

How is cumin cultivated?

How is cumin cultivated?

Cumin is a spice crop, which is cultivated as a spice. This cumin is exactly like fennel in appearance, but it is slightly different in colour. Cumin seeds are used to produce aroma in a variety of dishes.

Apart from this, it is used in many ways in food, some of which people use in powder or roast food. Consuming cumin seeds relieves many stomach related diseases. The cumin plant is of dry climate, and its plants need normal rains In India, cumin is most cultivated in Rajasthan and Gujarat, 80% of the total cumin of the whole country is produced here, out of which 28% cumin is produced in Rajasthan state alone, in its western region 80% cumin production is in the state. 

The same neighbouring state Gujarat produces more than Rajasthan. At present, the production capacity can be increased from 25% to 50% by growing improved varieties of cumin. Most of the farmers are also earning good profit by growing improved varieties of cumin. If you also want to cultivate cumin, then in this article you are being given information about how to cultivate cumin (Cumin Farming in Hindi) and the price of cumin.

Soil requirement for cumin cultivation

Sandy loam soil is required for good yield of cumin. In its cultivation, the land should be properly drained, and the pH value of the land should also be normal. Cumin is grown along with the Rabi crop, so its plants grow well in cold climates. Its plants need normal rain, and a very hot climate is not suitable for its plants. Cumin plants need 25 degree temperature after transplanting, and 20 degree temperature is appropriate at the time of plant growth. Its plants can easily tolerate a maximum temperature of 30 degrees and a minimum of 20 degrees.


Varieties of cumin

At present, many types of improved varieties of cumin have been prepared, which are grown to give higher yields according to different climates. R.Z. 19 , G. C. 4 , R. Z. 209 , G.C.

 Also Read: Spices or Masala price hike: First vegetable now tempering in dal also becomes expensive, spices prices increase record

Land preparation for sowing cumin seeds

Before harvesting cumin, his field is well prepared. For this, first of all, the soil of the field is ploughed deep with turning halos. After ploughing, the field is left open like this for some time. After this, 10 carts of old dung manure are ploughed in the field as natural manure, due to which the fertiliser gets well mixed in the soil of the field. After adding the manure to the soil, two to three diagonal ploughs are done. After ploughing, the field is watered and ploughed.

 Fertiliser and manure management in the crop

At the time of last ploughing of the field after the plough, 65 kg of DAP should be given. And 9 kg of urea has to be sprayed in the field. After this, the soil of the field is made friable by installing a rotavator in the field. After the soil becomes friable, the field is levelled by applying pata. This does not cause the problem of waterlogging in the field. Apart from this, the amount of 20 to 25 kg urea has to be given to the plants during the third irrigation at the time of plant growth.

Also read: Know about the schemes related to spices that get money and training

Seed rate for sowing cumin seeds

Cumin seeds are planted in the form of seeds. For this, spraying and drill techniques are used. To transplant by drill method, 8 to 10 KG seeds are required in one acre field. For transplanting seeds by the same spraying method, 12 KG seeds are required in one acre field. The seeds are treated with an appropriate amount of carbon dioxide before they are planted in the field. Through the spraying method, the beds are prepared for transplanting keeping a distance of 5 feet in the field.

 Sowing seeds

Seeds are sprayed in these beds and pressed with a hand or tooth. This pressurises the seed below one to one and a half cm. Apart from this, if you want to transplant seeds by drill method, then for that you have to prepare the rows in the field, and a distance of one foot is kept between each row. Sowing of seeds in rows is done at a distance of 10 to 15 cm. Since cumin is planted along with the RABI CROP, it is advisable to sow its seeds till the end of November.

Crop Irrigation Management

Cumin plants have a normal need for irrigation. The initial irrigation is done immediately after transplanting the seed, and the initial irrigation has to be done with a slow flow of water, so that the seed does not get washed away by the strong current of water. Its plants mostly require 5 to 7 irrigations. After the first irrigation, the remaining irrigation has to be done in an interval of 10 to 12 days.

