

 Let's know complete information about cashew nut cultivation

Let's know complete information about cashew nut cultivation

Cashew nut is a popular nut of India. Cashew nuts are about an inch thick. Cashew is a type of tree that is used as a dry fruit. Cashew nuts are encased inside a shell with two layers, and this shell is smooth and oily. Cashew nuts are produced in many states of the country like India. For example: West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Orissa, Maharashtra and Goa.

When and How to cultivate cashew nuts?

Cashew nuts are cultivated by farmers in the months of April and May. The land is first prepared by the farmers for the cultivation of cashew nuts. In this, unnecessary plants and shrubs on the land are uprooted. After this, the field is ploughed 3-4 times, after ploughing, the field is levelled by applying pata. After that, after making the land more fertile, cow dung manure is also used by the farmers. As per the requirement, the farmers plough the field well by adding manure to the field.

How to Sow?

For sowing cashew plants, pits are made in the field at a distance of 15-20 metres in the field. The pits are left empty for at least 15 -20 days. After that, DAP and dung manure are mixed in the top soil and filled well. Keep in mind that the land near the pits is not such that there is a problem of watering, it can have a great effect on the cashew plant.

Also Read: Farmers can earn good income in no time from this dry fruit cultivation

It is considered better to plant cashew plants in the rainy season. After sowing, sowing and hoeing work is done by the farmers from time to time to prevent weeds in the field.

Improved varieties of cashew nuts 

There are different varieties of cashew nuts that can be produced by farmers. Vegurla-4, Ullal-2, Ullal-4, BPP-1, BPP-2, T-40 are all the major varieties of cashew nuts, by producing which the farmer can earn more profit. Most of these varieties are produced in states like Madhya Pradesh, Kerala, Bengal, Orissa and Karnataka.

Climate and soil suitable for cashew cultivation

Cashew nuts can be cultivated in all types of soil. Most of the cashew nuts are produced in rainfed areas, so seaside, red and laterite soils are considered better for cashew cultivation. Cashew nut is mainly produced in the state of Jharkhand, because the soil and climate here are considered suitable for cashew cultivation. Cashew nut is considered a tropical crop, hence its production requires a hot and hot climate.

Suitable manure and fertilisers for cashew cultivation

For more production of cashew nut cultivation, farmers can use urea, potash and phosphate along with cow dung manure. In the first year, 70 gms of phosphate, 200 gms of urea and 300 gms of urea are used by the farmers. After some time, its quantity should be doubled with the growth of the crop. Farmers should also keep an eye on the problem of pests and weeds in the field on time.

Also Read: First consignment of cashew nuts from Odisha exported to Bangladesh with APEDA support

For good production of cashew nuts, farmers should prune the trees from time to time. All this is necessary to give a good structure to the cashew tree. Farmers should keep checking the cashew trees, and from time to time the drying twigs or diseased twigs in the tree should be removed. There are many pests in cashew nut crop, which scorch the plant by sucking the juice of new shoots and leaves coming in the cashew tree.

When is cashew crop harvested

The cashew crop is ready from February to April. The entire cashew crop is not harvested, only the fallen nuts are collected. After collecting the nuts, they are dried thoroughly in the sun. After drying them well in the sun, they are filled in jute bags by the farmers. These bags are kept at a high place to keep the crop away from moisture.

The botanical name of cashew nuts is Anacardium occidentale L. Many nutritional properties are also found in cashew nuts along with nutrients. Which are very beneficial for health. Cashew nuts are also used to increase brain function. Cashew nuts have also proved beneficial in people who have problems related to bones, diabetes and haemoglobin.

So far, 33 varieties of cashew nuts have been identified, but only 26 varieties are sold in the market. Of which the variety of W-180 is considered to be the "king of cashew nuts", because it contains many bioactive compounds, which meet the lack of blood in our body, help fight diseases like cancer, are beneficial in pain and inflammation in the body.

 Learn about the three best techniques for mushroom production

Learn about the three best techniques for mushroom production

Farmers, if you also want to earn a good income from mushroom production, then these three excellent mushroom-growing techniques can be very helpful for you. The technologies we are talking about are shelf, polythene bag, and tray technology. We will discuss these techniques further in this article. 

