
Flower Farming

Gaillardia is a flower that blooms for more than 6 months, know complete information

Gaillardia is a flower that blooms for more than 6 months, know complete information

Gaillardia is also known as the blanket flower. It is a perennial plant, it can be cultivated in any season. Gaillardia is a plant of the Asteraceae family. This flower is named after the 18th-century French magistrate, Maitre Gaillard de Charentonneau, who besides being a magistrate, was also a very capable botanist. The height of this plant is 45-60 cm. These plants are mostly used to decorate the lawn and balcony of the house. 

Improved varieties of Gaillardia flower

There are many varieties of Gaillardia, on which beautiful flowers with a mixture of maroon, red, yellow, and orange bloom. Some of the improved varieties of Gaillardia flower are Gaillardia aestivalis (Walter) H. Rock, Gaillardia amblyodon H. Lyrical Maroon Blanket Flower, Gaillardia aristata Pursh, Gaillardia arizonica A. Gray. Farmers can earn huge profits by producing these varieties. 

Also read: Know how to cultivate sunflower

When to sow Gaillardia flower seeds

The best time for Gaillardia cultivation is February and March. The seeds of this flower are sown in this month. The proper temperature of sunlight is necessary for the germination of seeds. These flowers do not require much care. After 30-40 days these seeds become ready for seedling. They can be transplanted into pots or any other pot etc. Flowers start appearing about three months after planting the seeds, and these plants keep giving flowers for more than 6 months. That means these plants continue to flower until the cold arrives. 

Which is the suitable soil for growing Gaillardia flowers?

Gaillardia flower can be grown in any soil, but alkaline, loamy, and acidic soil are considered suitable for its cultivation. For sowing the seeds, first prepare the field properly and hoe the field properly. Cow dung or compost can also be used by farmers while preparing the field. For this, land with good drainage is required. 

Also read: Detailed information related to evergreen plants

What is the proper temperature for Gaillardia flowers? 

Gaillardia requires proper temperature for flowering. Gaillardia seeds require a temperature of 21 degrees for good germination. For good growth of flowers, a temperature between 20 -30 degrees is required. This plant can tolerate high summer temperatures, but temperatures below 10 degrees in winter can hinder the growth of this plant. 

How to care for Gaillardia flower

Gaillardia flower does not require much care. After sowing, irrigation is also done in very small quantities. Gaillardia plant is drought tolerant, hence it requires less water. Flowers start appearing on the plant in spring and summer, at that time this plant needs water. The amount of irrigation of the plant is reduced in winter. 

There is no need for other chemical fertilizers for the higher yield of the plant. Use compost manure while preparing the field, it is better for both the crop and the land. Also, this plant has very less chances of getting affected by pests and diseases. However, the problem of root rot is more common in Gaillardia flowers. Due to this disease, the roots of the plant start rotting, this can also happen due to the effect of excess water, which is why it is necessary to make arrangements for drainage for its cultivation. Also, the land should be dry and there should not be much moisture in it, excess moisture also harms the plant. 

Gaillardia flower pruning 

Gaillardia flowers bloom for 6 months. After the flowers bloom, its trees dry and wither. To improve the quality of these flowers, their stems are cut. Also, the flowers should be deadheaded throughout the growing season so that it can encourage the flowers to bloom continuously. Pruning of the Gaillardia flower is done in the autumn season, by doing this the plant remains beautiful and healthy. 

Also read: These flowers are used in making medicines, farmers can earn big money in this way

Piccata and Lorenzia are also varieties of Gaillardia flowers. The Gaillardia plant bears large flowers. For sowing, 300 grams of seeds are required per hectare. For the cultivation of the Gaillardia flower, plow the field well. Sow the seeds when the soil becomes friable. While sowing, phosphorus and potash should also be given in the field, this maintains the fertility of the land. To cultivate Gaillardia, a separate nursery is prepared for sowing the seeds. This nursery is built on high and flat places, about four beds are made in one acre of field, each 3 feet wide and 10 feet long. Seeds should be treated before sowing

In this way, you can earn the best income by cultivating colorful cauliflower

In this way, you can earn the best income by cultivating colorful cauliflower

 Colorful cauliflower is very beautiful and attractive in appearance. At the same time, it is also very good for our health. In today's scientific age, everything seems easy. Science has done everything. Anything impossible seems possible here. Now even if it is something related to farming. Different types of colorful flower gobhas have come inside the market. Actually, today we are going to give you information about the cultivation of this colorful flower cabbage. So that you can produce white cauliflower as well as colorful cauliflower in your farm. The demand for these cabbages in the market is increasing day by day. In such a situation, you can earn a lot of profits by selling them in the market. Colorful cauliflower provides considerable profits to the farmers.

