

You can grow these vegetables at your home

You can grow these vegetables at your home

Today we will give you information about how  to grow vegetables at home. Today we are going to tell you the easiest, cheapest and sustainable way here . You can produce these five vegetables at home easily.

Every household in India has daily consumption of vegetables. According to the monthly expenses, you have to spend thousands of rupees per month only for vegetables. In such a situation, if we say that you can grow some vegetables very easily in your home, then what will you say? Let us tell you about five such vegetables that you can grow inside an old box or bucket in your house.

You can grow tomatoes and eggplants at home: 

Tomatoes are widely used in Indian households during winter season. Tomatoes are needed to make vegetables or eat chutney. If you want to grow tomatoes inside your house, first get an empty old bucket or tub. After that, fill half the soil and cocopeat in it. Plant tomato or brinjal plants at present .Add water little by little in the morning and evening. You will see that within a short time these plants will be ready to give vegetables.

Coriander and garlic can be easily grown at home:

Coriander leaves and garlic leaves are highly demanded during winter. They are sold at very high prices in the market. Many times they are not available fresh. However, you can grow both of these at home with great ease. To grow them, you just have to take a tub or old bucket, then mix cocopeat and soil in it and fill it half. After this, if you want to grow coriander, then you can plant its seeds inside it . If you want to grow garlic, first separate the garlic cloves then move them from the ends add it into the soil. Add a little water to it in the morning and evening. You will see that in a few days your bucket or tub will be filled with green leaves.

You can also grow capsicum at home:

Capsicum is very good for health. It is in great demand in winter. Now if you want to grow capsicum in your home, then for this you have to repeat the process given above. Then one or two capsicum plants have to be planted in that bucket or tub . After a few days of planting these plants, capsicum will start growing in them .  

The best and wonderful paddy harvesting machine

The best and wonderful paddy harvesting machine

Farmers use many types of expensive equipment to harvest crops. But, Chhotu Reaper machine is the cheapest and best paddy harvesting machine in the market. You can earn more income along with harvesting your crops. Farmers buy various types of expensive equipment from the market to harvest crops. But, small and marginal farmers are not financially capable of purchasing expensive agricultural equipment, due to which they use sickles etc. Keeping this problem of farmers in mind, companies in the technical sector have also started preparing equipment according to the budget of the farmers. Actually, the name of reaper machine is heard the most in crop harvesting. Let us tell you that this machine harvests wheat, paddy, coriander and jowar crops very easily. The specialty of this machine is that farmers can easily harvest other crops by changing the blades. There is a wide range of excellent machines for crop harvesting in the Indian market, which are quite economical for the farmers. Not only this, farmers can also buy these machines through online mode sitting at home.

The price of Chotu Reaper machine is quite economical

The use of Chhotu Reaper machine for harvesting crops is very beneficial for the farmers. Let us tell you that with this machine, harvesting of gram, soybean and berseem crops can be done very easily. This machine can easily harvest plants up to 1 foot tall. Also, if we talk about the engine of this machine, it has a 50cc 4 stroke engine. Along with this, other information is provided to the farmers through electronic display.

Also read: 40% subsidy on combine harvester, farmers can buy it for kharif crops

The Chotu Reaper machine is quite light in weight. Let us tell you that its total weight is only 8-10 kg. If the calculations are done, then the labor cost for harvesting wheat crop with this machine is up to 4 times less. Also, the amount of fuel consumption in this machine is negligible. The Chhotu Reaper machine in the field consumes less than 1 liter of oil per hour. In this machine, farmers can easily harvest other crops by changing the blades. If seen, blades with more teeth are used to cut thick and tough plants.

There will be excellent earning through Chhotu Reaper Machine.

If you use this machine in any other field of the farmer also, then good income can be earned from it per day. According to the information received, the rent of a Chhotu Reaper machine is up to Rs 300 for one bigha field. At the same time, if you harvest crops from 1 acre field in a day, then you can easily earn Rs 1500 to 1800 in a day. Also, this machine requires a minimum of half a liter of diesel for 1 bigha field. Apart from this, after taking out the expenses of its maintenance etc., Rs 200-300 are saved from your income. Now in this way this machine also provides employment opportunities to the farmers.

