
Milk Production

Milk production capability and price of jafarabadi buffaloes

Milk production capability and price of jafarabadi buffaloes

Animal farmers can obtain good profit by milk production. Name of jafarabadi buffalo is taken from the jafrabad region of Gujarat. Because it originated in jafrabad. Jafarabadi buffalo give milk for longer periods than other buffaloes. Animal farmers can use it for milk production power. Because it gives more milk than other buffaloes. 

There is a very primitive tradition of animal husbandry in rural areas of India. In recent years, interest towards animal husbandry has increased rapidly. It is the second major part of income for the rural economy after farming. By the medium of animal husbandry, farmers can earn amazing profit. In general, farmers prefer to rear cows and buffaloes. Because, by their milk they can earn amazing profit. Considering the increase in demand for milk, the trend of cow and buffalo rearing has rapidly increased recently. Along with this, because of these demands, the business of dairy is also spreading. 

Body structure of jafarabadi buffaloes 

Although, all the varieties of cows and buffaloes are outstanding and one step ahead of each other. But, there's one variety of buffalo which is discussed a lot. This variety of buffalo is also called ‘the Bahubali’ of buffaloes. Because this buffalo seems to be very healthy and fit. Yes, we are talking about the jafarabadi buffaloes. If you also want to earn a good profit by this dairy business then jafarabadi buffaloes are a good option.

Milk production capability and price of jafarabadi buffaloes

Jafarabadi buffaloes have originated from Saurashtra area of Gujarat. It is found in gir forests and the areas around like Jamnagar, Porbandar, Rajkot, junagadh and bhavnagar. Name of this variety of buffalo was kept in the Amreli district of Gujarat. This  variety (jafarabadi ) of buffalo is seen in large numbers. The weight of the jafarabadi variety of buffaloes is usually heavy. For the farmers involved in the dairy business, this variety is no less tenn than diamonds. Because this buffalo can produce 20 to 30 litres of milk everyday which helps farmers earn a decent profit. At the same place if we talk about its price, it ranges around 90 thousand to 1.5 lakhs. Because of its high milk production power, its price is so High. 

It is also known as bhavnagri, gir or jafari.

 Take special care of these things to overcome the lack of milk production

Take special care of these things to overcome the lack of milk production

Currently there is a shortage of milk in our India. The more milk we need, the production of as much milk is not being done in sufficient quantity. Annual milk yield 5000 kg in developed countries like Sweden, Denmark, Israel and America etc. The animal is per year. In comparison, only 1000 kg in India. The animal is per year. According to scientists, every person needs 280 grams of milk per day. At the same time, currently 190 grams of milk is present per day per person. Therefore, there is a great need to increase milk production in our India.

Animals provide nutrients especially from diet, fat, minerals, vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates, which are used by cattle for their living, growth, yields, breeding and functionality etc. Due to less milk -giving animals inside India, crores of landless and marginal farmers, use of remaining remains of crops and lack of pastures etc. Milk production is commonly found in areas of the country where mixed farming is done. In order to take milk production as business, the substances of fodder, grains, khali and grains should be available in abundance and smoothness.

Animals suffering from infertility should be expelled with a herd

Generally, infertility is seen in young animals up to 2-3 percent and in adult animals 5 to 6 percent, which should be removed from the herd. So that the milk production level cannot decline and there is no side effects on the income from them. Also, the expenses incurred in fodder, grain and care on these animals can be saved.

Take care of cattle health

Prevention of the disease in place of therapy is quite good, so that the expenses and risk caused by the uncertainty of better diagnosis in treatment can be protected. Cows and buffaloes are prone to various types of diseases. Because heat and humidity are very high in the weather here. Due to this, animals also die more. Animals must be vaccinated to protect them from these diseases.

Provide enough diet to animals

Proper food for animals is that which is gross, interesting, interesting, hunger and balanced. Also, sufficient green fodder has also been found in it, it has got suicide and it is going to provide satisfaction. Animals should usually give food 3 times on a short time of time. Animals should be mixed with green fodder like wheat straw, straw etc. By resourceing fodder and grain, the use of animal feed can also be increased by grinding grain, cutting and soaking etc. As far as possible, animals should be given separately as per the requirement and given separately. Every cow dynasty animal has 2 to 2.5 kg. And buffalo to 3 kg. 100 kg per 100 kg Dry substances should be given on the body. Animals should be given 2/3 of the dietary diet as fodder and 1/3 as grain. 1.5 kg to pregnant cows and buffaloes. Dana should be given every day. Physical development animals 1 to 1.5 kg. Per animals should be given for body development. 1 to 1.5 kg to live the animal to live. For grain and milk production, cows have 3 liters of milk per milk and 1 kg on 2.5 liters of milk respectively. Should give grain. Animal food is also mandatory to have adequate mineral salts and vitamins.

Produce a good breed heifer by conception

Animals should always be provided with sufficient amount of clean water. To maintain life, an animal needs a lot of water daily in a large amount of water. Since lack of water affects milk production. By earning semen from male animals with artificial methods, examining, cleaning the female's reproduction, proper time and proper place is called artificial insemination. Milk breed bulls and their superstitious semen should make their cows conception and earn a military heifer of advanced breed. Which will be worth conceiving by becoming a cow in two years, as well as providing more milk. The hybrid cow (jersey child) obtained through artificial insemination gives more milk. Also, when that hybrid jersey cow is rejected by jersey breed, the cow giving 15-20 liters of milk is achieved.

With this technology developed by scientists, now only female calves will be born.

With this technology developed by scientists, now only female calves will be born.

There is a very good news for the farmers involved in agriculture as well as animal husbandry. Actually, Madhya Pradesh government has started a new technique of artificial insemination in animals to encourage milk production, due to which only calves will be born in cows and buffaloes. At present, farmers do animal husbandry along with farming to double their income. In this context, the government also helps farmers and cattle herders financially. 

Let us tell you that the Central and State Governments also release many schemes for the benefit of the farmers. So that animal husbandry can be encouraged even more. In fact, to boost milk production, the Madhya Pradesh government has started a new technique of artificial insemination in animals , Sex Sated Semen , due to which only calves will be born.

What is Sex Sated Semen?

Sex Sated Semen is a technology which has been introduced for artificial insemination in animals. With this technique only female babies will be produced in cows and buffaloes. With this sex-selected technology, the number of female animals will increase and with the increase in the number, there will be a significant increase in milk production.

Artificial insemination is being done from door to door  

Scientific technology of sex-sated semen has been introduced to improve the breed of animals and increase milk production. This technique is being used by veterinary assistants and veterinary area officers of Animal Husbandry Department in the veterinary hospitals, dispensaries and artificial insemination centers of their area and also by going door-to-door to the advanced farmers of that area through sex sated semen technique. Are conceiving. 

Also read: Know about the price, method of rearing and characteristics of Kankrej breed of cow.

What are the benefits of Sex Sated Semen technology?

Now it is an accepted fact that with this sex-based technology, there will be a significant increase in the milk production of farmers. This technology will increase the number of female animals, which will also increase milk production. With this technology the number of milch animals will increase. This technology will increase the income of farmers.

Fees for conception through sex sated semen technique 

With this technology introduced by the government, different prices are being charged from different sections of the society for artificial insemination. In this, Rs 450 will be charged for general and backward class cattle herders and Rs 400 will be charged from Scheduled Caste and Tribal cattle herders. With this technology, AI will be done in all the animals. By identifying the UID tag of that animal and its offspring, the information will be uploaded on the Enaf software