Colorful cauliflower cultivation

Agricultural scientists of India have discovered a new variety of colorful cauliflower. These cabbages are green, blue, yellow and orange in colour. By consuming cabbage of these different colors, people are also getting rid of diseases. It can be easily cultivated in any kind of soil. You need adequate irrigation for this. The demand for these cabbages is increasing in the Indian market. Due to this, farmers are also earning huge profits by producing it.

Also Read: Cauliflower Pests and Diseases

Sowing colorful cauliflower

Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Karnataka and Uttar Pradesh are the major producers of colourful cauliflower in India. The best time to cultivate it is winter. You can plant its nursery in September and October. Also, after preparing the field, it can be planted in the fields after 20 to 30 days. Temperatures ranging from 20 to 25 degrees Celsius are considered suitable for its excellent yield. At the same time, the pH value of cultivated soil should be between 5.5 to 6.5. Farmers

How much income is earned from the cultivation of colorful cauliflower

These colorful cabbages are ready to ripen in 100 to 110 days after sowing in the fields. Farmers can produce 400 to 500 quintals of colored cauliflower in one acre. People in the market are buying it loudly as soon as they see this color. The market price of ordinary cabbage is 20 to 25 rupees. So on the other hand, the price of these colorful cabbages ranges from 40 to 45 rupees. In such a situation, farmers can earn a lot of profit by cultivating it.

Farmers can earn good profits by growing these improved varieties of cauliflower.

Farmers can earn good profits by growing these improved varieties of cauliflower.

Farmers can achieve better production in any season through improved varieties of cauliflower. Farmers can earn a good yield by cultivating it. Let us tell you that for good production, some important things related to organic fertilizers and farming should be kept in mind. Through cauliflower cultivation, farmers can earn good profits in a short time. Maybe you are aware that farmers can cultivate cauliflower in any season. Also, people use cauliflower to prepare vegetables, soups and pickles etc. Because along with the amount of Vitamin-B in this vegetable, much more protein is also found in cauliflower. For this reason, its demand always remains in the market. At present the price of cauliflower in Delhi ranges from Rs 60 to Rs 100 per kg. Also, cool and humid climate is necessary for the cultivation of cauliflower. For your information, let us tell you that cauliflower crop is most prone to disease. For its protection, the seeds must be treated with fungicides recommended by agricultural scientists before sowing.

Early, late and medium varieties of cauliflower

Scientists at ICAR, Pusa have developed some of the best varieties to help farmers get good yield from cauliflower cultivation in any season, which include Pusa Ashwini, Pusa Meghna, Pusa Kartik and Pusa Kartik Shankar etc. 

Also read: Scientists in Bihar have developed a variety of cauliflower 6099 which can grow in summer as well

Other early varieties of cauliflower include - Pusa Dipali, Early Kuwari, Early Patna, Pant Gobi-2, Pant Gobi-3, Pusa Kartik, Pusa Early Synthetic, Patna Early, Selexan 327 and Selexan 328 etc. Apart from this, late varieties of cauliflower include – Pusa Snowball-1, Pusa Snowball-2, Pusa Snowball-16 etc. Medium varieties of cauliflower include - Pusa Synthetic, Pant Subhra, Pusa Subhra, Pusa Aghani Uyer, Pusa Snowball etc.

The important things for the cultivation of cauliflower are as follows

For cauliflower cultivation, first level the field so that the soil becomes plowable.

Then you plow twice with a soil turning plough. 

After this, run the cultivator twice in the field. 

After every ploughing, make sure to rake.

The PH value of soil should be between 5.5 to 7. 

Sandy loam soil and clay loam soil with excellent drainage are considered suitable for the cultivation of cauliflower.

Let us tell you that the soil which has high amount of organic fertilizer is very good for the production of cauliflower.

Complete information about the hollyhock plant

Complete information about the hollyhock plant

The hollyhock plant is a type of flower whose scientific name is Alcea rosea. This flower is about 5-6 feet high. This flower is famous for its colorful flowers and its enchanting power. This flower is mostly used to enhance the beauty of botanical gardens, gardens, and drinking water. 

Hollyhock is a beautiful flowering plant of Europe and Asia, it is also known by the names Mallika and Gulkhaira. The leaves of this flower are white and green, which are heart-shaped. Many medicinal properties are also found in these flowers. Hollyhock is a very important plant, which is also commonly used to enhance the beauty of the garden. 

