
agriculture news Hindi

Huge Decline in the prices of oilseed mustard crops in India

Huge Decline in the prices of oilseed mustard crops in India

For your information, mustard seed prices have been the most affected among the crops in the same category. Prices rose significantly at the end of last year. However, prices have fallen dramatically. What is the current mustard price in India's granary markets?However the prices of other oilseeds crop are also declining but currently most of them are stagnant.

There is a crop shortage that has been recorded in some cases, particularly for mustard seeds, and prices have been affected the most since the end of last year. There was a time when the prices were near 9000 Rs per quintal but now those same prices are even under the minimum support price. Therefore this has led to an alarming situation among the farmers.

Prices of mustard in markets nation-wide

The central government established an MSP of 5650 rupees per quintal , but farmers in Indian markets are currently not receiving the MSP price for mustard crops.They currently cost 5500 rupees per quintal. 

According to the Union Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare's Agmarknet portal, on Saturday (January 6), except for one or two mandis in India, prices remained below the MSP. On Saturday, the best mustard price was achieved at Karnataka's Shimoga Mandi. Where mustard was  sold at Rs 8800 per quintal.

Also read :Spray insecticide to prevent aphid pest in mustard crop.

Similarly in Amreli Mandi of Gujarat Mustard is sold at 6075 rupees per quintal . If we keep these exception aside then in all other mandis it is sold at less than 5500 rupees per quintal which is even lower than the MSP. Alarmingly at some places prices are even 4500Rs/quintal. Experts believe that the drop in prices is due to a decrease in demand. If demand does not rise, prices will fall even further, which is extremely bad news for farmers.

Here you can see the list of other crops.

To inform you for any crop its prices depend upon its quality. In such a case traders decide the prices according to the crop quality. Higher the quality of the crop, higher its prices. If you are also keen to check crop prices in your state markets then you can search for the whole list on the official website of .

This new variety of wheat will be proven effective for obesity and diabetes

This new variety of wheat will be proven effective for obesity and diabetes

For your knowledge, let us tell you that the Plant Breeding Genetics Department of the Punjab Agricultural University has created a new variety of wheat PBW RS1. It will cost less to farmers. This variety prevents the increase in obesity and the amount of insulin of blood sugar. This variety is going to be very beneficial for our body. Wheat is a major crop of the Rabi season. Along with this, it is a very nutritional meal as a food. Majority of people consume it as part of their diet. Majority of people eat chapatis made up of wheat flour. Farmers can also earn good profit by producing wheat crops. Along with this, situated in Ludhiana, the Plant Breeding Genetics Department of the Punjab Agricultural University has created a new variety of wheat, which prevents the increase in obesity and amount of insulin level in blood sugar. For the same reason, this variety will be proven as very beneficial for health. This rabi season, the seeds of this variety will be provided for cultivation. Along with this training will also be provided for the cultivation of these seeds.

How much time does it takes to PBW RS1 variety of wheat to get prepared 

Generally you would have seen that the patients suffering from obesity are advised not to consume wheat. But recently, after doing a research of 8 to 10 years, the agricultural scientists of the Plant Breeding Genetics Department of the Punjab Agricultural University have prepared the PBW RS1 variety, and doctors will also not stop you from consuming that. Because this new variety of wheat is helpful in controlling obesity.

Read  also: this rabi season, farmers can earn good money by cultivating black wheat. 

What are the benefits of PBW RS1 wheat 

This new variety of wheat developed by agricultural scientists has multiple benefits which are beneficial for our health. Regular consumption of this wheat can prevent us from problems like obesity and diabetes. Nutraceutical values in this variety of wheat are adequate. It also contains resistance starch.

This newly developed variety of wheat will be available in market after the month of April, 2024

Seeds of this variety are very good for patients suffering from diabetes. It will digest easily just like fibres. This wheat will be available in the market after April, 2024. However, the crops of these seeds will be less but it will have high prices in the market. 

