

Best ways to protect potato crops from blight disease

Best ways to protect potato crops from blight disease

For your kind information, due to unexpected fall in rain, cloud and temperature and due to fog, not only potato but also tomato, ginger and onion crops are also prone to loss. With the increase in production, sensitivity towards diseases also increases. At present, potato crops are sensitive towards late blight. Its outbreak starts from the upper leaves. In initial stages, edges of leaves start blackening. Then infection spreads very fast to complete leaves and stems to fibrous roots. This is more dangerous than early blight. If not treated in initial stages, the whole crop can die within 2-3 days.

Prevent blight disease with these steps 

Farmers should spread mancozeb with carbendazim. Concentration should be kept 2.5-3 grams per litre of water. If necessary, spray again a second time after two weeks of first preventive spray.

How to control centipede 

In this weather, mustard crops along with other vegetables are prone to infection due to centipede and its associated viral disease. With the outbreak, leaves get curled around and thicken and stiffen. Plant growth stops and increment stops and the production gets affected. For prevention spread metasystox 1.5 ml mixed in per litre of water. Keep the farm humid to prevent frost. You can also spray mancozeb. 

Other crops of vegetables will also get affected.

If the weather becomes out of order, onion, garlic growth also stops. Most of the onions are sown or are in a nursery. To sow onion, use 10 kilograms of sulphur with other fertilisers in basel dressing. Bentonite sulphur is an amazing product from IFFCO. If the nursery face rotting, spray mancozeb, carbendazim and sulphur. According to experts, spraying 18:18:18 ( soluble fertiliser) can be useful in increasing productivity. Due to low temperature, roots of garlic can shorten. Spray 13:0:45 for this. Add 10 grams of manure in one litre of water. Add 6 mg of sticker for better results. Fruits and flowers start falling in vegetables in this weather. To prevent that, spray micronutrients.

Where is the world's most expensive potato grown?

Where is the world's most expensive potato grown?

Today we will tell you about the best variety of potato. World's most expensive potato is from France. Le Bonnotte is known as the most expensive potato in the world because of its distinct taste. It is sold for 50000-90000 rupees per kg. Potatoes are known as the king of vegetables and they have a special place in our lives. Because potatoes have a good taste and texture. Sometimes if not other dishes potato is also widely used for snacks. Commonly potatoes are eaten with puri. Because it is cheap and blends with most of the dishes. Currently dissolved for 10 to 15 rupees kg and year round its prices go up to 50 rupees Max. But do you know there are variety of potatoes that are sold for the prices of gold and silver.

In which country is Le bonnotte potato produced? 

Le Bonnotte is only grown in France. 1 kg of this potato is so expensive that a middle class family can buy its groceries for the entire year at the price of 1 kg Le Bonnotte potatoes. It is sold for 50000-90000 rupees per kg. Now the surprising thing is that despite being so expensive, Le Bonnotte continues to be purchased in large quantities. The reason for this is its low yield. It is only produced between May and June. Even though its prices are very high, people are always willing to buy it. 

Also readTraditional way to protect potato crop from jhulsa disease

How much is this potato production? 

What makes this potato so you need is its taste which is due to a special type of farming and is done only on 50 square meters of sandy soil. To grow it, seaweed is used as fertilizer. It is traditionally produced on the French island of Noimortier off the coast of the Loire region of the Atlantic Ocean. After cultivation, about 2500 people are engaged for seven days to select the potatoes. Out of the 10,000 tonnes of potato crop, only 100 tonnes are produced which are Le Bonnette. 

How does this variety of potato taste? 

If we talk about the taste of Le Bonnotte, it taste like lemon salt and walnut which is not found in any other variety of potato. It is very soft and fragile. It is said that this is made by just boiling it, and is served with butter and sea salt. It is small and almost identical to a golf ball. It's creamy and white from one side. The price of this potato varies every year according to its availability. But, till date it has been sold only between Rs 50,000 to Rs 90,000 per kg.

What is the easy way to grow potatoes at home that can be used with every vegetable?

What is the easy way to grow potatoes at home that can be used with every vegetable?

