

How can potato growers protect their crops from blight?

How can potato growers protect their crops from blight?

Agricultural scientists and scientific centres play a critical role in preparing pupils for farming. In this regard, ICAR has issued advice to farmers planting potatoes. Farmers have received methods and instructions to protect their crops over the winter.

There is vital news for potato producers. If you grow potatoes, be sure you read this news. Because this info might rescue your crop from a significant loss. Actually, fog poses a significant issue for farmers throughout the winter months. Especially when it is quite chilly. For this reason, the Central Potato Research Institute Modipuram Meerut (ICAR) has issued advice to potato producers.

What has been said in the advisory of ICAR?

Farmers may learn how to salvage their crops from this ICAR advice. Some simple strategies have been proposed for keeping your crops secure. If the farmer grows vegetables, he should try to decrease the impact of wind by placing a curtain or straw on the ridge. Cold winds cause significant agricultural damage. Aside from that, farmers can conserve crops by spraying them with medications from the Agriculture Department's list. The wheat crop suffers no losses over the winter. However, vegetable crops might suffer significant losses. Farmers in such a circumstance have been encouraged to take prompt action.

Also to read:A completely effective solution to protect potato crops from blight illness.

Farmers to be precautious from Blight disease

According to an ICAR official, farmers planting potatoes have received specific advice. It is caused by a fungus called blight or phytophthora infestans. This disease affects potatoes when the temperature remains between 20 and 15 degrees Celsius. If there is a disease infestation or it rains, the crop is quickly destroyed. Potato leaves dry out from the margins owing to illness. Farmers should use Mancozeb 75% soluble powder diluted in water every two weeks. The amount should be two kilograms per acre.

Spray these chemicals  for potato cultivation.

According to the spokesperson, to protect the diseased crop, spray Macozeb 63% and Metalaxyl 8% or a combination of Carbendazim and Maconech at 2 grammes per litre of water or 2 kg per hectare in a solution of 200 to 250 litres. Furthermore, farmers should apply Ridomil 4% MI when the temperature is less than 10 degrees.

Also to  read: Late blight disease of potatoes and its treatment.

Blight disease is caused by the fungus Alternaria solani. As a result, circular dots appear on the lower half of the leaf, resembling rings. As a result, the inner half forms a concentric ring. The leaf becomes yellow. This disease develops late, and when symptoms arise, farmers can spray 75% degradable powder, Mancozeb 75% degradable complete, or Copper Oxychloride 50% degradable powder diluted in water at 2.5 kg per hectare

The Central government banned the import of this herbicide chemical.

The Central government banned the import of this herbicide chemical.

The Government of India has banned the import of low-priced 'Glufosinate Technical'. This decision has been implemented across India from January 25, 2024. 'Glufosinate Technical' is used to remove weeds in the fields. Know here about the reason behind the ban on glufosinate technical. 

Indian farmers use different types of chemicals/chemical fertilizers to get better production from their crops, due to which the crop yield is quite good. But, its use causes great harm to the fields. Besides this, the fruits of crops grown using chemicals also do not taste tasty. 'Glufosinate Technical' is used by farmers for excellent growth of plants and better production. Presently the Government of India has banned this chemical named Glufosinate Technically. For your information, let us tell you that the government has recently banned the import of the herbicide Glufosinate Technical, which is available at cheap prices. The assessment is that the government has taken this decision intending to encourage domestic manufacturing.

What is glufosinate technical used for?

Farmers use glufosinate technology to destroy or remove noxious weeds from fields. Apart from this, some farmers also use it for better growth of plants. So that by getting maximum production from the crop, they can earn huge income from it.  

Also read: Genetically Modified Crops

Glufosinate Technical Chemical Why Import Prohibited

The ban order on Glufosinate technical chemicals has been implemented across the country from January 25, 2024. Regarding the ban on glufosinate technical chemicals, the Directorate General of Foreign Trade says that the ban on the import of glufosinate technical has been changed from free to a prohibited category. 

He has also said that if the cost, insurance, and freight price on this is more than Rs 1,289 per kg, then the import of Glufosinate Technical will remain the same as before. But, due to its very low price, its import has been banned in India.

 How to protect the crops from insects during increasing cold weather

How to protect the crops from insects during increasing cold weather

The effect of insects on crops can be seen even during winter. In such a situation, the farmer will have to take special care of some important things.  Some farmers believe that insects do not occur inside crops during winter. However, the truth is that even in the winter season, your crop can be attacked by insects. To conserve the fruit from insects, you have to take care of some important things. According to experts, the problem of pests in crops during winter is a common thing. At this time the temperature is low, the incidence of this insects decreases. However, they do not end completely. Some insects can cause a lot of damage to the crop even in winter, due to which farmers should take care of some special things for protection.