 Record increase in wheat prices before Diwali

Record increase in wheat prices before Diwali

Wheat prices have risen again before Diwali, causing concern in the national capital Delhi where it has reached Rs 27,390 per metric ton in the wholesale market. It is expected that the prices may continue to rise in the coming days, as they did in January when wheat prices reached their highest level. Despite the Central Government's efforts, inflation has remained high, with one item's price rising as soon as another's falls. While the prices of tomatoes and green vegetables have gone down, wheat has become more expensive, potentially leading to food inflation. Traders have also noted that food imports are being affected by import duties, putting pressure on the government to remove export duties. As a result, the Central Government must release food items like wheat and rice from government reserves periodically to control inflation. The government must take proactive measures to control the prices of essential commodities, especially before the festive season, to provide relief to the common man.

Due to the increase in the price of wheat, the price of these food items will also increase.

According to agricultural experts, the demand for wheat has increased in the market due to festive days. At the same time, the supply of wheat has been greatly affected due to the increase in demand, due to which the prices have reached their highest level in 8 months. If this trend of increase in prices continues, retail inflation may increase further in the coming days. Wheat is a grain from which various types of food items are prepared. If the price of wheat increases, various food items including rotis, biscuits, pieces of bread, and cakes will become costlier.

40% import duty on wheat by the Government of India

The main thing is that the price of wheat in the national capital Delhi increased by 1.6% on Tuesday. Due to this, the price of wheat reached Rs 27,390 per metric ton in the wholesale market, which is the highest level since February 10. It is being said that wheat prices have increased by approximately 22% in the last six months. Also, Roller Floor Millers Federation President Pramod Kumar S has raised the demand with the Central Government to remove duty on wheat import. In fact, he has said that if the government removes the import duty on wheat, then its price can definitely come down. In fact, the Government of India has imposed a 40% import duty on wheat, and there does not seem to be any immediate plan to remove it.

Also read: Countrymen will not face the shock of inflation during the festive season – Food Secretary Sanjeev Chopra

Food prices will fall like this

Also, as of October 1, there were only 24 million metric tons of wheat in the government wheat stock. Which is much less compared to the five-year average of 37.6 million tonnes. However, the Center has procured 26.2 million tonnes of wheat from farmers in crop season 2023, short of the target of 34.15 million tonnes. At the same time, the Central Government estimates that wheat production in the crop season 2023-24 will be around 112.74 million metric tons. This will lead to a decline in the prices of food items.

Apple production is expected to decline significantly this year

Apple production is expected to decline significantly this year

Cold wave and snowfall are wreaking havoc in the country. But, apple production in the country may decline considerably due to less rain and snowfall than last year. According to the Meteorological Department, there is a possibility of rain-snowfall in the coming days. However, it is not conducive for the apple to complete its chilling period. There is a very bad news for apple farmers. Apple yields in India are expected to decline this year due to below-average rainfall and snowfall. This can pose a big challenge for apple growers. In fact, apple producing states like Uttarakhand, Jammu and Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh have received almost no snowfall this time. Because of this, farmers are very worried.

Even after more than a week in the month of January, there has been no rain in these states. There is no sign of snowfall due to lack of rain. Due to this, the apple crop is not getting the winter season as per the requirement. In this situation, experts have said that due to less snowfall, the size of the apple will be greatly affected and its sweetness will also decrease.

Huge decrease in apple production expected

Horticulturists say that if there is no rain and snowfall on a few days,apple yields can decline by 20 to 25 percent. Due to the decline in apple yield, the price of apple can also increase significantly. It is being said that due to lack of rain, moisture has disappeared from the land. As a result, apple plants are not getting enough moisture. According to experts, a minimum chilling period of 800 to 1000 hours is required for the growth of apple plants. But, due to lack of rain and snowfall, the chilling period has not been completed. In such a situation, apple yields are likely to be affected significantly.

Also read: This state government is giving 50% percent subsidy to farmers on apple cultivation, apply soon


Farmers are also praying to God for rain and snowfall

If we take a look at Himachal Pradesh, the farmers here are also disappointed due to lack of rain and snowfall. As a result of lack of rain and snowfall in the state, the apple business worth Rs 5500 crore is facing a lot of crisis. Because, the snowfall has not started yet, due to which the process of chilling period has not even started. This has increased the concern of thousands of gardeners in the state. In such a situation, gardeners are praying to the gods and goddesses for rain and snowfall.


What message has IMD given about rain?

