

Farmers can earn good profits by cultivating dragon fruit.

Farmers can earn good profits by cultivating dragon fruit.

Dragon fruit is also known as pitaya. It is a fruit of cactus species. It is more nutritious than other fruits. Dragon fruit looks like a pineapple on the outside. But from inside it looks like kiwi, its pulp is white in color and is full of small black seeds. This fruit is pink in color and has green lines on its outer skin, which looks exactly like a dragon. That is why it is known as dragon fruit.

Dragon fruit is a fruit of South America. Dragon fruit is cultivated in warm climates. The proper temperature required for ripening of the crop is 20 -36 degrees Celsius. Dragon fruit plant bears fruits at least 3-4 times in a season. Approximately 50-120 fruits are produced on a single plant. Dragon fruit is considered very beneficial for eyesight and skin moisture. Cultivation of this fruit is considered special because once money is invested in it, profits can be earned for many years.

This fruit is rich in nutrients

The price of this fruit is higher than other fruits. It helps in keeping the heart healthy. Farmers have left traditional farming and are attracted towards this farming. Use successful and improved varieties for good crop productivity and yield. Besides, many vitamins and minerals are also found in it, which are helpful in fighting diseases.

Varieties of Dragon fruit

There are mainly three types of varieties of dragon fruit, out of these three varieties, the farmer can produce any variety. The varieties of dragon fruit are as follows, 1. Pink colored fruit with white pulp, 2. Red colored fruit with red pulp, 3. Yellow colored flower with white pulp. Farmers can earn good profits by producing all these varieties.

Also read: Cultivating dragon fruit changed the lives of farmers; farmers are now growing dragon fruit instead of grapes and sugarcane

How to grow dragon fruit

It is cultivated normally. It can be grown in any type of soil, but loamy and sandy soil is considered better. Its plants are planted in the field at a distance of 5 hands. And like other crops, irrigation is done in it. After sowing, light irrigation is given to the plants, after that irrigation is done as and when required. It is mostly cultivated in the months of April to May, although it is a perennial plant.

Fertilizer and pesticides

Farmers should do timely weeding to protect the crop from weeds. Besides, fertilizers and other chemical pesticides can also be used in the field for good productivity and yield of the crop. While ploughing, the farmer can also use cow dung manure in the field, this keeps the fruits healthy. Special attention is paid to the plant when buds appear, because at that time there are more chances of disease.

How much can a farmer earn from dragon fruit cultivation

For dragon fruit cultivation, the farmer first has to invest in that cultivation i.e. at least Rs 8-9 lakh is invested by the farmer. This crop does not require much management. Farmers can earn good profits from this crop only after the second year of sowing. These days the price of dragon fruit is increasing in the markets.

Also read: You can grow strawberries to make your lives better because it is loved my many

The price of dragon fruit in the market is Rs 200 -250 per kg. Farmers can earn huge profits by producing this fruit. Farmers do not need to take risks every year for the cultivation of this fruit. Once planted, it gives fruits for many years. Farmers are earning more profits from this crop compared to other crops; very little or no pesticides are used in its cultivation.

Farmers can earn Rs 5 lakh per acre in a year by cultivating dragon fruit. Once planted, it gives fruits for 30 -35 years. Now from this it can be estimated that the farmer can earn good profits in these years. It costs around Rs 9-10 lakh to prepare the field for dragon fruit crop. But the income from this can be more than Rs 1 crore.

Information related to the cultivation of nutrient-rich black guava

Information related to the cultivation of nutrient-rich black guava

Black guava is very beneficial not only for income but also for human health. Today we will give you information about its amazing properties as well as its cultivation.

 We all know about guava very well. Today we are also familiar with many information about its cultivation. But, the guava that we are going to discuss. It is different from the category of normal guava and not only this, the color of this guava is also completely different from the rest of the guava.

Black guava is grown in these places inside India

Black guava is produced in Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh of India. But, if we compare it with other guavas, then it is grown in very small quantities. The biggest feature of this plant is that it is not only guava in black color, but you will also see blackness clearly in its leaves and tree. If we talk about the price of this guava, then it is the highest compared to the rest of the guavas.

