
Climate Change

Scientists developed heat tolerant varieties to avoid the stress of heat to the wheat crop

Scientists developed heat tolerant varieties to avoid the stress of heat to the wheat crop

Among the various climate hazards, heat stress is most important, which disrupts crop production. Damage related to heat during the reproductive phase severely affects crop yield. Terminal heat stress in wheat leads to morphophysical changes, bio -chemical disruption and genetic capacity.

Heat stress in the wheat crop affects the  production of roots and twigs, double ridge phase and initial biomass in the botanical phase. The final poor consequences of heat stress include the amount of grain, weight loss, slow grain filling rate, decrease in quality of grain and decrease in grain filling period.


In today's modern era where there is a steady increase in temperature. There is summer in the winter season, due to which the rabi crop has had a very bad effect on production. Due to which farmers are also facing a lot of damage.

Scientists of Indian Agricultural Research Institute developed heat tolerant varieties

Scientists of the Indian Agricultural Research Institute have developed new varieties of wheat to increase the production of wheat crops. These varieties can also give good yield in the increase in temperature in the months of March,  April. Such genes have been added to these varieties, which will not allow crop productivity to decrease in high temperatures.

Also read: Major Ratua disease in wheat crop

Farmers can also sow these varieties with time and delay. During a conversation with a senior scientist at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, it has been learned that he has developed a lot of wheat varieties which are appropriate for timely sowing and delayed sowing.

Varieties of wheat developed by Indian Agricultural Research Institute

The Indian Agricultural Research Institute has developed several varieties which will also give good yield by tolerating the heat of March and April. Agricultural scientists have developed many new varieties whose sowing will give farmers good production. You will get to see the names of these varieties below.

Also read: Advanced varieties of wheat, know the time of sowing, yield capacity and other details

HD- 3117, HD-3059, HD-3298, HD-3369, HD-3271, HI-1634, HI-1633, HI- 1621, HD 3118 (Pusa Vatsala) All these varieties have been developed by Indian Agricultural Research Institute. . These varieties have the ability to tolerate higher temperatures in March and April.

According to scientists at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, agricultural management techniques can also reduce heat stress in  wheat.

Farmers can also reduce heat stress in wheat crops by changing some agricultural management techniques - such as protection to reduce soil moisture loss, using balanced dosage of fertilisers, duration and methods of sowing etc. To reduce the effects of excessive heat, using external preservatives, wheat can be prepared better when grown in a warm environment.

Apart from these, mulching can be a good option to reduce water scarcity due to heat stress, especially in rain -based areas where water availability is a serious concern. Organic mulch helps maintain soil moisture,  plant growth and improve nitrogen use efficiency.

What is the reason for the continuous decline in the income of farmers

What is the reason for the continuous decline in the income of farmers

There are many reasons for the lack of income of farmers. The farmers  are facing various problems due to the continuous change in the climate. In fact, in a survey, climate change has been described as the main factor of fall in income.

The income of farmers is continuously decreasing. A survey has revealed that farmers are also affected due to the change in climate on the earth. According to the survey, due to this, the income of farmers has fallen by 15.7% in the last two years. Also, during this period one in 6 farmers has lost up to 25 percent.

Most farmers are worried about future farming

In the survey, 71 percent of the farmers have said that due to climate change, their cultivation has so far had widespread side effects. Most of the farmers are worried about future farming. 73 percent of the farmers say that due to diseases of pesticides and crops, more pressure is being faced. The 'Farmer Voice' survey has displayed the challenges faced by farmers around the world due to climate change and future preparations.

Also read: climate change becomes a problem for horticulture farmers, how to save your produce

Farmers of India and Kenya are worried

Life Science Company Bayer conducted a 'farmer voice' survey from 800 farmers worldwide. Among them, there were almost the same number of small and big farmers from Germany, India, Kenya, Ukraine, US, Australia, Brazil and China. Farmers believe that the challenge arising in farming due to climate change will continue. Globally, three -fourths of the farmers said that climate change will have a lot of side effects on their farming. Farmers of India and Kenya were more concerned with this.

It is necessary to show the problems of farmers clearly

Rodrigo Santos, a member of the Board of Management of Bare AG and President of Crop Science Division, has said that farmers are facing side effects on farming due to climate change. In addition, he is playing an important role towards dealing with serious challenges. Therefore, it is very important to bring out their voice. This survey has clearly shown the crisis on world food security due to climate change. In view of the increasing global population, the results from the survey will help the capitalists to make agriculture regenerative.

