
kisan news

How to prepare bananas before sending them to the market so that they get maximum benefit?

How to prepare bananas before sending them to the market so that they get maximum benefit?

After harvesting the banana from the virtual stem, the bananas are separated from the bunch in different hands. After this, put these hands in the water tank of alum @ 1 gram alum per 2.5 liters of water. After dipping these banana hands for about 3 minutes, take them out. The alum solution removes the natural wax on the banana peels and also cleans the insect debris on the fruit. It acts as a natural disinfectant. After this, the second tank contains anti-fungal liquid Huwa San, inside which there is hydrogen peroxide with liquid silver components which acts as an antifungal, which does not allow the fungus to grow.

Also read: Demand for indigenous bananas rises abroad, banana exports worth Rs 327 crore

Hua San is a biocide and is effective against all types of bacteria, viruses, yeast, mold and spore makers. Legionella is also effective against pneumophila. Environmentally friendly – practically becomes 100% degradable to water and oxygen. Its use does not create odor, does not change the taste of treated foods. Effectiveness and long-term effects are observed even at very high water temperatures. Rated as safe for consumption at the recommended dosage rate. No carcinogenic or mutagenic effect, does not react with ammonium-ions. It can be stored for a long time. No side effects of any kind have been observed from using at the 3% recommended rate. In this solution, dip the banana hands for 3 minutes. Dissolve Huwa san @ 1 ml per litre of water to make a solution. In this way, 250 ml of Huva San liquid is poured into a 500 liter water tank. After removing the bananas from these solutions, place the bananas on the surface of the mesh on a good drainage floor with a high-speed fan to remove excess water from the bananas. In this way, the initial preparation of bananas is done. Packed in specially designed cartons. Bananas prepared in this way are easily repaired or sent to foreign markets.

What is Huwa-san?

 The process of combining hydrogen peroxide and silver stabilizer is unique worldwide and is based on the original Huva-San technology, which was further developed in ROM technology over the past 15 years.

Also read: Cold wave affecting banana production

 This technique is unique because no other stabilizing agent such as acid is required to stabilize the peroxide. All this makes Huwa-San Technology's products non-residual and extremely powerful disinfectant. Huwa-San is a one stop biocidal product that is effective against bacteria, fungi, yeast, spores, viruses and even mycobacteria and hence this products can be used in many areas to disinfect water, surfaces, tools and even large empty areas through evaporation.

Over the past 15 years, Hueva-San products were extensively tested on a laboratory scale and on numerous field trials around the world. The abundance of information within HUA-San's broad application spectrum along with technical knowledge has been the key to worldwide success.

 Huwa-San has been thoroughly researched and developed in lab and field test settings, it is completely safe and as a result, HUA-SAN products meet the latest standards for disinfection.

Detailed information related to flaxseed cultivation

Detailed information related to flaxseed cultivation

Today we are going to give you detailed information related to linseed crop. It is the sixth largest oilseed crop in the world. Seeing the benefits of flaxseed, the interest of farmers towards its cultivation is continuously increasing. Linseed is an important Rabi oilseed crop in India as well as a major source of oil and fiber. Linseed is cultivated in approximately 2.96 lakh hectares of land in India, which is 15 percent of the total area of ​​the world. In terms of linseed area, India ranks second in the world. At the same time, it ranks third in production and eighth in yield per hectare. For your information, let us tell you that this is the most important industrial oilseed crop of India. Its production also varies depending on different varieties of flaxseed. From this crop, 10 to 15 quintal production can be achieved per hectare of field. Uttar Pradesh, Odisha, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra are the major flax producing states. In India, flaxseed is mainly produced in the states of Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh and Bihar. Every part of flaxseed can be used in different forms, directly and indirectly. The oil extracted from flax seeds is not generally used as food. It is used in manufacturing medicines.

Selection of land for linseed cultivation

If you have decided to cultivate linseed, then first of all you will have to select the field i.e. land before sowing linseed. Please note that before sowing flaxseed, get the soil and water of your field tested. Black loamy soil is considered suitable for the cultivation of linseed. This soil is more fertile. Also, while preparing the land, keep in mind that the land has an excellent drainage system. This will also provide great convenience in irrigating the crops. Besides, crop production will also increase significantly.

