
Rabi Crops

  Management of white rust of mustard crop

Management of white rust of mustard crop

Mustard crops get affected by various diseases. Due to which farmers get less yield. White rust disease causes too much damage to crops.Today in this article we will give you information about prevention of white rust so that you can control this disease in time. 

Some important instruction to prevent white rust in mustard crop are given below : 

Sowing correct seeds :

First of all you have to be cautious about selecting healthy seeds which are free from diseases for sowing the crop. By selecting the healthy seeds, disease will not be there in the crop. 

Sowing crops on time : 

Sowing of mustard should be done on time so that chances of disease in crops will be less. Late sowed crops have more chances of catching diseases. Many times this disease becomes more frequent due to which the half of the yield is reduced to half.

Proper water irrigation : 

Manage water irrigation properly so that water does not accumulate on plants, which will reduce the chances of white rust. The disease becomes more common in crops due to excess moisture. 


Use of appropriate fungicides : 

Use appropriate fungicides for prevention of white rust in mustard. Consult an agronomist and choose safe pesticides.

Caring of crop : 


For taking care of crops, take care of plants from time to time and from the roots. 


Remove affected plants : 

If there are any signs of white rust on any of the plants, uproot them immediately and bury them in the soil to avoid any further spread of the disease. 

Use appropriate technical methods, like managing irrigation and nutrition based on the local conditions, climate and weather conditions. By following the steps, white rust in mustard crops can be prevented. Keep in mind that it is always best to consult the local agricultural department or agronomist to ensure that you have information on control measures best for your area. 

Important information for better production of barley crop

Important information for better production of barley crop

Barley can be grown on sandy to moderately loamy soil. But for its good production we should use fertile soil and proper irrigation. Barley can be grown on all sorts of different land. 

Time for sowing

For your information the seeds use for sowing should be disease free, certified and should be off the correct variety according to the reason they are being planted in. The seeds should not have any types of adulteration or mix with any other type of seed. Before sowing the seeds should be tested and germinated before hand. Barley is a Ruby crop which is grown in winter. Generally it is sown from October to December.


In areas without irrigation seeds should be sown from 20th October to 10th November. Whereas in the irrigated regions seeds should be sown by 25th November. If you are growing Barley late then it should be sown by 15 December.

Seeds and seed treatment

80 to 100 kg seed per hectare is enough for Barley production. Seed drill can be used and manually  spreading seeds can also be done. Barley should be planted in lines separated by the distance of 20 to 25 CM and the seeds should be 5 to 6 CM deep in soil. In non irrigated regions seeds should be fixed to 8 cm Deep. For diseases which could develop from the seeds seed treatment is necessary. To protect the seeds from open skirt seeds should be treated with 2 gram Baviston Or Vitawax per 1 kg seed. To control closed skirt thirum and Baviston/vitavax in the ratio 1:1 should be mixed 2.5gm per kg. 

Different varieties to grow in irritated and non irritated regions

Different types of good quality barley for example Amber, Jyoti, Azad, K 141,RD 2035, RD 2052,RD 2503,RD 2508, RD 2552,RD 2559, RD 2624, RD 2660, RD 2668, RD 2660,RD 2668,RD 2660, Haritma, Preeti, Jagriti, Lakhan, Manjula, RS 6, Narender jo 1,Narender jo 2, Narender jo 3, K603, NDB 1173, SO 12. Other varieties without cover are K1149(geetanjali), Dilma, Narendra jo 4(NDB 943) 

Different varieties for barren land

Azad, K-141, J.B. 58, Rd. 2715, Rd. 2786, P.L. 751, H.B.L. 316, H.B.L. 276, B.L.B. 85, B.L.B. 56 and NDB for saline and alkaline lands. 1173, Rd. 2552, RD 2794, Narendra Jau-1, Narendra Jau-3.

Improved premium varieties for malt and beer

Pragati, Tambhra, DL 88 (6 lane), RD 2715, DWR 28 and Rekha (2 lane) and D.W.R. 28 and other species like D.W.R.B.91, D.W.R.U.B. 52, B.H. 393, P.L. 419, P.L. 426, K. 560, K-409, N.O.Rajau-5 etc.

