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Interesting story of a famous actor leaving behind the life of glamor and doing farming for 5 years

Interesting story of a famous actor leaving behind the life of glamor and doing farming for 5 years

Interesting story of a famous actor leaving behind the life of glamor and doing farming for 5 years

You must have heard and read this many times that someone left a good job and started farming. But, have you heard that a TV actor, after reaching the peak of his glamour, turned to farming? Yes, today we will tell you the story of one such famous actor, who decided to leave his successful acting career and become a farmer. He himself has made a shocking revelation of the reason behind this. 

Acting is also called the world of glamor and if someone gets settled in this world then it becomes very difficult for him to come out of it. But there is also an actor who, despite having a successful career in acting, said goodbye to this world and became a farmer and started farming. This actor lived in the village for five years and did farming and grew crops.

From the world of glamor to farming

The name of this actor who left the world of glamor to become a farmer is Rajesh Kumar. Rajesh earned a lot of name by playing Rosesh in 'Sarabhai vs Sarabhai'. Apart from this, he has appeared in shows like 'Yam Kisi Se Kam Nahin', 'Neeli Chhatri Wale', 'Yeh Meri Family' and now has appeared in the recently released film Teri Baton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya. But before this, Rajesh continued farming in Bihar for 5 years.

Also read: Vegetable farming changed the fortunes of a young man, he earned huge profits 

What am I doing for the next generation? 

In an interview given to a media agency, Rajesh said- 'In 2017, I was at the height of my acting career on TV, when I decided to take up farming. While I was thoroughly enjoying doing TV, my heart was constantly asking me, what am I doing for the next generation, apart from leaving behind a few tapes of entertainment?

Why did Rajesh take a break from acting?

When asked about leaving the world of glamor and adopting the profession of a farmer, Rajesh said, 'I was not doing anything special or extra to contribute to the society. How will my children remember me? You did acting for yourself, for your safety, for your earning. I thought to myself, how will I leave any footprints behind me? That's when I went back to my hometown and grew crops. 

Also read:  Raghupat Singh ji brought more than 55 vegetables missing from the agricultural world into circulation and won 11 National Awards.

He faced many challenges while farming

Rajesh Kumar further said that when he continued farming for five years, many outlets said that he left acting to become a farmer or that he did not have money. However, he faced many challenges during this period and due to his education he was able to come out of all the difficulties.

Leaving the government job, Mukesh is earning big profits from cucumber cultivation through polyhouse

Leaving the government job, Mukesh is earning big profits from cucumber cultivation through polyhouse

 For your information, let you know that young farmer Mukesh says that subsidized money is also received from the government to build a net house. Initially, he got a subsidy of 65% for setting up a net house. However, currently the Haryana government has reduced the grant amount to 50%.

 As we all know that even today people have gone absolutely crazy behind government jobs. It is the desire of every parent that his child gets a government job, so that his whole life becomes secure. Now the government job must be of low level. But, today, we will talk about a person who, leaving a good government job, is now coming to the village and doing farming.

Where is farmer Mukesh from?

Actually, the young farmer we are going to talk about is named Mukesh Kumar. Mukesh is a resident of Karnal district of Haryana. Earlier, he used to work in a government job in the Haryana Board. During the job, Mukesh used to get a salary of 45 thousand rupees per month. But, he did not feel like this government work, so he kicked this job. Today he is farming on his ancestral land with the net house method, due to which he is earning very well.

Also read: Farmers' crop savings up to 75% on ShedNet

Farmer Mukesh is providing employment to the people

Farmer Mukesh is also providing employment opportunities for many other farmers. Mukesh, a farmer, says he has set up four net houses on his land. Farmers Mukesh cultivates cucumbers inside them. According to farmer Mukesh, the demand for cucumbers increases a lot in summer. Now in such a situation, farmer Mukesh has been cultivating cucumbers for almost 2 years. Explain that farmer Mukesh is earning very well from this. This is the reason that he has gradually increased the area of cucumber cultivation. Along with this, Mukesh has also provided employment to many people around him.

Cucumbers can be cultivated throughout the year

Mukesh says that it costs two and a half to three lakh rupees to build a net house. But, the income increases considerably by cultivating it inside. The young farmer says that there are many varieties of cucumbers, which can be cultivated throughout the year inside the net house.


Also read: Farmer Subodh has set an example by cultivating cucumbers with the advice of a friend

There is very little wastage of water when irrigation is done by drip method

 Farmer Mukesh says that he has found the biggest feature of cucumber cultivation is that its cultivation consumes very little water. Actually, crops are irrigated through the drip method in the net house. The wastage of water is very less by drip irrigation. Along with this, water reaches the roots of the plants. Farmer Mukesh supplies cucumbers grown in his field to many cities including Delhi and Gurugram. At present, he is selling cucumbers at Rs 15 per kg.