Weed control in crop

Both chemical and natural methods are used for weed control in the cumin field. In the chemical method, the appropriate amount of Oxadiargyl is mixed with water to form a solution, which is then sprayed in the field after planting the seeds. In the natural method, weeding of plants is done. Its first ploughing is done about 20 days after planting the seeds, and the remaining ploughing has to be done in an interval of 15 days. Its plants require a maximum of two to three hoeings.

Also read: Weed control in wheat crop

Crop yield

Improved varieties of cumin are ready to give yield after about 100 to 120 days of seed sowing. When the colour of the seeds in its plants starts to appear light brown, during that time the flower canopy is cut and collected and dried in the field itself. After this, the grains are removed by machine from the dried flower canopy. Depending on the improved varieties, a yield of about 7 to 8 quintals is obtained from one hectare field of cumin. The market price of cumin is up to Rs 200 per kg, according to which the farmer can earn good profits by earning 40 to 50 thousand rupees from one crop of cumin.

Small and marginal farmers now get easy loans

Small and marginal farmers now get easy loans

Small farmers in India will now have easier access to financing. Let us inform you that the Modi administration will shortly introduce a new programme through which small and marginal farmers linked with ARDB would benefit from loans and related services. The national government will shortly introduce a new strategy for the country's small farmers. Actually, Union Cooperative Minister Amit Shah is about to initiate a computerization initiative for Agricultural and Rural Development Banks and the Registrar of Cooperative Societies.

According to the official release, Amit Shah will oversee the computerization of ARDB and RCS throughout the states and union territories. The programme is being organised by the Ministry of Cooperation with the assistance of the National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC). The Ministry has made a crucial step by computerising the offices of Agriculture and Rural Development Banks (ARDBs) and Registrars of Cooperative Societies (RCSs) in states and union territories.

Organised by Ministry of Cooperation with the help of NCDC

The Ministry of Cooperation is organising this programme in partnership with the National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC). The project would completely computerise the offices of Agriculture and Rural Development Banks (ARDBs) and Registrars of Cooperative Societies (RCSs) in States/Union Territories, which is a key step made by the Ministry of Cooperation. According to the statement, this initiative would modernise the cooperative sector while increasing efficiency, where the entire cooperative system will be placed onto a single digital platform.

Also to read: farmers to get benefits of government schemes through cooperative societies

ARDB to continue computerising 1851 units

According to the announcement, 1,851 ARDB units throughout 13 states and territories would be computerised. These will be linked to the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD). This means that regularly used software will be based on a single national software. This programme will improve operational efficiency, accountability, and transparency at ARDB by standardising business processes using the Common Accounting System (CAS) and Management Information System (MIS). The strategy will let small and marginal farmers to benefit from ARDB acreage and related services via Primary Agricultural Credit Societies (PACS).

Ayurvedic herbs that are extremely beneficial for health are as follows:

Ayurvedic herbs that are extremely beneficial for health are as follows:

India has spread Ayurveda throughout the world. Ayurveda has been mentioned in our Puranas and stories and it is being used even in today's scientific era. Today's pharmaceutical and FMCG companies produce medicines and cosmetic products for us. Their inclination towards Ayurveda has also increased rapidly. Ayurveda is considered very special for the treatment of diseases and the healthy mind of our body. Today we are going to tell you about some Ayurvedic medicines used in this modern era.


For your information, let us tell you that this herb is used for weight loss. Asparagus is a major anti-cancer medicine, which proves to be very helpful in the treatment of cancer. Its use proves to be a panacea for women's problems like pregnancy-related diseases, menstrual problems, etc.

Also read: Farmers can become millionaires by cultivating Keedajadi, and know how farming is done.


As we all know, Tulsi is a plant found in every household. Its juice is used for sinus, ear, head, and nose pain. Apart from this, it acts as a panacea for swelling, night blindness, and throat problems.


Ashwagandha works to reduce the weakness of our body and it also increases the digestive capacity. It provides immense strength to the bones of our body. It is used extensively due to its anti-cancer and anti-tumor properties. By consuming it daily, diseases like stress, insomnia, high blood pressure, and diabetes can be avoided.

Also read:  Ashwagandha Farming: Farmers are earning good income from Ashwagandha cultivation.