Suitable climate for flax cultivation

Land with normal pH value is considered suitable for flaxseed. Cultivation of flaxseed requires a cold and dry climate. Linseed is cultivated mostly in the Rabi season in India. During this period the annual rainfall is between 50 to 55 centimeters. There, flaxseed can be cultivated successfully. For better germination of flaxseed, the temperature should be 25 to 30 degree centigrade and during seed formation the temperature should be 15 to 20 degree centigrade. Linseed requires high temperature, low humidity and dry environment at mature stage. Meaning that temperate climate is considered suitable for its cultivation. 

When is linseed sown

Farmers are advised to sow flax seeds in November in irrigated areas and in the first fortnight of October in non-irrigated areas. Apart from this, for Utera cultivation, sowing should be done 7 days before harvesting of paddy. Let us tell you that the Utera method is prevalent in the areas where paddy is grown. Linseed is sown in paddy fields with the aim of making proper use of moisture in paddy cultivation. In Utera method, linseed seeds are scattered in the field 7 days before harvesting the paddy crop. Due to this, flaxseed germinates even before the paddy is harvested. This has the advantage that the linseed crop gets ripe only due to the accumulated moisture. By sowing early, linseed crops can be protected from pod fly and powdery mildew etc.

Also read: All information related to paddy crop

Major improved varieties of linseed

Improved varieties of flaxseed are developed through agricultural research. Linseedi species have been divided into two parts, for non-irrigated areas and for irrigated areas, which are grown for higher production and to suit the climate. For irrigated areas – Suyog, JLS- 23, Pusa- 2, PKDL- 41, T- 397 etc. are the main varieties. These varieties have been developed for irrigated areas. These varieties can be grown in almost both the areas. If we talk about their production, it can be 13 to 15 quintals per hectare. For non-irrigated areas - Sheetal, Rashmi, Bharda, Indira Linseed- 32, JLS- 67, JLS- 66, JLS- 73 etc. are the main varieties. These varieties have been designed for cultivation in non-irrigated areas. The average height of the plants grown in these varieties is up to 2 feet. Also, the yield can be 12 to 15 quintals per hectare. Apart from the above mentioned varieties, there are many other improved varieties of flaxseed. Like - PKDL 42, Jawahar Alsi DR 552, J. l. S. - 27, LG 185, J. l. S. - 67, PKDL 41, Jawahar Alsi - 7, RL - 933, RL 914, Jawahar 23, Pusa 2 etc.

How to do seed treatment?

Linseed is sown in two ways. Seeds can be sown first through the drill method and second through the sprinkling method. For sowing of linseed through the drill method, seeds are required at the rate of 25 to 30 kg per hectare. In this method, the distance between row to row should be 30 cm and the distance from plant to plant should be kept 5 to 7 cm. The seeds should be sown in the ground at a depth of 2 to 3 centimeters. For Utera method, the rate of 40 to 45 kg seeds per hectare is considered good for sowing linseed. Before sowing, seeds should be treated with Carbendazim at the rate of 2.5 to 3 grams per kilogram of seed. Or the seeds should be sown after treating them with 5 grams of Trichoderma viride or 5 grams of Trichoderma harzianum and 2 grams of carboxin.

Also read: linseed cultivation can help financially

Field preparation for flax cultivation

For seed germination and proper crop growth in linseed cultivation, it is necessary that the field be prepared better before sowing. After harvesting, the land should be prepared by sprinkling 8 to 10 tonnes of rotted cow dung manure in the field per hectare and plowing it 2 to 3 times with a local soil turning plow or harrow. After this, the field should be leveled by hoeing, so that the moisture in the soil remains intact.

How to add fertilizer to your field? 

