

These five advanced varieties are quite spectacular for mustard cultivation in the Rabi season.

These five advanced varieties are quite spectacular for mustard cultivation in the Rabi season.

Mustard is one of the major rabi crops. Explain that mustard cultivation is done prominently in many states of India. If we talk about advanced varieties of mustard, then Raj Vijay Mustard-2, Pusa Mustard 21, Pusa Mustard RH 30, Pusa Bold and Pusa Mustard are 28sa Bold and Pusa Mustard 28.. In fact, in almost all the states of India, everything from sowing of crops to harvesting remains dependent on the weather. As you know, the time of harvesting of kharif crops is going on. Also, farmers are preparing to sow rabi crops. At the same time, the major crops sown in the rabi crop are potatoes, peas, mustard, wheat etc. Today we will give you information about the best varieties of mustard. The names of these advanced varieties of mustard are Pusa Bold, Pusa Mustard 28, Raj Vijay Mustard-2, Pusa Mustard 21 and Pusa Mustard RH 30. All these are the most preferred mustard varieties in the production of oilseeds in India. These varieties make more profits at the cost of farmers per hectare. Their production is also more than the rest of the varieties. So let's know in detail about these varieties of mustard.

5 advanced varieties for mustard cultivation

Mustard Pusa Bold

The time period for ripening of mustard Pusa bold is 100 to 140 days. The area of Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Delhi is considered suitable for sowing it. If we talk about its yield per hectare, it provides 20 to 25 quintals per hectare yield. The amount of oil inside it is up to 40 percent.

Also read: Farmers can make great profits by cultivating this variety of mustard.

Pusa mustard 28

The period of crop ripening and harvesting is 105 to 110 days. It is sown in states like Haryana, Rajasthan, Punjab, Delhi and Jammu and Kashmir. Farmer brothers can get 18 to 20 quintals of production per hectare. Talking about the amount of oil, it is up to 21 percent.

Raj Vijay Mustard-2

The crop ripening time is from 120 to 130 days. It is produced in areas of Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh. At the same time, the average yield from this ranges from 20 to 25 quintals per hectare. The amount of oil ranges from about 37 to 40 percent.

Also read: Information about all the necessary 

works related to mustard cultivation

Pusa Mustard R H30

It takes about 130 to 135 days for this type of mustard crop to ripen. The area of sowing this variety is Haryana, Punjab and Western Rajasthan. At the same time, if we talk about per hectare, it is from 16 to 20 quintals per hectare. If we talk about the amount of oil inside it, then it is up to 39 percent.

Pusa Mustard 21

The time of ripening of this variety of crops is around 137 to 152 days. Explain that it can be produced prominently in Punjab, Rajasthan and Delhi. For your information, tell that 18 to 21 quintals of production can be taken per hectare. Talking about the amount of oil from this type of mustard, it is about 37 to 40 percent. According to the Indian Institute of Lonacles of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, if farmers of these areas want more production, then these varieties of mustard can prove to be a profitable deal for farmers. All these varieties produce more percentage of oil per hectare with more production.

Bumper profit will be made from the cultivation of this spice, used from home to restaurant

Bumper profit will be made from the cultivation of this spice, used from home to restaurant

 Farmers can earn a good income by cultivating fennel. The temperature should be between 20 and 30 degrees to get the best yield. If you are bored of cultivating fruits and vegetables, then this news is going to prove to be very useful for you. Farmers can also cultivate spices other than fruits and vegetables to get more profits. So that they will also get bumper benefits. Fennel is a spice that is used from homes to big hotels. Today we will tell you how farmer brothers can become rich by cultivating it.

Fennel is also used in medicines

Fennel is used in various dishes and medicines. Like saffron and vanilla, fennel is also a very expensive spice. Both Kharif and Rabi seasons are good for fennel cultivation. Fennel is sown during Kharif. At the same time, in the rabi season, it can be sown from the last week of October to the first week of November.

How much temperature is needed for fennel cultivation

After turning the soil, make the field uniform by ploughing 3 to 4 plows. During its final ploughing, 150 to 200 quintals of rotten dung manure should be added. After this, mix the manure well in the soil. For the best yield of fennel, it is necessary to have a temperature of 20 to 30 degrees. The demand for fennel has also increased over time.

Also read: Farmers can get good income by producing these major crops in the upcoming rabi season

How is fennel harvested?

