
Success story

 Female farmer Smarika  Chandrakar quit MNC company paying lakhs and chose farming

Female farmer Smarika Chandrakar quit MNC company paying lakhs and chose farming

Today, in this article of Meri Kheti, we will tell you about a successful female farmer Smarika Chandrakar. The agricultural farm of the female farmer has brinjal and tomato on 19 acres. However, earlier there were other horticulture crops like cucumber, bitter gourd and gourd in the same field. Actually, the childhood of Smarika is spent in the village, after which she has gone to Pune to study. However, she again settled in the village itself. Now she is a self -sufficient farmer.

Agriculture has also become a business. The production of fruits, vegetables and grains has also been increased compared to the latest and advanced techniques. This has increased the income of farmers significantly. This is the reason that now educated youth are also leaving the job of millions of rupees a month and are moving towards farming. But, today we will give information about a young woman who became a millionaire from farming after leaving the job. Currently other people are also learning  cultivation from the woman.

Smarika Chandrakar is originally from where

Actually, the woman we are discussing about, her name is Smarika Chandrakar. She is a native of Chhakudiya village of Kurud block in Dhamtari district of Chhattisgarh. Smarika Chandrakar is an MBA student from Pune Maharashtra. Also, she has also done BE in computer science. Earlier she used to work in a multinational company on an annual package of Rs 15 lakh. Everything was going well. During this time, her  father's health deteriorated. This  proved to be a turning point for Smarika Chandrakar.

Also read: Except for a government job, Mukesh is making a big profit from cucumber cultivation through polyhouse

Smarika Chandrakar is getting tremendous production from horticulture

Smarika Chandrakar says that her father has a lot of land in the village. He started vegetable cultivation on 23 acres of land in the year 2020. However, due to poor health, they were not able to cultivate better. In such a situation, Smarika Chandrakar left the job and started cooperating with his father in farming. After seeing it, she started farming on all his territories scientifically. She also selected the crop according to the quality of the soil. Due to this, she started getting tremendous production.

The supply of vegetables of Smarika  Chandrakar is in many states

Smarika  Chandrakar spent a few rupees and made hee  farm a modern agricultural farm. The advantage of this is that now 12 tonnes of tomatoes and 8 tons of brinjal are being produced daily from the agricultural farm of  Smarika Chandrakar. The annual turnover of the smarika is more than one crore rupees. The main thing is that the smarika is not only earning from farming, but has also provided employment to 150 people. The brinjal and tomato grown in the smarika farm are also supplied in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh and Delhi.

 This farmer from Bihar has earned handsomely from honey production.

This farmer from Bihar has earned handsomely from honey production.

 Farmer Atmanand Singh, a native of Muzaffarpur district of Bihar state, is earning profits worth lakhs of rupees annually through beekeeping. He said that beekeeping is his family's profession. His grandfather had laid the foundation of this business, after which his father entered this business and today he is running this business very successfully.

Just a few days ago, Union Agriculture Minister Arjun Munda advised the farmers of the country to learn new methods of farming. He said that farmers can earn good profits by doing something new in farming. This statement of his fits perfectly with a farmer from Bihar. Instead of crops, he made beekeeping a source of income and today he is earning profits worth lakhs annually. We are talking about farmer Atmanand Singh of Bihar, who is a resident of Gaushali village of Muzaffarpur district. He is a beekeeper and supports his family through this. If we talk about education, he has studied till graduation.

How many bee boxes does honey producer farmer Atmanand have?

He said that he has received many awards for his work and contribution to the field of honey production. He said that normally he gets up to 1200 boxes every year. But, currently, they have only 900 boxes. He said that this time due to monsoon and harsh weather, bees have suffered huge losses. Because of this, this time he has only 900 boxes left. He said that beekeeping is a seasonal business, in which the price of bee boxes increases. He said that no one helped him in starting this business of beekeeping. He started this business himself and today is doing beekeeping on a large scale. 

Also read: Very good news is coming for beekeepers 

How much profit is farmer Atmanand earning annually?

He said that the annual cost of beekeeping depends on many things. There is a one-time investment in this, which comes on the bee box in the initial period. Apart from this, maintenance and labor costs are also included in the cost. He said that it all depends on the market. The price of bee boxes keeps increasing and decreasing according to the season. Similarly, the cost of various types of things combined throughout the year reaches Rs 15 lakh. At the same time, his annual income is around Rs 40 lakh, due to which he gets a profit of Rs 10-15 lakh.

