

To Save the wheat and barley crop from Chepa (Al)

To Save the wheat and barley crop from Chepa (Al)

The Haryana Agriculture Department has issued necessary information related to the Chepa insect in wheat and barley crops. The children and adult leaves of this insect make the plants very weak by sucking juice. At the same time, its development reflects. Wheat and barley crops are most performed by the farmers of India. Because, both these crops are large -scale whole grain crops worldwide.

Wheat and barley are cultivated in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Himachal Pradesh, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana and Jammu and Kashmir. Farmers do various types of tasks to achieve great production from their crops. If seen, wheat and barley crops are very prone to various types of diseases and insects. In reality, the attack of Chepa (Al) has been seen more in wheat and barley. Chepa can completely eliminate the crop.

Procedure to protect wheat and barley crop from Chepa (Al)

By the attack of chepa ( al ) on wheat and barley crops , the children and adults  of this insect  sucks the juice from the leaves and make the plants weak .To control it, mix malathion 50 ml E.C. in 200 litres of water and spray it on the crop per acre. Farmers can also contact their nearest Agriculture Department officials to keep their crop safe from this insect.

Also read: Major Ratua disease in wheat crop

What do you understand about Chepa (Al) and what is it?

Chepa is a type of insect, which directly invades wheat and barley crops. If this insect is applied to the plant once, it sucks the plant juice  and weakens it much more. Because of this, the plant does not grow properly.

Most of the Chepa insect crop is seen in the middle of November to February. This insect first engulfs the most delicate and weak parts of the crop. Then gradually spreads inside the entire crop. Chepa insect is seen as a mosquito, it is like yellow, brown or black coloured worms in appearance.

Farmers can earn good profits by producing these varieties of moong in Zaid

Farmers can earn good profits by producing these varieties of moong in Zaid

Moong farming is rather straightforward when compared to other pulse crops. Using less manure and fertiliser in moong production can result in significant gains. Moong farming is low-cost, and farmers can increase their profitability by generating better cultivars. This pulse has a variety of nutrients that are extremely good for health.

The market price of moong crops is fairly good, therefore farmers will make good earnings. In this essay, we will tell you about several advanced types of moong that you may cultivate to make a high profit.

Moong Varieties with high yield and diversity

Pusa Giant Variety

This kind of moong matures approximately 60-75 days in the spring and 60-65 days in the summer. IARI produced this kind of moong. This mung bean is resistant to the yellow mosaic virus. This moong is black and glossy. This moong is predominantly produced in Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Punjab. After maturity, this moong produces 12-13 quintals per acre.

Also to read: Moong growing is a successful business; understand the proper seeding technique.

Pusa Ratna Variety

Moong of the Pusa Ratna variety matures in 65-70 days. IARI produced this kind of moong. Pusa Ratna tolerates the yellow mosaic used in moong cultivation. This kind of moong is easily cultivated in Punjab and other districts of Delhi NCR.

Pusa 9531

This moong species grows well on both lowlands and hills. This variety's plants mature in 60-65 days and are ready for harvest. Its pods turn light brown after ripening. Furthermore, yellow spot disease is infrequent in this variety. This cultivar yields 12 to 15 quintals per hectare.

Also to read: Pests and illnesses of moong.

H U M -1

Banaras Hindu University developed this kind of moong, which has extremely few pods. This moong cultivar ripens in around 65-70 days. Furthermore, the yellow mosaic disease, which occurs in the moong crop, has little influence on it.


This kind of moong thrives throughout the Zaid season. This type may be grown well even in the Kharif season. This cultivar ripens within 70-75 days. Also, this variety yields 8-10 quintals per acre.

Also to read: Soybean, cotton, pigeon pea, and moong planting may fall dramatically, affecting production.

Gold 12 /333

This moong is specially produced for the Zaid season. Plants of this cultivar mature two months after seeding. This cultivar yields around 10 quintals per hectare.

Pant Moong -1

This kind of moong may be cultivated throughout both the Zaid and Kharif seasons. Bacterial infections seldom afflict this type of moong. This cultivar ripens within 70-75 days. Pant Moong-1's typical output is 10-12 quintals.