Brahmi herb is used for diabetes, heart disease, stress, headache, and swelling in the eyes. It is given for consumption to lactating women and women during the asparagus period. This is the most important herb given to women during pregnancy.

In Ayurveda, all these herbs are used in both syrup and powder form. It is consumed like medicine with warm water and milk in the morning and evening. In Ayurveda, herbs are used to treat a sick person. It is used for a man's longer life and better life.

The biggest problem of Parwal is fruit, leaf and root rot disease. How to manage it?

The biggest problem of Parwal is fruit, leaf and root rot disease. How to manage it?

In the world, apart from India, Parwal is cultivated in China, Russia, Thailand, Poland, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Egypt and Myanmar. In India, Parwal is cultivated in the states of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Assam, West Bengal, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Madras, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Kerala and Tamil Nadu. In Uttar Pradesh, Parwal is cultivated on commercial level in Jaunpur, Faizabad, Gonda, Varanasi, Ghazipur, Ballia and Deoria districts, whereas in Bihar, Parwal is cultivated commercially in Patna, Vaishali, Muzaffarpur, Samastipur, Champaran, Sitamarhi, Begusarai, Khagaria, It occurs in Munger and Bhagalpur.

 In Bihar, it is cultivated in the plains and Diara areas. During the rainy season, fruit, leaf and root rot diseases are more common in Parwal, the main reason for this is the high humidity in the environment. This disease occurs on a large scale in all the major Parwal growing areas of the country. The severity of this disease is seen in almost all Parwal producing areas. 

This disease is not only seen in the crops standing in the field, apart from this, this disease is also seen when the fruits are plucked. Wet dark colored spots are formed on the fruits, these spots grow and rot the fruit and these rotten fruits start smelling, the fruits which are close to the ground are more diseased. Cotton-like fungus is visible on rotten fruits.

Causes of root and stem rot in Parwal

Fungal pathogen: More than one pathogen is responsible for root and vine rot in Parwal. Phytophthora melonis causes rotting of fruits, leaves and roots of Parwal (Trichosanthes dioica). Apart from this, Rhizoctonia solani, various species of Fusarium and various species of Pythium are also the main causes behind root and vine rot in Parwal. There are reasons. These pathogens thrive in hot and humid conditions, making the crop vulnerable, especially during the rainy season.

Also read: Farmers can earn good money in a short amount of time by growing parwal

Poor drainage: Waterlogged soils or inadequate drainage systems create ideal environments for fungus growth. Excess moisture around the roots and vines promotes the development of rot. 

Contaminated soil and planting material: Using contaminated soil or infected planting material can introduce pathogens into the crop. Proper soil sterilization and use of disease-free seedlings are essential preventive measures.

Effect of rotting on Parwal

Reduction in yield: Root and vine rot can significantly reduce crop yield. Infected plants may produce small, deformed fruits, or in severe cases, fail to produce harvestable produce.

Economic loss: For farmers, lower yields mean lower income. The costs of inputs such as seeds, fertilizers and labor are not compensated, leading to financial losses.

Crop Quality: The quality of Parwal can be compromised even if the crop survives. Rotten vines and roots affect the taste and texture of the vegetable, making it unmarketable.

How to manage root and stem rot disease in Parwal?

Effective management of root and vine rot in Parwal involves a combination of preventive and curative measures. To solve this problem, some solutions are as follows:

Also read: Started production off parwal after learning from farming university, earning of upto 80 thousands

Crop rotation and site selection

Implement crop rotation system to break the disease cycle. Avoid planting Parval in the same soil for consecutive seasons. Choose well-drained, elevated planting sites to reduce the risk of waterlogging.

Preparing the soil

Before planting, make sure the soil is properly prepared. Incorporate organic matter such as compost to improve soil structure and drainage. Use soil solarization, a technique where plastic sheets are used to trap heat and kill soil-borne pathogens before planting.

Seed selection and treatment

Use disease-free planting material from reputable sources. Treat the planting material with fungicide before transplanting to reduce the chance of fungal infection.

Proper water management

Irrigate the crop carefully, avoiding excessive moisture around the roots and vines. Use drip irrigation to deliver water directly to the root zone, reducing fungal contact.