By growing vegetables at home you can get pure and fresh vegetables without spending money.

By growing vegetables at home you can get pure and fresh vegetables without spending money.

If you want to grow vegetables at home, then this is great news for you. By adopting the tips given here, your house will remain green. You must remember the tomatoes that turned red due to inflation. The prices of tomatoes have definitely reduced but the prices of many vegetables are still sky high. Some tips for growing vegetables at home will not only save your pocket from becoming light. Also, this greenery will help in keeping your mind light.

Farmers, start from a small place

If you do not have gardening experience, start with a small space. Choose four to five types of vegetables for production and plant a few plants of each type. Growing vegetables in containers is also a great way. A sunny balcony would also be better. Remember to grow only those vegetables that you eat.

Also read: If you plant these vegetables in the rain, there will be strong production and strong profits.

Selection of good varieties is very important

Pay close attention to the details on the seed packet, tag or label. Every vegetable has some characteristics. Many varieties offer better disease resistance, better yields or better heat or cold tolerance.

Farmers should focus on productivity

Initially, people make the mistake of planting too many trees. Vegetables like tomatoes and chilies are available throughout the season. Because of this, you may not need very many plants to meet your needs. Other vegetables, like carrots, radishes, etc. can be cut only once. After that, they will need to be reapplied.

Also read: Radish cultivation

Crop should be selected according to the season

Planting vegetables in both cool and warm climates will provide you with a consistent crop of vegetables throughout the spring, summer, and fall. In early spring, grow lettuce, such as peas, radishes, carrots, and broccoli. Let us tell you that after the cold season, plant your favorite hot-season crops like tomato, chili, and brinjal. In autumn you can harvest potatoes, cabbage, and bananas. By planting vine crops, you can increase the yield per square foot by using vertical land in the garden.

Sunlight and water are essential for vegetable cultivation.

Let us tell you that it does not matter where you plant your garden. Your garden must meet two basic needs: water and plenty of sunlight. Root vegetables such as carrots, radishes, and beets can be grown if your site receives at least 4 hours of direct sunlight a day. If you get more sunlight than this, you can grow sun-loving vegetables like basil, rosemary, tomato, cucumber, and beans.

Also read: Farmer became rich by choosing vegetable farming instead of bank job

You will need to water frequently during the first few weeks after the seeds have germinated or been planted. Through this, delicate plants can be helped to produce strong roots and stems. Once your plants are established, it's a good idea to give your garden a long watering every few days rather than a little sprinkling every day. The water will then move deeper into the soil, which encourages the roots to grow deeper.

Necessary work related to garden crops in April.

Necessary work related to garden crops in April.

There are many crops in April that farmers can produce and get financial benefits from. To earn a profit, the farmer will have to pay special attention to all these crops.

1. To prevent the fall of citrus fruits in April, spray 2, 4 D of 10 ppm mixed with 10 ml of water. 

2. Keep caring for the gardens and other plants like Amla planted during the rainy season. Take special care of tasks like weeding and irrigation of plants. 

3. Vine and papaya fruits are also harvested in April. These fruits should be harvested on time and sent to the market for sale. 

4. For the growth of the mango plant, work like irrigation and weeding should be done from time to time. Nutrients can also be used for this. For a 2-year-old plant, use 250 grams of phosphorus, 50 grams of nitrogen, and 500 grams of potash. 

5. Tuberose and rose flowers are also sown in April. Weeding should be done on these flowers from time to time. Besides, dry branches of these flowers should also be removed. 

6. Pay special attention to summer flowers in April such as portulaca, kochia, and zinnia. All work related to irrigation and weeding should be done occasionally. 

7. Keep a close eye on the popular plants. Popular plants are more prone to termite pests. To control the attack of this insect, spray chlorpyrifos on the plants. 

8. Gladiolus flowers are harvested in April. After plucking the flowers, dry them thoroughly in the shade for a few days. After that, treat the seeds obtained from flowers with 2% Mancozeb powder. 