 Electric current is being given to plants at this place, what is the reason?

Electric current is being given to plants at this place, what is the reason?

For your information, let us tell you that scientists say that if this technology is successful, then it will be spread all over the world very soon. He also said that with its help they can also deal with the global food crisis. 

Agriculture is changing rapidly. People are producing more crops than expected through modern agriculture. However, farmers also use various types of experiments for this. In this article, we will tell you about one such experiment. The most important thing is that if this experiment is successful then very soon you can get to eat vegetables without fertilizers and chemicals. To make them grow and develop quickly, they are being given electric shocks instead of chemical fertilizers.

An experiment is being conducted at Imperial College London

This is a type of experiment which is being conducted at Imperial College London. Here, a project on plant morphogenesis uses hydrogel cubes with electrodes to transform vertical farming. In fact, during this experiment, the fluidity in the network structure present in these translucent cubes is maintained stable. Let us tell you that for this, mild electric shocks are given to these hydrogel cubes. After that, due to this, green leaves emerge from the small air tunnels present in the lab. 

Also read: Vertical farming can produce produce in less space and less time.

Scientists said that this technology will spread across the world

Scientists say that if this technology is successful then it will be spread all over the world very soon. Let us tell you that this technology is being described as very brilliant by scientists. He says that with its help they can also deal with the global food crisis. The biggest thing is that by using it the vegetables will be chemical free which will be much better for health. Also, for countries like India and China where the population is very high, this technology will be very beneficial for them. With the help of this technology, farmers will be able to grow vegetables in abundance in their fields as well as in small places. Even for urban farmers who do farming in terrace gardens, this technology will prove to be very helpful. 

Merikheti team covered the fair organised at Punjab Agricultural University

Merikheti team covered the fair organised at Punjab Agricultural University

A grand two-day farmers and animal husbandry fair was organised at Punjab Agricultural University. Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann reached here and gave awards to the people who promoted the agriculture sector.

During this, Chief Minister Mann stated that PAU, which is the pride of Punjab agriculture and dear to the hearts of Punjabis, has provided guidance to the farm sector. Farmers attended the exhibition to learn about a variety of innovative technology.

CM Bhagwant Mann stated at the time that when I arrived, I was pleased to observe on the canal route that Punjabi youngsters were clutching sacks of seeds and heading out to farm. He stated that farming practices have altered. Agriculture has progressed thanks to scientific advances. There are now several irrigation techniques in the fields, rather than just one.

Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann says Punjab is the largest producer of Basmati rice in India.

CM Bhagwant Mann stated during the programme that the Punjab government has pushed farmers to grow Basmati rice. Punjab is India's leading producer of basmati. We learned about the Basmati standards used elsewhere. Pesticides that have been prohibited for Basmati in other countries. Ten of these sprays were prohibited by our government. So Basmati is bought as much as possible.

Meri Kheti's correspondent spoke with the Agriculture Minister

MeriKheti journalist Sonesh Pathak ji informed Punjab Agriculture Minister Shri Gurmeet Singh Khudian about all farmer-friendly initiatives on his website. In addition, he emphasised the usage and relevance of contemporary and cutting-edge technology in agriculture. Punjab is an agricultural state. There are several prospects for agricultural success here.

 Loan of Rs 9 lakh is being given to unemployed youth under Gopalak Yojana in this state.

Loan of Rs 9 lakh is being given to unemployed youth under Gopalak Yojana in this state.

According to UP Gopalak Yojana, unemployed youth of the state will get loan facility of up to Rs 9 lakh to open a dairy farm. The benefit of this government scheme will be available to those people who have at least 5 milch animals. A unique scheme has been started by the Uttar Pradesh government for unemployed youth, so that the youth of the state can get employment opportunities. Also, he should be able to make positive improvements in his financial condition. Let us tell you that Yogi government has started Gopalak Yojana for the people of the state. Under this scheme, the youth of the state can open their own dairy farms. For this work, the state government will provide loan facility up to Rs 9 lakh to the youth. But, this scheme of the government is not for all the youth.

Also read: Good news for cow herders, you will get Rs 25,000 for buying a local cow in this state.

Under the Gopalak Yojana of Uttar Pradesh Government, only those youth of the state who have at least 5 or more animals will be able to apply. Let us further give you information about this scheme of the government in this article. So that the youth can apply easily.

Only milk producing animals will be included in the Gopalak scheme.

Cow-Buffalo means milch animals have been included in Gopalak Yojana. If you are a cattle rearer and also have a cattle shed, then also you can avail the benefit of loan from this scheme. But, keep in mind that the annual income of the applicant should not exceed Rs 1 lakh.

Also read: how to rear milk production animals in winter

Eligibility to avail benefits of Gopalak Yojana

Only the youth of the state will get the benefit of this scheme, that is, it is mandatory for the cattle rearer to be a permanent resident of UP. 