How to use fertilizer in Barley production.

Use of fertilizer is better when done after soil testing. For areas without irrigation 40 kg nitrogen, 20 kg Phosphorus and 20 kg potash per hectare should be used. For irrigated land 60 kg nitrogen, 30 kg Phosphorus and 20 kg potash per hectare should be used and for malt varieties 80 kg nitrogen, 40 kg Phosphorus and 20 kg potash per hectare should be used. For Barren as well as lately planted barley it is recommended to use 30 kg nitrogen 20 kg phosphate and 20 to 25 kg zinc sulphate per hectare.

 The government has set a target of 11.4 crore tonnes for this Rabi season.

The government has set a target of 11.4 crore tonnes for this Rabi season.

Considering the dangerous conditions like storms, hailstorms, and El Nino, the Central Government has targeted cultivating climate-resistant (heat tolerant) varieties like DBW 327 Karan Shivani, HD-3385. A target of record wheat production of 11.4 crore tonnes has been set for this Rabi season. 

The yield of crops depends on the soil, weather, irrigation, and good-quality seeds. Also, sometimes due to adverse weather conditions, the farmer cannot even cover the cost of his crop. The farmer himself also goes through economic conditions. At the same time, his family also faces these challenges. In such a situation, the government has set a target keeping in mind the adverse circumstances. Under this target, climate-resistant DBW 327 Karan Shivani, HD-3385 ​​MP-3288, Raj 4079, DBW-110, and HD-2864, will be used in 60 percent of the total area of ​​wheat sowing. The target of cultivation of HD-2932 varieties has been set.

 The target of wheat production has been set

Considering the problems of climate change, the Union Agriculture Ministry has set a target of producing 11.4 crore tonnes of wheat in the Rabi season. At the same time, last year also the government had set a target of wheat production of 11.27 crore tonnes in the same period. 

Also read: UP Becomes Number One in Wheat Production

Union Agriculture Secretary Manoj Ahuja has prepared a strategy

Union Agriculture Secretary Manoj Ahuja has discussed the strategy of sowing Rabi crops, in which he has said that some changes are taking place in the climate ecology every day. Because of this, effects are being seen in crops also, so in such a situation, climate-resistant seeds should be used strategically.

Heat-resistant varieties are being encouraged

More than 800 climate-resistant varieties exist in India. These seeds need to be put in the seed chain under the ‘Seed Rolling’ scheme. Farmers should be motivated to grow heat-resistant varieties. Apart from this, a map should be prepared regarding good varieties to be produced by identifying specific areas in all the states. An important factor for good production is selecting varieties of seeds wisely. Farmers should always select good and climate-resistant varieties.

 Before Diwali, the central government can increase the MSP of 23 crops including wheat.

Before Diwali, the central government can increase the MSP of 23 crops including wheat.

Even before the Lok Sabha elections, the Central Government can give a big gift to the farmers. It is being said that the government may soon approve increasing the MSP of various crops including wheat. It can also increase the SMSP of wheat by 10 percent.

Before the Lok Sabha elections, the Central Government is likely to give a big gift to the farmers. It is being said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government may increase the minimum support price of Rabi crops. Crores of farmers of the country will benefit greatly from this. According to sources, the central government can increase the MSP of wheat by Rs 150 to Rs 175 per quintal. This will especially benefit the farmers of Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Bihar and Punjab. Wheat is cultivated the most in all these states.

The central government will increase the MSP of wheat by 3 to 10 percent next year.

According to media reports, the central government may increase the MSP of wheat by 3 percent to 10 percent for the coming year. If the central government does this, then the minimum support price of wheat can reach Rs 2300 per quintal. However, currently, the MSP of wheat is Rs 2125 per quintal. Apart from this, the government can also increase the MSP of lentils by up to 10 percent.

Also read: Government increased MSP on these 6 Rabi crops including wheat, know what are the new rates?

This decision will be taken for the marketing season 2024- 25

For your information, let us tell you that the MSP of mustard and sunflower can be increased by 5 to 7 percent. It is expected that in the coming week, the Central Government may approve to increase in the MSP of Rabi, pulses, and oilseed crops. The main thing is that the decision to increase the MSP will be taken for the marketing season 2024-25.