For your information, let us tell you that when the farmer brothers fennel is fully ready and when the seeds are fully ripe and dry, then start harvesting the bunches. After harvesting fennel, dry it in the sun for a couple of days. To get the green color of fennel, it should be dried in shade for 10 to 12 days.

 Fennel is used from home to hotels. Many people are interested in eating fennel. People also consume fennel to make their mouth feel fresh.

Walnut has amazing health benefits, it is beneficial for health

Walnut has amazing health benefits, it is beneficial for health

Walnuts include many helpful aspects for one's health. Walnuts include an abundance of magnesium, vitamin B, and fibre. Walnuts are also regarded as the most protein-rich food. When compared to other components, walnuts have 3% more ALA.  ALA Omega Acid lowers LDL cholesterol in the body and promotes healthy cholesterol levels.

Walnuts are also believed to be quite healthy for the heart. It maintains a healthy blood pressure and minimises cardiac issues. It also manages blood clots. It also supplies antioxidants to the body. Walnuts aid to reduce edema and weight.

Walnuts are also known as brain food since they resemble a brain. Consuming walnuts on a daily basis improves brain function. Also, walnuts are high in calories, which is why they should be taken in moderation.

Excellent for Digestive Health

Walnuts contain several nutrients that, when consumed on a daily basis, can help to manage inflammation and pain in the intestines. It also gives comfort for gastrointestinal troubles. It promotes intestinal health and strength. It also supplies a significant amount of nutrients to the body.

Also read: Walnut will make you prosperous; understand why this practice is getting popular.

Helps to improve memory

Walnuts are also known to boost memory. Walnuts include components that are used to reduce stress. Consuming walnuts has a good effect on the brain. Walnuts include vitamin E and polyunsaturated fat, both of which serve to improve mental flexibility and memory.

Beneficial to fight Cancer.

Walnuts contain polyphenols, which are thought to help in cancer prevention. Furthermore, according to study, it stops cancer tumours from forming inside the body. Walnuts also help to lessen the consequences of cancer in the body.

Beneficial to Bones

Walnuts contain alpha linolenic acid, calcium, and phosphorus. This acid helps to maintain bone strength. Walnuts can also help prevent osteoporosis, a bone disorder. Walnuts help eliminate the crushing sound from the bones, promoting bone health and strength.

Also read: Farmers may earn a lot of money quickly by producing this dry fruit.

Furthermore, walnuts are high in fibre, which regulates hunger and helps with weight loss. Despite their high calorie and fat content, walnuts have been shown to aid in weight loss. Walnuts also have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, which assist to reduce tiredness and anxiety.

Helpful in low blood pressure

In case of low blood pressure, a person may face problems like irritability, dizziness etc. Also, due to too low of blood pressure a person can go into a coma. Consumption of walnuts is considered appropriate for all these diseases. Apart from this, due to frequent increase or decrease in blood pressure, a person may also have to face heart related diseases.

Walnuts are hot in nature, hence their consumption should be reduced in summer as compared to winter. There are many benefits of eating walnuts. Some people consume it as dry fruits and some people consume it by soaking them. It is also very beneficial for those who have the problem of gallstones. Walnuts can also be consumed on an empty stomach in the morning.

Read this also: Farmers can earn lakhs of rupees by starting apricot oil business.

Everything has two sides, and eating walnuts has only positive effects. Excessive intake of walnuts might be dangerous. Walnut eating should be limited throughout the summer months due to their hot nature. Furthermore, pregnant women should avoid eating walnuts. That is why you should only use it after speaking with a doctor. Walnut peel contains several of these components, which can produce red rashes on the skin.

 Know complete information about forest bitter gourd

Know complete information about forest bitter gourd

Forest bitter gourd is cultivated in many states of our country. It is known by different names in different places, like sweet bitter gourd, wild bitter gourd, thorny Parwal, Karol, Bhat bitter gourd, etc. This is a type of vegetable available in monsoon. Thorny fibers are growing on the outer surface of this vegetable. Forest bitter gourd is tiny in size. Its scientific name is Momorekh Dygova.