Mushroom is a cash crop for the farmers of India, which provides them with good profits at a low cost. These days, the demand for mushrooms is highest in the domestic and foreign markets, due to a significant increase in their prices in the market. In such a situation, if farmers cultivate mushrooms in their fields, they can earn huge profits. In this series, today we have brought information about the three best techniques of mushrooms for farmers, with the help of which the yield of mushrooms will be much higher.

Following are the three best techniques for mushroom production:

Mushroom Growing Shelf Technology

In this wonderful technique of growing mushrooms, the farmer has to make a shelf from one to one-and-a-half-inch thick planks of strong wood, which are attached to iron angle frames. Keep in mind that the wooden ply that is being used for mushroom production must be of good wooden quality. The width of the shelf should be approximately 3 feet and the distance between the shelves should be one and a half feet. In this way, mushroom farmers can produce mushroom shelves up to five floors above each other. 

Also read: Blue mushroom cultivation started in the state, tribals are getting bumper profits

Polythene bags for growing mushrooms

The polythene bag technique of growing mushrooms is most adopted by farmers. In this technique, farmers do not need to do much hard work. This technique can be done easily in one room. In polythene bag technology, polythene envelopes of 200 gauge measuring 25 inches in length and 23 inches in width, with a height of 14 to 15 inches and a diameter of 15 to 16 inches are used for mushroom production. So that the mushroom can grow much better. 

Mushroom growing Tray Technology

This technique of growing mushrooms is very easy. With the help of technology, farmers can easily transport mushrooms from one place to another because this mushroom production is done through a tray. The size of a tray for growing mushrooms is 1/2 square meters and up to 6 inches deep. So that 28 to 32 kg of fertilizer can easily come in it.

  Management of white rust of mustard crop

Management of white rust of mustard crop

Mustard crops get affected by various diseases. Due to which farmers get less yield. White rust disease causes too much damage to crops.Today in this article we will give you information about prevention of white rust so that you can control this disease in time. 

Some important instruction to prevent white rust in mustard crop are given below : 

Sowing correct seeds :

First of all you have to be cautious about selecting healthy seeds which are free from diseases for sowing the crop. By selecting the healthy seeds, disease will not be there in the crop. 

Sowing crops on time : 

Sowing of mustard should be done on time so that chances of disease in crops will be less. Late sowed crops have more chances of catching diseases. Many times this disease becomes more frequent due to which the half of the yield is reduced to half.

Proper water irrigation : 

Manage water irrigation properly so that water does not accumulate on plants, which will reduce the chances of white rust. The disease becomes more common in crops due to excess moisture. 


Use of appropriate fungicides : 

Use appropriate fungicides for prevention of white rust in mustard. Consult an agronomist and choose safe pesticides.

Caring of crop : 


For taking care of crops, take care of plants from time to time and from the roots. 


Remove affected plants : 

If there are any signs of white rust on any of the plants, uproot them immediately and bury them in the soil to avoid any further spread of the disease. 

Use appropriate technical methods, like managing irrigation and nutrition based on the local conditions, climate and weather conditions. By following the steps, white rust in mustard crops can be prevented. Keep in mind that it is always best to consult the local agricultural department or agronomist to ensure that you have information on control measures best for your area. 

Lobia is very beneficial nutrients for health in dal

Lobia is very beneficial nutrients for health in dal

A large amount of protein is found inside the cowpea, due to which it is also called the powerhouse of protein. Lobberia is very beneficial not only for humans but also for animal health. For your information, let us tell you that protein, fibre, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and many other nutrients are also present in plenty in cowpea. Protein is an essential element to keep our body healthy for a long time, which also helps in fighting the body's muscles and fighting various types of diseases. Whenever there is talk of protein, its main source of milk, ghee etc. is considered. But, do you know that the amount of protein is more than all this in cowpea. Lobia contains a very good amount of protein. Lobia is also called a superfood. Because it is a powerhouse of protein. It is very beneficial not only for humans but also for the body of animals. Lobia is green fodder for animals, which increases the capacity of milk production in milch animals to a great extent. The amount of protein, fibre, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and various other nutrients is also found inside the cowpea. It is in a green granular shape. Today we will tell you about the advantages and other important information of cowpea.