 Also read: Japanese Red Diamond Guava Can Make Farmers 3 Times More Income Than Normal Guava

Black guava is rich in nutrients

For your information, let us know that if we talk about nutrients in black guava, then it is a medicinal fruit. Antioxidants are found in the highest amount in it. Along with this, if we talk about the rest of its elements, then there are many multivitamins and minerals along with vitamin-A, vitamin-B, vitamin C, calcium and iron inside it. In a way, we can say that this guava works completely as an Ayurvedic medicine for our body.

How to cultivate black guava

The best time to cultivate black guava is during the winter season. If you sow this plant properly by testing the soil, then it starts giving you fruits within 2 to 3 years. In general, loamy soil is most favorable for this plant. You can use 10 to 20 kg of dung manure in their 1 to 3 year old plants. Along with this, single super phosphate 250 to 750 grams and muriate of potash 200 to 400 grams should be used. We can also use urea 50 to 250 grams and zinc sulphate 25 grams per plant for their best growth. Even after all this, if your guava tree is not flowering, then you should use high concentrations of urea or ethephon-urea spray in it. It acts as a stimulant in plants.

Nutrient-rich jackfruit farming can brighten your luck

Nutrient-rich jackfruit farming can brighten your luck

By cultivating jackfruit, farmers can earn excellent profits. Farmers can plant 150 jackfruit saplings in just one hectare of land. This is beneficial news for the farmer brothers who are bored of cultivating potatoes and onions. Farmers who want to do something different in the agriculture sector. He can get handsome profits by cultivating jackfruit i.e. jackfruit. Jackfruit is used both as a vegetable and a fruit. In many homes, its pickle is also added, which is very tasty to consume. Jackfruit is also one of the most sought-after vegetables in the market.

Plenty of minerals are found inside jackfruit

Jackfruit is rich in vitamins and minerals. It contains many vitamins like vitamin C, vitamin B6, niacin. Along with this, minerals like phosphorus, calcium, sodium, iron, potassium and zinc are also present in jackfruit. Jackfruit is also known as an evergreen crop. For your information, let us know that it can be cultivated in any season. Apart from Kerala, Karnataka, UP, Jharkhand, Bihar and West Bengal, jackfruit is also cultivated in many other states. Loamy soil is considered most suitable for jackfruit cultivation. Experts say that it is necessary to have a good drainage system in the jackfruit field.

Also read: Farmers will benefit from this new variety of jackfruit discovered by scientists

Better ploughing of the field is necessary for the farmer brothers

Before cultivating jackfruit, the farmer should plow the field in the best way. Put cow dung in the field as fertilizer. Now dig pits at an equal distance and plant jackfruit plants. Actually, after 15 days, the farmer brothers should irrigate the field. Farmers can also use vermi compost and neem cake as manure.

How many plants are planted in a hectare

If you are cultivating jackfruit with seeds in your garden, then fruits will start coming in 6 years. On the other hand, after farming in a goose way, fruits come in the jackfruit garden in a very short time. About 140 to 150 jackfruit saplings are planted in one hectare. Farmers can earn lakhs of rupees by cultivating jackfruit in one hectare of land.

To get a good yield from lemon cultivation, know about these special varieties of lemon.

To get a good yield from lemon cultivation, know about these special varieties of lemon.

Loamy soil is most suitable for lemon cultivation. Lemon is used to enhance the flavor of vegetables, make lemon tea, and make shikanji in summer. Today in this article we are going to tell you about different varieties of lemon. Lemon is cultivated on a large scale. It is yellow and has a very sour and spicy taste. It is used in making chutney, pickles, and sherbet, etc. Apart from this, it is also known for its medicinal properties. Its cultivation requires less care. Today we are going to tell you about these different varieties and their associated characteristics.

Gondhoraj Lebu variety of lemon

Let us tell you that this variety of lemons is cultivated mostly in Bengal. Gondhoraj Lebu is cultivated on a large scale in these areas. Its peels are thick and very strong. Its aroma is very good. Doctors of Bengal use it to prepare medicines.

Also read: Important information related to lemon cultivation

Nepali round variety of lemon

Nepali round variety of lemon is cultivated in the southern states of India. This lemon has much more juice than other lemons. Please note that the name of this species is Nepali. But, it is more famous in the southern states.