Apples are an extremely tasty crop. Apart from Himachal Pradesh, apple is also cultivated on a large scale in Uttarakhand. There are apple orchards in about 25 thousand hectare area, which produces about 67 thousand tonnes of apples every year. Farmers grow apples in districts like Uttarkashi, Nainital, Champawat, Chamoli, Dehradun, Bageshwar and Almora. Also, pulum, pear and apricots are also cultivated by farmers in these areas. This is the reason that the farmers here are very upset due to lack of rain and snowfall. Farmers say that if there is no rain and snowfall, it will destroy their crops. Also, according to the Meteorological Department, there is a possibility of rain-snowfall in Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh in the next few days.

Yubari King Melon will blow your mind, only rich people consume it

Yubari King Melon will blow your mind, only rich people consume it

 Cultivating Yubari King is very beneficial for farmers. It is cultivated throughout the year. It is grown between October and March. Also, it is also cultivated differently. Different types of fertilizers are also used in its field. Because of this, the Yubari king does not spoil for a long time.

 Everyone likes to consume melon. Potassium is found in very high amounts in it. Consuming it keeps blood pressure under control. Along with this, many heart-related diseases are also cured. This is the reason that there is always a demand for it in the market. From April to May, it is easily available in the market. At this time, its price is 50 to 60 rupees a kg. But, today we will talk about a species of melon which is counted among the most expensive fruits in the world. It is not priced in thousands but in lakhs. At such a price, you will buy a lot of luxury cars.

How did this fruit get its name Yubari?

For your information, let us know that the name of the melon we are talking about today is Yubari King. It is said to be the most expensive fruit in the world. It is a type of Japanese melon. It is cultivated only in Japan. Yubari melon is cultivated in the city of Yubari on the island of Hokkaido, Japan. Only because of this, it got the name Yubari Melan. Experts say that the temperature of Yubari city is very good for this fruit.

Also read: Taiwanese watermelon and melon fruits make millions of profits

The Yubari King was sold at a price of about 30 tolas of gold from India

There is a large difference in day and night temperatures in Yubari city, which acts as 'elixir' for Yubari melon. It is said that the greater the temperature difference between day and night, the sweeter and tastier the melon will be. The most important thing about Yubari King is that it is not sold. Actually, the Yubari King is auctioned. In 2022, a Yubari King was auctioned for Rs 20 lakh. Also, in the year 2021, this fruit was sold for Rs 18 lakh. This means that a young man in India can easily buy 30 tolas of gold within the price of king.

Yubari melon is consumed only by rich people

Yubari king is an anti-infection fruit. In such a situation, consuming it increases physical immunity. In addition to potassium, vitamin C, phosphorus, vitamin A and calcium are also found in it. This is the reason why there is a lot of demand in the market. But, only the rich people of the world consume it. Farmers can not only earn their livelihood from Yubari melon. Also, they are very good for health

Potato farming: Important information related to potato farming.

Potato farming: Important information related to potato farming.

For your knowledge, we can tell you that growing more potatoes may enhance your revenue by sowing high yielding potato types on time, using a balanced amount of fertiliser, suitable pesticides, and water management.

Potatoes are a key cash crop. Every household uses it in some way. It contains abundant amounts of starch, protein, vitamin C, and mineral salts. Let us advise you that you may raise your revenue by producing more potatoes by early sowing of high yielding varieties, balanced fertiliser use, adequate pesticide usage, and improved water management.

Soil and potato crop variations

Potato farming is best suited to loamy and sandy loam soils rich in organic matter. Mid-season varieties such as Kufri Lalima, Kufri Bahar, Kufri Pukhraj, and Kufri Arun, when seeded in the first week of November, produce high yields. To avoid late seeding, sowing Kufri Sindhuri, Kufri Deva, and Kufri Badshah, among others, should be done by the last week of November.

Also  read: Grow early potatoes in this method.

Prepare the sowing and field of potatoes in this manner.

Potatoes are a winter crop. It needs a temperature of 22 to 24 degrees Celsius for establishment and early growth, and 18 to 20 degrees Celsius for tuber development. To prepare the field, make the soil more friable by ploughing three to four times deep. Before planting, add 55 kg urea, 87 kg DAP, 250 kg single super phosphate, and 80 kg MOP into the soil per acre.

Use fertiliser to produce an excellent yield from potato growing.