 PM Modi praised the man who left his job as a software engineer and became a successful farmer.

PM Modi praised the man who left his job as a software engineer and became a successful farmer.

In today's time, the government and farmers themselves are making various efforts to double their income. Due to this, farmers have started adopting new farming techniques along with traditional farming, and as a result, they are earning good profits. A farmer from Karimnagar in Telangana has also almost doubled his income by adopting similar mixed farming. 

Prime Minister Narendra Modi also appreciated the efforts and hard work of the farmers of Karimnagar. Also said that you are also a very strong example of possibilities in farming. Prime Minister Narendra Modi interacted with the beneficiaries of the Vikas Bharat Sankalp Yatra on 18 January 2023 through video conferencing. Thousands of beneficiaries of the Vikas Bharat Sankalp Yatra from across India have participated in this program. Union Ministers, MPs, MLAs, and local-level representatives were also present in this program.

The annual income of graduate farmer M Mallikarjuna Reddy.

While talking to Prime Minister Modi, M Mallikarjuna Reddy, a farmer from Karimnagar, Telangana, said that he is doing animal husbandry and cultivating horticulture crops. Krishak Reddy is a B.Tech graduate and before farming, he worked in a software company. The farmer talked about his journey and said that education has helped him become a better farmer. He is following an integrated method, under which he is doing animal husbandry, horticulture, and natural farming. 

Also read: What is organic farming, benefits of organic farming

Let us tell you that the special advantage of this method is the regular daily income they get. He also does medicinal farming and is earning income from five sources. Earlier, he used to earn Rs 6 lakh every year by traditional monoculture farming. Also, currently, he is earning Rs 12 lakh every year through the integrated method, which is double his previous income.

Farmer Reddy has also been honored by the Vice President.

Kisan Reddy has been honored and rewarded by many institutions including ICAR and former Vice President Shri Venkaiah Naidu. He is also promoting integrated and natural farming a lot. Besides, they are also providing training to farmers in the surrounding areas. They have availed the benefits of a Soil Health Card, Kisan Credit Card, Drip Irrigation Subsidy, and Crop Insurance. The Prime Minister has asked them to check their interest rates on loans taken from KCC. Because the Central Government and State Government provide interest subsidies.

Due to financial constraints, a woman farmer started mushroom cultivation, today she is earning profits worth lakhs.

Due to financial constraints, a woman farmer started mushroom cultivation, today she is earning profits worth lakhs.

Female farmer Sangeeta Kumari has said that in a poor state like Bihar, it is very important for women to be self-reliant. At present, many women of the state are creating their new identity by joining livelihood. Besides, she is also earning a good income from farming.

Women are also currently walking shoulder to shoulder with men in the state of Bihar. Now whether it is in the field of education or farming. Today women are making their place in every field. Today in this article we will give you information about a woman who is earning lakhs of rupees from vegetable farming. Nowadays this woman farmer is being discussed in all the areas of the district. The main thing is that this woman farmer cultivates green vegetables through the organic method. This is the reason why many people from other villages also come to buy vegetables from him.

The name of the female farmer is Sangeeta Kumari 

For your information, let us tell you that the name of this female farmer is Sangeeta Kumari. She is a native of Phulerpur village of Athamalgola block in Patna district. At present, Sangeeta Kumari is cultivating other green vegetables including mushrooms and potatoes with the help of zero tillage. Along with this, she is also training other women in farming. Sangeeta Kumari says, “Earlier I used to have a shortage of money to meet household expenses. I didn't even have a thousand rupees at that time. But, since I have taken up vegetable farming, their economic condition has changed. Today Sangeeta is earning more than two lakh rupees annually due to farming. Due to this, his family has also become very happy.

Also read: By cultivating these vegetables, farmers can earn more income at less expense and in less time.

Female farmer Sangeeta started mushroom cultivation 

Female farmer Sangeeta Kumari cultivates mushrooms, potatoes, and other crops in one bigha of land. Besides, he is also working on the post of Chief Minister in Jeevika. According to Sangeeta Kumari, her daughter got married in the year 2015. After this, the financial condition of his house became very bad. Now in such a situation, her husband started a job in a school at Rs 1500 per month. But, it was difficult to meet household expenses with so little money. In such a situation, after joining Jeevika in 2016, Sangeeta took training in cultivating mushrooms and other vegetables in 2019. After this, he came home and started mushroom cultivation. 

