

A short course based on the use of advanced technology in agriculture will be organized from 20th November.

A short course based on the use of advanced technology in agriculture will be organized from 20th November.

The Indian National Center for Space Promotion and Authorization is set to organize a short five-day course next month on the use of advanced technology in agriculture. The course will start from Ghaziabad on 20th November. The course will start from Ghaziabad on 20th November. In fact, the Indian National Space Promotion and Authorization Center is currently preparing a plan due to the increased space technology in agriculture. Which will prepare a five-day course for the advancement and progress of farming on the basis of advanced farming and accurate estimation. In India, this program will be started first in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh on 20th November.

Five day course in Ghaziabad on 20th November

The Indian National Space Promotion and Authorization Center (IN-SPACe) is all set to organize a short course on the use of advanced technology in agriculture next month. The main objective of this five-day course, which will begin in Ghaziabad on November 20, is to provide participants with information related to the demand and benefits of space technology in agriculture.

Also read: The state government has brought this great news for the weavers of Uttar Pradesh.

Farmers should be able to use technology easily

Space technology has brought a lot of big changes in the agriculture sector. With its help, today we are improving agriculture by adopting different types of technologies. This is the reason why a significant increase in productivity is seen. Using data from satellites and other space-based assets, farmers can now get better farming information. With this, you can do all the work related to your farming well. Agricultural technologies powered by space technology further empower farmers to carry out precision farming operations in their fields. Additionally, it facilitates a variety of features like weather forecast and climate data. This allows farmers to plan their planting and harvesting schedules with greater accuracy.

Also read: Lakhs of farmers will benefit from this program, organized by the center government

Space technology supporting agriculture security

Timely weather warning provided by space technology helps in predicting crops right from sowing to planting to their conservation protection. With this, farmers can easily get information about keeping their crops ready for harvesting, sowing etc. before sowing or after sowing. Today space technology has become an essential resource in farming. Which not only keeps the farmers alert in various ways but also increases their production.

World Bank has not released any possibility of any fall in global prices of rice till 2025

World Bank has not released any possibility of any fall in global prices of rice till 2025

In the global markets, there are no such decline in the price of rice in today's date. The World Bank has released its report in a short time. According to the World Bank's Global Commodity Outlook, there is no possibility of any significant decrease in the global prices of rice before 2025. The main reason for the increase in rice prices is the continuing risk of Alnino. Along with this, policy decisions of major exporters and importers of the world are also due to the contraction of rice yield and export market.

Possibility of low rice yield in this kharif season

According to a recent report by the World Bank, the price of rice inside the global market in 2023 is 28 percent more than in 2022. There is a possibility of 6 percent more inflation in rice prices in the global market by 2024. Due to this, concern has increased due to the possibility of increasing rice prices in India. Because in the month of August, due to low rainfall, there is a lot of possibility of less rice yield in this kharif season inside the domestic market in 2023.

Also read: Take care of paddy crop like this in the kharif season, it will be good profits

Government of India has stopped exporting rice

Rice exports from the country have already been banned from the Government of India. As we all know, some species of rice in India have 20 percent export duty. Also, the minimum export price on basmati rice is applicable. This commendable step of the Central government has recorded a decline in supply of rice in the global market up to 40 percent. In fact, under this report, it has been said that due to adequate supply, the prices of agricultural commodities are expected to decline by about 7 percent in 2023. Also, in 2024-25, the prices of agricultural commodities may fall further by 2 percent.

Change in weather and rain likely in Uttar Pradesh

Change in weather and rain likely in Uttar Pradesh

As we all know, the harsh winter season is going on. Farmers face many problems in farming. In such a situation, if it rains , then this problem increases further. There is a possibility of rain in some districts of western Uttar Pradesh in the next one or two days. Now there are some special things for the farmers, which need special attention . According to reports, there is a possibility of rain in Agra, Hathras, Aligarh and nearby parts.

What to do to prevent plant diseases

For the last several months, the ready crop has cost a lot and the hard work of the farmers . Now in such a situation, farmers are very worried about their crops . To save the crop, it is most necessary to monitor the cultivation daily. If any disease is seen in the leaf of the plant, immediately uproot it and bury it inside the ground. If more diseases are noticed, consult a specialist immediately and for precaution, spray a fungicide Carbendazim Manacuzeb or Metalaxyl And can also spray mancozeb.

Also Read : India Meteorological Department (IMD) issues rain alert in many states

If the weather is favourable for scorching in potato crops, then spray 2 grams per litre of Ina fungicide. If white leaf spot disease occurs in mustard crop, apply copper oxychloride or carbendazim mancozeb in 3 grams per litre of water Spray.

Do not forget to do this work

If there is a possibility of rain in your area, do not irrigate. If there is too much moisture in the field, vegetable crops can be majorly damaged. At the same time, a lot of diseases can occur. Spraying germs, insecticides or weedicides is best when the sun is open . If there is fog and cloudy sky and there is a possibility of rain, avoid pesticide spraying as well.

Also Read: Farmers should pay attention to these pesticides, government bans them

If the crop has flowered, avoid the use of any kind of chemical pesticides. Any crop is flowering . Do not use chemical sprays there. The growth of the flower will stop considerably. Flowers will fall off, preventing grains and fruit formation . In such a situation, use natural methods, smoke, moisture, neem oil and ash of tubers . Apart from this, bees have been kept in the field and if they come there, do not spray chemicals during the day or else they will die. Use at the time the bees return to the hives in the evening .