
guava fruit

Information related to the cultivation of nutrient-rich black guava

Information related to the cultivation of nutrient-rich black guava

Black guava is very beneficial not only for income but also for human health. Today we will give you information about its amazing properties as well as its cultivation.

 We all know about guava very well. Today we are also familiar with many information about its cultivation. But, the guava that we are going to discuss. It is different from the category of normal guava and not only this, the color of this guava is also completely different from the rest of the guava.

Black guava is grown in these places inside India

Black guava is produced in Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh of India. But, if we compare it with other guavas, then it is grown in very small quantities. The biggest feature of this plant is that it is not only guava in black color, but you will also see blackness clearly in its leaves and tree. If we talk about the price of this guava, then it is the highest compared to the rest of the guavas.

 Also read: Japanese Red Diamond Guava Can Make Farmers 3 Times More Income Than Normal Guava

Black guava is rich in nutrients

For your information, let us know that if we talk about nutrients in black guava, then it is a medicinal fruit. Antioxidants are found in the highest amount in it. Along with this, if we talk about the rest of its elements, then there are many multivitamins and minerals along with vitamin-A, vitamin-B, vitamin C, calcium and iron inside it. In a way, we can say that this guava works completely as an Ayurvedic medicine for our body.

How to cultivate black guava

The best time to cultivate black guava is during the winter season. If you sow this plant properly by testing the soil, then it starts giving you fruits within 2 to 3 years. In general, loamy soil is most favorable for this plant. You can use 10 to 20 kg of dung manure in their 1 to 3 year old plants. Along with this, single super phosphate 250 to 750 grams and muriate of potash 200 to 400 grams should be used. We can also use urea 50 to 250 grams and zinc sulphate 25 grams per plant for their best growth. Even after all this, if your guava tree is not flowering, then you should use high concentrations of urea or ethephon-urea spray in it. It acts as a stimulant in plants.

Scientific way to protect guava crop from these two diseases

Scientific way to protect guava crop from these two diseases

Two diseases occurrs in guava crop, fruit fly and millets can completely harm the crop. To control this, farmers will have to take care of various things from changing the crop cycle. Guava is a very popular fruit, guava is produced by most of the farmers in India. If seen, due to the economic and commercial importance of guava, the interest of the farmers here is increasing towards it. 

In such a situation, today we have brought information to the farmers about the diseases occurring in the guava crop and its prevention. According to Dr Amit Kumar Goswami, a scientist at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), the biggest problem in guava is the fruit fly in the rainy season. The best way to do this is to change the crop cycle Most people also call it outside control.

How often guava bear fruits?

Guavas flower twice and bear fruit only twice. The flowers of the rain-fed crops come in the month of April. If the farmers pluck those flowers in the month of April, then the fruit fly can be controlled. There are only two ways: either prune it or spray a solution of 10 per cent urea in it. At the same time, if farmers are not able to do this, then their second method is pheromane trap.

How to control fruit fly disease 

Pusa scientist Dr Amit Kumar Goswami said that the fruit in guava is a fly. For its prevention the traps of methyl yanal are currently available in the market. Along with the pheromane trap, these baggins are also available nowadays, which is a poly profinal tube. If these are also not available with the farmers, then they can also use the envelope. It is also known as methyl ynol trap as well as phiran trap. 

For this the farmers have to take special care that the chemicals kept in the pheromone trap have to be changed at an interval of 15-21 days. Actually, it contains a solution of pheromane, methyl uzanyl and spinosus. After this you have to do bagging after 30-45 days, by which the fruit will be of the shape of plum. By doing this the attack of fruit fly will be controlled.

The Buckeye disease affecting guava crop

At the same time,in present, other problems have also started to come in the guava crop, which is Mili Bakki. This is such a disease in which the farmers will see insects in the guava leaves like white cotton. To control this, make a solution of any laundry powder and spray it on it. After that you spray the solution on it at the rate of about 2 mL per liter of carbosulfan.