  Management of white rust of mustard crop

Management of white rust of mustard crop

Mustard crops get affected by various diseases. Due to which farmers get less yield. White rust disease causes too much damage to crops.Today in this article we will give you information about prevention of white rust so that you can control this disease in time. 

Some important instruction to prevent white rust in mustard crop are given below : 

Sowing correct seeds :

First of all you have to be cautious about selecting healthy seeds which are free from diseases for sowing the crop. By selecting the healthy seeds, disease will not be there in the crop. 

Sowing crops on time : 

Sowing of mustard should be done on time so that chances of disease in crops will be less. Late sowed crops have more chances of catching diseases. Many times this disease becomes more frequent due to which the half of the yield is reduced to half.

Proper water irrigation : 

Manage water irrigation properly so that water does not accumulate on plants, which will reduce the chances of white rust. The disease becomes more common in crops due to excess moisture. 


Use of appropriate fungicides : 

Use appropriate fungicides for prevention of white rust in mustard. Consult an agronomist and choose safe pesticides.

Caring of crop : 


For taking care of crops, take care of plants from time to time and from the roots. 


Remove affected plants : 

If there are any signs of white rust on any of the plants, uproot them immediately and bury them in the soil to avoid any further spread of the disease. 

Use appropriate technical methods, like managing irrigation and nutrition based on the local conditions, climate and weather conditions. By following the steps, white rust in mustard crops can be prevented. Keep in mind that it is always best to consult the local agricultural department or agronomist to ensure that you have information on control measures best for your area. 

 Use fertilisers in mustard crops like this

Use fertilisers in mustard crops like this

Mustard can be cultivated easily through mixed form and multi -cropped crop cycle. Mustard is cultivated by farmers from most states of India. Also, like other crops, mustard also requires nutrients, so that farmers can get its great yield. Mustard is a major oilseed crop of Rabi, which has a major place in India's economy. Mustard (Laha) is becoming very popular for farmers. Because, less irrigation and cost is more profitable than other crops.

Farmers can cultivate it in mixed form and in multi -crop crop cycle. From the point of view of the area in India, it is cultivated in UP, Haryana, West Bengal, Gujarat, Assam, Jharkhand, Bihar, Punjab, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. Like other crops, 17 nutrients are required to grow the mustard crop and give great yield. If there is a shortage of any one of the nutrients, then the plants are not able to produce with their full capacity.

Along with nitrogen, phosphorus, potash and sulphur sulphur, adequate amounts of subtle elements (calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, copper and manganese) are also received. Mustard class plants receive a large amount of sulphur in contrast to other oilseed crops. In both dry and irrigated stages inside the rye -cosmus crop, the results have been achieved by the use of fertilisers and fertilisers.

What is the amount of chemical fertilisers in mustard crop

Using a balanced amount of chemical fertilisers to take a rich production of rye -masters has a very good effect on yield. Using fertilisers on the basis of soil testing will prove more useful. In addition to primary elements like Nitrogen, Sulphur and Potash, rye -masters are required more than other crops. Use of fertilisers in normal mustard nitrogen 120 kg, phosphorus 60 kg in irrigated areas. And potash is 60 kg . Using at the rate of per hectare causes a great yield.

Also read: Spray pesticide to prevent Mahu Pest in mustard crop

What amount of phosphorus should be used

The use of phosphorus is more beneficial on single super phosphate. This also leads to the availability of sulphur. If single super phosphate is not used, then 40 kg to make sulphur available. Sulphur should be used at the rate of per hectare. Also, half the amount of appropriate fertilisers in unirrigated areas should be used on the basis of basal dressing.

If D.A.P. If used, then 200 kg at the time of sowing with it. Using at the rate of gypsum per hectare is beneficial for the crop. Also, to achieve spectacular production, rotten cow dung should be used at the rate of 60 quintals per hectare. Half the amount of nitrogen in irrigated areas and 2-3 cm from seeds in garbage at the time of sowing of phosphate and potash. Give below the barber or chogs below. The remaining amount of nitrogen should be given by top dressing after first irrigation (25-30 days after sowing).