Also read: All information regarding drip irrigation

Use of fungicide

Use fungicides as a preventive measure, especially during the early stages of plant growth. To control this, fruits should not be allowed to come in contact with the ground. For this, straw or reeds should be spread on the ground. Spraying fungicide containing Ridomil and Mancozeb mixed with Ridomil M Gold, 2 grams per liter of water and thoroughly wetting the soil around Parwal with this solution reduces the severity of the disease. 

It is worth noting that Parwal fruits should be harvested only after 10 days of spraying the medicine. All pluckable fruits should be plucked before spraying the medicine. The schedule for spraying the medicine should be decided only after the weather forecast, because if it rains immediately after spraying the medicine, the expected benefits will not be achieved. Consult agricultural experts for guidance on proper fungicide and application schedule.

Controlling the organic matter

Use beneficial microorganisms such as various species of Trichoderma that help suppress pathogenic fungi.


Practice good field sanitation by removing and destroying infected plant debris. This prevents the formation of pathogens in the soil. Disinfect tools and equipment to prevent the spread of disease.

Fungus resistant varieties of parwal

If available, choose Parwal varieties that are resistant to root and vine rot. Resistant varieties can reduce the risk of infection to a great extent.

Also read: 3 new types of parwal developed in this state

Nutrient management

Maintain balanced levels of nutrients in the soil. Plants lacking nutrients are more susceptible to diseases. Regularly monitor and adjust fertilizer application based on soil testing.

Training and education of farmers

Train farmers in disease identification and management techniques. Establish local support networks and extension services for timely advice and assistance.

Weather monitoring

Keep an eye on weather conditions, especially during the rainy season. Apply preventive measures when conditions are favorable for fungal growth. To conclude, root and vine rot in Parwal can be challenging for farmers, but with the right management strategies, its impact can be minimized. Preventive measures such as crop rotation, soil preparation and proper water management are important. 

Additionally, the use of disease resistant varieties and biological control methods can further increase crop resilience. By taking a holistic approach to disease management and staying informed about best practices, farmers can protect their Parval crops and ensure a safer and more profitable harvest.

 Making farmer credit card is very easy, card will be found within 14 days of application

Making farmer credit card is very easy, card will be found within 14 days of application

The process of preparing the Kisan Credit Card has been made quite smooth. The farmers will currently get their farmer credit card within only 14 days. Various schemes are going on by the government to help the farmers. Farmer credit cards are created by the government to help the farmers during the economic challenges coming during farming, with the help of which the farmers can get financial benefits.

The Kisan Credit Card is a government scheme that was issued in 1998 to give additional loans to the farmers. It was released by the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development. Farmers get loans through this scheme. Apart from this, eligible farmers are also given a savings account along with Kisan Credit Card, on which farmers get interest at a very good rate.

At present, the process of making Kisan Credit Cards by the government has been smooth. After completing the application, within just 14 days, the farmer will be provided his card.

Changes in the process of making credit cards

After the application, it will be found in 14 days. The additional fees charged on the documents have been removed. The application process has been made quite easy. Publicity is being done to increase awareness.

Also read: This state government will issue farmers credit card to 66 lakh farmers, every type of facility will be available

Documents required to make Kisan Credit Card application

Passport Size Photo

Land documents

Identity cards like PAN card, Aadhaar card or driving licence

Address proof like Aadhaar card, voter ID or driving licence

Where is the world-famous Sojat Mehndi cultivated the most?

Where is the world-famous Sojat Mehndi cultivated the most?

Sojat Mehndi is cultivated the most in the Pali district of Rajasthan. Small and big businessmen here are supporting their families very well by doing henna business. The Mehndi here has also received the GI tag. After getting the GI tag, the responsibilities of the businessmen here have increased a lot. They are so honest towards their business that today Sojat Mehndi has become the most trusted Mehndi brand in the whole world.

As soon as we hear the name of Mehndi, various types of designs engraved on our hands emerge in our minds. At the same time, Sojat Henna has created its own identity for red-colored henna all over the world. The trust of women in this Mehndi is so strong that it has no limits. Everyone has a dilemma regarding any other mehendi, whether it will leave a bright color after applying it to the hand or not. At the same time, if any other mehendi is leaving such a red color, then there is a dilemma as to whether any chemical has been mixed in it. But, this is not the case with Sojat Mehndi.