A total of 23 crops have been included in MSP.

For your information, let us tell you that the Center determines the Minimum Support Price on the recommendation of the Agricultural Costs and Prices Commission. 23 crops have been included in MSP. 7 cereals, 5 pulses, 7 oilseeds, and four cash crops are also included. Generally Rabi crop is sown between October and December. Also, it is harvested between February, March and April.

Know how many crops are included in MSP

Cereals- Wheat, Paddy, Bajra, Maize, Jowar, Ragi and Jo

Pulses- gram, moong, lentils, pigeon pea, urad,

Oilseeds- Mustard, Soybean, Sesame, Safflower, Groundnut, Sunflower, Nigerseed

Cash- Sugarcane, cotton, copra and raw jute

The increase in MSP of 6 Rabi crops by the Government of India

The increase in MSP of 6 Rabi crops by the Government of India

The Government of India has increased the minimum support price of 6 Rabi crops including mustard, wheat, lentils and gram. This will benefit crores of farmers in especially Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Haryana and Punjab. Also, farmers' income will also increase. A great gift of Diwali has been provided to the farmers by the central government. It has increased the MSP of 6 Rabi crops including wheat. This will give the benefit of crores of farmers of India. His income will also increase significantly. The special thing is that Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government has increased the MSP of Rabi crops from 2% to 7% percent. At the same time, the increase of MSP by the Union Cabinet has also been approved. Meaning that when the purchase of Rabi crops starts for crop season 2024- 25, farmers will get funds at the rate of new MSP.

Rabi crop 

Wheat, linseed, mustard, safflower, peas, gram and barley fall into the rabi crop. Their sowing is done between October to November. The special thing is that most of the Rabi crops are cultivated in the states of North India. Talking about wheat, Uttar Pradesh is called its largest productive state. This is followed by the number of Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Bihar Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan. Currently, the central government has increased the price of wheat by Rs 150 per quintal in the MSP of wheat. After this, wheat MSP Rabi marketing season 2024-25 increased to Rs 2275 per quintal. Meaning that from the decision of PM Modi's cabinet, crores of farmers of Gujarat, Bihar, UP, Haryana, Punjab and Rajasthan will get a lot of benefit.

Also read: Before Diwali, the central government can increase the MSP of 23 crops including wheat.

Where and how much mustard is produced in India

Similarly, Rajasthan is the top state of mustard yield in India. It has 46.7 percent participation in the total mustard produced in India. This means that Rajasthan produces only 46.7 percent mustard. This is followed by the number of Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Haryana and West Bengal. At present, the central government has increased the minimum support price of mustard at a rate of Rs 200 per quintal. With this, the minimum support price of mustard has reached Rs 6550 per quintal. In such a situation, farmers of these states will get immense benefit.

Inflation will decline due to increasing mustard production area

Also, agricultural experts say that according to consumption in India, mustard yield is very low. In such a situation, edible oils have to be imported from abroad. However, the decision to increase the MSP by the Central Government has been taken at a proper time. The mustard sowing season is going on. For your information, let us tell you that due to the increase in MSP, farmers will sow mustard in more areas to earn more. This will increase mustard production in India, which may cause mustard oil prices to fall. This will also reduce inflation significantly.

In the upcoming days, farmers will get amazing benefits or will bear loss due to weather

In the upcoming days, farmers will get amazing benefits or will bear loss due to weather

As we all know, winters have recently knocked our doors. At present, a temperature suitable for crops will be useful. Whereas, not suitable temperature brings the danger from blight disease. India is currently facing season change. After summer, winters have knocked us very fast. According to the India Meteorological Department(IMD), this year's monsoon was average in India. Monsoon being average was good news to farmers. Actually, because of this, plants got good rain resulting in good crop yield. 

If we talk about capital Delhi, a fall in temperature was observed, which also increased chilling. According to IMD, the temperature in the first week of December will be average. Whereas a huge fall in temperature is less expected. According to the meteorological department, maximum temperature in capital Delhi will be 25°C till 4 December. And the minimum temperature will be upto 9°C.