Today we shall discuss fertiliser in potato farming. Apply 45 kg of urea to the field 30 days after you seed your potatoes. Using 100 kg of gypsum per acre for field preparation yields results. Sow the potatoes only after they have been taken out of cold storage and kept in the shade for seven to eight days. If the potatoes are huge, chop and seed them. However, each piece of potato should weigh around 35-40 grams. Each item requires at least two healthy eyes. In this case, 10 to 12 quintals of tubers will be needed per acre.

Also  read: Late blight disease of potatoes and its treatment.

Before sowing, use three percent boric acid or Pensikuran (Manserin), 250 ml/eight quintals of tubers, or Penflufen (Imesto), 100 ml/10 quintals of tubers, and then sow the seeds. Maintain appropriate moisture in the field when sowing. Maintain a 50 to 60 cm spacing between each row. Sow at a space of 15 cm between tubers. After seeding potatoes, provide light watering for 7 to 10 days. When two to four leaves develop, combine Metribuzin 70%, WP at 100 grams in 200 litres of water and spray each acre.

How is cumin cultivated?

How is cumin cultivated?

Cumin is a spice crop, which is cultivated as a spice. This cumin is exactly like fennel in appearance, but it is slightly different in colour. Cumin seeds are used to produce aroma in a variety of dishes.

Apart from this, it is used in many ways in food, some of which people use in powder or roast food. Consuming cumin seeds relieves many stomach related diseases. The cumin plant is of dry climate, and its plants need normal rains In India, cumin is most cultivated in Rajasthan and Gujarat, 80% of the total cumin of the whole country is produced here, out of which 28% cumin is produced in Rajasthan state alone, in its western region 80% cumin production is in the state. 

The same neighbouring state Gujarat produces more than Rajasthan. At present, the production capacity can be increased from 25% to 50% by growing improved varieties of cumin. Most of the farmers are also earning good profit by growing improved varieties of cumin. If you also want to cultivate cumin, then in this article you are being given information about how to cultivate cumin (Cumin Farming in Hindi) and the price of cumin.

Soil requirement for cumin cultivation

Sandy loam soil is required for good yield of cumin. In its cultivation, the land should be properly drained, and the pH value of the land should also be normal. Cumin is grown along with the Rabi crop, so its plants grow well in cold climates. Its plants need normal rain, and a very hot climate is not suitable for its plants. Cumin plants need 25 degree temperature after transplanting, and 20 degree temperature is appropriate at the time of plant growth. Its plants can easily tolerate a maximum temperature of 30 degrees and a minimum of 20 degrees.


Varieties of cumin

At present, many types of improved varieties of cumin have been prepared, which are grown to give higher yields according to different climates. R.Z. 19 , G. C. 4 , R. Z. 209 , G.C.

 Also Read: Spices or Masala price hike: First vegetable now tempering in dal also becomes expensive, spices prices increase record

Land preparation for sowing cumin seeds

Before harvesting cumin, his field is well prepared. For this, first of all, the soil of the field is ploughed deep with turning halos. After ploughing, the field is left open like this for some time. After this, 10 carts of old dung manure are ploughed in the field as natural manure, due to which the fertiliser gets well mixed in the soil of the field. After adding the manure to the soil, two to three diagonal ploughs are done. After ploughing, the field is watered and ploughed.

 Fertiliser and manure management in the crop

At the time of last ploughing of the field after the plough, 65 kg of DAP should be given. And 9 kg of urea has to be sprayed in the field. After this, the soil of the field is made friable by installing a rotavator in the field. After the soil becomes friable, the field is levelled by applying pata. This does not cause the problem of waterlogging in the field. Apart from this, the amount of 20 to 25 kg urea has to be given to the plants during the third irrigation at the time of plant growth.

Also read: Know about the schemes related to spices that get money and training

Seed rate for sowing cumin seeds

Cumin seeds are planted in the form of seeds. For this, spraying and drill techniques are used. To transplant by drill method, 8 to 10 KG seeds are required in one acre field. For transplanting seeds by the same spraying method, 12 KG seeds are required in one acre field. The seeds are treated with an appropriate amount of carbon dioxide before they are planted in the field. Through the spraying method, the beds are prepared for transplanting keeping a distance of 5 feet in the field.