Also read: Farmers will get double benefits due to cultivation of cowpea

What amount of nutrients are found in cowpea

Protein content- 100 grams of cowpea contains about 25-30 grams of protein.

Fibre content- About 100 grams of fibre is found in 16-25 grams of cowpea.

Complex carbohydrates are in the volume of carbohydrates.

Iron quantity- Lobia is rich in iron. Apart from this, it also has plenty of vitamin C and folate.

Not only this, the early fresh leaves and stalks of cowpea also have nutrients. It contains a few percent raw protein, 3.0% ether extract and 26.7% raw fibre etc.

What are the benefits of consuming cowpea

If you regularly consume cowpea, then you will definitely reduce your weight quickly.

Consumption of cowpea makes the digestive system very strong.

If you are suffering from any heart related disease, then you should consume cowpea.

Lobia is also very beneficial for the disease of not sleeping at the exact time at night and other diseases related to it.

Lobia helps in boosting immunity.

Lobberia controls blood sugar level. If you are struggling with diabetes i.e. diabetes, then definitely consume cowpea.

Basmati producing farmers are facing losses due to this step of the government.

Basmati producing farmers are facing losses due to this step of the government.

India is the largest exporter of Basmati rice in the world. It exports about 80 percent of its produce. India has exported approximately 4.6 million tonnes of Basmati rice in the year 2022-23. The arrival of Basmati rice has started in the markets of Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and Punjab. But, this time farmers are getting lower price of Basmati rice as compared to last year. Farmers say that they are incurring huge losses in the sale of Basmati rice this year. If farmers are to be believed, this time they are getting Rs 400 to Rs 500 less per quintal. Also, farmers allege that due to the central government setting the minimum export price of Basmati rice at Rupees 1,200 per tonne, they are suffering huge losses.

India is the largest basmati exporter in the world

India is the world's largest exporter of Basmati rice. It exports 80 percent of its production of basmati rice. In such a situation, its price keeps rising and falling due to exports. If the minimum export price of Basmati rice exceeds $ 850 per tonne, then in such a situation traders will suffer huge losses. Farmers will also have to suffer huge losses due to this. Because traders will buy Basmati rice from farmers at lower prices. Meanwhile, there is news that the prices of new crop 1509 variety of Basmati rice have fallen significantly. Last week, a decrease of Rs 400 per quintal was recorded in its price.

Also read: 20% fees on export of non-basmati crops

Farmers are facing losses

Farmers Welfare Club President Vijay Kapoor has said that millers and exporters are not giving the right price to the farmers. He is putting a lot of pressure on the farmers to buy Basmati at a lower price. According to him, if the government withdraws the minimum export price after October 15, then farmers will get very good profits. He has said that traders of Punjab are purchasing 1509 Basmati rice from Haryana at lower prices. Due to this, farmers are facing huge losses.

Farmers will suffer a loss of Rs 1,000 crore

Basmati rice is cultivated in a total area of ​​1.7 million hectares in Haryana. Of this, about 40 percent share is of 1509 variety. According to Vijay Setia, former president of All India Rice Exporters Association, if Basmati prices continue to rise like this, farmers will suffer a total loss of Rs 1,000 crore.

Farmers can earn profits by cultivating Zucchini, advanced varieties of Zucchini

Farmers can earn profits by cultivating Zucchini, advanced varieties of Zucchini

Zucchini is a rain vegetable. Zucchini is known as Turai and Tori. It is a vegetable rich in fibre and vitamins. Zucchini leaves are moderately sized, the colour of these leaves is light green. Zucchini is long, thin and soft in appearance, as well as its inner part and seeds are light creamy colours. Zucchini is naturally found in low calories.

Zucchini provides many nutrients like iron, protein and calcium. Also, many bioactive components are also found in Zucchini. Zucchini is an embossed skin and long, cylindrical vegetable. Zucchini is cultivated mainly as a cash crop. The flowers coming on the Zucchini are yellow in colour, these flowers are used to make vegetables.