Also read: Blue mushroom cultivation started in the state, tribals are getting bumper profits

How much income is female farmer Sangeeta earning?

For the first time, he has earned Rs 10,000 by selling mushrooms. Also, potatoes have been grown in two pots through the zero tillage method. This yielded more than 40 maunds of potatoes. Sangeeta Kumari further says that along with cultivating potatoes in one bigha, she also produces other vegetables including tomato, cabbage, chili, and brinjal. Due to this, he is earning more than Rs 2 lakh in a year.

Leaving the government job, Mukesh is earning big profits from cucumber cultivation through polyhouse

Leaving the government job, Mukesh is earning big profits from cucumber cultivation through polyhouse

 For your information, let you know that young farmer Mukesh says that subsidized money is also received from the government to build a net house. Initially, he got a subsidy of 65% for setting up a net house. However, currently the Haryana government has reduced the grant amount to 50%.

 As we all know that even today people have gone absolutely crazy behind government jobs. It is the desire of every parent that his child gets a government job, so that his whole life becomes secure. Now the government job must be of low level. But, today, we will talk about a person who, leaving a good government job, is now coming to the village and doing farming.

Where is farmer Mukesh from?

Actually, the young farmer we are going to talk about is named Mukesh Kumar. Mukesh is a resident of Karnal district of Haryana. Earlier, he used to work in a government job in the Haryana Board. During the job, Mukesh used to get a salary of 45 thousand rupees per month. But, he did not feel like this government work, so he kicked this job. Today he is farming on his ancestral land with the net house method, due to which he is earning very well.

Also read: Farmers' crop savings up to 75% on ShedNet

Farmer Mukesh is providing employment to the people

Farmer Mukesh is also providing employment opportunities for many other farmers. Mukesh, a farmer, says he has set up four net houses on his land. Farmers Mukesh cultivates cucumbers inside them. According to farmer Mukesh, the demand for cucumbers increases a lot in summer. Now in such a situation, farmer Mukesh has been cultivating cucumbers for almost 2 years. Explain that farmer Mukesh is earning very well from this. This is the reason that he has gradually increased the area of cucumber cultivation. Along with this, Mukesh has also provided employment to many people around him.

Cucumbers can be cultivated throughout the year

Mukesh says that it costs two and a half to three lakh rupees to build a net house. But, the income increases considerably by cultivating it inside. The young farmer says that there are many varieties of cucumbers, which can be cultivated throughout the year inside the net house.


Also read: Farmer Subodh has set an example by cultivating cucumbers with the advice of a friend

There is very little wastage of water when irrigation is done by drip method

 Farmer Mukesh says that he has found the biggest feature of cucumber cultivation is that its cultivation consumes very little water. Actually, crops are irrigated through the drip method in the net house. The wastage of water is very less by drip irrigation. Along with this, water reaches the roots of the plants. Farmer Mukesh supplies cucumbers grown in his field to many cities including Delhi and Gurugram. At present, he is selling cucumbers at Rs 15 per kg.

Started production after taking information about parwal from agricultural school, earning Rs 80 thousand per month

Started production after taking information about parwal from agricultural school, earning Rs 80 thousand per month

Today we will tell you about Parwal producer farmer Mayanand Biswas. Mayanand Biswas says that farming on one acre of land costs about one lakh rupees. But, he produces up to 20 quintals of parwal in a month. Also, Parwal is sold in the market for Rs 2000-4000 per quintal. In this way, he is earning around Rs 80 thousand in a month from the sale of Parwal. 

Most people like to consume Parwal vegetables. It is easily available in the market throughout the year. But, it is cultivated the most during the summer season. Parwal is such a crop, that the profit from its cultivation is many times more than the expenses. Its biggest feature is that once you cultivate it, you can get yield from it for 9 months. This is the reason why farmers in Bihar are cultivating Parwal on a large scale. The income of many farmers has increased due to its cultivation.

Mayanand Vishwas became rich in a short time from Parwal farming.

Mayanand Vishwas is a farmer who has become rich in a few days by cultivating Parwal. He is a resident of Baneli Scindia of Kasba block in Purnia district. He is cultivating 8 types of Parwal in his village. He has been cultivating Parwal since 2013. He says that once you cultivate Parwal, you can pluck the vegetable from it for 9 months. Let us tell you that there is a profit of lakhs of rupees in its cultivation. 

Also read: Farmer became rich by cultivating Parwal, now selected for National Award 

Mayanand started cultivating parwal after taking information from the agricultural school.