Forest bitter gourd cultivation 

Forest bitter gourds mostly occur during the rainy season. When it rains, the leaves of forest bitter gourd start growing on their own. This vegetable is quite expensive compared to other vegetables. Due to its seeds needing to be easily available, it cannot be cultivated. After the rainy season ends, the seeds of forest bitter gourd fall on the ground. As soon as the first rain falls, the vine of forest bitter gourd starts growing. 

Also read: Bitter gourd will give profit, stray animals get upset - Complete information about bitter gourd cultivation.

Varieties of forest bitter gourd

There are two varieties of forest bitter gourd, which are grown in cultivated form, such as small-sized forest bitter gourd and Indira Akar (RMF 37). Forest bitter gourd is managed through tubers or seeds. That is why farmers should use a good variety of seeds. Before sowing, check the seeds carefully to see if the seeds are diseased.

Sowing forest bitter gourd seeds

For the cultivation of forest bitter gourd, the pH level of the soil is considered to be 6-7. Its sowing can be done in loamy and sandy soil but loamy soil is considered more useful for good yield. Forest bitter gourd plant requires a warm humid climate to grow well.

There is no need for any special technique for sowing forest bitter gourd. Soak the seeds of forest bitter gourd in hot water overnight. This results in good germination of seeds. It is sown at a distance of 3-4 inches. Water should be kept in it as per requirement. Tiny plants are visible only after a few days of sowing.


By eating forest gourd you can get these benefits

Many elements like vitamins, calcium, zinc, copper, and magnesium are found in forest bitter gourd. Its use provides relief from many diseases, but it is also very beneficial for health, and know-how:

Rich in carbohydrates

A large amount of carbohydrate is found in forest bitter gourd. Consuming carbohydrates provides agility and strength to the body, which is essential for doing any work. It is important to have strength in the body for day-to-day work, without strength, no work will be done. 

Also read: Grow summer green vegetables easily in the kitchen garden: Bitter gourd, Ladyfinger, Ghiya, Zucchini, Tinda, Cowpea, Cucumber.

Rich in Vitamins

Many vitamins are found inside forest bitter gourd, Vitamin A and Vitamin B are found in abundance in it. Consuming forest bitter gourd reduces the deficiency of vitamins in the body. Even if you do not get any benefit from taking expensive medicines, you can try using forest bitter gourd in your diet. By using it you will not feel any vitamin deficiency in your body.

Adequate amount of protein and fiber

An appropriate amount of protein and fiber is found in forest bitter gourd. Protein which helps repair cells inside the body. And fiber which helps keep the digestive system of the body healthy. It helps the digestive system so it can function smoothly. 

Forest bitter gourd is mostly cultivated in hilly areas. The nature of forest bitter gourd is hot and it also tastes very tasty.

Forest bitter gourd has also proved beneficial in itching, jaundice, and fainting occurring during the rainy season. Apart from this, eating forest bitter gourd also provides relief from problems like eye problems, fever, and infection. By eating it the blood sugar level also remains balanced.

Lobia is very beneficial nutrients for health in dal

Lobia is very beneficial nutrients for health in dal

A large amount of protein is found inside the cowpea, due to which it is also called the powerhouse of protein. Lobberia is very beneficial not only for humans but also for animal health. For your information, let us tell you that protein, fibre, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and many other nutrients are also present in plenty in cowpea. Protein is an essential element to keep our body healthy for a long time, which also helps in fighting the body's muscles and fighting various types of diseases. Whenever there is talk of protein, its main source of milk, ghee etc. is considered. But, do you know that the amount of protein is more than all this in cowpea. Lobia contains a very good amount of protein. Lobia is also called a superfood. Because it is a powerhouse of protein. It is very beneficial not only for humans but also for the body of animals. Lobia is green fodder for animals, which increases the capacity of milk production in milch animals to a great extent. The amount of protein, fibre, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and various other nutrients is also found inside the cowpea. It is in a green granular shape. Today we will tell you about the advantages and other important information of cowpea.

Also read: Farmers will get double benefits due to cultivation of cowpea

What amount of nutrients are found in cowpea

Protein content- 100 grams of cowpea contains about 25-30 grams of protein.

Fibre content- About 100 grams of fibre is found in 16-25 grams of cowpea.

Complex carbohydrates are in the volume of carbohydrates.

Iron quantity- Lobia is rich in iron. Apart from this, it also has plenty of vitamin C and folate.

Not only this, the early fresh leaves and stalks of cowpea also have nutrients. It contains a few percent raw protein, 3.0% ether extract and 26.7% raw fibre etc.

