

Prevention of white braided insects is very important for good yield of groundnut.

Prevention of white braided insects is very important for good yield of groundnut.

Farmers expect a decent harvest from groundnut planting when they can eliminate white braid disease in groundnut crops. Whiteflies are omnivorous insects that live on the soil.These are also referred to as root braids. Let us inform you that white braided insects feed on organic substances found in soil and plant roots. Aside from groundnuts, white braided potatoes, walnuts, tobacco, and other oilseeds, pulses, and vegetable crops obtain their sustenance by attacking the roots of guava, sugarcane, coconut, and betel nuts. Whiteflies can cause a 20-80% loss in the groundnut crop.

When does the incidence of whiteflies peak?

Normally, white threads are visible all year. However, their activity becomes more obvious during the wet season. Adult males congregate in huge numbers for mating during the first monsoon rains in mid-May or June. Females found in and near the fields return to the earth in the early morning. Also, they begin to lay eggs. They then return to the soil to complete their life cycle. The earth remains inert at a depth of roughly one metre until the monsoon rains arrive.

Also  read: Prevent the pests and illnesses that most impact the groundnut crop in this manner.

Symptoms of white-braided infection in groundnut field

Because this insect lives underground, the damage it does is often overlooked. Infected plants seem yellow and wilted. In such a case, the plant ultimately dries out and may be readily removed from the ground. Plants perish with strong infestations. Also, dead plants appear in spots throughout the fields. Whiteflies also consume plant roots, destroying them. Braids cause a significant loss in groundnut productivity. Adult moths are the first to create holes in leaves at night. They then consume the whole leaf with the exception of the middle leaf's central vein.

White braided pest control in a groundnut crop.

Let us inform you that if a whitefly infestation occurs in any location, it cannot be managed by a single farmer. To do this, the farmer brothers as a society must take preventive actions. White hair management is only attainable through a community-based approach.

Also  read: Mungfali Ki Kheti: Detailed information on peanut/groundnut cultivation.

White Braided Adult Management

After the first rain, use one light trap per acre.

Cut down trees near fields in flood-prone locations. Also, trim and remove the shrubs around the field.

Spray pesticides such as Imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 1.5 ml/lit or Monocrotophos 36 SL @ 1.6 ml/litre on trees and shrubs at sunset.

Gather fallen strands near the trees and dispose of them.

White Braided Pest Management

If water is available, sow early.

Farmer brothers should utilise better-decomposed organic manure.

Farmer brothers should undertake thorough ploughing in the summer to expose the pupae to direct sunlight.

Pay extra attention to preserving tiny birds, which feed on these whitetails.

Before planting, incorporate carbofuran 3 cg @ 33.0 kg/hectare or phorate 10 cg @ 25.0 kg/hectare into the soil.

Spraying pesticides such as Thiamethoxam 25 WS @ 1.9 litres/ha or Fipronil 5 FS @ 2.0 litres/ha along the sowing lines in whitefly-infested fields. Use.

Before planting, treat seeds with Chlorpyrifos 20 EC at 6.5-12.0 ml/kg or Imidacloprid 17.8 SL at 2.0 ml/kg.

When adult whiteflies are detected in the crops, spray Chlorpyrifos 20 EC @ 4.0 litres/hectare or Quinalphos 25 EC @ 3.2% litres/hectare in the roots of the crops.

To get maximum benefits from mango orchards, flower (landscape) management is essential, know what to do and what not to do.

To get maximum benefits from mango orchards, flower (landscape) management is essential, know what to do and what not to do.

In North India, especially Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, the appearance of mango starts in the second week of February, it is determined by the different varieties of mango and the temperature at that time. Mango (Mangifera indica) is the most important tropical fruit in India. In India, it is mainly cultivated in Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Bihar. According to the statistics of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Government of India for the year 2020-21, mango is cultivated in 2316.81 thousand hectares in India, from which 20385.99 thousand tonnes are produced. The national productivity of mango is 8.80 tonnes per hectare. In Bihar, it is cultivated in 160.24 thousand hectares area from which 1549.97 thousand tonnes of production is obtained. The productivity of mango in Bihar is 9.67 tonnes per hectare. Which is slightly higher than the national productivity.