9. To prevent mango fruits from falling, spray a 15 ppm solution of NNAI. Also, to increase the size of mango fruits, spray 2% urea solution.

Complete information about combined harvester

Complete information about combined harvester

Combine harvester is a highly efficient agricultural machine, designed to perform multiple crop harvesting tasks simultaneously. It is mainly used for grain crops such as corn, soybean, wheat, and barley. 

Typically a combine harvester machine consists of a cutting mechanism, threshing system, separation system, cleaning system, and storage system. 

Today's modern combine harvesters are usually equipped with advanced technologies, such as GPS navigation, yield monitoring systems, and automated controls. 

The use of combined harvesters has revolutionized agriculture by significantly reducing the labor and time required for harvesting. Farmers can plow large fields quickly and efficiently.  

How does a combined harvester machine work?

There is a reel in the combine harvester machine, on which the farmers keep the crops. Its function is to transport the crop to the cutting unit. Inside there are many sharp blades like big knives. 

With the help of these blades, the cutter cuts the crop. The harvested crop goes to the racing unit through a conveyor belt. In the racing unit, the crop grains are separated with the help of a dressing drum and concrete clearance. 

Also read: Self-propelled reaper and combine harvester for crop harvesting.

Combine harvesters have large cleaning systems and blowers, with the help of which chaff is separated from the crops. The cleaned grain gets collected in the storage system.  

What are the advantages of a combined harvester machine? 

A combine harvester is a machine that makes agricultural work easier from many directions simultaneously. Using it has the following benefits.

Increased Efficiency: Combine harvesters streamline the harvesting process by combining multiple operations into a single machine. It can do harvesting, sorting, storage, and many other tasks simultaneously.  

Time-Saving: Harvesting with a combined harvester is much faster than traditional manual or separate machinery-based harvesting methods. Farmers can harvest crops efficiently.  

Lower farming costs: One harvester does the work of many machines. Therefore, farmers do not need to buy separate machines. 

Quality Protection: Combine harvesters are designed to handle crops with minimum losses and maintain grain quality.

How many types of combined harvesters are there?

There are mainly two types of combine harvesters.

  • Automatic combine harvester 

The entire machinery is fitted with an automatic combine harvester. The machinery operates the engine and other parts with its power, due to which the work of harvesting, threshing, and cleaning of grains is done easily.

  • Tractor-driven combine harvester 

Tractor-driven combine harvester machine is operated by connecting it with a tractor. This machine runs from the PTO of the tractor. The crop is harvested by driving the combine with a tractor.

On what basis should a combined harvester be purchased? 

If you are a small or marginal farmer or are planning to buy a harvester only for your home farming, then a mini combine harvester or a tractor-operated combine harvester will be more useful for you. Additionally, the price of the small harvester will be right for you.

At the same time, if you want to earn money from the combine harvester in addition to household use, then you will have to buy a heavy combine harvester for this. 

Now either you buy an automatic combine harvester or buy a strong and powerful combine harvester like a tractor-driven combine harvester.

What is the price of a combined harvester in the Indian market?

The price of a combine harvester depends on the cutter bar. At present, more than 20 famous companies are manufacturing combined harvesters in India. 

The price of a combined harvester ranges from Rs 10 lakh* to Rs 50 lakh* in the market depending on its features and specifications.

Also read: Buy tractor combine harvester for harvesting Kharif crop, up to 40 percent subsidy is available here.

At the same time, if you are a small farmer and want to buy a combine harvester only for domestic use, then the option of mini combine harvester/small harvester price is also open to you. Mini combine harvester price starts from Rs 5 lakh*.

Keep this in mind while buying a combine harvester!

Subsidy facility on combined harvesters is provided from time to time in different states. The rate of subsidy varies depending on the RTOs imposed in the states. 

Generally, a 50 percent subsidy is provided to small, marginal, and women farmers and a 40 percent subsidy is provided to big farmers. Now whether it is a combine harvester or any other agricultural equipment, before purchasing it we must know whether there is a subsidy on it or not.