How to cultivate hollyhock?

Hollyhock is mostly cultivated to enhance the beauty of gardens and balconies. In this, first of all, check the seeds and select the best seed. Sandy soil is required for good cultivation of hollyhock. After that sow the seeds at equal distance, after that cover the seeds properly with soil. 

Also read: Know how to cultivate sunflower

This flower is mostly grown in dry and tropical places. Hollyhock plant also requires proper sunlight for good growth. 

What are the types of hollyhock flowers?

There are many types of hollyhock flowers and all of them have their distinct characteristics. These flowers are also found different on the basis of color. The main types of hollyhock flowers are Multicolor hollyhock, Messenger hollyhock, Elegance hollyhock, and Alswich hollyhock. These flowers are very beautiful and attractive. 

Where is the hollyhock plant found? 

The hollyhock plant is found all over the world because this plant is famous for its beauty. This flower is mostly found in dry areas. It is a botanical species, which is also known as Hibiscus. This flower is produced in many states of India like Jharkhand, Orissa, and Chhattisgarh. But this flower is mostly found in Eastern India. The hollyhock plant is also quite tall with large leaves and flowers. 

Also read: 50 percent subsidy will be available on cultivation of tuberous flowers in this state, apply soon

Hollyhock Plant Care 

After sowing, the plant is taken good care of. In this, water and fertilizer are also given on time, so that the plant can grow well. Proper fertilizer should be used in the soil before sowing and also after sowing. Water the plant regularly so that the fertility of the soil is maintained. With proper care of the plant, the plant will provide beautiful flowers for a long time. Weeding of the plant should also be done on time so that the plant can develop well. 

Main medicinal properties of the hollyhock plant 

The hollyhock plant is also used in many diseases. The hollyhock plant also has many medicinal properties. We use it in case of dizziness, or heart disease and also to get rid of diseases like cough.

1- The hollyhock plant is also used for dry skin. Besides, it is also used for skin treatment. It is an invaluable plant which is used in many things.

2-An element called glucoside is also found in the hollyhock plant, which helps in maintaining balanced blood pressure inside the body. Besides, it also proves helpful in removing anemia from the body.

Farmers of Bundelkhand are getting huge benefits from the cultivation of Bluecone flower.

Farmers of Bundelkhand are getting huge benefits from the cultivation of Bluecone flower.

For your information, according to Vinay Kumar Yadav, Deputy Director of the Agriculture Department, Bluecone's nursery is prepared in November. Also, three months after planting, the flowers begin to grow on the plants.Bluecone flowers are used to make ayurvedic medications.This is why pharmaceutical firms frequently purchase bluecone flowers.

People immediately associate the word Bundelkhand with drought-stricken places. Because there is a significant water problem in the Bundelkhand region. Rainfall is also quite low when compared to other districts of Uttar Pradesh. In such a circumstance, the majority of farmers here grow coarse grains such as maize and millet. As a result, farmers get a very low income. However, farmers here are increasingly farming contemporary crops in the same way that farmers in other states do. Farmers here are becoming more interested in horticulture than is required. Because of this, the farmer brothers' income has grown.

Farmers of Bundelkhand cultivating Bluecone Flowers

For your knowledge, farmers in Bundelkhand are currently planting Bluecone flowers. It's a sort of alien flower. It is solely grown in Germany. However, farmers in Bundelkhand have begun to cultivate Bluecone as well. The main attribute of this flower is that it requires minimal watering. This means that it can grow even in drought-prone locations. This is why bluecone is cultivated in drought-prone regions of Germany.

Also to read: Cultivation of this Bougainvillaea flower with therapeutic characteristics will provide a nice revenue.

Earn near 9 lakhs by selling Bluecone flowers

The unique feature is that if you cultivate it in a single bigha, you can easily harvest up to 15 kg of blossoms every day. This means you may make Rs 30 thousand per day from a single bigha of land. In this manner, farming brothers might make Rs 9 lakh per month by selling flowers.

Flower sold at 2k per kg

Actually, the Uttar Pradesh government is currently working to encourage its cultivation in both Bundelkhand and Jhansi. According to experts, the environment here is ideal for cultivating bluecone flowers. Additionally, the Agriculture Department is establishing a nursery for these blooms. The government is giving it to farmers to cultivate. Bluecone flowers are sold in the market for Rs 2000 per kilogramme.