

 Will the dispute between India and Canada affect the prices of lentils or not?

Will the dispute between India and Canada affect the prices of lentils or not?

The Indian government has increased the import of lentils from Australia to curb the rising prices of pulses. At present, approximately two lakh tonnes of lentils will be imported from Australia. In this series, India has also started importing lentils from Russia. Due to the statement of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, the problems between India and Canada are increasing. Now in such a situation, it is being estimated that if the tension between the two countries increases further, then inflation in India will increase significantly. Especially there will be a shortage of lentils. Because Canada is the major importer of lentils for India. But, the Central Government officials have completely rejected all types of speculations and rumors.

The increased tension in relations between India and Canada will not affect imports and exports.

Officials say that the strain in relations between India and Canada is not going to affect export-import. We are currently in the comfortable zone for importing pulses from Canada. According to officials, due to the ongoing tension between the two countries, one lakh tonnes of lentils from Canada has reached Indian ports. Officials say that India consumes about 23 lakh tonnes of pulses every year. But, the production of pulses in India is only 16 lakh tonnes. In such a situation, pulses are imported from abroad to meet the remaining needs.

Also read: Which type of lentils should be grown in which area to get maximum production

Indian government may continue zero import duty on lentils

An official has said that about 6 lakh tonnes of lentils from Canada have so far reached the ports of the country. In such a situation, no problem is going to arise regarding pulses in India. The supply of masoor dal in the market will continue as before. Sources also said that the central government may continue zero import duty on lentils even after March 2024 to give a clear signal to foreign exporters.

Permission to import masor dal

According to government data, India had imported 4.85 lakh tonnes of lentils worth Rs 3,012 crore from Canada in the crop season 2022-23. At the same time, in about three months between April and June this year, one lakh tonnes of lentils has reached India from Canada. At the same time, in September 2021, the Center had approved the import of lentils from Russia. The government did not start importing lentils from Russia due to its high price. In such a situation, it is being said that to supply the consumption of lentils, India is preparing a list of countries from where lentils can be imported at cheaper rates. However, at present the interest of farmers in India towards pulse cultivation has increased slightly. Due to this, the production of domestic pulses has also increased.

The central government announced to give flour and pulses at a low price without ration cards in this state.

The central government announced to give flour and pulses at a low price without ration cards in this state.

From today onwards, Delhiites will be provided 10 kg flour and pulses facilities at low prices without ration cards. For this, a MOU has been done between Central Store Manager and Delhi Government Ration Dealers Association/DSRDs. Under this MoU, 10 kg flour and pulses will be provided at low prices at about two thousand ration shops in Delhi. There are many people inside Delhi who do not have ration cards. However, they also want to get cheaper ration facilities . In such a situation, there is a very good news for non -ration card holders of Delhi. The price of flour, pulses will be cheaper at two thousand ration shops in Delhi. Also, this move of the government will be successfully started in the rest of the states after Delhi.

At what price flour and pulses will be provided? 

According to media agencies, Delhiites will be provided flour and dal at low prices without ration cards. The people of Delhi will get a packet of about 10 kg flour at Rs 275 and gram dal at Rs 60 per kg. However, there is a rule in it, that only a maximum of five packets will be provided to a family at a time of lentils. At the same time, two packets of flour will be given. Ration card holders can also easily take advantage of this ration facility.

Also readNow 10 lakh people will not get ration

According to the information received in cancellation of ration cards of 10 lakh people, the Food, Consumer Affairs and Public Distribution Ministry of the Central Government was approved, under which public distribution was given . The department has approved the nodal agency central store to give retail consumers the flour under the 'Bharat ata' brand and the gram of gram under 'Bharat Dal'. A shop will be selected in each circle through DSRDS in Delhi, from which the central store will be informed. At the same time, the rest of the quota holders of the circle will have to supply through vehicles to ration shops.

This scheme will also be started in the rest of the states of India

Such a facility of ration in the national capital Delhi has been launched for the first time. In this context, DSRDS President Shivkumar Garg says, "From a long time, our union was trying to facilitate ration to non -ration card holders and ration card holder at concessional rates, which has now been approved." It is being said that this scheme of ration will be started in other states of the country after Delhi.

 Central government launches web portal for tur dal(Pigeon pea), farmers will get a good price of dal on time

Central government launches web portal for tur dal(Pigeon pea), farmers will get a good price of dal on time

The launch of the Tur Dal Procurement Portal by the Government of India in New Delhi is indeed a piece of great news for the farmers. The portal has been designed in various languages to ensure the convenience of the farmers. This web portal has been created to ensure that the farmers get a fair price for their Tur Dal produce. In a National Seminar on Self-Reliance of Pulses held in Delhi recently, Union Home and Cooperation Minister Amit Shah spoke about the registration of the farmers producing Tur Dal, procurement, and the launch of the web portal for payment. With this new portal, farmers can now sell their pulses online and receive payment directly in their bank accounts. The portal has been named as Tur Dal Procurement Portal. 