Mausambi lemon variety of lemon

Mausambi Lemon Akaak is like Mausambi. This is the most easily available variety. You can easily buy it at any fruit or vegetable shop. This is one of the main varieties of lemon, which is slightly bitter and sweet.

Lemon sherbet lemon variety

The peels of Sharbati lemon are quite thick in size. Besides, their juice is also quite thick. Its cultivation is more in the states of Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. It is mostly used to make pickles.

Also read: The rising price of lemon will increase the problems of common people

Kaji lemon variety of lemon

Kaji lemon is a famous lemon of Assam state. Let us tell you that it takes about a year for this plant to become ready. This Kaji lemon is more juicy and fresh than other lemons. Let us tell you that it is also used in preparing juice and pickles.

 Farmers will get 90 percent subsidy on beekeeping in this state.

Farmers will get 90 percent subsidy on beekeeping in this state.

Along with farming, beekeeping can also increase the income of farmers. Keeping this in mind, Bihar Horticulture Directorate has started Beekeeping and Honey Mission Scheme. Under this scheme, 90 percent subsidy will be given to the farmers doing beekeeping. To increase the income of farmers, a scheme for beekeeping is being issued by Bihar Horticulture Directorate. This scheme is being run in the name of Bee Keeping and Honey Mission. Actually, under this scheme, grants are given to beekeeping farmers. 75 percent subsidy is given to general category farmers and 90 percent subsidy is given to SC, ST by the state government. Provision for grant on equipment for beekeeping such as honey processing, bottling, honey testing and bee boxes has been made. It is noteworthy that under the National Horticulture Mission and Chief Minister Horticulture Mission Scheme, 75 percent of the total grant is provided for General Caste and 90 percent grant is provided for Scheduled Caste.

Bihar government is encouraging honey production

Bihar government will provide 75,000 bee boxes and hives to farmers to encourage honey production. For your information, let us tell you that only farmers registered on DBT portal can apply for this. Along with the boxes, beekeeper hives will also be provided. There will be 8 frames present in the hive with the queen, drones and workers. The inner walls of all frames will be completely covered with bees and brood. Along with this, grant will also be given on honey extraction equipment for extracting honey.

Also read: you can earn lakhs by beekeeping

Benefits of beekeeping

If farmers do it as a business, it has a lot of benefits. At the same time, it also helps a lot in pollination of crops. This increases crop production. Farmers can also earn good profits by beekeeping and selling the honey produced from it in the markets.

Apply like this to avail the scheme

To apply online, first of all you have to go to the official website of Horticulture Department After this select the scheme option on the home page. After this you click on Integrated Horticulture Development Mission Scheme. Then apply for beekeeping. After this the registration form will open. After this, fill all the requested information carefully. After filling all the information, submit it. Then your application will be successfully submitted.

 Detailed information about the plantation of black apple

Detailed information about the plantation of black apple

The crop of black apple is a rare crop in itself. It is produced in extremely cold climates. In appearance, this apple is dark black or dark purple in color. It has various properties that make it valuable. That is why a piece of 'Black Diamond Apple' sells for Rs 500 to Rs 1000.

Whenever we talk about apples, a picture of red and green apples pops up in the mind. It is said that the redder the apple, the better and more expensive it is. By the way, green apples are no less than anyone. Due to its health benefits, its demand has increased in the market for some time. However, there is one species of apple which is neither red nor green. Yes, you heard right, these days there is a lot of talk about a particular kind of apple. This variety of apple is called 'Black Diamond Apple' as you may have understood from the name that it is black in appearance and its brightness is also like a diamond. As beautiful as it looks, it tastes even better. That is why an apple of this variety costs up to Rs 500.

Black Diamond Apple

There are more than 100 varieties of apples in the market. One of them is the 'Black Diamond Apple', which is quite rare, due to which it is not easily available. It can't be grown anywhere. That is why it is not easily available in the market and is also so expensive. In appearance, this apple is dark black or dark purple in color. It is said that the reason behind the black color of the Black Diamond Apple is the deep purple rays falling on these fruits. 

These rays make their color deep purple.

Where the black apple plantation happens ?

