

 Important role of irrigation to increase the yield of wheat crop in Rabi season

Important role of irrigation to increase the yield of wheat crop in Rabi season

Mustard and wheat cultivation is mostly done in the Rabi season in India. Wheat Cultivation requires four to six irrigations. Therefore farmers should irrigate wheat on scheduled time to increase the yield of wheat. If farmers irrigate wheat on time, then a great yield can be achieved by it. Along with this, what should be taken care of while irrigating. Farmers must also know about this.

It is generally seen that many farmers sow wheat. However, they do not get an expected yield. At the same time, if farmers pay special attention to irrigation along with sowing of wheat, then they get better production. Wheat is a crop that requires a lot of water. However, by using advanced methods of irrigation, a lot of water can be saved in it. Also, spectacular production can also be achieved.

Water consumption in wheat crop 

When the wheat crop will be irrigated, it depends on the amount of soil moisture. If the weather is cold and moisture in the land remains intact, irrigation can be done with delay. On the contrary, if the land is dry, then quick irrigation is required. At the same time, if the weather is hot then plants need more irrigation. In such a situation, irrigation should be done from time to time so that the amount of moisture in the ground remains and the plants can grow better. For a great yield of wheat, its crop requires 35 to 40 cm of water. Farmers can fulfil this at different scheduled times.

Also read: Wheat sowing is completed, government prepared, purchase will start from March 15

Irrigation for wheat crop

In general, 4 to 6 irrigation in wheat crops is quite favourable. It requires 6 to 8 irrigation in sandy land. Light irrigation should be done in sandy soil, which requires 5 to 6 cm of water. Also, deep irrigation is required in heavy soil. In this, farmers should irrigate 6-7 cm. All this irrigation should be done in different stages of wheat plant, so that more benefits can be achieved.

Rohit left traditional farming and started Geranium plantation and is now earning a profit of lakhs.

Rohit left traditional farming and started Geranium plantation and is now earning a profit of lakhs.

What is the Life of Geranium plants?

According to farmer Rohit, after the first cutting of the Geranium plantation the yield can be obtained after every 3.5 months.  The life of its plants is 3 years. With this they can earn lakhs of money at a duration of every 3 months. He said that 150 kilo of germanium oil can As we all know, in recent years multiple changes have been observed in the agriculture sector. New technology is also being included along with the modern tools in agricultural sectors. This is helping farmers in achieving a good yield in less time. Along with this, there are some farmers who are earning in lakhs by shifting from traditional farming to modern techniques. In the present time, farmers are producing crops by modern techniques instead of traditional farming. Currently farmers are also focusing on cash crops instead of being dependent only on crops like paddy and wheat. This is also saving their time and helping them in achieving a good yield and a good profit in less time and less expense. Today also we will tell you about a farmer who has shifted from traditional farming to perfume farming and made lakhs of money doing that.

Farmer Rohit is the native resident of Kavalpur Village 

Actually this is a story of a farmer named Rohit Mule, who is the native resident of Kavalpur Village in Sangli, Maharashtra. Before 3 years,he was also involved in producing crops like millet and grapes similar to common farmers. But he faced loss many times due to flood snowfall and other conditions. In this condition, he thought about doing something different and travelling multiple places along with gathering the information about different techniques of farming. During this he observed the farming of Geranium. He got to know that Geranium, like lavender and lemongrass, is also a perfume plant. He got to know that the oil separated from the leaves of all these plants is used in essential oils and perfumes. Also he can earn more profit by farming these crops. And then he made up his mind to do the farming of Geranium.

Read  also: government is providing training to cultivate perfume plants, will lead to big profit 

Farmer Rohit started the cultivation of Geranium 

Rohit started the farming of Geranium on a land of five acres. During this he also said that Geranium plantation is not done by seeds but with the help of cuttings. The shoots of Geranium are used in nurseries to make new plants.

What is the appropriate temperature for a Geranium plantation?

Geranium producing farmer Rohit said that for the farming of Geranium the normal temperature should be between 30 to 35 degrees. Geranium can easily be cultivated in this temperature range. 12000 plants of Geranium are being sown in one acre of land. Apart from this, for the irrigation of Geranium drip irrigation method should be used. 