What are the benefits of consuming cowpea

If you regularly consume cowpea, then you will definitely reduce your weight quickly.

Consumption of cowpea makes the digestive system very strong.

If you are suffering from any heart related disease, then you should consume cowpea.

Lobia is also very beneficial for the disease of not sleeping at the exact time at night and other diseases related to it.

Lobia helps in boosting immunity.

Lobberia controls blood sugar level. If you are struggling with diabetes i.e. diabetes, then definitely consume cowpea.

Agricultural scientists have developed 5 improved varieties of peas

Agricultural scientists have developed 5 improved varieties of peas

Farmers, the rabi season is coming. This time in the rabi season, you can get a very good yield from the improved variety of peas. Agricultural scientists of India keep preparing new varieties for the best varieties. In this series, some of the best varieties of peas have been developed by Kashi Nandini Indian Vegetable Research Institute of Varanasi. There are many types of crops in India, which give good production to the farmers at a low cost and in a short time. By adopting all these crops in their fields, farmers can earn big profits in just a few months.

Farmers can also earn a lot of profit from the cultivation of vegetables

For your information, let us know that vegetable crops are also included in such crops, which can benefit the farmer by thousands and lakhs. If seen, farmers can earn a very fat yield in 50 to 60 days by sowing peas alone in the middle of Kharif and Rabi seasons in their fields. As we all know, there is always a demand for peas in the market of the country and abroad. In view of such a high demand for peas, agricultural scientists of the Indian Vegetable Research Institute of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) have developed many spectacular varieties of peas. Which will give the farmer a very good production as well as the best profit in the market.

Also read: Detailed information about important aspects related to pea cultivation

Kashi Agate

The average weight of peas of this variety is 9-10 g. Let me tell you that its seeds are very sweet in consumption. Farmers can harvest its beans after 55-60 days of sowing. Then farmers easily get an average yield of 45-40 per acre from it.

Kashi Mukti

This magnificent and improved variety of peas is disease resistant to powdered acidity. This peas are very sweet. This variety gives a very good yield to the farmers by late ripening compared to all other varieties. If seen, each pod of Kashi Mukti variety contains 8-9 grains. With this, the farmer brothers get the best yield up to 50 quintals.

Also read: How to sow and care for peas

Arkell Peas

It is an exotic species, whose farmers get 40-50 quintals per acre from each pod. The number of seeds in each pod is found to be 6-8.

Kashi Nandani

This variety of peas has been developed by the Kashi Nandini Indian Vegetable Research Institute in Varanasi. You will see this pea plant up to 45-50 cm tall. Also, the yield of the first beans will start to come about 60-65 days after sowing. The average yield of green beans of its variety is 30-32 quintals per acre. Also, 5-6 quintals per acre is earned from seed production. This variety of peas is very good for the farmers of Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Jammu and Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh.

Also read: Health secrets hidden in butterfly pea (Aparajita) flowers, helpful in making blue tea, earning opportunities immense

Kashi Uday

The plants of this variety are green in the whole way. Also, it has small lumps and 8-10 pods per plant, with each pod having 8 to 9 seed numbers. Farmers can earn 35-40 quintals of green beans per acre from this variety. Farmers can easily pluck not one but two to three times with this variety.

What is the taste and production of Doon Basmati variety rice?

What is the taste and production of Doon Basmati variety rice?

Let us tell you that due to rapid urbanization, Doon Basmati rice is becoming extinct. According to reports, its cultivation has decreased significantly in the last few years. Doon Basmati, a rice variety known for its rich aroma and distinct taste is disappearing rapidly. According to the recent report of Uttarakhand Biodiversity Board, the area under cultivation of Doon Basmati rice has decreased by 62% percent in the last five years.

According to the report, Doon Basmati rice was being produced in an area of ​​410 hectares in 2018, whereas in 2022 this figure has reduced to just 157 hectares. Not only this, due to the shrinking area of ​​farming, farmers have also started withdrawing their hands. In 2018, 680 farmers were producing Doon Basmati rice. In five years, 163 farmers have stopped cultivating Basmati rice.

What is the aroma and taste of Doon Basmati rice?