While preparing the land for linseed cultivation, apply cow dung manure at the rate of 8 to 10 tonnes per hectare by mixing it well in the soil during the last plowing. Along with this, for irrigated areas, use nitrogen at the rate of 100 kg, phosphorus at the rate of 75 kg per hectare. To get the best yield for non-irrigated areas, use Nitrogen at 50 kg. Phosphorus 40 kg. And 40 kg. potash. In non-irrigated condition, the entire amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potash and in irrigated condition, half the amount of nitrogen and the entire amount of phosphorus is applied 2-3 cm deep through a cloth at the time of sowing. Use below. In irrigated conditions, the remaining half quantity of nitrogen should be applied as top dressing after the first irrigation.

How can farmers protect their linseed crops from diseases and pests?

In the cultivation of linseed, Alternaria blight, rust or ocher, uktha and bukni diseases occur. To prevent these diseases, spray Mancozeb in the crop at the rate of 2.5 kg per hectare 40 to 50 days after sowing. Spraying should be done at an interval of every 15 days, so that the disease does not occur. To prevent rust or ochre, soluble sulfur should be sprayed at the rate of 3 kg per hectare.

Also read: Helpline number for crop disease and pest infections

The linseed crop is infested by various types of insects like pod fly, caterpillar etc. Its adult insects are like small flies of dark orange color. These insects lay their eggs in the petals of flowers, due to which the flowers are unable to produce seeds in the plant. This insect affects production up to 70 percent. To prevent this, Monocrotophos 36 EC, 750 ml or Quinalphos 1.5 liters should be mixed in 900 to 1000 liters of water and sprayed per hectare.

How is linseed oil used in different ways?

Linseed is one of the important industrial oilseed crops of India. In India, linseed crop is produced for commercial purposes. It is cultivated as a fiber crop. The amount of oil in flax seeds is very high. But, its oil is not used for food but for making medicines. Apart from preparing varnishes, lubricants, paints, its oil is also used in preparing inks and ink pads for printing presses. M.P. In the Bundelkhand region of India, its oil is used for cooking, making soap and lighting lamps. Flax seeds are used as a poultice in boils and pimples. High quality fiber is obtained from flax stems. Besides, linen is also manufactured from fiber. Linseed cake is used as animal feed for milk-yielding animals. At the same time, due to the sufficient quantity of various plant nutrients in the cake cake, it is used as fertilizer.

Consuming flaxseed provides relief in many diseases.

Consuming flaxseed is very beneficial for health. Its seeds and its oil are beneficial in the prevention of many diseases. Linseed is the sixth largest oilseed crop in the world. It contains about 33 to 45 percent oil and 24 percent crude protein, making it a miraculous diet. Two essential fatty acids are found in it, alpha-linolenic acid and linolenic acid. If flaxseed is consumed regularly, many types of diseases like cancer, TB, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, constipation, joint pain etc. can be avoided. It increases the amount of good cholesterol in our body and is helpful in reducing the amount of triglyceride cholesterol. It prevents blood clots from forming in the arteries of our heart and also protects us from diseases like heart attack and stroke. It is antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, antioxidant and anti-cancer. Flaxseed contains about 28 percent fiber and it proves to be very beneficial for constipation patients.

Things to keep in mind during harvesting

Linseed crop is ready about 100 to 120 days after sowing. It should be harvested only when the linseed crop is completely dry and ripe. Threshing should be done soon after harvesting the crop. This will not cause much harm to its seeds. When linseed crop is cultivated using the above method, the production of different varieties varies. In first seed purpose irrigated condition, 12 to 15 quintals per hectare and in non-irrigated condition, 10 to 12 quintals per hectare and in two-purpose cumulated and non-irrigated condition, 20 to 23 quintals per hectare and 13 to 17 percent oil and 38 to 45 percent fiber. 

The Central Government took an important decision for the benefit of the farmers of Himachal Pradesh.

The Central Government took an important decision for the benefit of the farmers of Himachal Pradesh.

The Central Government took an important decision for the benefit of the farmers of Himachal Pradesh.

In the year 2021, the Central Government had purchased apples directly from farmers in Jammu and Kashmir under the Market Intervention Scheme. Due to this the farmers did not have to face much loss. Thus they got the right price for their crop. This is the reason why the farmers of Himachal have now demanded the Central Government to start purchasing apples. There is good news for the apple producing farmers of Himachal Pradesh. On the demand of Himachal Pradesh Government, the Central Government has constituted a committee to purchase apples through NAFED. This committee will review the demand of Himachal government. At the same time, after this a report will be submitted to the Central Government. It is being said that on the basis of the report, the Central Government can take a decision to procure apple from the farmers through NAFED like paddy and wheat. With this, farmers will be able to get a good price for apples.