Farmers should do farming under the supervision of agricultural experts

During the winter season, farmers should monitor the crops regularly. Pay special attention to the initial symptoms of insects. Also, do necessary work for the control pests. If insects are planted in the standing crop in your fields, use the required pesticides at the appropriate time. Sprinkle them in appropriate quantities, for which farmers can take help from agricultural experts.

Also read: Major diseases and diseases manage in mustard crop

What can farmers spray ?

Experts say that crops may be caused by changes in weather. Farmers can spray the trichoderma, Harjonium medicine to get convenience from  insects. Insects can affect the yield of crops. This challenge can be overcome by spraying pesticides on the crop. The winter season in India lasts from October to March. This temperature is very favourable for rabi crops. The main crops of the Rabi season are millet, peas, mustard, tomatoes, wheat, barley and gram etc.

Pests affecting grains during storage and their prevention

Pests affecting grains during storage and their prevention

The most important task after harvesting is storing the crop. Farmers can conserve the crop by using scientific methods. The main cause of pests in most crops is moisture. The main pests in grain storage are of the order Lepidoptera and Coleoptera. 

1 Sursuri 

This insect is brownish black in color. Its head is tilted forward. The length of the Sursuri insect is 2 - 4 mm. Light spots are formed on the wings of sursuri. 

Storage of grains is harmed by both the bud and the sundae. This caterpillar normally makes the grain hollow by eating it from inside. 

2 Khapra Beetle 

This prodigious insect is grayish brown in color. The body of this insect is oval, the head is short and compressed. This sundi is full of fine weeping. 

The length of the insect is 2 - 2.5 mm. This pest can be easily identified in the crop. The fury of sundi is mostly seen on the brow of the grain. 

Also read this: Protect wheat and barley crops from chepa (Al) pest

3 Grain borer

This insect, a small feeder of grains, eats the grain and makes it hollow from inside. The length of this insect is 3 mm, and this insect is dark brown in appearance. Both plants and insects harm the crop, this insect is also capable of flying. 

This insect turns the grain into flour by making it hollow from inside. This is a storehouse. 

4 Grain moth 

This insect is 5 - 7 mm long. This insect lives in golden brown flying moths. The last tip of this insect is pointed and hairy. 

The forewings are pale yellow and the hindwings are brown. This insect eats the grain by making a hole inside the grain, and after developing it comes out in the form of bud. 

5 Flour red beetle

 This insect is mostly a pest of cereals, flour and processed grains. This insect is reddish brown in color and it is about 3 mm long. These insects are very fast at walking and flying. 

The thorax, head and abdomen of this insect are conspicuous. Its antennae are bent and three segments above the antennae together form a thickened portion. 

Also read this: Protect your crops from these diseases

6 Legume beetle

The body of the legume beetle is brown in color. It is about 3.2 mm long. The body of the insect is broad at the front and narrow at the back. This insect makes holes in the grains of grains and eats them. 

7 Grain beetle with sharp zig zag teeth

This insect is about 1/8 inch long. This insect has 6 saw-like teeth on both sides of the trunk. This disease is easily identifiable. They are dark brown insects. 

Prior arrangements to stop pest attack

  1. Before storing grains in the godowns, the godowns should be cleaned properly. 
  2. The grains to be stored should be properly dried in the sun, remember that there is no moisture in the grains. 
  3. Before storing the grain, check the moisture content of the grain. 
  4. Pay special attention to the cleanliness of grain carrying vehicles. 
  5. Do not use old sacks while storing grains, use new sacks in their place. Or soak old gunny bags for half an hour by mixing 0.01 to 25 Cypermethrin 25 EC in water. After drying the sacks in the shade then store the crop in it. 
  6. Do not keep the sacks full of grains directly on the ground. Always hang the curtains on the wall.
  7. In order to make the grain pest free in the godowns spray by mixing 0.5 to 50 ml of malathion in water. Powder of camphor, mustard oil and neem leaves can also be used to preserve stored grains. 

Also read: How to plant and care for wheat? 

Solutions after the pest attack

Check the pest attack in the crop at the interval of 15 - 20 days in the days of more moisture. Or you can also remove moisture from the grain by showing it sun from time to time. 

Pour a tablet of aluminum phosphide into a ton of cereals and ventilate for a couple of days. Be careful, use this pill in airtight reservoirs.