Crops will get benefit by cold in upcoming days 

According to the news, winter will be colder in upcoming days. Crops benefit from cold only until the temperature is according to the bearing power of crops. In winters, infection in crops from disease and insects is usually less. Accumulation of nutrients also rises in crops. Along with this, crop production also increases. And when temperature is not suitable for crops, it creates a factor for loss. Too much cold can result in change in shape and colour of crops. Crops can face difficulties like dryness and blight.

Apart from this, crop production also decreases. Farmers can get more knowledge about weather on the official website of IMD or their mobile application can also be used. Doing this, they can attain knowledge of weather at the correct time. And can save their crops.

Farmer brothers should do this to attain better yield 

Farmer brothers should sow the crops at the right time to achieve better yield. Also, crops should be irrigated at regular intervals.

Regular pesticides should be sprayed to protect crops from disease and insects. During winters, plastic sheet or shed should be used to cover the crops.

 Farmer should insure their rabi crops under PM Crop Insurance Scheme

Farmer should insure their rabi crops under PM Crop Insurance Scheme

Farmers can complete the process given here to take advantage of the Pradhan Mantri Crop Insurance Scheme. Here the necessary documents have been told, with the help of which farmers can benefit from the scheme.

A lot of schemes are being run by the government, from which farmers are benefiting greatly. One of these schemes is named after the Pradhan Mantri Crop Insurance Scheme (PMFBY). Through this scheme, farmers are provided insurance cover against damage to standing crops. The premium of insurance cover for rabi crops under the scheme is 1.5% percent. Also, the government provides a 50% percent grant, which means that farmers have to pay only a 0.75% percent premium. Currently crop insurance week is going on. Farmers should insure crops quickly to take cover.

Let's Know which damage is covered in it







What will be the benefit that farmers can get 

Under this, financial security is provided to farmers against the loss of standing crops. Also, it helps farmers to maintain their income and continue farming. In addition, it helps in making farmers self -sufficient.

Necessary documents for crop insurance

Crop Insurance Application Form

Crop sowing certificate

Farm map

Copy of farm measles or B-1

Aadhar card

Bank account details or passbook

Passport Size Photo

What is the process of application

Step 1: First candidate should visit the official website of Pradhan Mantri Crop Insurance Scheme

Step 2: After this, candidates should register on the home page.

Step 3: Then after completing the registration of the farmer brother, it is to choose the option of Apply as a farmer.

Step 4: After this an online form will be found, where all the information sought will have to be filled properly.

Step 5: Now perform a preview after filling the form, so that the mistakes can be detected.

Step 6: Then the form is filled properly, then attach the document and submit it.

 How to protect the crops from insects during increasing cold weather

How to protect the crops from insects during increasing cold weather

The effect of insects on crops can be seen even during winter. In such a situation, the farmer will have to take special care of some important things.  Some farmers believe that insects do not occur inside crops during winter. However, the truth is that even in the winter season, your crop can be attacked by insects. To conserve the fruit from insects, you have to take care of some important things. According to experts, the problem of pests in crops during winter is a common thing. At this time the temperature is low, the incidence of this insects decreases. However, they do not end completely. Some insects can cause a lot of damage to the crop even in winter, due to which farmers should take care of some special things for protection.

Farmers should do farming under the supervision of agricultural experts

During the winter season, farmers should monitor the crops regularly. Pay special attention to the initial symptoms of insects. Also, do necessary work for the control pests. If insects are planted in the standing crop in your fields, use the required pesticides at the appropriate time. Sprinkle them in appropriate quantities, for which farmers can take help from agricultural experts.

Also read: Major diseases and diseases manage in mustard crop

What can farmers spray ?

Experts say that crops may be caused by changes in weather. Farmers can spray the trichoderma, Harjonium medicine to get convenience from  insects. Insects can affect the yield of crops. This challenge can be overcome by spraying pesticides on the crop. The winter season in India lasts from October to March. This temperature is very favourable for rabi crops. The main crops of the Rabi season are millet, peas, mustard, tomatoes, wheat, barley and gram etc.