
Integrated farming

Essential works to be done in horticulture crops in the month of March

Essential works to be done in horticulture crops in the month of March

 Special attention should be paid to seed vegetables by farmers. Farmers should keep monitoring of chepa in vegetables. If the crop is affected by chepa, then to control it, mix 25 ml of imedacloprid per liter of water and spray it when the sky is clear. Do not harvest ripe fruits immediately after spraying. Pluck ripe fruits at least 1 week later.

1. Sowing of pumpkin vegetables is also done in this month. Pumpkin vegetables like cucumber, bottle gourd, bitter gourd, zucchini, chappan pumpkin, petha, watermelon and muskmelon. All these vegetables also have different varieties.

Cucumber - Japanese Long Green, Pusa Uday, Poinsett and Pusa Combination.

Gourd - Pusa Sandesh, Pusa Hybrid, Pusa Naveen, Pusa Samriddhi, Pusa Santushti and PSPL.

Bitter gourd - Pusa two seasonal, Pusa special Pusa hybrid.

Smooth zucchini - Pusa Sneha, Pusa Supriya.

Chappan Pumpkin - Australian Green, Patty Penn, Pusa Alankar.

Muskmelon - Green honey, Punjab golden, Durgapura honey, Lucknow Safeda and Punjab hybrid.

Also read: Why is the month of March, the treasure of vegetables: Full details ( Vegetables to Sow in the Month of March in Hindi)

2. Sowing of ladyfinger and cowpea is also done at this time. Varieties like A-4 and Parbhani Kranti can be adopted for early sowing of bhindi. Improved varieties of cowpea like Pusa Komal, Pusa Sukomal and Pusa Faguni can be sown. For seed treatment of both crops, treat 1 kg of seed with 2 grams of thiram or captan.

3. At this time, lightly irrigate the onion crop. Do not use any manure and fertilizer at this stage of onion crop. Fertilizer will only increase the vegetative part of the onion and not the onion, its lump growth is less. Constant monitoring of thrips invasion. In case of thrips insect, spray 2 grams of Carbaryl in 4 liters of water mixed with 1 gram quantity of any adhesive substance like Tipol. But while spraying, keep in mind that the weather should be clear.

4. This month is good for sowing radish in the summer season. The temperature is also favorable for direct sowing of radish. The germination of seeds is good in this season. Seeds for sowing radish should be obtained from a certified source.

5. Garlic crop may also be attacked by bloch disease or pests at this time. To avoid this, mix 2 grams of mancozeb with 1 gram of Tipol etc.

Also read: Detailed information about garlic crop beneficial for health

6. To control the pod borer pest in brinjal crop in this season, the farmer should collect and burn the plants affected by this pest. If the outbreak of this pest is high, then mix 1 ml spinosad in 4 liters of water and spray it. This remedy can be done to control pod borer pests in tomato cultivation.


Do not use any kind of pesticide in mango cultivation in this month. But in case of excessive outbreak of mango maggot, 0.5% monocrotophos solution can be sprayed. In general, 0.5% Dinocap solution can be sprayed in case of outbreak of Kharra disease.

 Irrigate if there is a lack of moisture in fruits like grapes, peaches and plums. Also, transplant the prepared seedlings of marigold keeping in mind the weather. Before transplanting marigold, add the appropriate amount of manure to the field. Transplant marigold only when there is proper moisture in the field. Do not allow weeds to grow in the field. From time to time, the field should be sprayed, hoeed.

How much benefit will be given by farming under an integrated farming system?

How much benefit will be given by farming under an integrated farming system?

The way of farming has changed a lot in today's time . In the time of this modern world, the methods of agriculture have changed. Positively at present, farmers are getting huge profits from agriculture using new methods and techniques. One such way is an integrated farming system, through which farmers can earn more with limited resources and lower costs. Agriculture in India is currently going through a new phase. In this era, farmers are also using new methods of agriculture. While some farmers are leaving agriculture and migrating to cities, some farmers are earning huge profits by adopting new techniques or methods. One such way is the integrated farming system through which a farmer can do crop production as well as other co-business. The biggest advantage of this is that the farmer can create new sources of earning more with limited resources and low cost. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that it is a powerful means of doubling the income of farmers.

What is an Integrated Farming System?

Integrated farming system is a method of farming in which the farmer can do crop production as well as other co-occupations. Under the integrated farming system, at least two or more components of agriculture are adjusted in such a way that adjustment of one significantly reduces the cost of another. Along with this, productivity increases significantly. Self-employment is created and the standard of living also improves significantly.