Due to its specific agro-climatic conditions, this rice has endemic importance for the Doon Valley. Furthermore, this species of rice grows only in running water. This is a “very delicate” variety of rice. It is a completely organically produced grain, its aroma and taste is lost if chemical fertilizers or pesticides are used.

 Also read: New variety of rice prepared, once sown, crop can be harvested for 8 years

Doon Basmati, apart from being a rare variety of rice, is an important part of the rich heritage of Dehradun. Doon Basmati was developed by rice growers in the Doon Valley. Doon Basmati rice was once grown over a large area, which has now developed into a vast urban area. Now the cultivation of Doon Basmati rice is limited to only a few areas that can be counted on fingers. 

This variety is becoming extinct very rapidly

Specific varieties of rice are becoming extinct rapidly due to many reasons such as decreasing agricultural land due to rapid urbanization. Reasons like lack of marketing facilities and lack of subsidy have brought Doon Basmati rice to the verge of extinction. Various other varieties of Basmati rice are being sold in the name of Doon Basmati. There is a need for the government to take important steps for the conservation and promotion of Doon Basmati.

Know how beetroot is rich in nutrients and beneficial for health?

Know how beetroot is rich in nutrients and beneficial for health?

Many nutritional properties are found in beetroot, which are beneficial for health. The scientific name of beetroot is vulgaris. Beetroot is a root vegetable, it is produced in many countries. The active compounds in beetroot provide health benefits, which is why it is also called functional food. It is eaten raw by many people and used in salads and other vegetables.

Beneficial in heart disease.

Beetroot is beneficial for heart-related diseases. Due to hypertension, blood vessels get affected, due to which the problem of heart failure and respiratory failure increases. Beetroot maintains the blood flow inside the body and removes blood pressure and cholesterol problems. For any problem related to heart disease, use beetroot after consulting a doctor. 

Also read: How to cultivate sugar beet; Know complete information about the crop

Keeps the brain healthy.

Due to a lack of proper blood circulation in the body, many problems can occur such as: not being able to remember things well, poor reasoning, and many other problems. Eating beetroot maintains good blood circulation in the body. Due to a lack of good blood circulation in the brain, the problem of brain damage also arises in people. To get relief from brain-related problems, people can also eat beetroot juice or whole beetroot.

Beneficial in problems like inflammation

Beetroot is also helpful in problems like inflammation, it gives relief in problems like inflammation as well as infection. Due to inflammation, the affected area turns red and pain starts. If there is swelling anywhere in the body then beetroot can be used to get relief from it. If you are already taking any medicine related to this disease, then use beetroot only after consulting the doctor. 

Useful in relieving fatigue.

Beetroot is also used to relieve fatigue. Beetroot is consumed by people to relieve pain or stress in the body. It also reduces body fatigue, body pain due to excessive exercise, infection, or weakness due to lack of water in the body in summer. Antioxidant properties are found in beetroot, which reduces the problems caused by stress in the vessels.

Also read: Information related to beetroot cultivation (How To Cultivate Beetroot Farming)

Helpful in diseases like cancer.

Antioxidant properties are found in beetroot, which provides relief from diseases like cancer. The properties present in beetroot help prevent the development of cancer. Insomnia, fatigue, and many serious problems are seen in cancer patients. Beetroot is used as a functional food that promotes health. The nutrients present in beetroot provide benefits to cancer patients and also reduce health-related problems.

Remove Anaemia.

People who are anemic are advised to eat beetroot. Iron is found in abundance in beetroot, which helps compensate for the lack of blood in the body. Beetroot also provides relief from anemia. Beetroot is used to fulfill the lack of blood inside the body. Beetroot can also be eaten raw, it can be used in vegetables, salads, or even in the form of juice.

Also read: By growing vegetables at home in this way, you can get pure and fresh vegetables without spending money.

Helps in increasing digestion power.

Eating beetroot every morning on an empty stomach keeps the digestion process healthy. Beetroot can also be used as a salad during meals. Beetroot contains an abundant amount of fiber, which is helpful in digestion-related functions. Consuming beetroot daily provides relief from stomach problems like constipation and gas. Consuming beetroot juice daily is considered beneficial to keep the digestive system healthy.

Helps in skin glow.

The use of beetroot is beneficial for skin glow. Using beetroot juice daily on the face is beneficial in treating pimples and acne. Beetroot contains plenty of folate and fiber, which is considered very useful for skin improvement. Beetroot can also be made a part of the diet. 