According to farmer Mayanand Vishwas, like humans, vegetables also have male and female species. This is the reason why he has been cultivating Parwal by mixing both male and female compositions for the last 10 years. The special thing is that before starting the cultivation of Parwal, he had taken complete information about it from the Sabour Agricultural School of Bhagalpur. After this, he came to the village and started cultivating parwal.

Farmer Mayanand Vishwas earns lakhs of rupees

At present, he has cultivated Parwal in about one acre. There are 8 varieties of parwal in it. If farmer Mayanand Vishwas is to be believed, he earns a profit of Rs 8 lakh from Parwal cultivation in 9 months. He says that many farmers do not want to cultivate parwal because they do not have complete information. Many farmers also have to suffer losses from its cultivation. Therefore, farmers will have to plant both male and female Parwal plants in their fields. He says that he also plants other crops in the vacant places in Parwal's field. He says that after deducting the expenses, he earns a profit of Rs 8 lakh in a year. Presently, in the field of farmer Mayanand Vishwas, Parwal of Rajendra 2, Swarna Aloukit, Rajendra 1, Swarna Rekha, Dandari, Bengal Jyoti and Dudayari varieties are grown.

Leaving bank job and the Farmer is earning Rs 60 thousand per month by producing mushrooms in just one and a half kilograms

Leaving bank job and the Farmer is earning Rs 60 thousand per month by producing mushrooms in just one and a half kilograms

For your information, let us tell you that Farmer Devashish Kumar is an MBA pass. He earlier used to work at HDFC Bank. But, he felt like something other than farming. Now in such a situation, he left the bank job and started mushroom farming. He started farming with just one thousand rupees.

The mushroom vegetable is delicious. Most people like to consume it. Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, protein, minerals, and dietary fiber are found in abundance in mushrooms where he got information about mushroom cultivation. By consuming it regularly, there is no deficiency of nutrients in people's bodies. This is the reason why the demand for mushrooms is increasing significantly in the market. In such a situation, the number of farmers cultivating it is also increasing. Nowadays, farmers in Bihar and Jharkhand are producing mushrooms along with traditional crops. They are earning huge income from this.

Farmer Devashish’s mushroom farming changed his luck.

In this article, we will discuss about a farmer from Jharkhand, whose fortunes have changed due to mushroom cultivation. He is now earning thousands of rupees a month from mushroom production. The name of this mushroom-cultivating farmer is Devashish Kumar. He is a native of Jamshedpur in East Singhbhum district. He has cultivated mushrooms on one and a half acres of land, from which he is earning Rs 50 to 60 thousand per month. The main thing is that Devashish Kumar started his business with only Rs 1,000. 

Also read: This state is giving up to 40% subsidy for mushroom production units. 

Where did Devashish Kumar work earlier?

As mentioned above, Devashish Kumar is an MBA pass. Let us tell you that before the year 2015, he used to work at HDFC Bank. During this time, he went to Rajendra Agricultural University located in Samastipur of Bihar state. Where he got information about mushroom cultivation. After this, he took training in mushroom cultivation. After that, he left the job and came home and started mushroom farming with an investment of Rs 1,000. Although initially his family members strongly opposed his decision, he continued his work without interruption.

Farmer Devashish is also giving training in mushroom production.

Devashish Kumar has a big house in the village. He is cultivating mushrooms in four rooms of his house. He was successful on the first attempt itself. The production of mushrooms also improved and the price in the market was also good, due to which they earned a huge income. After this Devashish Kumar never looked back. Today he has also given permanent employment to two women in his farming. The special thing is that along with mushroom production. Devashish is also giving training to new people in mushroom production.

Devashish is cultivating these varieties of mushrooms.

Devashish has said that the area of ​​the four rooms is equivalent to approximately one and a half acres of land. Also, to reduce the temperature of the room during the summer season, three inches of sand is spread on the ground. Later, water is sprinkled on it from time to time. Due to this, the temperature of the room remains balanced amount. Devashish mainly cultivates milky mushrooms, oysters, paddy straws, and cloud mushrooms. Besides, mushroom powder is also manufactured. Vendors come and buy all the mushrooms from them. During winter, mushrooms are cultivated in six rooms instead of four.

Farmer Raju Kumar Chaudhary has provided important information related to the cultivation of Kundru.

Farmer Raju Kumar Chaudhary has provided important information related to the cultivation of Kundru.