This new initiative by the government will not only encourage domestic production of pulses but also reduce import dependence. It is a great step towards Prime Minister Narendra Modi's vision of "Atmanirbhar Bharat". The launch of the web portal will benefit the farmers and ensure they get a fair price for their Tur Dal produce.

What is the main objective of the Tur Dal Procurement Portal?

The main objective of this exercise of the government is to strengthen the tur dal producers with better prices through procurement by NAFED and NCCF, streamlined processes, and direct bank transfer, which will encourage domestic dal production. Also, import dependence will be significantly less. Under this, as per the guidelines of the Department of Consumer Affairs, Government of India, purchases will be made for the buffer stock of pulses from the farmers registered on the portals of NAFED and NCCF.

Also read: Government took steps to stop the rise in prices of pulses

Also, MSP or market price, whichever is higher, will be paid to the farmers. The main objective of this portal is to reduce dependence on imports by purchasing 80% buffer stock directly from farmers. This will not only secure food production but will also ensure the future food security of the nation.  

No agency will be involved in the Tur Dal Procurement Portal.  

According to the information received from the sources, the entire process from registration, purchase, and payment on the portal will be available through a single medium. Farmer portal registration can be done directly or through PACS and FPO.  Also, payment to the farmer will be made by NAFED directly into his linked bank account. Also, no agency will be involved in this process. This entire process is farmer-centric, in which farmers themselves can track the activities from registration to payment. 

What is Trichoderma, the main basis of organic farming? What is the method and benefit of its use?

What is Trichoderma, the main basis of organic farming? What is the method and benefit of its use?

Trichoderma's miraculous benefits in agriculture and horticulture

Trichoderma is a species of fungi that is continuously playing an important role in agriculture and horticulture due to its diverse beneficial effects on plants. This versatile group of fungi is becoming very rapidly popular for its mycoparitic, biocontrol and properties promoting plant growth.

1. Mycoparasitic Capabilities

Trichoderma species are skillful mycoparasites, which means they parasitize and control the development of other fungi. This characteristic is particularly valuable in agriculture, where pathogens produced by soil cause significant damage to the crop. The same species of Trichoderma actively attack and inhibit their growth by competing with nutrients and harmful fungi to the location.

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2. Biocontrol agent

Trichoderma serves as a natural biocontrol agent against a wide range of pathogens of plants, including the species of fusarium, rhizoctonia and pythium. Trichoderma establishes a protective barrier, which prevents pathogenic fungi from infecting the roots of plants. This bio -control mechanism reduces the need for synthetic chemical fungicide, promotes durable and environmentally friendly agricultural practices.

 3. Inclusion of the protection mechanism of plants

Trichoderma induces the plant's own defence mechanism, increasing its immunity to diseases. Fungi stimulates the production of various defence-related compounds, such as phytoalexins and pathogenesis, proteins in plants. This systemic resistance helps crops to withstand infection and stress, which contributes to the overall health of plants.

4. Nutrient solubility

Some species of  Trichoderma display the ability to solve essential nutrients such as phosphorus, iron zinc as well as other micronutrients such as other micronutrients, making them more available to plants. This nutrient solubility increases the growth and development of plants, especially in the decreased soil, and reduces the requirement of synthetic fertilisers.

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5. Advanced root development

Trichoderma promotes root growth and branches by producing substances that promote oxin and other plants. Better root systems result in better nutrients and water eclipses, which increases the strength and overall crop productivity of the plants.

6. Stress Tolerance

Trichoderma helps plants to deal with various environmental stresses, such as drought, salinity and excessive temperature. The symbiotic relationship between Trichoderma and plants can increase the ability to adapt and survive in the challenging conditions of the plants, eventually producing more flexible crops.

7. Bio -degradation of organic matter

 Trichoderma species contribute to the dissolution of organic matter in the soil. They secrete enzymes that facilitate the decomposition of organic residues, making the nutrients back into the soil. This recycling process improves soil composition and fertility, creating a favourable environment for the growth of plants.

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8. Professional use

Trichoderma-based bio-fungal and bio-fertilizers have gained popularity in the agricultural industry. These commercial products containing live trichoderma inoculants are planted on seeds, soil or plant surfaces to provide various benefits above. Farmers are increasingly integrating these biological agents into their crop management practices to promote sustainable and eco-friendly agriculture.

9. Biological control of nematodes

Some Trichoderma strains display anti-activity against plant-parasitic nematodes. This bio -control capacity is valuable in the management of nematode infections, which is harmful to crop health.

10. Seed Treatment

Trichoderma-based formulation is used to protect seed treatment, protect seeds from soil-related pathogens and promote seedling installation. These preventive measures contribute to making crops healthy from the initial phase of development.


The versatile advantages of Trichoderma in agriculture and gardening arise from its mycopo -suitable capabilities, bio -control mechanisms, plant defence reactions, nutrient solutions, promoting root growth, increasing stress tolerance and contributing to organic matter decomposition. As the agricultural sector continues to adopt durable practices, the use of Trichoderma-based products is playing an important role in promoting plant health, reducing chemical inputs and ensuring food security.