenges. It sees how individual organisms do mutual action with biological and inorganic components. Ecologicalians do research, how organisms adapt to these inanimate and living components of their surroundings. Personal species are associated with a lot of adaptation such as physical adaptation, morphological adaptation and behavioural adaptation

Molecular ecology

The study of ecology focuses on protein yield. Also, how these proteins affect organisms and their environment. Explain that it happens at the molecular level. DNA creates protein, which talks with each other and the environment. These interactions give rise to some complex organisms.