Kundru is a creeper vegetable crop. For this reason it is not cultivated like brinjal and potato. For the cultivation of Kundru, a wooden stand is made in the field, with the help of which the creepers of Kundru spread. Besides, pesticides should also be sprayed on the Kundru crop as per time. Farmers in Bihar are now doing new experiments in horticulture every day. They are  cultivating green vegetables as per market demand. Due to this the income of farmers has also increased. There are hundreds of farmers in Bihar who are earning huge income by selling vegetables. Today we will talk about one such farmer, who is earning lakhs of rupees from Kundru cultivation. Now other farmers also learn the nuances of farming from him.

Where is farmer Raju Kumar Choudhary from?

He is a resident of Bochahan block in Muzaffarpur district. He cultivates Kundru in his village Chakhelal. From this he earns Rs 25 lakh in a year. The main thing is that Raju Kumar Choudhary cultivates Kundru in only 1 acre. According to him, there is many times more profit in Kundru cultivation as compared to traditional crops.

Also read: Farmers can grow these crops to earn huge profits in the upcoming rabi season

For how many days can farmers produce kundru?

According to farmer Raju, Kundru is such a vegetable, which earns huge income when cultivated. Kundru crop gives production for 10 months in a year. This means that you can pluck vegetables from the Kundru garden for 10 months. Raju Kumar Chaudhary says that Kundru is not produced between December and January. After this, you can get production of Kundru from it for 10 months.

Kundru dishes are also good in taste

According to farmer Raju, Kundru is a type of cash crop. The cost of its cultivation is also very low. The main thing is that Raju has cultivated N-7 variety of Kundru. He had imported this seed from Bengal. The specialty of the N-7 variety is that its yield is higher as compared to common Kundru. Besides, it also tastes very good in food.

Also read: 5 new species of peas develoed by scientists

How much can farmers earn from the cultivation of Kundru in one portion of ​​land?

If you cultivate Kundru even in a small portion of land, you can earn a good income. By cultivating Kundru in one portion of land, you can yield up to one quintal of Kundru every fourth day. According to this, farmers can produce 70 to 80 quintals of Kundru in a year, which will generate an income of Rs 1.50 lakh. Also, Raju has told that he earns an annual income of Rs 20 to 25 lakh by cultivating Kundru in one acre.

Female farmer Shikha Chaudhary has also provided employment opportunities for other women and youth.

Female farmer Shikha Chaudhary has also provided employment opportunities for other women and youth.

Farmer Shikha Chaudhary is a role model for other women. Today, with her hard work and wisdom, she is earning huge profits and is also providing employment opportunities to the youth. As we all know, women are keeping pace with men in every field. If we talk about the country's politics and or agriculture sector, today we will tell you the story of one such woman farmer who is an example for other women. These women farmers are earning huge profits. Further in this article we will tell you about this female farmer Shikha Chaudhary.

Where is female farmer Shikha Chaudhary from?

For your information, let us tell you that this woman farmer Shikha Chaudhary is a resident of Kangra district of Himachal Pradesh. Apart from being a woman farmer, she is also a woman agri-entrepreneur. With the help of KVK, women farmers gained knowledge about marketing of food products and today they are earning good profits. Apart from this, she is also representing a women self-help group. In the initial times he had a lot of responsibilities. Also, due to recession, job opportunities in the district also reduced. Keeping all these things in mind, Shikha started a self-help group.

Also read: Female farmer started mushroom cultivation due to economic crisis, now earns lakhs 

Shikha Chaudhary provided employment opportunities to the youth

Currently, her group is earning an additional income of Rs 1 lakh 38 thousand as compared to the year 2017-18. Shikha Chaudhary has also provided employment to the remaining unemployed youth.

Shikha Chaudhary prepared various products

Shikha's family owns a 10 Kanal piece of land. Where she cultivates wheat, paddy and vegetables. Along with this, Shikha is engaged in cultivation and marketing of oyster mushroom. In the vocational training program organized by KVK in the year 2016, got information about many aspects of food marketing products including scientific processing. After this, she prepared many products of her group, which include Seera, Sepubadi, Dalia, Pickles, Mango Powder, Triphala Churna, Sevai etc.


 India's farmers are doing excellent production using Israeli techniques in farming

India's farmers are doing excellent production using Israeli techniques in farming

Indian farmers are also earning very good profits using Israel's technology in the agriculture sector. Due to farming through Israeli technology, the productivity of the land is also increasing significantly.