Black apple is grown in very cold places. Till now it is cultivated only in the hills of Bhutan or Tibet. The climatic conditions are perfect for this. Locals know it as' Hua Niu '. Black apples are produced in the hills at very high altitudes above sea level. There are many qualities in it that make it valuable. That is why a piece of 'Black Diamond Apple' sells for Rs 500 to Rs 1000. This apple is in great demand in many countries including China.

Scientific way to protect guava crop from these two diseases

Scientific way to protect guava crop from these two diseases

Two diseases occurrs in guava crop, fruit fly and millets can completely harm the crop. To control this, farmers will have to take care of various things from changing the crop cycle. Guava is a very popular fruit, guava is produced by most of the farmers in India. If seen, due to the economic and commercial importance of guava, the interest of the farmers here is increasing towards it. 

In such a situation, today we have brought information to the farmers about the diseases occurring in the guava crop and its prevention. According to Dr Amit Kumar Goswami, a scientist at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), the biggest problem in guava is the fruit fly in the rainy season. The best way to do this is to change the crop cycle Most people also call it outside control.

How often guava bear fruits?

Guavas flower twice and bear fruit only twice. The flowers of the rain-fed crops come in the month of April. If the farmers pluck those flowers in the month of April, then the fruit fly can be controlled. There are only two ways: either prune it or spray a solution of 10 per cent urea in it. At the same time, if farmers are not able to do this, then their second method is pheromane trap.

How to control fruit fly disease 

Pusa scientist Dr Amit Kumar Goswami said that the fruit in guava is a fly. For its prevention the traps of methyl yanal are currently available in the market. Along with the pheromane trap, these baggins are also available nowadays, which is a poly profinal tube. If these are also not available with the farmers, then they can also use the envelope. It is also known as methyl ynol trap as well as phiran trap. 

For this the farmers have to take special care that the chemicals kept in the pheromone trap have to be changed at an interval of 15-21 days. Actually, it contains a solution of pheromane, methyl uzanyl and spinosus. After this you have to do bagging after 30-45 days, by which the fruit will be of the shape of plum. By doing this the attack of fruit fly will be controlled.

The Buckeye disease affecting guava crop

At the same time,in present, other problems have also started to come in the guava crop, which is Mili Bakki. This is such a disease in which the farmers will see insects in the guava leaves like white cotton. To control this, make a solution of any laundry powder and spray it on it. After that you spray the solution on it at the rate of about 2 mL per liter of carbosulfan.

 Sweet corn farming changed the fortunes of progressive farmer Dinesh Chauhan

Sweet corn farming changed the fortunes of progressive farmer Dinesh Chauhan

Today, let me tell you about Dinesh Chauhan, a successful farmer who specializes in sweet corn farming. Through tireless hard work, he has achieved a level of success that not everyone can attain. Currently, he and many other farmers in India are earning excellent profits by using modern farming techniques. 

Dinesh Chauhan is a progressive farmer from Manali village in the Sonipat district of Haryana, India. His village is also known as "Sweet Corn Village" because most of the farmers there cultivate sweet corn. He says that he earns huge profits annually by using modern farming techniques. He has been in the agriculture sector since 1996 and has been earning his livelihood from farming ever since. 

According to Chauhan, he owns 30 acres of agricultural land on which he grows his crops.

Dinesh Chauhan produced these crops in 1998 

Dinesh Chauhan began strawberry production in 1998. Before that, he used to cultivate traditional crops such as maize, sugarcane, and wheat. Chauhan decided to start growing strawberries as he wanted to elevate his farming techniques to a higher level. According to him, people used to view farming from a limited perspective, and it was not considered a prestigious profession. Educated youths mostly preferred pursuing jobs instead of farming. However, Chauhan saw potential in this field and decided to change the approach by adopting modern farming techniques.

The cultivation of sweet corn brought recognition to Dinesh Chauhan


Progressive farmer Dinesh Chauhan says, “ He gradually reduced the cultivation of paddy and wheat, and laid more emphasis on the cultivation of strawberries. He said that at that time farmers did not know about strawberry cultivation or the techniques related to it. But, gradually some farmers joined him and taught everyone its cultivation. After a few years, he started cultivating baby corn or sweet corn, which has been so successful that today his village is known as Sweet Corn Village across the country. Besides, the farmers of the village are earning huge profits from its cultivation. 