The government of India has released 10 new varieties of sugarcane after consultation with the Central Seed Committee.

The government of India has released 10 new varieties of sugarcane after consultation with the Central Seed Committee.

10 improved varieties have been made available in the market for sugarcane farmers. Let us tell you that these improved varieties of sugarcane can be cultivated easily by the farmers of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Gujarat, Maharashtra, UP, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh and Punjab. Let us today provide you with detailed information regarding these 10 improved varieties of sugarcane in this article.

Sugarcane is a cash crop in India. Farmers also cultivate sugarcane for commercial purposes. Let us tell you that farmers also prepare products like sugar, jaggery, liquor, and ethanol from it. Besides, sugarcane crop also provides good income to the farmers of states like Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Punjab, Uttarakhand, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Maharashtra and Gujarat. Farmers sow sugarcane from the end of October to November and sowing of spring sugarcane is done from February to March. Apart from this, from a scientific point of view, sugarcane crops have been considered a safe crop. The reason for this is that climate change does not have any significant effect on the sugarcane crop.

The government of India released 10 new improved varieties of sugarcane

For your information, let us tell you that keeping all these things in mind, the Government of India has released 10 new varieties of sugarcane after consultation with the Central Seed Committee. The main objective of releasing these varieties is to promote improved varieties of sugarcane for sugarcane cultivation. With this, sugarcane farmers can earn bumper income with higher production.

Know about 10 improved varieties of sugarcane

All these improved varieties of sugarcane are open-pollinated i.e. indigenous varieties. The availability or production of seeds of these varieties is done through them. For this, the best plants are selected and these seeds are produced. Apart from this, one advantage of the seeds of these varieties is that the taste of all these varieties is much better than their hybrid varieties. Let us now know about these 10 improved varieties of sugarcane.

Also read: Complete information about modern sugarcane cultivation

Sugarcane-15 (COLK 16466)

Excellent production will be achieved from the variety Ikshu-15 (COLK 16466). This variety has been approved for the states of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, and Assam.

Rajendra Sugarcane-5 (COP 11438)

This variety of sugarcane has been approved for Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, and Assam.

Sugarcane Company 18009

This variety has been approved only for the state of Tamil Nadu.

COA 17321

This improved variety of sugarcane has been approved for the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Also read: Very good news has come from the government for sugarcane farmers in Uttar Pradesh.

CO 11015 (Incredible)

This variety gives more production than other varieties. Because more buds emerge in it. This improved variety of sugarcane is suitable for the climate of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Gujarat, Maharashtra, and Madhya Pradesh.

CO 14005 (Arunima)

The improved sugarcane variety Co 14005 (Arunima) can be easily cultivated in Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh.

Phule Sugarcane 13007 (MS 14082)

The improved sugarcane variety Phule Sugarcane 13007 (MS 14082) can be easily cultivated in Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra, Gujarat and Karnataka.

Sugarcane-10 (COLK 14201)

Ikshu-10 (CoLK 14201) variety of sugarcane has been developed by ICAR. Let us tell you that the variety also has the ability to resist red rot disease. This variety suits the climate of Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh (Western and Central), Uttarakhand (North West region), Punjab, and Haryana.

Sugarcane-14 (COLK 15206) (LG 07584)

Ikshu-14 (CoLK 15206) (LG 07584) variety of sugarcane can be cultivated by farmers of Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh (Western and Central) and Uttarakhand (North Western region).

CO 16030 (Karan 16)

Sugarcane variety Co-16030, also known as Karan-16. This variety has been developed by the scientists of Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Karnal. This variety is a great combination of high production and red rot disease resistance. This variety can be produced easily in Uttarakhand, Central and Western Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Punjab, and Rajasthan.

Farmers should protect their wheat crops from these diseases

Farmers should protect their wheat crops from these diseases

Due to seasonal changes, pests and diseases affecting the standing wheat crop can cause a lot of trouble. Farmers should deal with it by taking the right steps at an appropriate time otherwise the entire crop may go to waste.