Many nutrients are found in beetroot, which are very beneficial for health. Beetroot is also used to increase memory power. Besides, carbohydrate is also found in beetroot, which helps in increasing the energy level inside the body. Along with this, beetroot is also used to reduce heart-related problems, the nitrate present in beetroot is useful in reducing blood pressure.

Farmers are making profits worth lakhs with this amazing method of sowing bitter gourd.

Farmers are making profits worth lakhs with this amazing method of sowing bitter gourd.

Farmers are making profits worth lakhs with this amazing method of sowing bitter gourd.

Nowadays, a lot of modernization has been seen in every field. Bitter gourd cultivation can prove to be very effective in increasing the income of farmers. In fact, those who are earning a handsome income of Rs 20 to 25 lakh every year from bitter gourd cultivation. The successful farmer we are talking about is Jitendra Singh, a young farmer from Mahua village of Sarsaul block of Kanpur district of Uttar Pradesh. He has been cultivating improved varieties of bitter gourd in his field for the last 4 years. 

According to farmer Jitendra Singh, earlier the farmers of his area are not able to protect and defend their crops due to stray and wild animals. Because, whatever crops the farmers cultivated in their fields, animals used to eat them. In such a situation, young farmer Jintendra Singh thought of cultivating bitter gourd in his field. Because, bitter gourd is very bitter to eat, due to which animals do not eat it.

Some special things related to bitter gourd cultivation are as follows:

To get good profits from Bitter Gourd Cultivation, farmers should cultivate it in Zaid and Kharif seasons. Also, sandy loam or loamy soil is considered suitable for its cultivation. 

Also read: Important information related to bitter gourd cultivation 

Farmers can do the sowing of Bitter Gourd in two easy ways. Firstly, farmers can sow bitter gourd directly through seeds and secondly through the nursery method. If you cultivate bitter gourd (Karele ki kheti) on the land on the banks of rivers, then you can get good yield of bitter gourd.

Improved varieties of bitter gourd are as follows

To get good yield from bitter gourd cultivation, farmers should plant improved varieties of bitter gourd in their fields. Although, different varieties of bitter gourd are available in the market. But, today we will tell about some special varieties, such as - Hisar Selection, Coimbatore Clove, Arka Harit, Pusa Hybrid-2, Pusa Aushadhi, Pusa Do Moushim, Punjab Bitter Gourd-1, Punjab-14, Solan Green and Solan White. , Priya Ko-1, SDU-1, Kalyanpur Sona, Pusa Shankar-1, Kalyanpur Perennial, Kashi Suphal, Kashi Urvashi Pusa Special etc. are the improved varieties of bitter gourd. 

Also read: Bitter gourd will give profit, stray animals get upset - Complete information about bitter gourd cultivation.

By which method is the farmer cultivating bitter gourd?

Young farmer Jitendra Singh cultivates bitter gourd in his field using 'scaffolding method'. Due to this they get much higher production. The bitter gourd plant is made a scaffold and mounted on it, due to which the vine continues to grow and spreads on the wires of the scaffold. He told that he used wire and wood or bamboo to make scaffolding in the field. This scaffold is quite high. One can pass through it very easily during harvesting. The more the bitter gourd vines spread, the greater the yield. They can produce up to 50 quintals of produce from one bigha of land. He says that making scaffolding neither causes rot in the bitter gourd plant nor does it harm the vines.

How much income can be earned from bitter gourd cultivation?

To get good production from bitter gourd cultivation, the farmer should cultivate its improved varieties. As mentioned above, young farmer Jitendra Singh earlier used to cultivate pumpkin, gourd and chilli in his field, which was badly damaged by stray animals. Therefore he has decided to cultivate bitter gourd. At the same time, today farmer Jitendra is cultivating bitter gourd in 15 acres and is earning huge profits. According to Jitendra, his bitter gourd is generally easily sold at the price of Rs 20 to Rs 25 per kg. Also, many times bitter gourd is sold for Rs 30 per kg. Most of the traders buy bitter gourd from the farm itself. 

He also told that in one acre of field, seeds, fertilizers, preparation of scaffolding along with other works cost Rs 40 thousand. At the same time, they can easily earn an income of Rs 1.5 lakh from this. Jitendra Singh does farming in about 15 acres. In such a situation, if the calculations are done, then he earns about Rs 15-20 lakh from bitter gourd cultivation in one season.