 Sowing seeds

Seeds are sprayed in these beds and pressed with a hand or tooth. This pressurises the seed below one to one and a half cm. Apart from this, if you want to transplant seeds by drill method, then for that you have to prepare the rows in the field, and a distance of one foot is kept between each row. Sowing of seeds in rows is done at a distance of 10 to 15 cm. Since cumin is planted along with the RABI CROP, it is advisable to sow its seeds till the end of November.

Crop Irrigation Management

Cumin plants have a normal need for irrigation. The initial irrigation is done immediately after transplanting the seed, and the initial irrigation has to be done with a slow flow of water, so that the seed does not get washed away by the strong current of water. Its plants mostly require 5 to 7 irrigations. After the first irrigation, the remaining irrigation has to be done in an interval of 10 to 12 days.

Weed control in crop

Both chemical and natural methods are used for weed control in the cumin field. In the chemical method, the appropriate amount of Oxadiargyl is mixed with water to form a solution, which is then sprayed in the field after planting the seeds. In the natural method, weeding of plants is done. Its first ploughing is done about 20 days after planting the seeds, and the remaining ploughing has to be done in an interval of 15 days. Its plants require a maximum of two to three hoeings.

Also read: Weed control in wheat crop

Crop yield

Improved varieties of cumin are ready to give yield after about 100 to 120 days of seed sowing. When the colour of the seeds in its plants starts to appear light brown, during that time the flower canopy is cut and collected and dried in the field itself. After this, the grains are removed by machine from the dried flower canopy. Depending on the improved varieties, a yield of about 7 to 8 quintals is obtained from one hectare field of cumin. The market price of cumin is up to Rs 200 per kg, according to which the farmer can earn good profits by earning 40 to 50 thousand rupees from one crop of cumin.

Leaving the government job, Mukesh is earning big profits from cucumber cultivation through polyhouse

Leaving the government job, Mukesh is earning big profits from cucumber cultivation through polyhouse

 For your information, let you know that young farmer Mukesh says that subsidized money is also received from the government to build a net house. Initially, he got a subsidy of 65% for setting up a net house. However, currently the Haryana government has reduced the grant amount to 50%.

 As we all know that even today people have gone absolutely crazy behind government jobs. It is the desire of every parent that his child gets a government job, so that his whole life becomes secure. Now the government job must be of low level. But, today, we will talk about a person who, leaving a good government job, is now coming to the village and doing farming.

Where is farmer Mukesh from?

Actually, the young farmer we are going to talk about is named Mukesh Kumar. Mukesh is a resident of Karnal district of Haryana. Earlier, he used to work in a government job in the Haryana Board. During the job, Mukesh used to get a salary of 45 thousand rupees per month. But, he did not feel like this government work, so he kicked this job. Today he is farming on his ancestral land with the net house method, due to which he is earning very well.

Also read: Farmers' crop savings up to 75% on ShedNet

Farmer Mukesh is providing employment to the people

Farmer Mukesh is also providing employment opportunities for many other farmers. Mukesh, a farmer, says he has set up four net houses on his land. Farmers Mukesh cultivates cucumbers inside them. According to farmer Mukesh, the demand for cucumbers increases a lot in summer. Now in such a situation, farmer Mukesh has been cultivating cucumbers for almost 2 years. Explain that farmer Mukesh is earning very well from this. This is the reason that he has gradually increased the area of cucumber cultivation. Along with this, Mukesh has also provided employment to many people around him.

Cucumbers can be cultivated throughout the year

Mukesh says that it costs two and a half to three lakh rupees to build a net house. But, the income increases considerably by cultivating it inside. The young farmer says that there are many varieties of cucumbers, which can be cultivated throughout the year inside the net house.


Also read: Farmer Subodh has set an example by cultivating cucumbers with the advice of a friend

There is very little wastage of water when irrigation is done by drip method

 Farmer Mukesh says that he has found the biggest feature of cucumber cultivation is that its cultivation consumes very little water. Actually, crops are irrigated through the drip method in the net house. The wastage of water is very less by drip irrigation. Along with this, water reaches the roots of the plants. Farmer Mukesh supplies cucumbers grown in his field to many cities including Delhi and Gurugram. At present, he is selling cucumbers at Rs 15 per kg.

