Detailed information about the plantation of black apple

The crop of black apple is a rare crop in itself. It is produced in extremely cold climates. In appearance, this apple is dark black or dark purple in color. It has various properties that make it valuable. That is why a piece of 'Black Diamond Apple' sells for Rs 500 to Rs 1000.

Whenever we talk about apples, a picture of red and green apples pops up in the mind. It is said that the redder the apple, the better and more expensive it is. By the way, green apples are no less than anyone. Due to its health benefits, its demand has increased in the market for some time. However, there is one species of apple which is neither red nor green. Yes, you heard right, these days there is a lot of talk about a particular kind of apple. This variety of apple is called 'Black Diamond Apple' as you may have understood from the name that it is black in appearance and its brightness is also like a diamond. As beautiful as it looks, it tastes even better. That is why an apple of this variety costs up to Rs 500.

Black Diamond Apple

There are more than 100 varieties of apples in the market. One of them is the 'Black Diamond Apple', which is quite rare, due to which it is not easily available. It can't be grown anywhere. That is why it is not easily available in the market and is also so expensive. In appearance, this apple is dark black or dark purple in color. It is said that the reason behind the black color of the Black Diamond Apple is the deep purple rays falling on these fruits. 

These rays make their color deep purple.

Where the black apple plantation happens ?

Black apple is grown in very cold places. Till now it is cultivated only in the hills of Bhutan or Tibet. The climatic conditions are perfect for this. Locals know it as' Hua Niu '. Black apples are produced in the hills at very high altitudes above sea level. There are many qualities in it that make it valuable. That is why a piece of 'Black Diamond Apple' sells for Rs 500 to Rs 1000. This apple is in great demand in many countries including China.