
flower cultivation

In this way, you can earn the best income by cultivating colorful cauliflower

In this way, you can earn the best income by cultivating colorful cauliflower

 Colorful cauliflower is very beautiful and attractive in appearance. At the same time, it is also very good for our health. In today's scientific age, everything seems easy. Science has done everything. Anything impossible seems possible here. Now even if it is something related to farming. Different types of colorful flower gobhas have come inside the market. Actually, today we are going to give you information about the cultivation of this colorful flower cabbage. So that you can produce white cauliflower as well as colorful cauliflower in your farm. The demand for these cabbages in the market is increasing day by day. In such a situation, you can earn a lot of profits by selling them in the market. Colorful cauliflower provides considerable profits to the farmers.

Colorful cauliflower cultivation

Agricultural scientists of India have discovered a new variety of colorful cauliflower. These cabbages are green, blue, yellow and orange in colour. By consuming cabbage of these different colors, people are also getting rid of diseases. It can be easily cultivated in any kind of soil. You need adequate irrigation for this. The demand for these cabbages is increasing in the Indian market. Due to this, farmers are also earning huge profits by producing it.

Also Read: Cauliflower Pests and Diseases

Sowing colorful cauliflower

Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Karnataka and Uttar Pradesh are the major producers of colourful cauliflower in India. The best time to cultivate it is winter. You can plant its nursery in September and October. Also, after preparing the field, it can be planted in the fields after 20 to 30 days. Temperatures ranging from 20 to 25 degrees Celsius are considered suitable for its excellent yield. At the same time, the pH value of cultivated soil should be between 5.5 to 6.5. Farmers

How much income is earned from the cultivation of colorful cauliflower

These colorful cabbages are ready to ripen in 100 to 110 days after sowing in the fields. Farmers can produce 400 to 500 quintals of colored cauliflower in one acre. People in the market are buying it loudly as soon as they see this color. The market price of ordinary cabbage is 20 to 25 rupees. So on the other hand, the price of these colorful cabbages ranges from 40 to 45 rupees. In such a situation, farmers can earn a lot of profit by cultivating it.

Farmers of Bundelkhand are getting huge benefits from the cultivation of Bluecone flower.

Farmers of Bundelkhand are getting huge benefits from the cultivation of Bluecone flower.

For your information, according to Vinay Kumar Yadav, Deputy Director of the Agriculture Department, Bluecone's nursery is prepared in November. Also, three months after planting, the flowers begin to grow on the plants.Bluecone flowers are used to make ayurvedic medications.This is why pharmaceutical firms frequently purchase bluecone flowers.

People immediately associate the word Bundelkhand with drought-stricken places. Because there is a significant water problem in the Bundelkhand region. Rainfall is also quite low when compared to other districts of Uttar Pradesh. In such a circumstance, the majority of farmers here grow coarse grains such as maize and millet. As a result, farmers get a very low income. However, farmers here are increasingly farming contemporary crops in the same way that farmers in other states do. Farmers here are becoming more interested in horticulture than is required. Because of this, the farmer brothers' income has grown.

Farmers of Bundelkhand cultivating Bluecone Flowers

For your knowledge, farmers in Bundelkhand are currently planting Bluecone flowers. It's a sort of alien flower. It is solely grown in Germany. However, farmers in Bundelkhand have begun to cultivate Bluecone as well. The main attribute of this flower is that it requires minimal watering. This means that it can grow even in drought-prone locations. This is why bluecone is cultivated in drought-prone regions of Germany.

Also to read: Cultivation of this Bougainvillaea flower with therapeutic characteristics will provide a nice revenue.

Earn near 9 lakhs by selling Bluecone flowers

The unique feature is that if you cultivate it in a single bigha, you can easily harvest up to 15 kg of blossoms every day. This means you may make Rs 30 thousand per day from a single bigha of land. In this manner, farming brothers might make Rs 9 lakh per month by selling flowers.

Flower sold at 2k per kg

Actually, the Uttar Pradesh government is currently working to encourage its cultivation in both Bundelkhand and Jhansi. According to experts, the environment here is ideal for cultivating bluecone flowers. Additionally, the Agriculture Department is establishing a nursery for these blooms. The government is giving it to farmers to cultivate. Bluecone flowers are sold in the market for Rs 2000 per kilogramme.