Detailed information about important works related to carrot cultivation

Detailed information about important works related to carrot cultivation

Carrots are grown for consumption in raw form. Carrot is a very popular vegetable crop. Its root part is used by people for food. The upper part of the root is used to feed animals. Its raw leaves are also used to prepare vegetables. Various types of properties are present in carrots, due to which it is used in large quantities to make juice, salad, pickle, jam, vegetable, and carrot halwa.

It is very beneficial in increasing appetite and also for kidneys. The highest amount of Vitamin A is present in it. Along with this, an adequate amount of Vitamin B, D, C, E, and G is also present in it. Carrots contain an element called beta-carotene, which is very beneficial in the prevention of cancer. Earlier carrots were only red in color. But at present there are various improved varieties of carrots, in which yellow and light black colored carrots are also found. Carrots are grown in almost all areas of India.

Field preparation before carrot production

Before producing carrots, the field is deeply plowed in the best possible manner. Due to this, the old crops that remain present in the field are completely destroyed. After plowing, the field is plowed with water, which makes the soil moist. In moist soil, oblique plowing is done two to three times by using a rotavator. Due to this, the clods of soil present in the field soil get broken and the soil becomes brittle. The field is leveled by compacting the loose soil.

How much fertilizer should be given in the carrot field?

As we all know for the best yield of any crop, it is necessary to give an appropriate amount of fertilizer in the field. For this, after the first plowing of the field, up to 30 cartloads of old cow-dung manure has to be applied per hectare. Apart from this, at the time of final plowing of the field, 30 KG potash and 30 KG nitrogen have to be sprayed per hectare based on chemical fertilizer. Due to this, production is achieved in large quantities.

Also read: Carrot root disease and its remedies.

Time, method, and sowing of carrot cultivation

Carrot seeds are sown in seed form. For this, seeds are sprayed evenly on the ground. About 6 to 8 KG seeds are required in one-hectare field. Treat these seeds before planting them in the field. After sprinkling the seeds in the field, the field is lightly plowed. Due to this, the seed goes deeper into the field. After this, ridges are prepared in the form of beds using plow. After this, the crop is watered. Asian varieties of carrots are planted between August and October. Also, the sowing of European varieties is done between October to November.

When is the carrot crop irrigated?

The first irrigation of the carrot crop is done soon after seed transplantation. After this, initially, irrigation is done twice a week to keep the moisture in the field stable. At the same time, when the seeds come out of the ground, water them once a week. After one month, when the seeds start becoming plants, the plants have to be given less water. After this, when the roots of the plant become completely long, the amount of water has to be increased.

How is weed control done in carrot crops?

It is very important to control weeds in carrot crops. For this, weed control medicines are used only at the time of plowing the field. Even after this, if weeds are seen in the field, remove them from the field by weeding. During this time, if the roots of the plants become visible, the soil is covered over them.

Also read: Farmers can get good income by producing these major crops in the upcoming Rabi season.

What are the yield and benefits of carrots?

Based on good varieties of carrots, a high yield can be achieved, due to which farmers can get a production of about 300 to 350 quintals from one hectare field. There are some species which can yield only 100 quintals per hectare. By getting the produce in a short period, farmers also earn excellent profits. The market price of carrots is quite good in the beginning. If a farmer gets more production and sells carrots at a reasonable price, he can earn an income of up to Rs 3 lakh from one crop. Carrot cultivation is very beneficial for the farmers.

This state is providing a 70% subsidy for the cultivation of marigold.

This state is providing a 70% subsidy for the cultivation of marigold.

Marigold flowers are mostly used in worship. Along with this, marigold is also used in decorating houses and pavilions in weddings. This is the reason why there is constant demand for it in the market throughout the year. Therefore if farmers practise its cultivation they can maximise their profits with minimal investment.

In addition to producing conventional crops, farmers in Bihar practise large-scale horticulture. Farmers, in particular, are becoming increasingly interested in the production of roses and marigolds. As a result, farmers' incomes have improved significantly. Farmers here produce crops that are in high demand not just in Bihar but even outside of the state. Many farmers in the state have had their lives dramatically altered as a result of flower growing.

The Bihar government is providing incentives to enhance the area of flower cultivation.