To increase the productivity of mangoes, it is necessary to know how to scientifically manage the orchard after planting of Manjar Tikola. Flowering is an important stage in mango as it directly affects the fruit yield. Flowering in mangoes is highly dependent on variety and environmental conditions. Thus, proper management strategies adopted during the flowering stage of mango directly affect fruit production.

Arrival of mango blossom

Mango trees usually begin flowering when mature after 5-8 years of growth, before which the flowers should be plucked. The flowering season of mango in North India generally begins in mid-February. Mango flowering initiation requires 20-25°C during the day time and 10-15°C during the night with bright sunlight. However, depending on the timing of flowering, fruit development begins by May–June. High humidity, frost, or rain during the flowering period affects flower formation. Cloudy weather during flowering helps in the spread of mango hopper and powdery mildew and anthracnose diseases, which hampers the growth and flowering of mango.

Also read: Favorable environmental conditions and orchard management for mango flowering

What effect does flowering have on fruit production in mango?

Mango flowers are small, yellow, or pinkish-red depending on the mango species, clustered in clusters that hang down from the branches. They are bisexual flowers but cross-pollination by pollinators contributes to the maximum fruit set. Common pollinators include bees, wasps, moths, butterflies, flies, beetles, and ants. The number of flowers produced and the duration of the flowering stage directly affect fruit yield. However, flowering is influenced by many factors such as temperature, humidity, sunlight, insect and disease infestation, and availability of water and nutrients. These factors affect the timing and intensity of flowering. If the above factors are not optimal during the flowering stage, it will result in fewer or smaller fruits. Not all flowers produced will produce fruit. Proper pollination is essential for the fruit to fully set and develop. Even after adequate pollination, only a certain proportion of flowers form due to the mass dropping of flowers and fruits due to several factors such as weather conditions and insect infestation. This ultimately affects the yield and quality of fruits. The timing, duration, and intensity of flowering significantly affect fruit production in mango trees.

Mango Flower Management
Traction actions

Proper cutting and pruning of mango trees after harvesting of the fruit results in good and healthy flowers. Pruning – Due to lack of pruning, the mango canopy becomes dense, due to which light is not able to penetrate the internal parts of the tree and thus flowering and yield are reduced. Pruning the tips of the branches triggers flowering. The best time to prune is after the fruit has been harvested, usually from June to August. Tip pruning, done 10 cm above the last internode, improves flowering. Girdling is a method used to induce the formation of fruit buds in mangoes. It involves removing strips of bark from the trunk of the mango tree. It increases flowering, fruit set, and fruit size by increasing foliar carbohydrates and plant hormones in the aboveground parts of the girdle by blocking the downward transfer of metabolites through the phloem. By making a circle at the time of emergence of inflorescence, the accumulation of fruits increases. The depth of girdling should be kept in mind. Excessive girth depth can damage the tree. This work should be done only after expert supervision or training.

Plant Growth Regulator (PGR)

Plant growth regulators (PGRs) are used to control flowering and increase yields by influencing the physiological processes that control plant growth and development. NAAs also help prevent flowering, bud drop, and fruit ripening. They help in increasing fruit size, increasing and improving fruit quality and yield. Planofix @ 1ml The medicine should be dissolved in 3 liters of water and sprayed just before the flowers emerge and the second spraying should be done when the fruit is equal to a pea. This spraying is necessary to prevent the tikolo (small mango fruits) from falling. To promote flowering, apply phosphorus fertilizer at the pre-flowering stage. Adequate potassium levels can enhance flowering in mango trees and increase the number of flowers and fruits. Potassium helps transport nutrients and water to the fruit, which is essential for its growth and size. It also helps in increasing the resistance of plants to moisture stress, heat, frost, and disease. The use of micronutrients gives better results by improving flowering, fruit quality, and controlling fruit drop. 

Also read: How to manage the problem of tip burn of mango leaves?

Pests and Disease Management

During flowering and fruit formation, the chances of insect and disease infestation are high, leading to premature drop of flowers and fruits. Mango hopper, flower gall midge, mealy bug, and leaf webber are the major pests attacking mango flowers. Mango powdery mildew, mango malformation, and anthracnose are diseases that affect mango flowers resulting in reduced fruit growth. Check the symptoms and management of pests and diseases in mango flowers to increase the fruit yield - Diseases and pests in mango flowers should be managed.