To avail the benefit of this scheme, the cattle owner must have at least 5 animals. 

The annual income of the applicant should be less than Rs 1 lakh.

 The applicant should also have an animal which has been purchased from the animal fair.

Farmers to get prosperous in short span by Sandalwood Cultivation,by this project of scientists.

Farmers to get prosperous in short span by Sandalwood Cultivation,by this project of scientists.

Agriculturists can earn crores through Sandalwood cultivation however almost a decade long process so reduces its scope for most farmers.Therefore the Central Soil and Salinity Research Institute is developing sandalwood plants that can be harvested in a short period of time.

Sandalwood cultivation is a highly profitable business for farmers. The majority of agricultural workers in India are enthusiastic about it however, due to a lack of technical understanding, they are unable to practise it .To generate profit from sandalwood trees one has to wait for almost 10-15 years.In this aspect,the Central Soil and Salinity Research Institute has launched an endeavour to grow high-quality sandalwood plants. Scientists are currently doing study on this topic in order to help farmers maximise their profits from sandalwood growing in a short period of time. For your knowledge, sandalwood is utilised in a variety of auspicious tasks, including worship. As a result, both the demand and price of sandalwood rise dramatically in the market.

Research ongoing for Sandalwood Trees by Scientists

Scientists at the Central Soil and Salinity Research Institute (CSSRI) in Karnal are developing healthier and higher-quality sandalwood plants to help farmers earn more money. In this respect, agricultural scientist Dr. Raj Kumar stated that the project work on sandalwood trees is being carried out under the leadership of the institute's director, Dr. RK Yadav. Sandalwood plant research continues to this day. He claims that farmers must wait 10-15 years to reap benefits from sandalwood trees. Scientists undertook this initiative to shorten the long wait.Along with this, study is being done on essential issues such as which host plant should be kept near the sandalwood tree, how much fertiliser, how much water should be supplied, and so on, in order to shorten the time gap required to reap the advantages of sandalwood trees. According to information obtained, experts have planted sandalwood seedlings on one acre of ground at the institute.

Also to read: Know how this farmer became millionaire by cultivating red sandalwood in just 15 acres.

Sandalwood tree is very beneficial for farmers

According to agricultural specialists, the age of the sandalwood tree determines its market price. If a sandalwood tree is ripe in around 15 years, its market price might range between Rs 70 thousand and Rs 2 lakh. In such a case, farmers might easily make millions of rupees in a few years by planting sandalwood.

Sandalwood trees consume nourishment from other plants

Other plants are placed beside the sandalwood. Because this tree derives its nutrients from the roots of other plants. Actually, the roots of the sandalwood plant connect to the roots of other plants. Then he turns the dose he received into his own dose, allowing the plant to develop more effectively.

Change in weather and rain likely in Uttar Pradesh

Change in weather and rain likely in Uttar Pradesh

As we all know, the harsh winter season is going on. Farmers face many problems in farming. In such a situation, if it rains , then this problem increases further. There is a possibility of rain in some districts of western Uttar Pradesh in the next one or two days. Now there are some special things for the farmers, which need special attention . According to reports, there is a possibility of rain in Agra, Hathras, Aligarh and nearby parts.

What to do to prevent plant diseases

For the last several months, the ready crop has cost a lot and the hard work of the farmers . Now in such a situation, farmers are very worried about their crops . To save the crop, it is most necessary to monitor the cultivation daily. If any disease is seen in the leaf of the plant, immediately uproot it and bury it inside the ground. If more diseases are noticed, consult a specialist immediately and for precaution, spray a fungicide Carbendazim Manacuzeb or Metalaxyl And can also spray mancozeb.

Also Read : India Meteorological Department (IMD) issues rain alert in many states

If the weather is favourable for scorching in potato crops, then spray 2 grams per litre of Ina fungicide. If white leaf spot disease occurs in mustard crop, apply copper oxychloride or carbendazim mancozeb in 3 grams per litre of water Spray.

Do not forget to do this work

If there is a possibility of rain in your area, do not irrigate. If there is too much moisture in the field, vegetable crops can be majorly damaged. At the same time, a lot of diseases can occur. Spraying germs, insecticides or weedicides is best when the sun is open . If there is fog and cloudy sky and there is a possibility of rain, avoid pesticide spraying as well.

Also Read: Farmers should pay attention to these pesticides, government bans them

If the crop has flowered, avoid the use of any kind of chemical pesticides. Any crop is flowering . Do not use chemical sprays there. The growth of the flower will stop considerably. Flowers will fall off, preventing grains and fruit formation . In such a situation, use natural methods, smoke, moisture, neem oil and ash of tubers . Apart from this, bees have been kept in the field and if they come there, do not spray chemicals during the day or else they will die. Use at the time the bees return to the hives in the evening .