How does climate change affect agriculture?

How does climate change affect agriculture?

How does climate change affect agriculture?

Climate change is becoming a global issue. Climate change is not a concept specific to any country or nation. Climate change is a global phenomenon, which is becoming a matter of concern for the entire planet. 

Climate change has increased the risk of floods, droughts, agricultural crisis and food security, diseases, migration, etc. in India and the whole world. However, a large section of India (about 60% of the population) is still dependent on agriculture, and is comfortable with its impact. Therefore, it becomes extremely important to see the effects of climate change on agriculture.

According to the survey, India is among the top ten countries most affected by climate change. Changing climatic conditions are affecting agriculture the most. Because, in the long run, it depends on seasonal factors like rainfall, temperature, humidity, etc. 

So in this article we will try to know how climate change affects agriculture.

Climate change can affect agriculture in the following ways:

Decrease in world agricultural production

World agriculture is facing a serious decline this century due to global warming. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the overall impact of climate change on global agriculture will be negative. 

Although some crops will benefit greatly from this, the overall impact of climate change on crop productivity will be more negative than positive.

Also read: Requirements for tillage in agro-climatic conditions 

In India, production is expected to fall by about 4.5 per cent to 9 per cent between 2010-2039 due to climate change. According to research, if the average temperature of the atmosphere increases by 1 degree Celsius, it can reduce the production of wheat by 17 percent. 

Similarly, an increase in temperature by 2 degree Celsius is also likely to reduce paddy production by 0.75 tonne per hectare.

Reduction in favorable conditions for agriculture 

Due to climate change, the shift of temperature towards high latitude will adversely affect agriculture in low latitude regions. 

India's water resources and reserves are shrinking fast, forcing farmers to abandon traditional irrigation methods and opt for modern water-intensive crops. 

The melting of glaciers can lead to long-term reduction in the catchment area of various major rivers, leading to water stress in agriculture and irrigation. 

According to a report, pollution, land degradation and drought due to climate change have reduced the quality of three quarters of the earth's landmass.

Increase in average temperature due to climate change

Temperatures have risen in recent decades due to climate change. Since the beginning of industrialization, the temperature of the earth has increased by about 0.7 C. 

There are some plants, which need a special temperature. Increasing temperature of the atmosphere has an adverse effect on their production. These crops like barley, potato, wheat and mustard etc. require low temperature. 

Also read: How Climate Change Affects the Agricultural Sector

At the same time, the increase in temperature is very harmful for them. Similarly, crops like maize, sorghum and paddy can be damaged due to high temperature. 

Because, due to high temperature, these crops do not produce or produce less grains. Thus increase in temperature adversely affects these crops.

Change in the cycle of rainfall

 Two thirds of the agricultural area of India is dependent on rainfall and the productivity of agriculture depends on rainfall and its quantity. Changes in the amount and pattern of rainfall affect soil erosion and soil moisture. 

An increase in temperature causes a decrease in rainfall, which in turn depletes the soil of moisture. Apart from this reduction and increase in temperature has an effect on rainfall, due to which chances of dew and drought become more in the land.

The effects of global warming have been profoundly affecting for some years. Central India will experience 10 to 20 percent reduction in winter rainfall by 2050.

The Western Hemisphere is likely to receive above normal rainfall. Similarly, increase in temperature and decrease in rainfall in the central hilly regions may lead to decrease in tea crop.

Increase in carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide accounts for about 60 per cent of global warming. The increase in carbon dioxide and temperature has an adverse effect on plants and agriculture. 

During the last 30-50 years, the carbon dioxide concentration has reached about 450 ppm (points per million). However, the increase in CO2 content is beneficial for some crops such as wheat and rice. 

Because it accelerates the process of photosynthesis and reduces the losses caused by evaporation. However, despite this, there has been a significant decline in the wheat production which is some of the major food crops, which is due to the increase in carbon dioxide i. e. increase in temperature.

Increasing Pest and Disease 

Climate change leads to an increase in pests and microbes. The breeding capacity of insects and moths increases a lot in hot climates, due to which the number of insects increases a lot and it has a big impact on agriculture.

The use of pesticides to control insects and germs is also harmful for agricultural crops.

However, some more drought-tolerant crops have benefited from climate change. Sorghum produce, which is used as food grain by most of the developing world, including India. 

Since the 1970s, there has been an increase of about 0.9% in Western, South-Eastern Asia. Sub-Saharan Africa grew by 0.7 percent. 

At the same time, if some crops are left out, the impact of climate change on total crop productivity is negative.