For the last 4-5 years, the problem of the mealy bug (Gujiya) has been increasing year by year in Bihar. For the management of this pest, it is necessary to clean the garden around December-January and sprinkle Chlorpyrifos 1.5 D. dust @ 250 grams per tree in the soil and to prevent mealy bug (Gujiya) insects from climbing the tree, a 45 cm strip of alkaline should be tied with twine around the main stem of the mango. By doing this this insect will not be able to climb the tree. If you have not done this before and the Gujiya insect has climbed the tree, then in such a situation apply Dimethoate 30 EC. Or Quinalphos 25 EC @ 1.5 ml should be dissolved in per liter of water and sprayed. In mango orchards that are not managed properly, there are a large number of hoppers or maggot insects, hence the sunlight must reach the ground in the orchard. Where the orchard is dense, there also the number of these insects is higher. When insects appear on trees, these insects are very good food sources for these insects, due to which there is a huge increase in the number of these insects. The second sign of the presence of these insects is when we go near the garden. When we go, swarms of insects come near us. If these insects are not managed, they suck the juice from the plant and the plant falls. When 10-12 maggots are visible per blossom, then we should spray Imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 1 ml dissolved in 2 liters of water. This spraying should be done before the flowers bloom, otherwise, the bees coming to the garden get affected, which reduces pollination and affects the yield. 

           For the management of Powdery Mildew/Kharra disease, it is necessary to spray soluble sulfur @ 2 grams/liter dissolved in water before the arrival of the disease. When the temperature exceeds 35 degrees Celsius, the severity of this disease starts reducing automatically.

Also read: How to manage if the mango tree is drying from top to bottom (top dieback)?

The blossoms suffering from Gumma disease should be cut and removed. If there is a problem with stem borer or leaf-cutting insects in the garden, then use Quinalphos 25 EC. @ 2 ml of medicine should be dissolved in / liter of water and sprayed. But it is worth noting that from just before the flowers bloom to when the flowers are in bloom, do not use any chemicals at any time, otherwise, pollination is badly affected and there is a possibility of the soft parts of the flower getting injured.

5. Pollination

    The mango flower has both male and female reproductive organs in the same flower. However, mango flowers are relatively small and do not produce large amounts of pollen. Therefore, they rely heavily on pollinators such as flies, wasps, and other insects to transfer pollen between flowers. Without pollination, mango flowers may not produce fruit, or the fruit may become small or misshapen. Mango yield increases through cross-pollination. It is important to note that insecticides and fungicides should not be sprayed during the full bloom stage as pollination by insects will be affected at this time which will reduce the yield. To get a good yield from the mango orchard, it would be good to keep bee colony boxes in the mango orchard, this helps in good pollination and more fruits are produced. 

6. Weather Conditions

  Optimum weather conditions during flowering increase successful fruit set rates and yields. For example, excessive wind speed causes flowers and fruits to fall en masse. Thus, it is necessary to protect mango orchards from wind by installing windbreaks or shelterbelts.

Also read: Professor in this state is earning profits worth lakhs from mango farming 

7. Water Management

  Mango trees require adequate amounts of water, especially during the growing season. Insufficient or excessive watering can reduce fruit yield and quality. Proper water management also helps prevent diseases and pests, which thrive in moist environments. In hot and dry climates, irrigation can help increase humidity levels and reduce temperature fluctuations, providing a more favorable environment for mango growth. Excessive irrigation can reduce soil temperature, resulting in reduced plant growth and development. On the other hand, inadequate watering can increase soil temperatures, damaging plant roots and reducing yields. Thus, effective water management is essential to ensure healthy plant growth and fruit production. Irrigation should not be done between 2 to 3 months before flowering and when the fruit becomes the size of a pea. Some gardeners irrigate the mango at the time of flowering and flowering, due to which the flowers fall. Therefore, it is advised not to irrigate until the fruit becomes equal to a pea. 


Mango flower management for higher yields involves a combination of strategies aimed at optimizing plant growth, managing pests and diseases, and ensuring optimal environmental conditions for flower development and pollination. Following these management practices can increase flower and fruit production, leading to higher yields and improved fruit quality. 