Israel always remains in the discussion about its technology. Now whether it is the defence system iron dome or various new systems used in farming. This is the reason that farmers of India are also asked to use Israel's technology. Most Indian farmers are also using Israeli technology. At the same time, great profits are also achieved. Further we will tell you about the techniques in this article, using which Indian farmers are earning very well.

Also read: with vertical farming we can produce in less space and yield in less time

Various projects for horticulture are being released in Israel

A lot of projects are being run in Israel for modern cultivation of fruits, flowers and vegetables. There have also been a lot of agreements between India and Israel to help in agriculture. These agreements have special attention to protected farming. According to reports, the farmers of India have learned the ways of protected farming from Israel, due to which any fruit is found in any season. With the help of this technique, the atmosphere is controlled. Also, great farming is done.

The environment is created according to the crop

It consists of an insect blockage net house, greenhouse, plastic low-high tunnel and drip irrigation. No matter what the weather outside is, but through this technique, the atmosphere is created according to fruits, flowers and vegetables. Due to this, farmers are producing many crops. Also, selling them at excellent prices. Farmers also get the prices of many crops doubled. According to experts, this farming can be adopted in all types of climate of the world like temperate, even temperate tropical etc. Apart from this, the productivity of land also increases significantly due to protected farming.

Unique structure created by a farmer to protect crops from storms.

Unique structure created by a farmer to protect crops from storms.

Unique structure created by a farmer to protect crops from storms. 

A farmer from Madhya Pradesh made a structure to protect his crops from storms and heavy wind. This structure isn't affected by hailstorm. Other farmers in the region are also impressed by this structure. There is a saying which means need is the cause of invention. This saying has been proven true by Aakash Chaursiya from Madhya Pradesh. Many farmers are reaching out to him for testing this new method. Due to this invention any crop can be protected from heat, winters and winds. Aaksah Chaurasiya does organic farming. He is known in the region for his thoughts for modren farming. He always keeps experimenting with different farming methods.


Unique structure to protect crops

To protect crops from harsh weather conditions Aakash Chaurasiya made a structure, in which he has prepared a net at a certain height using bamboo and grass. In winters to protect crop from morning due. But using this structure you can protect all your crops upto 12 feet heights. It can protect from hailstorm as well. And the melted water from hailstorm in turn benefits the crops. 

Also readInformation regarding the most commonly planted crops in India

Cost of making the structure

According to Aaksh the upfront cost of making the structure is Rupees 50000 but once made it lasts upto 6 years. Instead of making the structure farmers can grow two crops simultaneously. One on the ground crop production and another one a winter crop on the bamboo sticks. After making such a structure farmers can earn up to 1.5 lakhs from 1 acre of land.

Aakash Chaurasiya trains farmers for free

Aakash Chaurasiya also teaches how to build this structure for free so that other farmers can also benefit and save their crops. Aakash says farmers come to him from various different regions to learn how to build this structure. Aakash Chaurasia belongs to Sanjay Nagar where he has 2.5 acre of land covered with this structure. He also has a farmhouse in Kapuria village where he teaches other farmers how to build the structure.

 Progressive Farmer Satyavan earned great profits from this type of farming

Progressive Farmer Satyavan earned great profits from this type of farming

For your information, let us tell you that in this series of successful farmers, today we are going to tell you the story of a farmer from Delhi, who earns profit in lakhs through organic and natural farming.

In India, where chemicals are being used extensively in farming, on the other hand even today there are some farmers who are earning huge profits through organic and natural farming. Let us tell you that one of these progressive farmers is Satyavan. Presently Satyavan is earning income worth lakhs of rupees with the help of farming and dairy farming.

Only excellent land can make a farmer rich.

For your information, let us tell you that progressive farmer Satyavan says that he is a native of Dariyapur Kalan Village of Delhi. Also, they are earning income of lakhs through natural farming. Apart from farming, Satyavan also rears indigenous cows. He also grows inter crops, due to which he has become an example for the farmers today. Satyavan says, ‘If the earth is strong then the farmer will be rich’, what he means by this is that due to the use of excessive pesticides our soil has become completely devoid of organic matter. Let us tell you that due to this, diseases have started appearing in the crops. 

Farmer cultivates his 20 acres of land. 

He said that he does only natural farming in 5 acres of land and he has 20 acres of land for total land holding. Satyavan cultivates paddy, wheat, sugarcane and peas along with a variety of other vegetables. Apart from this, he also prepares vegetable nurseries in his farm, which he sells to farmers at good prices.