Also read: Big profit at low cost, earn lakhs from henna cultivation

The credibility of Sojat Mehndi is increasing day by day.

Its credibility among the people is increasing day by day. It should be known that Sojat Mehndi is cultivated the most in the Pali district of Rajasthan. Small and big traders here are supporting their families very well by doing henna business. The Mehndi here has also received the GI tag. After getting the GI tag, the responsibilities of the businessmen here have increased a lot. The businessmen there are so honest towards their business, that today Sojaat Mehndi has become the most trusted Mehndi brand in the entire world.

Also read: Asafoetida of this district of UP got GI tag, a wave of happiness ran among the farmers

Mehndi is considered an important part of women's makeup

Mehndi has its special significance in the makeup of women of every religion. In a way, we can say that without Mehndi, the makeup of women of any religion remains incomplete. The importance of Mehndi increases significantly on special occasions. Especially on auspicious occasions or during Teej festivals, in the month of Sawan, women sing Kajri with henna applied on their hands. On all these occasions, Sojat Mehndi is the first choice of women. Because, it is completely chemical-free, due to which it gives bright color to the hands. Sojat Mehndi has its color, which is natural and does not harm the skin in any way.

Women's participation in Sojat Mehndi business

For your information, let us tell you that today women's participation is increasing in every field. Nowadays, women do not trust any other mehndi as much as they do Sojat Mehndi. Today many women are running beauty parlors or applying mehndi independently at weddings. They all generally apply to Sojat Mehndi only. According to a statistic, women have an 80 percent stake in the mehndi business.

Farmers can get agricultural loans by using Kisan Credit Card at low-interest rates.

Farmers can get agricultural loans by using Kisan Credit Card at low-interest rates.

By using the Kisan Credit Card, farmers can get loans at low interest rates. For this, they will have to go to the bank and submit the documents given here. The government has run various schemes to help the farmers. Lakhs of farmers across India are also getting benefits from the support of these schemes. Kisan Credit Card Scheme is being run so that the farmers do not have to face financial problems during agriculture. Under the scheme, a loan facility is also being provided to the farmers.

For your information, let us tell you that earlier there was a provision to provide benefits under the scheme only to farmers doing farming. But, at present, farmers engaged in fish farming and animal husbandry are also being given benefits under this scheme. Apart from crop management, farmers can also take loans for dairy work and purchase pump sets, etc. Under this scheme, the government has made arrangements so that there is not much interest pressure on the farmers. Due to an increase in interest, the cost of farming also increases, due to which farmers get trapped in the burden of debt. To save the farmers from this, much less interest is charged on KCC than the regular loans of banks.

Documents required for the agricultural loan at low interest.

Farmers, if you want to take an agricultural loan at low interest, then you need to have identity proof such as a voter ID card, driver's license, Aadhar card, PAN card, etc. Along with this, it is also very important to have land documents and a passport-size photograph of the applicant.

 Also read: Good news: Finance Minister launches Kisan Loan Portal, now subsidized loan will be available easily

Farmers apply like this

Kisan Credit Card will be issued to the farmers after submitting the certificate, photo, and filled application form to the bank. KCC will be issued within 15 days of submission of the application form.

The interest rate of a KCC loan ranges from two percent to an average of 4 percent.

KCC loan interest starts from two percent. On average it goes up to 4 percent. The interest rate also depends on how much time the farmers can repay the KCC loan. If the farmers pay within a short time, they can get a loan of up to Rs 3 lakh at a very easy rate of 4 percent. Along with this, farmers also get the benefit of insurance.