Dr. SK Singh Professor (Plant Pathology) and Head of the Department, Post Graduate Department of Plant Pathology, Principal Investigator, All India Fruit Research Project, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Pusa-848 125, Samastipur, Bihar

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People's problems increased due to continuous increase in inflation, the price of cumin crossed Rs 700

People's problems increased due to continuous increase in inflation, the price of cumin crossed Rs 700

Inflation is at its peak today. Today, not only cumin has become expensive, but the prices of other spices have also increased. Red chili is also bringing tears to people's eyes. Currently, red chili is being sold at Rs 350 to Rs 400 per kg in the retail market. Similarly, cloves cost Rs 1500 to 1800 per kg. 

As we know, inflation is not showing any signs of decreasing. Let us tell you that when the price of one thing decreases, other food products become expensive. Especially the rising prices of spices have troubled the general public, due to which the taste of food has changed a lot. Due to cumin being expensive, many people have stopped adding tadka to pulses and vegetables. The general public hopes that the prices of cumin will fall as the rainfall decreases. But, nothing like this seems to be happening. Even after the weakening of the monsoon, instead of becoming cheaper, cumin is becoming expensive. The price of one kg of cumin in the retail market has increased to more than Rs 700. Due to this the kitchen budget has deteriorated considerably. 

Also read: Spices or Masala price hike; First vegetable, now tadka in pulses has also become expensive, a record increase in the prices of spices.

Nowadays the price of cumin is Rs 750 to Rs 800.  

The havoc of inflation is so great that on Wednesday, cumin was sold at Rs 53 thousand 111 per quintal in the market located in the Nagaur district of Rajasthan. However, farmers are unhappy due to the increase in the price of cumin. This year he is earning good income by selling cumin. But, the burden of inflation on the general public is increasing significantly. Now because of this, cumin is being sold at Rs 750 to Rs 800 per kg in the retail market. In such a situation, people have to spend Rs 75 to 80 to buy 100 grams of cumin. 

Farmers of Rajasthan cultivate cumin on a large scale.

Traders have said that after the arrival of the new crop of cumin, the prices will fall. At present there is a huge gap between demand and supply in the markets. For this reason, instead of decreasing, the prices are increasing. At the same time, experts have said that many stockists have stored cumin illegally. Due to this, there has been a huge shortage of cumin in the market. In such a situation, due to less supply, prices are continuously increasing. Let us tell you that the highest production of cumin in India is in Gujarat. After this, farmers in Rajasthan cultivate cumin the most.

How to manage the problem of burning of tip of mango leaves?

How to manage the problem of burning of tip of mango leaves?

Dr. SK Singh Professor (Plant Pathology) and Head of the Department, Post Graduate Department of Plant Pathology, Principal Investigator, All India Fruit Research Project, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Pusa-848 125, Samastipur, Bihar. Send feedback to

Side effects of salt in mango, also known as "sap burn", occur when salt-based fertilizers or salts in the soil come in contact with the roots of the mango tree. Symptoms include leaf burning, browning of leaf edges, and overall discoloration of leaves. Affected leaves may exhibit necrosis, leading to reduced photosynthesis and stunted growth. The adverse effect of salt hinders water uptake and absorption of nutrients, which puts stress on the mango tree. Initially, affected leaves appear wilted or scorched, resembling symptoms of drought stress. The accumulation of salt in the soil interferes with the osmotic balance within plant cells, causing further damage. 

Tip burn of mango leaves is often due to one of the three conditions, however, it is not always the first reason that plants are not getting enough water second reason is salt accumulation in the soil third reason is magnesium deficiency can be another possible reason for this problem. All of this can happen at the same time. If you water your plant regularly, you will not see tip burn of mango leaves due to lack of moisture. Typically, sporadic irrigation or excessive fluctuations in soil moisture can be a major cause, resulting in tip burn. 

Also read: How to prevent mango flowers and fruits from falling in March, Treatment of diseases of mango tree.

 It is important to manage the adverse effects of salt in mango cultivation to ensure healthy and productive orchards. Salt impaction, often caused by excessive soil salinity or salt-laden irrigation water, has detrimental effects on mango trees, leading to reduced yields and poor fruit quality.

Damage of Salts in Mango

Salt damage occurs when the concentration of soluble salts, primarily sodium and chloride ions, in soil or irrigation water exceeds the tolerance limits of mango trees. High salt levels inhibit the absorption of water and essential nutrients, causing various physical and structural problems in trees.

How to manage the side effects of salt in mango?

To effectively manage the side effects of salt, it is necessary to diagnose it accurately. Symptoms of salt side effects in mango trees include leaf burn, leaf scorch, reduced growth, and poor fruit development. Soil and water testing helps determine the extent of salt accumulation in the garden.