When is Zucchini cultivated?

Zucchini is cultivated by farmers in the months of June to July. It takes 70 -80 days for it to get ready. Zucchini is mostly cultivated in the rainy season. It is necessary to have moisture in the field for its good yield.

Advanced varieties of Zucchini 

There are many varieties of Zucchini, which can produce more profits by producing. The ripening time of Zucchini varieties is different. The advanced varieties of Zucchini are as follows: Ko, -1 (CO, -1), (PK M1), Ghiya Tori, Pusa Nasdar, Pusa Smooth, Punjab evergreen and Sarputia are advanced varieties of Turai.

ALSO READ: Low cost and short period of Zucchini varieties

Climate and land suitable for Zucchini cultivation

Zucchini can be cultivated in all types of soil, but the land should have good drainage. But loam soil is considered suitable for its high yield. It can also be produced in acidic soil found on the banks of rivers. The development of Zucchini requires a humid and dry climate. Zucchini is cultivated in India during the Kharif and Zayed season. Its plant needs rain in the beginning, but more rainfall can also spoil the crop of Zucchini. Zucchini plants require normal temperature to sprout, in summer the Zucchini plant also has the capacity to bear a maximum of 35 degrees temperature.

Seed quantity and seed treatment for sowing

For sowing Zucchini, first plough the field, after that when the soil colour becomes crumbly, then start sowing in it. 3 to 5 kg of seeds are required per hectare. The month of January to March is considered better for sowing Zucchini in summer and the month of June to July is considered suitable for sowing in the Kharif season. But it is better to treat it before sowing seeds. For seed treatment, treat 3 grams of thiram  per kilogram of seeds of Zucchini. By doing this, they can prevent the disease in the crop of Zucchini.

Also read: Use organic manure and increase crop yield, farmers here are taking full benefits

Compost and fertiliser for trumpet cultivation

For good yield of Zucchini, farmers can use cow dung manure, and put 200 -250 quintals of manure in the field 15 -20 days before ploughing. While doing the last ploughing, keep in mind the compost in the field. Besides, farmers can also use potash (80 kg), phosphorus (100 kg) and nitrogen (120 kg) for high yield. Half of its quantity can be used at the time of sowing and half the quantity after one month of sowing.

How to do irrigation management?

In the rainy season, the crop of Zucchini does not need much water, because from time to time the rain keeps reducing the lack of water in the crop. But during the summer season, the crop needs more water, hence irrigation should be done in the field after 7 to 8 days. So that due to the heat, there is no drought in the field and it does not affect the crop.

Problems like weeds are also seen in the Zucchini crop, as well as the outbreak of many diseases and pests is also seen in the crop. To control all these, the farmer can also adopt the crop cycle. Also, weeding can also be done to prevent weeds in Zucchini cultivation. Apart from this, pesticides can also be used by farmers.

Farmers surrounded DM's office out of control after seeing their dry soybean crop

Farmers surrounded DM's office out of control after seeing their dry soybean crop

DM Shivraj Singh Verma says that not only in Khargone district, there was no rain in the entire state during August. There has been very little rainfall and information about crop damage has been received from farmers. We have also alerted the team of the Agriculture Department and Revenue Department and asked them to monitor the commodity situation and go to the fields and see what is the condition of the crops.

Frustrated farmers surrounded the DM office due to the drying up of soybean crops in Khargone, Madhya Pradesh. Farmers reached DM's office with dry soybean crops. But, seeing the gate of DM's office closed, the anger of the farmers increased further. The farmers opened the gate of the DM office and entered inside. They surrounded the DM office and staged a dharna there, after which the farmers of Jhirnya fed the dry soybean crop to the animals.

Angered by the drying up of soybean and cotton crops across Khargone district, a large number of farmers reached the DM office carrying dry soybean crops. The farmers got angry when the gate of the DM complex was closed. The angry farmers opened the door and reached the DM office shouting slogans. Slogans were raised against the electricity officer and DM. A large number of farmers sat on strike. Farmers arrived from Bhikangaon, Bhagwanpura, Barwah, Maheshwar, and Jhirnya tehsils of the entire district.

