
Bhindi ki kheti

Produce these varieties of lady finger in the month of February

Produce these varieties of lady finger in the month of February

The month of February is going on and in this month, farmers should cultivate these top 5 advanced varieties of lady finger to increase their income. Which are capable of giving great yield in a short time. These varieties of lady finger are Arka Anamika, Punjab Padmini, Arka Abhay, Pusa Savani and Parbhani revolution. Farmers produce fruits and vegetables according to the season in the field to increase their income. In this chain, today we have brought information about the top 5 advanced varieties of lady finger for the farmers of the country. The okra we are talking about is Pusa Savani, Parbhani Kranti, Arka Anamika, Punjab Padmini and Arka Abhay Varia.

All these varieties are capable of giving great yield in a short time. The demand for these varieties of lady finger in the market remains throughout the year. These varieties of lady finger are produced in many states of India. These top 5 advanced varieties of lady finger contain plenty of vitamins, fibre, antioxidants and minerals as well as magnesium, phosphorus, iron, calcium and potassium.

5 advanced varieties of lady finger

Pusa Sawani Variety of lady finger- This advanced variety of lady finger can be produced easily during summer, cold and rainy season. Pusa Sawani variety of lady finger is ready in a period of about 60 to 65 days during the rainy season.

Lady finger's Parbhani Revolution - This variety of lady finger is considered to be a resistance to drinking. If farmers plant their seeds in farming, then they start giving fruits at the time of about 50 days. The transit revolution is dark green. Also, its length is up to 15–18 cm.

Also read: If lady fingers will grow, then fingers will get tired of counting money!

Arka Anamika Variety of lady finger- This variety is very capable of fighting Yellowen Mosaic Virus disease. This type of ladyfinger is not found hairy. Also, its fruits are very soft. This variety of lady finger is capable of giving great production in both heat and rain.

Punjab Padmini Variety of lady finger- This variety of lady finger has been developed by Punjab University. This type of lady finger is completely straight and smooth. Also, if we talk about its colour, this lady finger is dark in colour.

Arka Abhaya Variety of lady finger- This variety is capable of fighting Yelowen Mosaic Virus disease. The Arka Abhay variety of okra gives good production within a few days by planting it in the field. This variety of lady finger plants are 120–150 cm long and straight

What to do to increase the production capacity of Ladyfinger in Zaid

What to do to increase the production capacity of Ladyfinger in Zaid

Okra is cultivated in the Zaid season. Okra cultivation is easy and suitable. The scientific name of Ladyfinger is Albemoschus esculentus. Lady finger is a hot-season vegetable, it is also known as okra in English. It contains many nutrients which play an important role in maintaining our health. 

Select high-yielding varieties 

Farmers select better varieties to produce ladyfinger. The high-yielding crops of Ladyfinger are Kashi Kranti, Kashi Pragati, Arka Anamika, and Parbhadi Kranti. Farmers can earn more profits by producing these varieties. 

Climate required for plant growth and yield 

A suitable climate is necessary for good growth of plants. Okra is a summer plant, it cannot tolerate cold weather for a long time. Okra can be cultivated in any type of soil but clay loamy soil is considered more suitable for it. 

There should also be good arrangements for drainage in the field. For the cultivation of okra, the pH level is said to be between 5 -and 6.5. 

Plant spacing to maximize plant size and yield

Ladyfinger plants are planted very close to each other. Okra is sown in rows, the distance of which should be 12 -24 inches. To control the weeds in the ladyfinger plant, weeding should be done from time to time. Okra requires abundant sunlight for its growth. 

Also read:  Complete information about ladyfinger cultivation

Nutrient management to increase production of ladyfinger 

To increase the cultivation of ladyfinger, farmers can use cow dung manure. While preparing the field for okra cultivation, fertilizers can also be used in it. Also, organic fertilizers can be sprayed in the field 4-6 weeks after sowing of okra. 

Seed treatment 

It is more important to select good varieties for good and better production of ladyfinger. Apart from this, before sowing ladyfinger, treat the seeds properly to ensure that the seeds are not suffering from any disease. 

If the seed is infected with disease then the crop will not be good. For seed treatment, farmers should mix 2 grams of Carbendazim per liter of water and soak the seeds in it for 6 hours. After the time is over, dry the seeds in the shade. 

Also read:  Farmers can earn huge profits from this variety of Kumkum Bhindi which is beneficial for health.

Disease Control 

To control diseases in okra crops, farmers can also adopt crop rotation. This reduces diseases in the plant and also increases production. 

Inspect the crop daily, by doing this crop diseases can be prevented. Spinosad can be sprayed on ladyfinger to prevent pests.