 Citizens will not face the shock of inflation during the festive season – Food Secretary Sanjeev Chopra

Citizens will not face the shock of inflation during the festive season – Food Secretary Sanjeev Chopra

For your information let us tell you that Food Secretary Sanjeev Chopra says that the Central Government is making every effort to control inflation. Strict action is being taken against those who hoard food items. Central and state government teams are conducting raids at various places. In fact, before the beginning of the festive season, the Central Government has made all preparations to prevent inflation. Now in such a situation, the general public does not need to worry about inflation. Food items will be available at reasonable prices on Ganesh Chaturthi, Durga Puja, and Diwali. The central government has said that it has sufficient reserves of sugar. Now the public will have no shortage of sugar during the festive season. The supply of sugar in the market will continue as per the demand so that the prices remain controlled. He said that currently there is a stock of 85 lakh tonnes of sugar in the government stores. In such a situation, the general public does not need to worry about inflation.

There will be no impact on sugarcane yield

Sanjeev Chopra says that wheat prices are increasing artificially. But, soon this too will be controlled. He said that there is a rumor that due to less-than-average rainfall this year, sugarcane production may decline. But, this is not true at all. According to him, there will be no decline in sugarcane production. 

Also read: Detailed information related to sugarcane cultivation

Prices of rice increased by 10%

He said that due to rumors, the price of rice has increased by 10%. But, there will be an excellent yield of paddy in the crop season 2023-24. Now in such a situation, prices will fall due to the arrival of new rice in the market. He has said that the storage limit on wheat has been reduced. Farmers also felt extremely happy when the price of rice increased. Because paddy is a Kharif crop. The right time has come for harvesting this Kharif crop. The time of harvesting of Kharif crop rice is going on. Now in such a situation, if the price of rice increases then farmers will get a lot of benefits.

How much paddy is produced in India

India is the second country in terms of paddy production. India exports rice to foreign countries. India ensures the food supply of rice to the world. Many countries depend on India. If rice production in India decreases, it affects the food security of the entire world. India is well known for the production of different varieties of rice. Nepal remains largely dependent on rice from India.

 Bumper subsidy is available on 110 types of agricultural implements for farmers in this state

Bumper subsidy is available on 110 types of agricultural implements for farmers in this state

The process of registration for the grant to be given under the Agricultural Mechanization Scheme will be started from October 10, 2023. During this time, farmers of Bihar state can register and get grants on 110 types of agricultural implements.

After the arrival of mechanisation in farming, there is a continuous change in the condition of farmers. New machines are being constructed keeping in mind the convenience of farmers through agricultural companies. Also, plans are also issued by the Government of India to buy agricultural equipment. In this chain, the Bihar government has launched the Agricultural Mechanization Scheme to provide benefits of agricultural equipment to the small farmers of the state.

40 to 80 percent grant on agricultural implements

Under this scheme, the farmers of the state are provided with 40 to 80 percent grant facility for purchasing agricultural equipment. Applications of farmers are sought every year for this scheme of the government. Also, the Bihar government has made a big announcement regarding the agricultural mechanisation scheme. From October 10, 2023, the process of registration for the farmers of Bihar state will be started in the agricultural mechanisation scheme.

Also read: Farmers will get agricultural equipment cheaply, government giving 50% subsidy

Grants are being given on 110 agricultural implements by Bihar government

Under the Agricultural Mechanisation Scheme, the farmers of Bihar are provided subsidies on 110 types of best agricultural implements. These farming equipment is possible in facilitating almost every work related to farming. For example, ploughing, sowing, weeding, irrigation, harvesting and many other works of farm can be completed in minutes. For these agricultural machines, the Bihar government has prepared a plan for a cost of about Rs 119 crore in the year 2023-24.

The registration process will start from October 10

If the farmers of Bihar state want to take advantage under the agricultural mechanisation scheme, then they should complete the process of registration from October 10, 2023 to get a grant on the purchase of agricultural implements. Actually, this process of registration will continue for 1 month which means till November 10, 2023. During this time, interested farmers can apply for this scheme.

Extremely important documents for the plan

Aadhar card

Bank passbook

mobile number

email id

Registration process in agricultural mechanisation scheme

To get the benefit of this scheme, farmers will have to visit the official website of Bihar Agriculture Department portal.

After visiting the website, you have to click on the agricultural mechanisation scheme option of the home page. Then you have to complete the process of registration under the agricultural mechanisation scheme.