Angry farmers raised slogans against the administration and DM

Farmers raised slogans against the government, police, administration, and DM in front of the DM office. Farmers staged a protest in front of the DM office for several hours. After getting assurance of 2 days from the district administration, the farmers ended their protest at around 5 pm.

Also read: Panic among farmers, soybean crop destroyed due to outbreak of Kevda disease

The electricity company is doing its own thing - Farmers Union

Farmers Union District President Sadashiv Patidar says that the electricity distribution company has made a schedule to provide electricity for 7 hours as per their wish. We had gathered here through a memorandum to give information. But the question remains that the gate of the collector's office was closed before our arrival. Due to this, the farmers became aggressive and all the farmers have reached here. Presently DM Saheb is residing at home and information has been received that he is very busy in elections. Our point is that when there are no people left to vote, then for whom will the elections be held? It has been said by the electricity distribution company that this schedule has been prepared from above.

Scientists developed heat tolerant varieties to avoid the stress of heat to the wheat crop

Scientists developed heat tolerant varieties to avoid the stress of heat to the wheat crop

Among the various climate hazards, heat stress is most important, which disrupts crop production. Damage related to heat during the reproductive phase severely affects crop yield. Terminal heat stress in wheat leads to morphophysical changes, bio -chemical disruption and genetic capacity.

Heat stress in the wheat crop affects the  production of roots and twigs, double ridge phase and initial biomass in the botanical phase. The final poor consequences of heat stress include the amount of grain, weight loss, slow grain filling rate, decrease in quality of grain and decrease in grain filling period.


In today's modern era where there is a steady increase in temperature. There is summer in the winter season, due to which the rabi crop has had a very bad effect on production. Due to which farmers are also facing a lot of damage.

Scientists of Indian Agricultural Research Institute developed heat tolerant varieties

Scientists of the Indian Agricultural Research Institute have developed new varieties of wheat to increase the production of wheat crops. These varieties can also give good yield in the increase in temperature in the months of March,  April. Such genes have been added to these varieties, which will not allow crop productivity to decrease in high temperatures.

Also read: Major Ratua disease in wheat crop

Farmers can also sow these varieties with time and delay. During a conversation with a senior scientist at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, it has been learned that he has developed a lot of wheat varieties which are appropriate for timely sowing and delayed sowing.

Varieties of wheat developed by Indian Agricultural Research Institute

The Indian Agricultural Research Institute has developed several varieties which will also give good yield by tolerating the heat of March and April. Agricultural scientists have developed many new varieties whose sowing will give farmers good production. You will get to see the names of these varieties below.

Also read: Advanced varieties of wheat, know the time of sowing, yield capacity and other details

HD- 3117, HD-3059, HD-3298, HD-3369, HD-3271, HI-1634, HI-1633, HI- 1621, HD 3118 (Pusa Vatsala) All these varieties have been developed by Indian Agricultural Research Institute. . These varieties have the ability to tolerate higher temperatures in March and April.

According to scientists at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, agricultural management techniques can also reduce heat stress in  wheat.

Farmers can also reduce heat stress in wheat crops by changing some agricultural management techniques - such as protection to reduce soil moisture loss, using balanced dosage of fertilisers, duration and methods of sowing etc. To reduce the effects of excessive heat, using external preservatives, wheat can be prepared better when grown in a warm environment.

Apart from these, mulching can be a good option to reduce water scarcity due to heat stress, especially in rain -based areas where water availability is a serious concern. Organic mulch helps maintain soil moisture,  plant growth and improve nitrogen use efficiency.

How to prepare bananas before sending them to the market so that they get maximum benefit?

How to prepare bananas before sending them to the market so that they get maximum benefit?

After harvesting the banana from the virtual stem, the bananas are separated from the bunch in different hands. After this, put these hands in the water tank of alum @ 1 gram alum per 2.5 liters of water. After dipping these banana hands for about 3 minutes, take them out. The alum solution removes the natural wax on the banana peels and also cleans the insect debris on the fruit. It acts as a natural disinfectant. After this, the second tank contains anti-fungal liquid Huwa San, inside which there is hydrogen peroxide with liquid silver components which acts as an antifungal, which does not allow the fungus to grow.