 Farmers will get 90 percent subsidy on beekeeping in this state.

Farmers will get 90 percent subsidy on beekeeping in this state.

Along with farming, beekeeping can also increase the income of farmers. Keeping this in mind, Bihar Horticulture Directorate has started Beekeeping and Honey Mission Scheme. Under this scheme, 90 percent subsidy will be given to the farmers doing beekeeping. To increase the income of farmers, a scheme for beekeeping is being issued by Bihar Horticulture Directorate. This scheme is being run in the name of Bee Keeping and Honey Mission. Actually, under this scheme, grants are given to beekeeping farmers. 75 percent subsidy is given to general category farmers and 90 percent subsidy is given to SC, ST by the state government. Provision for grant on equipment for beekeeping such as honey processing, bottling, honey testing and bee boxes has been made. It is noteworthy that under the National Horticulture Mission and Chief Minister Horticulture Mission Scheme, 75 percent of the total grant is provided for General Caste and 90 percent grant is provided for Scheduled Caste.

Bihar government is encouraging honey production

Bihar government will provide 75,000 bee boxes and hives to farmers to encourage honey production. For your information, let us tell you that only farmers registered on DBT portal can apply for this. Along with the boxes, beekeeper hives will also be provided. There will be 8 frames present in the hive with the queen, drones and workers. The inner walls of all frames will be completely covered with bees and brood. Along with this, grant will also be given on honey extraction equipment for extracting honey.

Also read: you can earn lakhs by beekeeping

Benefits of beekeeping

If farmers do it as a business, it has a lot of benefits. At the same time, it also helps a lot in pollination of crops. This increases crop production. Farmers can also earn good profits by beekeeping and selling the honey produced from it in the markets.

Apply like this to avail the scheme

To apply online, first of all you have to go to the official website of Horticulture Department After this select the scheme option on the home page. After this you click on Integrated Horticulture Development Mission Scheme. Then apply for beekeeping. After this the registration form will open. After this, fill all the requested information carefully. After filling all the information, submit it. Then your application will be successfully submitted.

 In this state 70% subsidy is provided encourage marigold cultivation

In this state 70% subsidy is provided encourage marigold cultivation

Many schemes have been run by the Bihar government for the farmers. The government is providing grants for the cultivation of marigold flowers. The government is also providing a subsidy of up to 70 percent to the farmers for cultivating this flower.

The marigold flower is used in everything from puja recitation to decoration works. This flower is very beautiful. To encourage the cultivation of this flower the Bihar state government is providing subsidy to the farmers. The Bihar government has prepared a new scheme to promote the cultivation of marigold flowers. Under this scheme, 70 percent subsidy is being given by the government for the cultivation of marigold flowers. Cultivation of marigold flowers is very beneficial. There is always a demand for these flowers. These flowers are used in wedding ceremonies, wedding ceremonies, religious rituals and decorations.

The Bihar government will provide up to 70 per cent subsidy.

The Bihar government says that farmers will get more money from the cultivation of marigold flowers. This will also provide employment to the people of the state.Under this scheme, farmers will spend Rs 40,000 for cultivating marigold flowers in one acre. The government will provide Rs 28,000 or 70 per cent of the cost as grant.

The cultivation of flowers will increase in Bihar.

Farmers have to apply to the Horticulture Department / Agriculture Department of the concerned district to get the benefit of this scheme. Along with the application, farmers will have to submit documents for the purchase of land patta, fertilizer, seeds and other materials. The government believes that the cultivation of marigold flowers in Bihar will increase with this scheme. This will boost agricultural yield and also the income of farmers.

Things to keep in mind

Loamy soil is considered most suitable for the cultivation of marigold flowers. 6-8 hours of sunlight is required for its cultivation. About 10 tonnes of manure per acre is required to cultivate marigold flower. Also, 100 kg of urea, 50 kg of DAP and 50 kg of potash are required per acre for marigold flower cultivation. Apart from this, there should also be a good arrangement of irrigation for the cultivation of marigold flowers.