Presently wheat crop is grown in the fields. Continuous changes are being seen in the weather. Sometimes it rains and sometimes cold wave continues to wreak havoc, hence due to changes in weather, pests and diseases affecting the standing wheat crop can cause a lot of problems. Farmer brothers should deal with it by taking the right steps on time otherwise the entire crop may go to waste. There is not just one type of disease in wheat but different types of diseases. Farmers are advised to maintain and monitor their crops regularly.


Mahu or Lahi

Mahu or Lahi insects are black, green, and brown with wings and wingless. Its infants and adults suck the juice from leaves, flowers, and earrings. Due to this, there is huge damage to the crop and the crop gets ruined. Let us tell you about the advice given by scientists to save the crop from the attack of this insect.


Also read: Know how to cultivate yellow mustard?


Sow the crop on time.

Do not use insecticides if the number of ladybird wasps is sufficient.

Apply a yellow noose or sticky substance on a yellow tin sheet and make it stand in the field with the support of wood. Flying Lahi will stick to it.

Spray 50 grams of Thiomethoxam 25 percent WG per hectare or Quinalphos 25 percent EC in 2 ml per liter of water.

Harda disease

According to scientists, the possibility of attack and spread of this disease increases due to drop in atmospheric temperature after rain in this season. Brown and yellow spots are found on the leaves and stems of wheat plants. Preventive measures should be taken as soon as the environment becomes favorable for this disease.


Select disease-resistant varieties at the time of sowing.

Before sowing, seed treatment should be done with 2 grams of Carbendazim 50 percent soluble powder or 5 grams of organic fungicide per kilogram of seeds.


Also read: Mustard crop diseases and their prevention measures


As soon as a suitable environment for the fungus is created in the standing crop, spray 2 kg of Mancozeb 75 percent soluble powder, 500 ml of Propiconazole 25 percent EC per hectare, or 1 ml of Tebuconazole EC per liter of water.


Alternaria Blight

Due to Alternaria blight disease, spots are formed on the leaves, which later turn yellow and scorch the edges. To control this disease, spray 2 kg of Macozeb 75 percent soluble powder or 2 kg of Geneve 75 percent soluble powder per hectare.


Kidney disease

In Kalika disease, the black dust of fungus fills the ears in place of the grains. Even a healthy ear gets infected due to fungal spores falling in the air. This is a seed-borne disease. Farmer brothers should keep these things in mind to prevent this disease.


Also read: Farmers producing wheat must be aware of these diseases.


Sow disease-free seeds.

-Sow the seeds after treating them with Carbendizing 50 soluble powder at the rate of 2 grams per kilogram.

-Carefully cover the infested ear along with the grain with a plastic bag and destroy it after cutting.

-Do not use diseased farm produce as seeds.

The Bihar government has set up a 24-hour call center for the convenience of farmers. Here farmers can get solutions to their problems by contacting toll-free number 15545 or 18003456268.

The indifference of the weather took away the smile of these farmers of India.

The indifference of the weather took away the smile of these farmers of India.

Crops in Odisha have suffered a lot of damage due to rain. Due to this reason, the prices of many vegetables have come down significantly. Due to bad weather, the worries of farmers remain the same. In the last several days, the weather in India has shown its different moods. Many areas are bearing the brunt of harsh winter and crops are getting ruined due to rain in many areas. 

The weather was bad in Sundergarh, Odisha for many days. As a result, horticultural crops have suffered huge losses. Due to this, the problems of farmers have also increased a lot. Many other crops including tomato, cabbage, and cauliflower have also been affected due to bad weather. The main reason for this is that farmers are forced to harvest crops before time. Along with this, farmers are also selling these crops at low prices.

Crops suffered loss due to this

According to many media agencies, crops have been badly damaged due to bad weather and heavy rains. Due to this, in many places, even the standing crops ready to be harvested have been completely ruined. According to media reports, the tomato crop has suffered the most damage. The tomato crop has started deteriorating due to rain. At the same time, the cabbage crop has also been damaged to a great extent. 