Also read: Demand for indigenous bananas rises abroad, banana exports worth Rs 327 crore

Hua San is a biocide and is effective against all types of bacteria, viruses, yeast, mold and spore makers. Legionella is also effective against pneumophila. Environmentally friendly – practically becomes 100% degradable to water and oxygen. Its use does not create odor, does not change the taste of treated foods. Effectiveness and long-term effects are observed even at very high water temperatures. Rated as safe for consumption at the recommended dosage rate. No carcinogenic or mutagenic effect, does not react with ammonium-ions. It can be stored for a long time. No side effects of any kind have been observed from using at the 3% recommended rate. In this solution, dip the banana hands for 3 minutes. Dissolve Huwa san @ 1 ml per litre of water to make a solution. In this way, 250 ml of Huva San liquid is poured into a 500 liter water tank. After removing the bananas from these solutions, place the bananas on the surface of the mesh on a good drainage floor with a high-speed fan to remove excess water from the bananas. In this way, the initial preparation of bananas is done. Packed in specially designed cartons. Bananas prepared in this way are easily repaired or sent to foreign markets.

What is Huwa-san?

 The process of combining hydrogen peroxide and silver stabilizer is unique worldwide and is based on the original Huva-San technology, which was further developed in ROM technology over the past 15 years.

Also read: Cold wave affecting banana production

 This technique is unique because no other stabilizing agent such as acid is required to stabilize the peroxide. All this makes Huwa-San Technology's products non-residual and extremely powerful disinfectant. Huwa-San is a one stop biocidal product that is effective against bacteria, fungi, yeast, spores, viruses and even mycobacteria and hence this products can be used in many areas to disinfect water, surfaces, tools and even large empty areas through evaporation.

Over the past 15 years, Hueva-San products were extensively tested on a laboratory scale and on numerous field trials around the world. The abundance of information within HUA-San's broad application spectrum along with technical knowledge has been the key to worldwide success.

 Huwa-San has been thoroughly researched and developed in lab and field test settings, it is completely safe and as a result, HUA-SAN products meet the latest standards for disinfection.

The banana crop has been greatly affected by Panama Wilt disease in these areas of India.

The banana crop has been greatly affected by Panama Wilt disease in these areas of India.

Within India, bananas are grown in Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. The areas affected by Panama Wilt disease are Katihar and Purnia districts of Bihar, Faizabad, Barabanki, Maharajganj of Uttar Pradesh, Surat of Gujarat and Burhanpur district of Madhya Pradesh.

Banana is cultivated on a large scale in India. Also, the country is one of the largest banana producers in the world. India is known for the cultivation of various banana varieties, including the popular Cavendish banana as well as other regional varieties such as Robusta, Grand Neine, and Poovan. Each variety has its distinct characteristics. In such a situation, if something happens to the banana crop, it directly impacts the income of the farmers. Additionally, Panama Wilt disease has emerged as a new problem for banana farmers across the country. This disease is ruining their crops worth lakhs. 

Panama Wilt Disease

It is a fungal disease. Due to this infection, the banana crop can be completely ruined. Panama wilt is caused by a fungus called Fusarium wilt TR-2, which stunts the growth of banana plants. If we look at the symptoms of this disease, the leaves of the banana plant turn brown and fall. Additionally, the stem also starts rotting. It is considered a very fatal disease, which destroys the entire banana crop. This is a disease caused by fungus, which in the last few years has been seen in many countries of the world including Africa, Taiwan, America, Australia besides India. This disease has destroyed the banana crops of the farmers there. Presently this disease has become a cause of trouble for the farmers of India for some years. 

