
Mustard Varieties

 Agricultural scientists developed three new improved varieties of mustard, know their specialties.

Agricultural scientists developed three new improved varieties of mustard, know their specialties.

Three improved mustard varieties CS-61, CS-62, and CS-64 have been developed by agricultural scientists of CSSRI for sodic alkaline land areas. Let us tell you that these three varieties of mustard will be available to farmers by 2024.

To provide more profits to the farmers of India, Central Soil and Salinity Research Institute (CSSRI) has prepared 3 new improved varieties of mustard. Farmers will get more production from these three excellent varieties of mustard. Besides, these three varieties of mustard can be easily cultivated in sodic i.e. alkaline soil. According to media reports, all three species of mustard developed by scientists will be available in the hands of farmers by the year 2024. We are talking about CS-61, CS-62 and CS-64 varieties.

Also read: Farmers can earn excellent profits by cultivating this variety of mustard.

It should be known that even before these varieties, some salt-tolerant mustard varieties CS-56, CS-58, and CS-60 have been prepared by agricultural scientists, and are currently being made available to farmers. Along with this, these mustard seeds are being distributed by agriculture departments and seed institutions.

Cultivation of new improved varieties of mustard

The best mustard varieties CS-61, CS-62, and CS-64 developed at the Central Soil and Salinity Research Institute will give good yields in every area. However, it will provide higher yield in the areas of Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Punjab, and Jammu and Kashmir. Let us tell you that with these three varieties, the mustard crop will flourish well in the farmer's fields. Apart from this, it will be available at a good price in the market also.

Also read: Major diseases and management of diseases in mustard crop

Features of these developed improved varieties of mustard

Cultivation of these three improved varieties of mustard will work as a boon for areas where the soil is not suitable for mustard cultivation. CS-61, CS-62 and CS-64 varieties of mustard have been developed for such areas, where mustard is not grown even today. The farmer brothers there can also take advantage of the mustard crop with the help of these varieties. Also, these three new varieties of mustard will produce approximately 27 to 29 quintals per hectare. At the same time, in sodic i.e. alkaline soil, this variety will provide a yield of 21 to 23 quintals per hectare. Apart from this, the amount of oil in these mustard varieties will be around 41 percent.

In which areas of India mustard is not cultivated

Mustard is not cultivated in many states of India. For example, mustard is not produced in some areas of Haryana and Punjab. Apart from this, mustard is not cultivated in many areas of Uttar Pradesh like Pratapgarh, Kaushambi, Lucknow, Kanpur, Etawah Hardoi, etc. With these three varieties of mustard developed by scientists, the mustard crop will flourish in these areas also.

GM Mustard: What is GM Mustard and its benefits?

GM Mustard: What is GM Mustard and its benefits?

It is a well-known fact that India imports a large quantity of oil. However, the controversy surrounding the commercial cultivation of GM mustard continues to linger even after its approval by the Indian government. Nowadays, there is a lot of debate in India regarding the commercial cultivation of GM mustard, which is genetically modified mustard. Despite the Central Government's approval, the controversy over it persists, and the Supreme Court recently debated this issue. The question that arises is why the controversy over GM mustard has arisen in the first place. To understand this, we need to know what GM mustard is and its benefits. Last year, the Biotech regulator Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee of the Union Environment Ministry approved the commercial cultivation of GM mustard, which sparked strong opposition from many farmer groups, AGOs, and environment-related organizations, leading the matter to reach the court.

What do the organizations standing against this have to say?

On one hand, the organizations standing against it say that due to the use of GM mustard in India, agriculture will suffer a lot. Also,  according to experts, this will increase productivity and farmers will benefit greatly from it.  Experts also say that it is being cultivated successfully in many countries.  In such a situation, if India also adopts it, it will have many benefits in the future. But, what will be the benefit to the farmers from this?

Also read: Research started to prepare GM seeds of 13 crops

Important information about GM mustard

Genetically modified mustard ( GM mustard ) is a species of mustard created by mixing two different varieties of plants.  This means that it is a hybrid species, which has been created in the lab.  The chances of contracting diseases are very low. Besides, its production also remains high.  Now the yield of the first generation hybrid species obtained from such crossing is likely to be higher than the original varieties. However, doing this with mustard was not convenient. This is because its flowers contain both male and female reproductive organs.  This means that the mustard plant pollinates itself to a large extent and Does not require pollination from any other plant. In such a situation, the opportunity to create hybrid varieties of mustard like maize, tomato, or cotton is greatly reduced.

Various benefits of producing GM mustard

Increase in Productivity: Proponents argue that GM mustard, especially Dhara mustard hybrid ( DMH - 11 ), has the potential to significantly increase the productivity of mustard crops. Because of this, mustard cultivation is currently being seen in India. It can help in dealing with the problem of low productivity.

Also read: Mustard Cultivation: Good income at low cost

Reduction in import dependence: India imports edible oils in large quantities and GM mustard can reduce this dependence by increasing domestic mustard oil production. This could potentially save foreign exchange and promote self-reliance in edible oil production

Crop protection: Genetic modification can confer resistance to pests and diseases, reducing the need for chemical pesticides.  This can encourage environmentally friendly and sustainable agricultural practices.