Also read: How to take care of green vegetable plants in summer season (Plant Care in Summer)

Farmers forced to harvest prematurely

The life of farmers is full of many problems and difficulties. Now in such a situation, the remaining crops of the farmers, troubled by the harsh weather, are also being sold at very low prices. Farmers are also worried about the fear that the remaining crop may also get ruined. According to reports, farmers are forced to sell their tomato crop at the rate of Rs 10 per kg. Besides, the price of cabbage has also come down to Rs 15 per kg. 

Many farmers are not able to sell their cabbage crops even at low prices. Also, the effect of weather has been seen in other crops including ladyfinger, bottle gourd, and bitter gourd. Due to this farmers are harvesting crops before the stipulated time. If media reports are to be believed, the prices of crops have come down significantly. Tomato prices range from Rs 10 to Rs 20. At the same time, the price of cauliflower has also fallen from around Rs 50 to around Rs 15 to Rs 20.

Important information for better production of barley crop

Important information for better production of barley crop

Barley can be grown on sandy to moderately loamy soil. But for its good production we should use fertile soil and proper irrigation. Barley can be grown on all sorts of different land. 

Time for sowing

For your information the seeds use for sowing should be disease free, certified and should be off the correct variety according to the reason they are being planted in. The seeds should not have any types of adulteration or mix with any other type of seed. Before sowing the seeds should be tested and germinated before hand. Barley is a Ruby crop which is grown in winter. Generally it is sown from October to December.


In areas without irrigation seeds should be sown from 20th October to 10th November. Whereas in the irrigated regions seeds should be sown by 25th November. If you are growing Barley late then it should be sown by 15 December.

Seeds and seed treatment

80 to 100 kg seed per hectare is enough for Barley production. Seed drill can be used and manually  spreading seeds can also be done. Barley should be planted in lines separated by the distance of 20 to 25 CM and the seeds should be 5 to 6 CM deep in soil. In non irrigated regions seeds should be fixed to 8 cm Deep. For diseases which could develop from the seeds seed treatment is necessary. To protect the seeds from open skirt seeds should be treated with 2 gram Baviston Or Vitawax per 1 kg seed. To control closed skirt thirum and Baviston/vitavax in the ratio 1:1 should be mixed 2.5gm per kg. 

Different varieties to grow in irritated and non irritated regions

Different types of good quality barley for example Amber, Jyoti, Azad, K 141,RD 2035, RD 2052,RD 2503,RD 2508, RD 2552,RD 2559, RD 2624, RD 2660, RD 2668, RD 2660,RD 2668,RD 2660, Haritma, Preeti, Jagriti, Lakhan, Manjula, RS 6, Narender jo 1,Narender jo 2, Narender jo 3, K603, NDB 1173, SO 12. Other varieties without cover are K1149(geetanjali), Dilma, Narendra jo 4(NDB 943) 

Different varieties for barren land

Azad, K-141, J.B. 58, Rd. 2715, Rd. 2786, P.L. 751, H.B.L. 316, H.B.L. 276, B.L.B. 85, B.L.B. 56 and NDB for saline and alkaline lands. 1173, Rd. 2552, RD 2794, Narendra Jau-1, Narendra Jau-3.

Improved premium varieties for malt and beer

Pragati, Tambhra, DL 88 (6 lane), RD 2715, DWR 28 and Rekha (2 lane) and D.W.R. 28 and other species like D.W.R.B.91, D.W.R.U.B. 52, B.H. 393, P.L. 419, P.L. 426, K. 560, K-409, N.O.Rajau-5 etc.

How to use fertilizer in Barley production.

Use of fertilizer is better when done after soil testing. For areas without irrigation 40 kg nitrogen, 20 kg Phosphorus and 20 kg potash per hectare should be used. For irrigated land 60 kg nitrogen, 30 kg Phosphorus and 20 kg potash per hectare should be used and for malt varieties 80 kg nitrogen, 40 kg Phosphorus and 20 kg potash per hectare should be used. For Barren as well as lately planted barley it is recommended to use 30 kg nitrogen 20 kg phosphate and 20 to 25 kg zinc sulphate per hectare.

Farmers will gain tremendously from the production of sweet corn; simply take extra care of these things.