Also read: Farmer left his job in Switzerland and started banana farming, today the turnover is Rs 100 crore

How to prevent Panama Wilt disease

Regarding the prevention of Panama Wilt disease, this disease can be treated through the collective efforts of scientists and farmers. Scientists say that no effective medicine has been found yet for Panama Wilt disease. However, scientists at CISH have created a drug called ISAR-Fusicant. Farmers of Bihar and other states have benefited greatly from the use of this medicine. CISH has been trying to save farmers' banana crops for the last three years. For this reason, efforts are being made to deliver this medicine to farmers across India.

Panama Wilt disease has affected these states

In our country India, banana is produced in Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, and Madhya Pradesh. The districts affected by Panama Wilt disease are Katihar and Purnia of Bihar, Faizabad, Barabanki, Maharajganj of Uttar Pradesh, Surat of Gujarat and Burhanpur of Madhya Pradesh. In such a situation, the farmers here need to take special care of their banana crop to protect it from this disease.

Farmers are making profits worth lakhs with this amazing method of sowing bitter gourd.

Farmers are making profits worth lakhs with this amazing method of sowing bitter gourd.

Farmers are making profits worth lakhs with this amazing method of sowing bitter gourd.

Nowadays, a lot of modernization has been seen in every field. Bitter gourd cultivation can prove to be very effective in increasing the income of farmers. In fact, those who are earning a handsome income of Rs 20 to 25 lakh every year from bitter gourd cultivation. The successful farmer we are talking about is Jitendra Singh, a young farmer from Mahua village of Sarsaul block of Kanpur district of Uttar Pradesh. He has been cultivating improved varieties of bitter gourd in his field for the last 4 years. 

According to farmer Jitendra Singh, earlier the farmers of his area are not able to protect and defend their crops due to stray and wild animals. Because, whatever crops the farmers cultivated in their fields, animals used to eat them. In such a situation, young farmer Jintendra Singh thought of cultivating bitter gourd in his field. Because, bitter gourd is very bitter to eat, due to which animals do not eat it.

Some special things related to bitter gourd cultivation are as follows:

To get good profits from Bitter Gourd Cultivation, farmers should cultivate it in Zaid and Kharif seasons. Also, sandy loam or loamy soil is considered suitable for its cultivation. 

Also read: Important information related to bitter gourd cultivation 

Farmers can do the sowing of Bitter Gourd in two easy ways. Firstly, farmers can sow bitter gourd directly through seeds and secondly through the nursery method. If you cultivate bitter gourd (Karele ki kheti) on the land on the banks of rivers, then you can get good yield of bitter gourd.

Improved varieties of bitter gourd are as follows

To get good yield from bitter gourd cultivation, farmers should plant improved varieties of bitter gourd in their fields. Although, different varieties of bitter gourd are available in the market. But, today we will tell about some special varieties, such as - Hisar Selection, Coimbatore Clove, Arka Harit, Pusa Hybrid-2, Pusa Aushadhi, Pusa Do Moushim, Punjab Bitter Gourd-1, Punjab-14, Solan Green and Solan White. , Priya Ko-1, SDU-1, Kalyanpur Sona, Pusa Shankar-1, Kalyanpur Perennial, Kashi Suphal, Kashi Urvashi Pusa Special etc. are the improved varieties of bitter gourd. 

Also read: Bitter gourd will give profit, stray animals get upset - Complete information about bitter gourd cultivation.

By which method is the farmer cultivating bitter gourd?

Young farmer Jitendra Singh cultivates bitter gourd in his field using 'scaffolding method'. Due to this they get much higher production. The bitter gourd plant is made a scaffold and mounted on it, due to which the vine continues to grow and spreads on the wires of the scaffold. He told that he used wire and wood or bamboo to make scaffolding in the field. This scaffold is quite high. One can pass through it very easily during harvesting. The more the bitter gourd vines spread, the greater the yield. They can produce up to 50 quintals of produce from one bigha of land. He says that making scaffolding neither causes rot in the bitter gourd plant nor does it harm the vines.

How much income can be earned from bitter gourd cultivation?