However, the Bihar government wants the number of farmers planting flowers in the state to expand at a quicker rate. Chief Minister Nitish Kumar's government intends to offer large incentives to expand the state's flower growing sector. Actually, the Bihar government claims that flowers are a commercial crop. If the state's farmers produce flowers, their revenue will increase. In such a case, they would be able to have a happy existence.

Also  read: Cultivate these flowers, and you will be prosperous soon.

The Bihar government is providing a 70% grant.

This is why the Bihar government has decided to provide a considerable payment to farmers planting flowers via the Integrated Horticulture Development Mission Scheme. The Nitish government presently provides a 70% subsidy for marigold farming. If farmer brothers wish to apply for this grant, they may do so by visiting the Horticulture Department's official website. For additional details about the initiative, farmer brothers can go to

The government of Bihar has established the unit cost per acre.

The Bihar government has fixed the unit cost per hectare for marigold farming at Rs 40 thousand. Let us notify you that a 70% award will be available on top of this. If the farmer brothers plant marigold on one hectare, the state government would provide them Rs 28 thousand free of charge. Apply as soon as possible to benefit from the Kisan Bhai Yojana.

Farmers can earn good profits from fig cultivation.

Farmers can earn good profits from fig cultivation.

Figs can be cultivated in all types of climates. But figs are mostly cultivated in hot and dry climates. Fig plants can be grown in any type of soil, but loamy soil is considered better. There should also be a provision for drainage in the fig field so that in case of excess water, the water can be irrigated.

What should be the suitable climate and temperature for fig cultivation?

Fig cultivation requires a dry climate. Fig cultivation can be done better in areas with less rainfall. The fig crop becomes ripe in summer. The fig crop requires a temperature of about 25-30 degrees to be ready. Frost falling in winter is harmful to the fig crop.

How to prepare the field for the fig harvest?

If the fig plant is planted properly then it bears fruits for 40-50 years. That is why before cultivating figs, farmers should plow the field properly so that the remains of the first crop do not remain in the field. Plow the field at least twice, after that cow dung manure can also be used for more productivity in the field.

 Also read: The government of India is providing 50 percent subsidy for fig cultivation on barren land.

After this, leave the field empty for a few days, and let it get sunlight, after that when the field starts looking crumbly, apply manure and fertilizer again. By doing this the fertility of the field will increase. After this, plow the field with a rotavator and then level the field by raking it. By doing this there will be no problems like filling and stagnation of water in the field.

How to plant fig plants in the field?

After leveling the field, pits are prepared in it. These pits are 2 feet wide and 1 foot deep. These pits are prepared at a distance of 5 meters. These pits are filled with a mixture of cow dung and chemical fertilizers. By doing this the plant also grows and the fertility of the field also remains maintained. 

After planting the plant in the pit, add 1.5 cm of soil and give medicine to the plant. It is considered better to cultivate figs mostly in August and July.

Diseases affecting fig crops.

Although there are very few diseases in fig cultivation, sometimes due to excessive rainfall it gets affected by pests. These insects eat the leaves of the plants and affect their growth.

Also read: Farmers in this state are earning profits worth lakhs from fig cultivation

Irrigation of fig plants.

Fig cultivation does not require much water; water is applied only when the temperature is high. Also, it requires very little water even in winter, it is watered at an interval of 20-25 days. That is why figs can be grown even in areas with less water.

Weeds grown in fig crop.

In fig cultivation, weeds start appearing after a few months which can damage the crop. That is why farmers do weeding and weeding in the fields from time to time. So that weeds can be removed from the field. For this, farmers can also use pesticides.

Ripening of fig fruits.

The ripening color of this fruit depends on the variety of fig because there are many varieties of fig. The fig fruit becomes very soft when ripe. Use gloves to break the fig fruit, as a kind of milk comes out when the fig fruit is broken. If it gets applied anywhere on the body, it can also cause skin-related diseases. After plucking the fruit, fill a vessel with water and put it in the water. 

Also read: Pomegranate Farming Info in Hindi

Figs are mostly cultivated in Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Karnataka, and Uttar Pradesh. Fig trees give fruits for a long time, figs are also the main source of increasing income. Figs also help in keeping the body fit. Fig cultivation can be done by farmers at very low cost and more profits can be earned from it. Farmers can also grow different varieties of figs for more production.