Farmers will gain tremendously from the production of sweet corn; simply take extra care of these things.

Farmers may make good money by growing sweet corn. It is quite popular both in India and overseas. Everyone remembers the taste of sweet corn, regardless of the season. Sweet corn is consumed with relish, especially on mountain hikes and during rainy seasons. Let us explain that sweet corn is a sweet kind of maize. It is picked in the milky stage, before the crop is ready. Sweet corn is immensely popular both in India and overseas. In such cases, farmer brothers can make a significant profit by farming it.

How is sweet corn grown?

Sweet corn farming is quite similar to maize cultivation. Sweet corn agriculture involves harvesting the maize crop before it is ready. As a result, farmers receive a significant revenue immediately. Farmers that cultivate flowers alongside sweet corn can earn twice as much money by co-cropping marigold, gladiolus and spices. Apart from that, you may grow spinach, peas, cabbage and coriander on the field.

Also to read: These low-cost maize crops are as nutritious as milk.

Avoid storing sweet corn for long time

Harvesting sweet corn is a straightforward operation. Let us tell you that the crop is ready for harvest when a milky material begins to emerge from the maize. Harvest sweet corn in the morning or evening to preserve the harvest fresh for longer. After harvesting is completed, sell it in the market. Sweet corn loses sweetness when stored for an extended period of time.

Farmers should take care of these things

When cultivating maize, you should only use improved kinds.

Insect-resistant types should ripen quickly.

Ensure a suitable drainage system during field preparation to prevent waterlogging of the crop.

Sweet corn is farmed across India, although the biggest output occurs in Uttar Pradesh.

Sweet corn may be sown in both the Rabi and Kharif seasons.

Farmers get the best production from these advanced varieties of peas in this Rabi season.

Farmers get the best production from these advanced varieties of peas in this Rabi season.

Peas are sown by farmers in the Rabi season from October. Today we are going to give you information about some of its major advanced varieties. Farmers can sow the varieties of peas prepared in a short period of time from the last week of September to October. With its cultivation, farmers can double their income. Let us explain that these are the major crops of Kashi Nandini, Kashi Mukti, Kashi Uday and Kashi early crops. Their speciality is that they are cooked and ready during 50 to 60 days. This makes the field empty quickly. After this, farmers can easily sow other crops. Farmers can sow pea species prepared in a short period of time from the last week of September to October.

Advanced variety of peas
Advanced variety of peas Kashi Nandini

This variety was developed in the year 2005. It is cultivated in Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Uttar Pradesh, Uttaranchal and Punjab. With this, an average of 110 to 120 quintals can be produced per hectare.

Also read: Detailed information about important aspects related to pea cultivation

Advanced variety of peas Kashi liberation

This variety is mainly considered favourable for Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab and Bihar. For your information, let us  tell you that it can lead to 115 quintals per hectare. Its legumes and grains are quite large. The main thing is that there is a lot of demand abroad.

Advanced variety of peas Kashi early

This variety is cooked in a 50 -day time period.Its beans are straight and deep. The length of its plants ranges from 58 to 61 cm. Its 1 plant can cost 9 to 10 legumes. This can lead to yield of 95 to 100 quintals per hectare.

Also read: let's know how to sow peas and take  care of them

Advanced variety of peas Kashi rise

For your information, let us tell you that this species was prepared in the year 2005. Its specialty is that the length of its pod is 9 to 10 centimetres. It is mainly cultivated in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Jharkhand. This can provide yield of up to 105 quintals per hectare. For your information, let us tell you that by its cultivation, farmers can double their income. Kashi Mukti, Kashi Udaya, Kashi Aghati and Kashi Nandini are prominent among them. Their special thing is that it is ready within 50 to 60 days. This makes the field empty quickly. After this, farmers can easily sow other crops.