Also read: If the web-making (leaf web) insects in the orchards of mango, guava, litchi, and other fruits are not managed in time, huge losses will be caused.

How to manage excessive salt content in soil management?

Regular and adequate leaching is a primary way to manage soil salinity. Leaching involves the use of excess water to flush out salts deposited below the root zone. This process is achieved by using low-salt irrigation water, applying greater amounts of water, or installing drainage systems.

Select salt-tolerant rootstocks.

It is essential to choose salt-tolerant rootstocks, as they can withstand high salt levels in the soil.

Improvement in soil structure.

Enhancing soil structure by adding organic matter increases its ability to hold and release nutrients, which can reduce the negative effects of salt damage.

Irrigation management.

Regularly test irrigation water quality to monitor salt levels. High-quality water sources with low salt content are preferable. Tipburn caused by moisture fluctuations can be reduced by regularizing irrigation. Set a watering schedule for your plant and irrigate it regularly.

Drip Irrigation: 

Drip irrigation minimizes direct contact between salt-rich water and tree roots, thereby reducing salt stress. It also promotes water use efficiency.

Alternative source of water.

Consider using alternative water sources with lower salt content, such as harvested rainwater or water treatment systems to remove excess salt.

Also read: Drip sprinkler system is available with 75 percent subsidy, farmers will have to do only this work.

Use of Fertilizers.

Using properly balanced fertilizers can reduce the adverse effects of salt. Nutrient deficiencies can increase salt stress, so maintaining optimal nutrient levels is essential.

Micronutrient management.

Monitor and manage micronutrients carefully, as salt damage can affect their absorption. Foliar application of micronutrients may be necessary. This type of symptom can also be due to magnesium deficiency. To overcome this deficiency, compost should be used according to the age of the tree.

Cultural (agricultural) methods.

If drainage around the plant is poor, salt can accumulate in the soil, causing mango leaves to burn. If salt has accumulated in the soil, try watering heavily to flush the salt out of the root zone. If the soil has drainage problems, create drainage channels. In the rainy season, grow any one of Sanai, Dhaicha, Moong, Cowpea, etc. as an intercrop as a green manure crop and plow back after 50% flowering. This practice should be done for at least 4 to 5 years. Applying organic mulch around the base of mango trees helps conserve soil moisture and reduces salt accumulation on the soil surface. To correct poor soil fertility, apply adequate organic manure along with humic acid, BCA, gypsum, and decomposed organic fertilizers. Gypsum helps in improving the structure of soil. Soil is a complex mixture of inorganic particles, organic particles, and pores, water, and soil microbes.

Also read: How to protect fruit trees from waterlogging?

Spore composition changes due to weather events such as rainfall, tillage, or the withdrawal of nutrients for plant growth. Farmers have to manage their soils well to maintain good crop yields year after year. Improving soil structure helps farmers with some common agricultural problems. Mixing gypsum in the soil increases the soil's ability to absorb water after rainfall. The use of gypsum also improves soil aeration and water infiltration through the soil profile. The use of gypsum improves the movement of water. Finely ground gypsum can be mixed in irrigation water and used. Gypsum can be applied to the soil before planting or during the growth stage of the tree.

Monitoring and maintenance. 

Regular Inspection: Assess the garden periodically for signs of salt damage. With early detection, timely corrective action can be taken.

Record Keeping: Maintain records of soil testing, irrigation schedules, and orchard management practices to track changes and improvements over time.  

Salt Resistant Mango Varieties.

The discovery of salt-resistant mango varieties could be a long-term solution to salt damage. Some new mango varieties have been bred to be more tolerant of salinity conditions, and integrating these into your garden can help reduce the risk of salt damage.

Integrated Pest and Disease Management.

Mango trees affected by salt are more susceptible to pests and diseases. Use integrated pest and disease management methods to maintain tree health and reduce additional stress.

Also read: Know what are the differences between pest control and pest management.


Salt damage management in mango orchards is a multifaceted approach that includes soil and water management, careful selection of rootstocks and varieties, and cultural methods. By following these guidelines, mango growers can maintain healthy orchards, increase fruit quality and yield, and reduce the harmful effects of salt stress. Regular monitoring and adjustments in management practices are important for long-term success in managing salt damage in mango cultivation.