Haryana government has started purchasing 14 crops at MSP

Haryana government has started purchasing 14 crops at MSP

The Haryana government is also purchasing moong, oil seeds, millet and other food grains along with wheat and paddy by 367 markets. At present, maize, millet, cotton, sunflower, moong, groundnuts, arhar, urad, sesame, mustard, barley, grams and paddy are being bought in Haryana at MSP. Haryana has become the first state to buy 14 food grains at minimum support price ( MSP). From the State government side, the government is also purchasing moong, oil seeds, millet and other food grains along with wheat and paddy by 367 markets. At present, purchase of maize, millet, cotton, sunflower, moong, groundnuts, arhar, urad and sesame is being made on MSP. For your kind information, let you know that most states purchase only famous crops like wheat, paddy, cotton and sugarcane on MSP. But Haryana is the first state to purchase 14 crops on MSP. 

Compensation will be given at crop failure 

The Khattar government also talked about providing compensation to the farmers for their failed crops, which will directly be given in their accounts. State government took this step for the damaged crops of farmers due to excessive rain. He said, the state government is taking assessment of loss to farmers. Under this assessment, the government will transfer the compensation amount for the damaged crops to farmers directly in their accounts. 

Read  also: relief to farmers of 35 districts of Uttar Pradesh, compensation will be given to crop failure

The Haryana government is making financial condition of farmers better

The Haryana government is making every possible effort in making farmers financially and socially stable. The state government is also putting up multiple schemes for this. A few of these schemes include credit card scheme, Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojna, dairy entrepreneurship development scheme ( DEDS), kisan tractor Yojna, Kisan Mitra Yojna, agricultural flight scheme, Pashu Kisan credit card scheme. Let us tell you that from these schemes, farmers are also getting other benefits other than grants.

Benefits to farmers from Meri Fasal- Mera Byora

The State government has issued this scheme on 5 July 2019. With the help of this scheme, farmers can upload complete details of their crops online on the internet. Along with this, farmers will also be able to upload the details of any damage caused to their crops. 



Farmer brothers can avail loan through Kisan Credit Card. Through this card, farmer brothers get loans at affordable rates. Various works are being done by the government to help the farmers, one of which is the Kisan Credit Card. Farmer brothers get loans at very low interest rates through this card. What should be the age of farmers applying for Kisan Credit Card? Also, what documents are required. We will tell you this through this news.

Through Kisan Credit Card, loans up to Rs 3 lakh are easily available at affordable interest rates. The interest rate on this loan starts from 7 percent. At the same time, farmers who repay the loan on time are given a rebate of up to 3 percent in the interest rate. In this way, only a 4 percent interest rate has to be paid on the loan taken from Kisan Credit Card. 

Eligibility for Kisan Credit Card.

To avail the benefit of Kisan Credit Card, the age of the farmer should be between 18 years to 75 years. The farmer should have at least 2 acres of agricultural land. Besides, it is also necessary for farmer brothers to have a bank account. To apply for a Kisan Credit Card, the farmer is required to visit the branch of the concerned bank. Through the Kisan Credit Card, farmers can get the necessary funds for agricultural work. Farmers can use this loan for fertilizer, seeds, agricultural machines, animal husbandry and fish farming etc.

Document required to make KCC.

PAN Card

Aadhar Card

Ration Card

Voter ID 

Bank account information

Documents related to agricultural land 

The Indian government gives the agriculture sector in Kenya a gift worth 250 US dollars

The Indian government gives the agriculture sector in Kenya a gift worth 250 US dollars

Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his official statement to the media said that India has always prioritized Africa and has made efforts to strengthen the bond with a continent on mission mode in the last decade. President of Kenya William Ruto came to India for a three day tour to strengthen our relationship.

After the discussion on Tuesday with President Ruto, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced that India will give 250 million US dollars to the agriculture sector in Kenya for its modernisation. President Ruto came to India to strengthen the relations between the two Nations.

What Prime Minister Modi said

After discussion Prime Minister Modi said to the media that India has always prioritized Africa in it's external affairs policy and for the last decade or so has been doing continuous efforts to stand in our bonds with the continent. He said, “ I believe this tour of President Ruto will not only strengthen our Continental relationships but also increase our Bond with Africa”

India will help Kenya modernize its agriculture.

PM Modi said that India will Loan 250 million US dollars for modernisation of agriculture in Kenya. While discussing about the Indian Ocean he said that the closest between Kenya and India is the result of efforts done by both the countries.

Terrorism is the biggest problem for humanity.