Priyanka Gandhi announces MSP guarantee on crop and loan waiver

Priyanka Gandhi announces MSP guarantee on crop and loan waiver

Congress General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra has made a big announcement during the campaigning for Telangana assembly elections. "Farmers in Telangana are in deep debt. They are not getting any help from the government. Addressing the public and especially the farmers of the state, Priyanka Gandhi said that if the Congress forms the government in Telangana by winning the assembly elections, then the farmers will get the guarantee of MSP for crops. If the Congress forms its government in Telangana, the MSP to farmers will be fixed at Rs 2,500 per quintal for paddy, Rs 4,400 for soybean, Rs 2,200 for maize, Rs 4,000 for sugarcane, Rs 6,700 for arhar and Rs 6,500 per quintal for cotton.

Gifts to farmers and labourers

He also said that good days for farmers will begin once the Congress comes to power in Telangana. Along with this, the Congress General Secretary has made many other big announcements, under which women will be given the facility of gas cylinders and free bus travel for Rs 500 along with Rs 25,000 per month, while farmers will be provided financial assistance of Rs 15,000 annually. At the same time, this amount has been fixed at Rs 12 thousand annually for agricultural laborers. Apart from this, 200 units of free electricity, free land for construction of houses and Rs 5 lakh as well as Rs 4 thousand as monthly pension to the elderly have been announced.

The law for the guarantee of MSP

As everyone knows, farmers have been demanding a guarantee law for MSP for a long time. In such a situation, this bet of the Congress can prove to be a big decision in the direction of its victory in the assembly elections. Polling for 119 Assembly seats in Telangana will be held on November 30 and the results will be declared on December 3. Whether the promises made to the farmers will be fulfilled or not is a different matter, but it is very important for the farmer to convert these announcements into reality. India is an agricultural country.

 Weed can highly affect the sugarcane crop

Weed can highly affect the sugarcane crop

Before sowing sugarcane, keep weed control in mind. If weeds are not controlled in time then there can be reduction in production. Production can be decreased by 10-30 percent. In this situation, let us know how to control weeds. 

These days, autumn sowing of sugarcane is going on in India. At this time weed control is also more important. Because, sugarcane crops can get affected due to weeds, which causes reduction in  production. In this situation, it should be controlled before sowing.Agricultural scientists have said that farmers should do weed control regularly.So that full development of their crop is possible.Dr. Sanjeev Pathak, Extension Officer of Uttar Pradesh Sugarcane Research Council, says that sowing of sugarcane is going on these days in various states of the country. Farmer brothers must keep in mind weed control before sowing. They have said that about 45 types of broad and narrow leaves of weeds are found in sugarcane. 

Yield of sugarcane decreases this way.

For your information, let us tell you that the field of sugarcane is sown by trench method because of a lot of space in between, and weeds grow rapidly. If weeds in sugarcane crops are not controlled in time then there may be a decrease in yield of sugarcane. Let us tell you that yield can be decreased by 10-30 percent, because weeds grow with the crop. Therefore take control over the weeds on time so that crops don't get harmed. 

Control weeds like this.

Dr. Sanjeev Pathak has said that weed control in the first three months of sugarcane sowing. Two methods can be used for weed control. The first method in which weeds can be eliminated is by chemical spraying of herbicides. Whereas, the second method is the mechanical method, in which weeds can be eliminated by weeding.

Weeding helps in the circulation of air in the soil, which helps in the excellent development of sugarcane roots. Let us tell you that when the roots are fully developed, the plants will absorb the nutrients present in the soil, the fertilizers given by the farmers and the irrigation water, which will also improve the growth and development. Now in such a situation, farmers will get a very good yield. Besides, the weeds growing in the crop will also be eliminated.

Farmer brothers should spray medicine in this way.

If a chemical method has to be used in any special circumstances then to control broadleaf and narrow leaf weeds, apply 500 grams of Metribuzin 70 percent simultaneously And make a solution of 2 4 D 58 percent in 1000 liters of water corresponding to 2.5 liters per hectare and spray it. During this time, be careful that the medicine is sprayed only on the weeds in the space between the two lines of sugarcane. Try to ensure that the medicine does not fall on the sugarcane plants. Spraying of medicine on sugarcane plants can significantly affect the growth of the plants.