

The banana crop has been greatly affected by Panama Wilt disease in these areas of India.

The banana crop has been greatly affected by Panama Wilt disease in these areas of India.

Within India, bananas are grown in Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. The areas affected by Panama Wilt disease are Katihar and Purnia districts of Bihar, Faizabad, Barabanki, Maharajganj of Uttar Pradesh, Surat of Gujarat and Burhanpur district of Madhya Pradesh.

Banana is cultivated on a large scale in India. Also, the country is one of the largest banana producers in the world. India is known for the cultivation of various banana varieties, including the popular Cavendish banana as well as other regional varieties such as Robusta, Grand Neine, and Poovan. Each variety has its distinct characteristics. In such a situation, if something happens to the banana crop, it directly impacts the income of the farmers. Additionally, Panama Wilt disease has emerged as a new problem for banana farmers across the country. This disease is ruining their crops worth lakhs. 

Panama Wilt Disease

It is a fungal disease. Due to this infection, the banana crop can be completely ruined. Panama wilt is caused by a fungus called Fusarium wilt TR-2, which stunts the growth of banana plants. If we look at the symptoms of this disease, the leaves of the banana plant turn brown and fall. Additionally, the stem also starts rotting. It is considered a very fatal disease, which destroys the entire banana crop. This is a disease caused by fungus, which in the last few years has been seen in many countries of the world including Africa, Taiwan, America, Australia besides India. This disease has destroyed the banana crops of the farmers there. Presently this disease has become a cause of trouble for the farmers of India for some years. 

Also read: Farmer left his job in Switzerland and started banana farming, today the turnover is Rs 100 crore

How to prevent Panama Wilt disease

Regarding the prevention of Panama Wilt disease, this disease can be treated through the collective efforts of scientists and farmers. Scientists say that no effective medicine has been found yet for Panama Wilt disease. However, scientists at CISH have created a drug called ISAR-Fusicant. Farmers of Bihar and other states have benefited greatly from the use of this medicine. CISH has been trying to save farmers' banana crops for the last three years. For this reason, efforts are being made to deliver this medicine to farmers across India.

Panama Wilt disease has affected these states

In our country India, banana is produced in Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, and Madhya Pradesh. The districts affected by Panama Wilt disease are Katihar and Purnia of Bihar, Faizabad, Barabanki, Maharajganj of Uttar Pradesh, Surat of Gujarat and Burhanpur of Madhya Pradesh. In such a situation, the farmers here need to take special care of their banana crop to protect it from this disease.

 Farmers can harvest wheat in a few hours with these two agricultural equipment.

Farmers can harvest wheat in a few hours with these two agricultural equipment.

Wheat under Rabi crops is a major crop selected by farmers as a major crop of food grains. Today we are going to provide you information about two agricultural implements related to harvesting this crop, through which you can cut many acres of crop within a few hours. Farmers and the government want the production and quality of crops across India to increase. Because, both the farmer and the government will benefit from this. But this will only be possible when crop production work is done at a low cost. The only option for this is to use modern agricultural implements, so that time, labour and cost can be saved. With this, farmers will also be able to get good profits. In such a situation, today we will talk about 2 such modern agricultural machinery, which make the harvesting of wheat very easy.

Tractor driven reaper binder

For your information, tell me that the cutter bar is cut off through this machine, then tied in bridges. After this, the transmission system is dropped on one side. The main thing is that with the help of this machine, the work of harvesting and bonding is done very cleanly.

Also read: Modern agricultural machinery for land preparation Power harrow functionality: This can be harvested at the rate of about 0.40 hectares/hr. This costs about Rs 1050/- hour. Price: The estimated price of this machine is around 2 to 3 lakh rupees.

Automated vertical conveyor reaper

Farmers, we should tell you that it is a very useful machine for small and medium farmers to harvest wheat. This machine has a hardcore bar on the front side, so there is a transmission system behind. Along with this, the reaper has a diesel engine of about 5 horsepower, which works for wheels and cutters. Price: The estimated cost of this machine is about 100000/-. Functionality: The cost of harvesting from this machine comes to around Rs 1100 per hectare. Its functioning capacity is about 0.21 hectares per hour.

Also read: To buy these agricultural implements a good source of income for Reaper farmers, you can contact local companies in your area, which create agricultural implements.  Let us explain that you will get this agricultural machinery at a very low price.