To get good production from bitter gourd cultivation, the farmer should cultivate its improved varieties. As mentioned above, young farmer Jitendra Singh earlier used to cultivate pumpkin, gourd and chilli in his field, which was badly damaged by stray animals. Therefore he has decided to cultivate bitter gourd. At the same time, today farmer Jitendra is cultivating bitter gourd in 15 acres and is earning huge profits. According to Jitendra, his bitter gourd is generally easily sold at the price of Rs 20 to Rs 25 per kg. Also, many times bitter gourd is sold for Rs 30 per kg. Most of the traders buy bitter gourd from the farm itself. 

He also told that in one acre of field, seeds, fertilizers, preparation of scaffolding along with other works cost Rs 40 thousand. At the same time, they can easily earn an income of Rs 1.5 lakh from this. Jitendra Singh does farming in about 15 acres. In such a situation, if the calculations are done, then he earns about Rs 15-20 lakh from bitter gourd cultivation in one season.

Detailed information about important works related to carrot cultivation

Detailed information about important works related to carrot cultivation

Carrots are grown for consumption in raw form. Carrot is a very popular vegetable crop. Its root part is used by people for food. The upper part of the root is used to feed animals. Its raw leaves are also used to prepare vegetables. Various types of properties are present in carrots, due to which it is used in large quantities to make juice, salad, pickle, jam, vegetable, and carrot halwa.

It is very beneficial in increasing appetite and also for kidneys. The highest amount of Vitamin A is present in it. Along with this, an adequate amount of Vitamin B, D, C, E, and G is also present in it. Carrots contain an element called beta-carotene, which is very beneficial in the prevention of cancer. Earlier carrots were only red in color. But at present there are various improved varieties of carrots, in which yellow and light black colored carrots are also found. Carrots are grown in almost all areas of India.

Field preparation before carrot production

Before producing carrots, the field is deeply plowed in the best possible manner. Due to this, the old crops that remain present in the field are completely destroyed. After plowing, the field is plowed with water, which makes the soil moist. In moist soil, oblique plowing is done two to three times by using a rotavator. Due to this, the clods of soil present in the field soil get broken and the soil becomes brittle. The field is leveled by compacting the loose soil.

How much fertilizer should be given in the carrot field?

As we all know for the best yield of any crop, it is necessary to give an appropriate amount of fertilizer in the field. For this, after the first plowing of the field, up to 30 cartloads of old cow-dung manure has to be applied per hectare. Apart from this, at the time of final plowing of the field, 30 KG potash and 30 KG nitrogen have to be sprayed per hectare based on chemical fertilizer. Due to this, production is achieved in large quantities.

Also read: Carrot root disease and its remedies.

Time, method, and sowing of carrot cultivation

Carrot seeds are sown in seed form. For this, seeds are sprayed evenly on the ground. About 6 to 8 KG seeds are required in one-hectare field. Treat these seeds before planting them in the field. After sprinkling the seeds in the field, the field is lightly plowed. Due to this, the seed goes deeper into the field. After this, ridges are prepared in the form of beds using plow. After this, the crop is watered. Asian varieties of carrots are planted between August and October. Also, the sowing of European varieties is done between October to November.

When is the carrot crop irrigated?

The first irrigation of the carrot crop is done soon after seed transplantation. After this, initially, irrigation is done twice a week to keep the moisture in the field stable. At the same time, when the seeds come out of the ground, water them once a week. After one month, when the seeds start becoming plants, the plants have to be given less water. After this, when the roots of the plant become completely long, the amount of water has to be increased.

How is weed control done in carrot crops?

It is very important to control weeds in carrot crops. For this, weed control medicines are used only at the time of plowing the field. Even after this, if weeds are seen in the field, remove them from the field by weeding. During this time, if the roots of the plants become visible, the soil is covered over them.

Also read: Farmers can get good income by producing these major crops in the upcoming Rabi season.

What are the yield and benefits of carrots?

Based on good varieties of carrots, a high yield can be achieved, due to which farmers can get a production of about 300 to 350 quintals from one hectare field. There are some species which can yield only 100 quintals per hectare. By getting the produce in a short period, farmers also earn excellent profits. The market price of carrots is quite good in the beginning. If a farmer gets more production and sells carrots at a reasonable price, he can earn an income of up to Rs 3 lakh from one crop. Carrot cultivation is very beneficial for the farmers.