Both India and Kenya believe that terrorism is the biggest danger to humidity. Both the countries decided that they will work together towards eradicating terrorism. Pm said that both countries will always look forward to helping and supporting each other financially.

 How will farmers benefit from the carbon credit finance project?

How will farmers benefit from the carbon credit finance project?

The carbon credit finance project will help small farmers to get additional financial assistance from carbon markets and support the BHGY project to ensure frequent care of trees even after the time period. Transform Rural India (TRI) has unveiled the Carbon Credit Finance Project to provide benefit of more than Rs 1 lakh in Jharkhand, with the help of Intellecap and Acorn (Rabobank). This initiative targets all the farmers of the state who have been supported under the Birsa Gram Yojana since 2018. Their integration has been provided in the Robobank ACORN platform. Prominent women have planted fruit orchards and local wooden trees on more than 1 lakh acres of rural land with the support of the Jharkhand government under the Birsa Green Gram Yojana (BHGY) of MNREGA. For your information, these farmers will get the benefit of removing carbon in the next 15-20 years.

BHGY project initiative took place in Jharkhand

This project determines the continuous care of trees even after the support period of the BHGY project by collaborating in getting financial assistance to small farmers in addition to carbon markets. Remarkably, there is no risk for farmers or there is no necessary investment from them or the government. The design of the project started in December 2022 in collaboration with the implementation stakeholders in support of the Government of Jharkhand.

Also read: Under this scheme, financial assistance of Rs 3 thousand will be given to small and marginal farmers per month.

What has “Krishi and Climate", Managing Director of IntelCap, said about this?

Managing Director of IntelCap, Krishi and Climate, Santosh K. Singh said, "We are committed to increase the income of small farmers and convert them into climate smart farmers . Climate finance, mainly by supporting carbon finance, the project enables this change to profitable and climate flexible agricultural practices. We are also focusing on the ecosystem that is necessary to achieve it. Also, the stage works with government agencies, investors and corporates to help small farmers. "

Also read: Thousands of farmers will be benefited under the Chief Minister's Minor Irrigation Scheme.

This project has been set on the principle of proper payment to farmers, in which 80% of carbon credit revenue generated will be transferred directly to farmers' accounts. In addition to the carbon credit, the stakeholders will find a way to provide additional benefits to farmers through the Green Credit Platform of the Government of India and other global biodiversity platforms. The objective of the project is to determine proper maintenance of plantation, encourage the income of small farmers and generate local employment opportunities.

When, how and why is the planting of Rudraksha plant done?

When, how and why is the planting of Rudraksha plant done?

Today we will give you information about Rudraksha plant in this article of Mary Kheti. As we all know, Rudraksha has a special spiritual significance in Hinduism. There are very important things about Rudraksha, which will be very good for you to know. Most of the people plant Rudraksha in their home, so that they can get a Mukhi Rudraksha at their home. However, there is absolutely no guarantee that a Mukhi Rudraksha is found from this plant. However, you are following some tips, which increases its chances. If you can achieve a Mukhi Rudraksha. However, no scientific evidence of this has been seen.

What is the suitable soil for better growth of Rudraksha plants?

Select the suitable soil for Rudraksha plant. For Rudraksha plants, use light and nutrient -rich soil. After that take a pot, which is equivalent to the size of the plant. The pot should be so big that the roots of the plant can ensure proper space to spread. Holes in the floor of the pot are very important, so that drainage can occur. Fill the soil inside the pot and plant the plant in it. After that, add water to the plant better.

Also read: Learn information related to expensive vanilla plant than saffron

At what time is it considered appropriate to plant Rudraksha?

A good time to plant Rudraksha plants can be winter. Because, to develop it, there is a lot of coolness. Keep this plant inside the shed. If you live in a very hot place. If the temperature is more than 35 degrees, preserve it with direct sunlight. So that it can fruit and flow with ease. Keep it completely in the sun. He likes light and air places. However, intense sunlight is not considered favourable for him.

Take special care of these things for Rudraksha production

Keep the plant better dry.

Keep the plant in the sun in the morning or evening.

Give organic manure per month to the plant.

Check the plant regularly or treat any disease or insect infection quickly.