How much time it takes to first crop of Geranium to prepare 

According to farmer Rohit, the first yield is obtained only after 4 months of Geranium plantation. In the first plantation of this crop, the total expense including plants, irrigation system, weedicides and labour costs around 1 lakh 20 thousand. At present the price of 1 kg of Uranium oil is almost 8500 rupees. 14 to 15 kilos of oil can be obtained in one acre of land at one time. Let you know that the first expense can be earned from this. 

be obtained from this plantation, which costs around 12 lakh rupees.

Lower Suktel irrigation project started in the state, and the picture of farmers and agriculture will change.

Lower Suktel irrigation project started in the state, and the picture of farmers and agriculture will change.

Great news! The Odisha Chief Minister, Naveen Patnaik, has recently inaugurated the Lower Suktel Irrigation Project, which has been pending for two decades due to various reasons. The project is expected to meet the drinking water needs of Bolangir Municipality and Patnagarh NAC, and will also play a crucial role in irrigating around 1.00 lakh acres of land in 203 villages, benefiting approximately 75,000 farmers. This is a remarkable development for Bolangir, which has always been a drought-prone area of Odisha, with only 31% of the land irrigated and an average rainfall of 110 cm per year. With this project in place, the picture of farmers and agriculture in Bolangir is expected to change for the better.

Drinking water supply will also be ensured

Under this project, the drinking water requirements of Bolangir Municipality and Patnagarh NAC will be met. Industry and tourism will also benefit greatly from this. CM Naveen Patnaik decided in 2019 that this project would be taken up under the 5T initiative. Also, it will be intensified with smart technology and teamwork.

Also read: State government's attack on irrigation problem, government will give 80% grant under this scheme.

Underground pipelines are being used 

Underground pipelines are being used to supply irrigation water, which is the first case of its kind in the state. This will prevent water leakage and waste. To complete the project on time, a composite girder has been used instead of RCC for the spillway deck slab. Automatic radial spillway gates have been installed to remotely control it through Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA).

The project will provide water for irrigation of land in hundreds of villages.

Let us tell you that this project has been designed for micro-irrigation.  This is one of the most modern projects in India. About 1.00 lakh acres (40000 hectares) of land in 203 villages will be irrigated. This will benefit around 75,000 farmers and provide drinking water to Bolangir Municipality. Due to this, there will be opportunities for agriculture-related jobs throughout the year. Also, agriculture will play a role in increasing income, socio-economic improvement, and reverse migration. Apart from this, horticulture, agro-industry, small-scale industries, tourism, etc. will also be encouraged.

Millions of acres of land can be irrigated

Presently Naveen Patnaik government has dedicated various major water infrastructure projects like Upper Indravati Lift Canal benefiting Kalahandi district. Due to this, Nuapada and Bolangir districts are benefiting from lower Indra. Let us tell you that this will benefit the districts of Haldia, Mayurbhanj, Balasore, Mayurbhanj and Koraput. These projects will collectively provide irrigation facilities to 3.64 lakh acres (1.47 lakh hectares) .

Huge discount on solar pumps by UP government on first come first serve basis.

Huge discount on solar pumps by UP government on first come first serve basis.

Solar Pump Scheme Uttar Pradesh (Solar Pump Scheme UP 2024) has been started by Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath. This scheme has been started mainly in the interest of the farmers of Uttar Pradesh. This is one of the very beneficial schemes for farmers. At present, the prices of petrol and diesel have increased so much that the farmer cannot get profit by applying water to the fields with diesel engines, and just providing water in farming has become a huge expense. This is a very big problem for farmers.

Also read: 60% subsidy is provided on solar pumps under this Yojana.

Apart from this, there is still the problem of electricity in many villages for water in the fields. Where the problem of electricity still persists for Tubewell. In order to provide water to the crops on time and farmers do not have to bear any expense for this, the Uttar Pradesh government has given a new gift by starting the Solar Pump Scheme. By availing the benefit of the solar pump scheme, farmers will get benefit in the irrigation system, due to this cost of agriculture will come down,ultimately increasing income. A plan has been made to install this solar pump in 10,000 villages of Uttar Pradesh. If you also live in Uttar Pradesh, and want to avail the benefits of this scheme, then in this post you are being told about all the important information related to Chief Minister Solar Pump Scheme 2024 Uttar Pradesh. 