Best ways to protect potato crops from blight disease

Best ways to protect potato crops from blight disease

For your kind information, due to unexpected fall in rain, cloud and temperature and due to fog, not only potato but also tomato, ginger and onion crops are also prone to loss. With the increase in production, sensitivity towards diseases also increases. At present, potato crops are sensitive towards late blight. Its outbreak starts from the upper leaves. In initial stages, edges of leaves start blackening. Then infection spreads very fast to complete leaves and stems to fibrous roots. This is more dangerous than early blight. If not treated in initial stages, the whole crop can die within 2-3 days.

Prevent blight disease with these steps 

Farmers should spread mancozeb with carbendazim. Concentration should be kept 2.5-3 grams per litre of water. If necessary, spray again a second time after two weeks of first preventive spray.

How to control centipede 

In this weather, mustard crops along with other vegetables are prone to infection due to centipede and its associated viral disease. With the outbreak, leaves get curled around and thicken and stiffen. Plant growth stops and increment stops and the production gets affected. For prevention spread metasystox 1.5 ml mixed in per litre of water. Keep the farm humid to prevent frost. You can also spray mancozeb. 

Other crops of vegetables will also get affected.

If the weather becomes out of order, onion, garlic growth also stops. Most of the onions are sown or are in a nursery. To sow onion, use 10 kilograms of sulphur with other fertilisers in basel dressing. Bentonite sulphur is an amazing product from IFFCO. If the nursery face rotting, spray mancozeb, carbendazim and sulphur. According to experts, spraying 18:18:18 ( soluble fertiliser) can be useful in increasing productivity. Due to low temperature, roots of garlic can shorten. Spray 13:0:45 for this. Add 10 grams of manure in one litre of water. Add 6 mg of sticker for better results. Fruits and flowers start falling in vegetables in this weather. To prevent that, spray micronutrients.

How can potato growers protect their crops from blight?

How can potato growers protect their crops from blight?

Agricultural scientists and scientific centres play a critical role in preparing pupils for farming. In this regard, ICAR has issued advice to farmers planting potatoes. Farmers have received methods and instructions to protect their crops over the winter.

There is vital news for potato producers. If you grow potatoes, be sure you read this news. Because this info might rescue your crop from a significant loss. Actually, fog poses a significant issue for farmers throughout the winter months. Especially when it is quite chilly. For this reason, the Central Potato Research Institute Modipuram Meerut (ICAR) has issued advice to potato producers.

What has been said in the advisory of ICAR?

Farmers may learn how to salvage their crops from this ICAR advice. Some simple strategies have been proposed for keeping your crops secure. If the farmer grows vegetables, he should try to decrease the impact of wind by placing a curtain or straw on the ridge. Cold winds cause significant agricultural damage. Aside from that, farmers can conserve crops by spraying them with medications from the Agriculture Department's list. The wheat crop suffers no losses over the winter. However, vegetable crops might suffer significant losses. Farmers in such a circumstance have been encouraged to take prompt action.

Also to read:A completely effective solution to protect potato crops from blight illness.

Farmers to be precautious from Blight disease

According to an ICAR official, farmers planting potatoes have received specific advice. It is caused by a fungus called blight or phytophthora infestans. This disease affects potatoes when the temperature remains between 20 and 15 degrees Celsius. If there is a disease infestation or it rains, the crop is quickly destroyed. Potato leaves dry out from the margins owing to illness. Farmers should use Mancozeb 75% soluble powder diluted in water every two weeks. The amount should be two kilograms per acre.

Spray these chemicals  for potato cultivation.

According to the spokesperson, to protect the diseased crop, spray Macozeb 63% and Metalaxyl 8% or a combination of Carbendazim and Maconech at 2 grammes per litre of water or 2 kg per hectare in a solution of 200 to 250 litres. Furthermore, farmers should apply Ridomil 4% MI when the temperature is less than 10 degrees.

Also to  read: Late blight disease of potatoes and its treatment.

Blight disease is caused by the fungus Alternaria solani. As a result, circular dots appear on the lower half of the leaf, resembling rings. As a result, the inner half forms a concentric ring. The leaf becomes yellow. This disease develops late, and when symptoms arise, farmers can spray 75% degradable powder, Mancozeb 75% degradable complete, or Copper Oxychloride 50% degradable powder diluted in water at 2.5 kg per hectare