
Indian Agriculture

Know about Napier grass which eliminates the problem of animal fodder in summer.

Know about Napier grass which eliminates the problem of animal fodder in summer.

India is an agricultural country. Because most of the population here is dependent on farming. Agriculture is considered the main pillar of the economy. Along with farming, animal husbandry is also done on a large scale in India. Especially in rural areas where animal husbandry is the second largest occupation after farming. Farmers raise different types of animals from cows and buffaloes in different areas.

 In fact, along with inflation, animal feed has also become quite expensive at present. It is believed that green grass is the best option for animals as fodder. If green grass is fed to animals, their milk production also increases. But, the problem faced by the cattle farmers is that from where should they arrange green grass in such large quantity? Now the onset of summer is about to begin. In this season, animal feed remains a big problem for the cattle farmers. Now in such a situation, elephant grass can easily overcome this challenge of cattle herders. 

Napier grass is the solution to the problem of cattle farmers

The solution to this problem of farmers and cattle herders is elephant grass, which is also called Napier grass. It is a kind of animal feed. It is a fast-growing grass and its height is quite high. In height, they are bigger than humans. For this reason, it is called elephant grass. It is a very nutritious fodder for animals. According to the information given by agricultural experts, the first Napier hybrid grass was prepared in Africa. Now after this, it spread to other countries and today it is being grown in different countries.

 Also read: Now you will get Rs 10 thousand per acre for cultivating green fodder, apply like this

People are rapidly adopting Napier grass

This grass reached India around 1912 when Napier hybrid grass was produced in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. It was prepared for the first time in Delhi in 1962. Its first hybrid variety was named Pusa Giant Napier. This grass can be cut 6 to 8 times in a year and green fodder can be earned. At the same time, if its yield is less then it is dug up and planted again. This grass is being used extensively as animal feed.

Napier grass is the best hot-season fodder

Hybrid Napier grass is called a warm-season crop because it grows rapidly in summer. Especially when the temperature is around 31 degrees. The most suitable temperature for this crop is 31 degrees. However, its yield may reduce at temperatures below 15 degrees. Sunshine and little rain in summer are considered good for Napier crops. 

Also read: You can become rich soon by using these 5 grasses in animal husbandry.

Soil and irrigation for Napier grass cultivation

Napier grass can be produced easily in all types of soils. However, loamy soil is considered most suitable for this. To prepare the field, it is advisable to do one cross-plowing with a harrow and then one cross-plowing with a cultivator. With this, weeds are eliminated. To plant it properly, ridges should be made at appropriate distances. It can also be planted through stem cuttings and roots. However, currently, its seeds are also available online. Light irrigation should be done in the field for 20-25 days.

Farmers will gain tremendously from the production of sweet corn; simply take extra care of these things.

Farmers will gain tremendously from the production of sweet corn; simply take extra care of these things.

Farmers may make good money by growing sweet corn. It is quite popular both in India and overseas. Everyone remembers the taste of sweet corn, regardless of the season. Sweet corn is consumed with relish, especially on mountain hikes and during rainy seasons. Let us explain that sweet corn is a sweet kind of maize. It is picked in the milky stage, before the crop is ready. Sweet corn is immensely popular both in India and overseas. In such cases, farmer brothers can make a significant profit by farming it.

How is sweet corn grown?

Sweet corn farming is quite similar to maize cultivation. Sweet corn agriculture involves harvesting the maize crop before it is ready. As a result, farmers receive a significant revenue immediately. Farmers that cultivate flowers alongside sweet corn can earn twice as much money by co-cropping marigold, gladiolus and spices. Apart from that, you may grow spinach, peas, cabbage and coriander on the field.

Also to read: These low-cost maize crops are as nutritious as milk.

Avoid storing sweet corn for long time

Harvesting sweet corn is a straightforward operation. Let us tell you that the crop is ready for harvest when a milky material begins to emerge from the maize. Harvest sweet corn in the morning or evening to preserve the harvest fresh for longer. After harvesting is completed, sell it in the market. Sweet corn loses sweetness when stored for an extended period of time.

Farmers should take care of these things

When cultivating maize, you should only use improved kinds.

Insect-resistant types should ripen quickly.

Ensure a suitable drainage system during field preparation to prevent waterlogging of the crop.

Sweet corn is farmed across India, although the biggest output occurs in Uttar Pradesh.

Sweet corn may be sown in both the Rabi and Kharif seasons.

 FMCI Director Raju Kapoor expressed the possibility of increasing the use of drones in agriculture in 2024.

FMCI Director Raju Kapoor expressed the possibility of increasing the use of drones in agriculture in 2024.

There is a continuous effort by the central and state governments to double the income of farmers. In this series, the use of drones in spraying fertilizers and agrochemicals will be encouraged in 2024. Raju Kapoor, Director, FMC India – The agrochemical industry has entered 2024 with cautious and positive optimism, after facing numerous challenges in the year 2023. GVA in the agriculture sector declined by 1.8% percent during 2023. At the same time, the key drivers within the agrochemical industry remained intact. Because of this the region needs to reboot itself.

What is GVA? 

Gross value added (GVA) is a measure of the total value of goods and services produced in an economy (sector, region or country). GVA also shows how much production has been produced in a particular sector or industry. 

Also read: Things to know before using drones in agriculture.

Visible Growth potential in crop protection industry in 2024

In the second half of the year 2023, a special adverse impact of destocking (reducing storage capacity) has been seen on the crop protection industry at the global level. By 2024, if weather conditions are favorable, the Indian crop protection industry is likely to see a boom in the third/fourth quarter of the year. Which is indicative of a return to normalcy in overall market dynamics. At the same time, the sowing area for Rabi 2023 remains largely intact for regional crops. But, decline in the area sown of pulses and oilseeds is negative for the industry.

Raju Kapoor, Director of Industry and Public Affairs, FMC India, says that China should be expected to slow down in dumping of agro chemicals. A significant advancement on the technology front is the significant increase in the use of drones for spraying fertilizers and agrochemicals. It is likely to get a big boost with the launch of the government-backed ‘Drone Didi’ scheme. Great coordination between the fertilizer and agrochemical industry will help stabilize drones as a service concept, thereby improving crop protection and nutrient use efficiency and effectiveness.

Control scheme for weeds and pesticides

Mr Kapoor said “We should also expect the unveiling of new molecules to combat weeds like Phalaris and pests like pink bollworm in wheat crops. This is expected to get a boost with the regulatory body Central Pesticide Board's announcement to rationalize the time taken for regulatory approval of new molecules.

Also read: Weed control for wheat crop

Continued growth in horticulture production will be positive for continued demand for fungicides. However, generic products may face pressure. But, a visionary approach of the industry along with supportive government schemes can ensure that the industry returns to the growth path. Shri Kapoor said that the prospects of the agriculture industry in 2024 lie in its innovation and strategic actions. The sector is poised for a one-year expansion driven by strong food demand and commitment to sustainable farming practices.