 Detailed information related to caring for plants in the garden

Detailed information related to caring for plants in the garden

After planting the plants in the garden, it is very important to take proper care of them for their quick and spectacular growth. Talking about irrigation of garden plants, both excess and lack of water cause great harm to newly established plants. For this reason, irrigation should be done as per requirement. The need for water depends on the type of land and season. If there is no rain, the first irrigation should be done soon after planting. After this, farmers continue to irrigate as per requirement. In summer, irrigation should be done in the morning or evening.

Selection of irrigation method:- While irrigating, one should always keep in mind that only that much water should be given which will thoroughly wet the roots spread inside the soil. Both quantities more or less than this are harmful. The following things should be kept in mind while choosing the irrigation method.

Size of fruit trees. 

Differences between fruit trees and method of planting.

 Size and flow of irrigation source. 

Land type and topography. 

The quantity of water given.

Also read: Complete information about drip irrigation

 Irrigation methods:- There are many methods of irrigation in fruit orchards. However, such an irrigation method should be adopted in which the expenditure of water is minimal.

Flow System

Under this method, a tray is made around the plants. This plate can be circular or square. A drain is made between two rows of plants. In this method, irrigation is done by dividing the entire area into beds as per convenience.

Basin System

Under this method, a tray is made around the plants. This plate can be circular or square. A drain is made between two rows of plants. The plates are connected to this distribution drain. With this method, water is distributed evenly and water reaches the roots of the plants.

Ring System

This method is used in the young stage of plants. A ring shape is made around the plant. All the tree circles in a row are connected by a drain. In this method, water is applied only in a limited area. 

Also read: Sprinkler system means farming with less water

Drip Irrigation method

This is a very modern irrigation method. This method is very suitable where there is a severe shortage of water. The principle of a drip irrigation system is to provide water directly to the area where the roots of the plants are spread, i.e. to the root zone. In this, plastic is made to flow through thin tubes under low pressure. There is a bulb near each plant in these drains. The amount of water coming out of which is kept as per the requirement of the plant every day. In this method the loss of water is minimal.

Weed Control 

Weeds especially cause harm to young fruit plants. To control weeds, weeding should be done from time to time.

Manure and Fertilizers

For good growth of plants, it is necessary to give manure and fertilizers in appropriate quantity. The quantity of manure and fertilizer especially depends on the variety of fruits and plants and the fertility of the land. Ripe cow dung manure or compost should be given in a certain quantity once a year after the rainy season. If the growth of plants is not going well, nitrogenous fertilizers should be used in February-March. After applying manure and fertilizer, light irrigation should be done. 

Harvesting and Sorting

In the initial stage, cutting, and pruning is done to create the structure of the plants. Evergreen plants require very little pruning, whereas deciduous plants like apples, pears, peach grapes, etc. require relatively more pruning to give the plants a definite shape. This should be done at the right time and in the right quantity. 

Also read: Government is giving up to 90 percent subsidy to promote sprinkle irrigation

Shade the plants

It is necessary to provide shade to every plant to protect it from strong sunlight and heat. The shade is made from bamboo mat circles, grass hut, palm and date palm leaves, etc. While shading the plants, keep in mind that the morning sunlight should reach the plants. Appropriate measures should be taken to protect plants from frost during the winter season. Irrigation and fumigation during frost is also beneficial.

Support plants

Newly planted plants should be supported with bamboo or wood so that they do not get broken by strong winds. Such protection is more necessary in grafted plants.


If some of the plants planted in the gardens die, new plants should be planted in their place in March or July. Initially, when planting plants in the garden, some plants should be planted in pots. These plants are used to replace dead plants. 

Control of Insect diseases

If any disease or insect attack is seen in the plants, necessary medicines should be sprayed. After the rainy season, borax paste should be applied to the trunks of trees. After planting the plants in the garden, it is necessary to take good care of them for their quick and proper growth. For which the following work should be done smoothly.