Anyone can save a lot of money by growing potatoes at home. This is a vegetable which is used in every dish. Potato is a vegetable which is used in every household. It is the most commonly used vegetable in Indian homes. Potato curry is prepared in different ways in homes. But do you know that you can grow it at home also? After planting it at home, the hassle of buying potatoes from the market will be eliminated, let's know the easy way to plant it at home.

Take special care of these things while growing potatoes

If you want to grow potatoes at home, then choose good seeds. To grow potatoes, you should choose only certified seeds. Apart from this, you can also use potatoes as seeds. If you are using potatoes, then use the seeds with white buds or sprouts visible. Because of this, plants will emerge soon.

Also read: Detailed information on potato farming

Soil plays an important role in the cultivation of potatoes or any other crop. For this you should take excellent soil and add good fertilizer to it. For this you can use 50 percent soil, 30 percent vermi compost and 20 percent coco peat. Mix all these things and plant them in a big pot.

Grow better potatoes at home

Bury the potato seedlings 5-6 inches below the soil in the pot, container or bed. Cover it properly and add water. You can also use big pots from the market, grow bags, any old bucket or container at home. 

Potato farming: Important information related to potato farming.

Potato farming: Important information related to potato farming.

For your knowledge, we can tell you that growing more potatoes may enhance your revenue by sowing high yielding potato types on time, using a balanced amount of fertiliser, suitable pesticides, and water management.

Potatoes are a key cash crop. Every household uses it in some way. It contains abundant amounts of starch, protein, vitamin C, and mineral salts. Let us advise you that you may raise your revenue by producing more potatoes by early sowing of high yielding varieties, balanced fertiliser use, adequate pesticide usage, and improved water management.

Soil and potato crop variations

Potato farming is best suited to loamy and sandy loam soils rich in organic matter. Mid-season varieties such as Kufri Lalima, Kufri Bahar, Kufri Pukhraj, and Kufri Arun, when seeded in the first week of November, produce high yields. To avoid late seeding, sowing Kufri Sindhuri, Kufri Deva, and Kufri Badshah, among others, should be done by the last week of November.

Also  read: Grow early potatoes in this method.

Prepare the sowing and field of potatoes in this manner.

Potatoes are a winter crop. It needs a temperature of 22 to 24 degrees Celsius for establishment and early growth, and 18 to 20 degrees Celsius for tuber development. To prepare the field, make the soil more friable by ploughing three to four times deep. Before planting, add 55 kg urea, 87 kg DAP, 250 kg single super phosphate, and 80 kg MOP into the soil per acre.

Use fertiliser to produce an excellent yield from potato growing.

Today we shall discuss fertiliser in potato farming. Apply 45 kg of urea to the field 30 days after you seed your potatoes. Using 100 kg of gypsum per acre for field preparation yields results. Sow the potatoes only after they have been taken out of cold storage and kept in the shade for seven to eight days. If the potatoes are huge, chop and seed them. However, each piece of potato should weigh around 35-40 grams. Each item requires at least two healthy eyes. In this case, 10 to 12 quintals of tubers will be needed per acre.

Also  read: Late blight disease of potatoes and its treatment.

Before sowing, use three percent boric acid or Pensikuran (Manserin), 250 ml/eight quintals of tubers, or Penflufen (Imesto), 100 ml/10 quintals of tubers, and then sow the seeds. Maintain appropriate moisture in the field when sowing. Maintain a 50 to 60 cm spacing between each row. Sow at a space of 15 cm between tubers. After seeding potatoes, provide light watering for 7 to 10 days. When two to four leaves develop, combine Metribuzin 70%, WP at 100 grams in 200 litres of water and spray each acre.

In these areas of Punjab, 80 percent of the total potato produced is used for seeds.

In these areas of Punjab, 80 percent of the total potato produced is used for seeds.

Potatoes grown in Kapurthala and Jalandhar of Punjab are mostly used for seeds. These potato varieties are Kufri Pukhraj and Jyoti. In India, they are mostly purchased in Karnataka, West Bengal and Delhi. India ranks second in potato production in the world. But, if we talk about consumption, a large part of it is used in food in India itself. But, today we are going to tell you about pukhraj and Jyoti varieties of potatoes, which are in demand not only in India but all over the world. We are talking about potatoes growing in Kapurthala-Jalandhar district of Punjab. Actually, the demand for potatoes grown here is high because its seed is considered most important for production and quality.