Also read: Integrated farming system turns farm into tourism point

Integrate agriculture with livestock

Let's see, as an example, that farmers can integrate agriculture with livestock on limited land. As such poultry and fish farming can be done in the same place. Along with this, you can also cultivate on the same land, so that employment can be created throughout the year and additional income can also be obtained. For example, you can also use the waste (excrement) released during poultry farming as manure. In fish farming, the remaining water of the pond can be used for agriculture and crop cultivation. In this way, you can earn income from poultry, fisheries as well as farming and manure production

What are the advantages of an integrated farming system?

Due to an integrated farming system, more production per unit area would have been more beneficial with reduction in production cost. There has to be availability of balanced nutritious food. Recycling of crop residues. There can be benefits like continuous income generation throughout the year, increase in self-employment opportunities, environmental protection, etc.

Important agricultural-related works of the month of March

Important agricultural-related works of the month of March

Rabi crops are ripe and ready in the month of March, at this time it is very important for the farmers to keep many things in mind. Here you will know how to do your agricultural work easily in this month. 

Pulse crops 

In the month of March, gram, pea, and lentil crops  are more affected by pests and diseases. There is a huge infestation of borer insects in gram crop, they cause damage by sucking the juice from the leaves and soft parts of the plants. For chemical control of this insect, mix 1 liter of Monocrotophos in 600-800 liters of water and spray it per hectare or instead you can also use 250 ml of Emamectin Benzoate. 

To reduce the effect of this pest on lentil beans, dissolve 750 ml of fenvalerate chemical or 1 liter of monocrotophos in 600-800 liters of water and spray it. Also, to control aphids in pea and lentil cultivation, mix 2 liters of Malathion 50 EC or 1 liter of Pharmathion 25 EC in 600-700 liters of water and spray it per hectare. 

Also read: Preparation to control the prices of lentils

Urad and moong are also sown in the month of March i.e. summer. There are different varieties of moong and urad which are sown in March. Some of the improved varieties of urad are: Azad urad, Pant urad 19, PDU 1, KU 300, KU 479, LU 391 and Pant urad 35. Apart from this, there are some improved varieties of moong like Meha, Malviya, Jagrati, Samrat, Pusha Vaishakhi and Jyoti etc.

Wheat and Barley  

At this time, while cultivating wheat and barley, the farmer should keep doing irrigation work from time to time. In wheat and barley cultivation, the field should be watered at an interval of 15-20 days. But keep in mind that never do irrigation work in the field during strong winds. If irrigation work is done during strong winds, there is a fear of the crop falling. Wheat and barley are more susceptible to yellow rust disease during changing seasons . If you see black flowers in the wheat crop, pluck them and throw them away or bury them well in the soil. 

Due to high temperatures, yellow leaves of wheat turn into leaves with black stripes. To prevent this disease, farmers should spray Propiconazole 25 EC at the rate of 1%. If the disease is more prevalent, it can be sprayed again. This chemical medicine is also sprayed to control Karnal Bunt's disease. 

Also read: Talk about wheat crop with the farmer

If there is aphid disease in the wheat crop, then mix 2 ml dimethoate or 20 grams imidacloprid in 1000 liters of water and spray it per hectare. If the infestation is severe then it can be sprayed again.

Sowing of summer fodder crops 

Summer fodder crops like guar, cowpea, jowar, maize, and millet are grown by farmers for animal fodder . Fodder crops can be easily grown in this season. For good yield of fodder crops, farmers should select the right seeds. The farmer should treat the seeds before sowing. For seed treatment, the farmer can use 2.5 grams of Thiram and Babistin in 1 kg of seeds.

Seed production in Barseem 

Barseem is a fodder crop, which is mainly grown for animal fodder. Barseem harvesting should be stopped from the second week of March. If you want to grow Barseem seeds then do not let the moisture in the field get exhausted. Until the Barseem flowers and produces grains, it should be irrigated. After the germination of seeds, a micronutrient mixture can be sprayed on the plants. This results in higher seed yield. After the flowering of Barseem, problems like weeds are also seen in it, uproot the weed plants at the same time and throw them away.

Sugarcane Sowing 

Sugarcane is cultivated in Northern India in the month of March. To cultivate sugarcane, it is important for the seed pieces of sugarcane to remain disease-free. Using Pedi seeds increases the chances of the crop getting affected by diseases. Therefore, treat the sugarcane seed pieces before sowing. For seed treatment, farmers should soak sugarcane seed pieces in 2 grams of Babistin for 15 minutes. 

Also read: There will be no disease if winter sugarcane is sown scientifically

After harvesting of Rabi crop, farmers can sow green manure crops to increase the fertility of the land. Green crops include Dhencha, Sanai, Cowpea, and Guar. Mostly pulse crops are grown by farmers for green manure. Along with improving the physical condition of the soil, these crops also increase the amount of organic matter in the soil. By using green manure, less fertilizer is required in the second crop.