Also read: Gurleen has become an example by cultivating strawberries on a small piece of land.

He said that he has been cultivating sweet corn since 2001 when people in the country did not know much about it. He has said that initially people used to eat it thinking it to be American corn and it was only later that people came to know that it is being grown in a village of their own country and not in America. He said that during the initial period of sweet corn cultivation, he had to face many problems. _ People neither knew much about it nor was there a market for it. But, gradually he started sending his produce to the markets, and told people about it, and today he is earning good profits annually through this. 

Farmers earning lakhs of rupees annually 


If we talk about cost and profit, the cost of cultivating one acre of sweet corn is around Rs 25 to 30 thousand, due to which they earn a profit of Rs 1 to 1.5 lakh per acre. Apart from this, they also get help from the Haryana Government schemes and the Agriculture and Horticulture Department in farming.  If we look at it accordingly, they earn up to Rs 40 lakh annually. He gave this message to other farmers that they too can strengthen their economic condition by joining technical farming.  Farmers should produce crops as per demand.

What is the banyan tree and its benefits and disadvantages?

What is the banyan tree and its benefits and disadvantages?

Bargad tree is also known as Banyan tree. This tree has huge branches. The Banyan tree is very shady and is also a long lived tree. Ficus benghalensis is the botanical name of the banyan tree. The trunk of the banyan tree remains very strong and straight. Banyan tree remains renewable for a long time, hence it is also known as Akshayavat.

What are the useful parts of banyan tree

Not only the banyan tree but also its roots, leaves and stems are useful. All these are used for Ayurvedic medicines. Problems like cough, nose, ears or hair can be cured by using banyan tree.

Also read: Khinni tree and important information related to it

Benefits of banyan tree

Some elements are also found in the roots, flowers and leaves of the banyan tree, which help in the treatment of mental illnesses. Banyan tree also provides help in skin related diseases. High immunity is found in the shoots of this tree, which helps in maintaining a balanced health of a person.

Banyan tree is beneficial in tooth and gum pain

Many elements are found in the root, bark and leaves of the banyan tree which are helpful in destroying inflammation and bacteria. The roots of the banyan tree are chewed and softened and used as a toothpick. It is helpful in reducing tooth decay.

Also read: Farmers can earn a lot of money by growing Anjeer

Banyan trees are helpful in treating piles.

Banyan trees provide relief from diseases like piles. Nutrients like serine, sugar and resin are found in the leaves of banyan trees, which provide relief in piles. Therefore we can say that the milk of banyan tree plays an important role in pile disease.

Helpful in prevention of diabetes

Many elements that reduce sugar are found in the root of the banyan tree. To control diabetes, extract of its roots should be prepared and mixed with water and drunk. It reduces the effects of diseases like diabetes on the body.

Beneficial in itching problems

Sometimes, bacterial infection occurs on our skin, due to which we have to face problems like itching. To avoid this problem, we can make a paste of banyan leaves and apply it on our skin. Also, you can make a paste of the bark obtained from the banyan tree and use it. It proves helpful in providing relief from the problem of itching.

Also read: Jackfruit farming information

Disadvantages of banyan tree

There are many uses of banyan tree, but along with them there are many disadvantages also. Do not use any part of the banyan tree without consulting a doctor. Use different parts of the banyan tree according to the disease. Excessive use can also cause health related diseases.

Allergy or infection on the skin

People whose skin is more sensitive should consume it in less quantity. If a person is using banyan daily, and he notices allergies, red spots or pimples on his body, then he should not use banyan. or any other disease, then stop using banyan immediately.

Do not use banyan along with medicines

People who are already using any kind of medicines should not use any part of banyan tree. Do not use it with medicines, health related diseases may occur. If both are used together. This can also cause infection and other side effects in the body. Therefore, use it after consulting a doctor.

Banyan tree also has many benefits and qualities. You have also been told in which situations the banyan tree should not be used. If you have been impressed by the properties of banyan mentioned in this article and want to use it. So read the information given in this article carefully. Banyan tree has been used to treat health problems since ancient times. Banyan roots and leaves are also used for brain health.