85 percent of the total potato production here is for seeds.

If we talk about this potato grown in Kapurthala and Jalandhar, then 85 percent of its total yield is used only for seeds. According to a report, farmers in these areas use 85 percent of the total potato production for seeds. The main reason for this is that compared to potatoes, farmers' profits increase several times by selling its seeds. Many farmers of India book these seeds from the farmers here even before the crop is harvested.

Also read: Success for potato farmers in Bihar due to these states

Pukhraj and Jyoti varieties are most cultivated.

For potatoes, Pukhraj and Jyoti varieties are the most commonly sown varieties of Doab region of Punjab. The main reason for this is that these varieties are most seen in the Doab region. The production obtained from its seeds is quite high. This is the reason why these are cultivated the most in these areas.

Know how many hectares it is cultivated in

In Punjab, this potato crop is sown in large quantities in the district. According to government figures, it is sown in about 10,000 hectares in the district. At the same time, if we talk about its production, then approximately 2 lakh metric tons of potatoes are produced in the district every year.

Also read: Pink potatoes are more profitable to cultivatie compared to normal potatoes

The seeds are supplied to these states

This potato grown in Kapurthala is  liked by various states of India. But, if we talk about its highest demand, then this potato is mostly purchased by Karnataka, West Bengal and Delhi. Apart from this, it is also purchased in Uttarakhand and some quantity inside Uttar Pradesh.

 Detailed information related to potato cultivation

Detailed information related to potato cultivation

Potato crop is considered the king of vegetables. Potato is considered the base of almost every vegetable. Because of this, potato is considered the fourth most important vegetable in the world. After wheat, maize and paddy, potato is the most cultivated crop. Potato is also produced on a large scale. The biggest challenge faced by the potato producing farmers of India is that they are not able to get profit compared to the cost of producing potatoes. The solution to deal with this problem is to reduce costs by increasing production volume. For this, farmers should select high yielding varieties. Today we will give you information about those varieties of potatoes through this article. Varieties which give more production at less cost. This article will prove to be very beneficial for potato producing farmers.

Suitable time period for potato cultivation

The time for early sowing of potatoes is 15-25 September. At the same time, the appropriate time for sowing potatoes is considered to be from 15-25 October. Its late sowing time is between 15 November to 25 December.

Also read: the correct way of potato cultivation

Major improved varieties of potato are as follows

The early varieties of potato include Kufri Ashoka, Kufri Jawahar, Kufri Alankar, Kufri Pukhraj, Kufri Chandramukhi etc. Also, medium season varieties of potato are Kufri Satluj, Kufri Sadabahar, Kufri Bahar and Kufri Lalima etc. Apart from this, Kufri Sindhuri, Kufri Frysona and Kufri Badshah are its late maturing varieties.

Kufri varieties giving high yield in short period of time are as follows

There are many varieties of potatoes and their average production is considered to be 152 quintals per hectare. But, the production of Kufri variety is much higher than this. These Kufri varieties become ready in a time interval of 70 to 135 days. A production of 152 to 400 quintals can be obtained from these Kufri varieties. These Kufri varieties of potatoes are like this. 

Also read: new variety of potato developed by scientists in Bihar

Kufri Chandra Mukhi

This variety becomes ripe in 80 to 90 days. With this, a yield of 200 to 250 quintals per hectare can be obtained.

Kufri Navtal G 2524

This variety of potato prepares the crop in 75 to 85 days, from which a yield of 200 to 250 quintals per hectare can be obtained.

Kufri Jyoti

The crop from this variety of potato becomes ripe in 80 to 150 days. Production of 150 to 250 quintals per hectare can be achieved from this variety.

Kufri Lalima

The crop from this variety of potato is ready in just 90 to 100 days. This variety is also moderately resistant to early blight.

Kufri Shilman

This variety of potato crop is ripe in 100 to 130 days. With this, production up to 250 quintals per hectare can be achieved.

Also read: These varieties of potato not only give high yield but are also resistant to weather conditions. 

kufri gold

This variety of potato prepares the crop in 110 days. Potato yield up to 300 quintals per hectare can be obtained from this variety.

Kufri Sindhuri

This variety of potato prepares the crop in 120 to 125 days. A yield of 300 to 400 quintals per hectare of potato can be obtained from this variety.

Kufri Deva

This variety of potato becomes ripe in 120 to 125 days. With this, production of 300 to 400 quintals per hectare can be achieved.

hybrid varieties of potatoes


This variety prepares the crop in 135 days. This can yield a yield of 250 to 300 quintals per hectare. It has been considered more useful for UP, Haryana, Bihar, West Bengal, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh.

Also read: You'll be shocked to know the prices of these potatoes

Kufri Alankar

Many of these potato varieties have been developed by the Central Potato Research Institute, Shimla. The crop from this variety is ready in 70 days. With this, a yield of 200-250 quintals per hectare can be obtained. Let us tell you that this variety is resistant to late blight disease to some extent.

Kufri Jawahar JH 222

This variety of potato prepares the crop in 90 to 110 days. This variety is resistant to early blight and foam disease. This can yield a yield of 250 to 300 quintals per hectare.

New varieties of potatoes

Among the new varieties of potato, Kufri Chipsona-2, Kufri Giriraj, Kufri Chipsona-1 and Kufri Anand etc. are considered good varieties.

How and from where will potato seeds be available?

Farmers can buy seeds of three varieties of potatoes from Potato Technology Center Shamgarh District Karnal. From here farmers can get the seeds of potato Kufri, Pukhraj, Kufri Chipsona-1, Kufri Khyati. Potato seeds are produced by tissue culture. Virus free potato seeds can be produced by this method. One lakh micro plants are produced annually. Net house produces 5-6 lakh mini tubers. New varieties are tested with CPRI Shimla and International Potato Center Lima, Peru.

Scientific method of sowing in potato cultivation

First of all, plow the field in a better way with the help of tractor and cultivator. Also, make the field uniform by leveling it. After this, sow potato seeds with the help of potato planter. Let us tell you that this is a precision potato planting machine, which has been designed and manufactured with the help of global partner Delph. Its high level isolation does not allow the potato seeds to get damaged. It sows a single seed at one place. Its use results in quality and excellent yield of potatoes.

Use sprinkler and drip irrigation to irrigate potatoes

Potatoes require light irrigation. For this reason, farmers should use sprinkler and drip irrigation in potato cultivation. The first irrigation of potatoes is done after most of the plants have grown. At the same time, the second irrigation should be done 15 days later at the stage of formation or flowering of potatoes. Lack of water at the time of root formation and flowering has a very bad effect on production. In these conditions, irrigation should be done at an interval of 10 to 12 days. During potato cultivation, during irrigation in the field, it should be kept in mind that the drains should not be filled with water more than three-fourths of the height of the ridges.

Potato harvesting related information

For your information, let us tell you that crops with seeds of different varieties ripen completely in 70 to 135 days. Ripe potato crops should be dug when the peels of the potato tubers become hard. Potato digger is an important tool for farmers for digging potatoes. With its help, farmers can dig potatoes very easily in less time. Apart from this, with its help the potato comes out of the ground without any cut. Not only this, it not only pulls out the potatoes from the ground easily, it also removes the soil attached to it. In this way the best quality potatoes come out. This instrument can be used with a tractor to set an accurate depth.

Organic farming of potatoes and agricultural equipment used

Organic farming of potatoes is also done in India. Due to increasing demand for organic products, farmers' interest in organic farming of potatoes is increasing. Generally, due to lack of correct information, farmers are not able to get more production from organic farming of potatoes. In organic farming of potatoes, if special care is taken about sowing of potatoes and fertilizer in potatoes, there is a possibility of higher production. In potato cultivation, agricultural equipment such as tractor, cultivator, potato planter, potato digger are used, while sprinkler and drip irrigation equipment are used for irrigation.