Loss of apple crop in Himachal Pradesh

This year, apple crops have suffered a lot in Himachal Pradesh. Due to excessive rains, many apple orchards were hit by landslides. This has caused huge financial loss to the farmers. Also, due to untimely rains, apple fruits also rotted on the trees. Due to this also production has been greatly affected. Apart from this, many roads got destroyed due to rain in Himachal Pradesh. This is the reason why apples are not able to reach the markets from the orchards on time.

Also read: Restrictions on export of Apples below a certain cost 

A committee has been constituted by The central government

Local farmers of the state say that firstly the weather has ruined the crop. Now the right price of apples is not available in the market. Due to this they are incurring huge losses. Now in such a situation, the Central Government should also directly purchase apples from farmers on the lines of paddy and wheat. This is the reason that on the demand of farmers, Himachal government has demanded the Center to start purchasing apples through NAFED. After this the central government formed a committee.


What is the percentage share of Himachal Pradesh?

After Kashmir, maximum apple production is done in Himachal Pradesh. It ranks second in India in terms of apple production. Himachali apple is supplied not only in the country but also in the neighboring country Nepal. The main thing is that Himachal Pradesh accounts for 25 percent of the total apples produced in India.

You can also earn lakhs of rupees by doing modern carrot farming.

You can also earn lakhs of rupees by doing modern carrot farming.

Carrots are cultivated all over India, people use carrots both raw and cooked, carrots contain Vitamin A and carotene, which are very beneficial for the body. Orange carrots are high in carotene, green carrot leaves contain many nutrients like protein, minerals, vitamins, etc. which provide nutrition to animals. Chicken fodder can be made from green carrot leaves. Carrots are grown the most in Uttar Pradesh, Assam, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Punjab and Haryana.

Suitable climate for carrot cultivation.

Carrots are mostly grown in cold climates. Carrot growth slows down due to high temperatures and color changes. For this, sandy loam and loamy soil is best. Drainage of water in the soil is very important.

Also read: Agricultural scientists suggested new technology of foreign vegetable production for farmers living in hilly areas, definitely know this to earn better profits. 

Carrot Varieties

There are many varieties of carrots like Carrot No. 29, Pusa Kesar, Pusa Meghali, Selection 233, Gentney, Arliments, Emperor, Ments of Lag, Pusa Yamdagni and Gino.

Field Varieties

In preparation for the field for sowing carrots, the first plowing should be done with a soil-turning plow. After this, the field should be made friable by doing two to three plowings with a cultivator or local plow. 200 to 250 quintals of rotten cow dung should be mixed well in the land while preparing the field. By doing this, the yield of fruits is higher.

Seeds and Seed Sowing.

To cultivate carrots, seeds of improved varieties should be selected. In carrot farming, 5 to 6 kg seeds are required per hectare for sowing on ridges. Before sowing, it should be treated with 2.5 grams of Thiram per kg of seeds. Carrots are sown from August to October in Northern India. European varieties are sown in November. In hilly areas, sowing is done from March to June. It should be sown on lines or in ridges at a distance of 35 to 45 cm. The seeds should be sown at a depth of 1.5 to 2 cm, the height of the ridges should be kept at 20 to 25 cm and the distance from plant to plant should be kept at 4 to 5 cm. 

Manure and Fertilizer management in crops.

200 to 250 quintals of rotten cow dung should be given while preparing the field and 50 kg nitrogen, 40 kg phosphorus, and 45 kg potash should be given as elements per hectare. Half the quantity of nitrogen and the full quantity of phosphorus and potash should be given before sowing. The remaining half quantity of nitrogen is given to the standing crop twice. 1/4 quantity of nitrogen should be given initially at the time of growth of leaves and 1/4 quantity of nitrogen should be given at the time of growth of roots.

Also read: Detailed information about important works related to carrot cultivation

Crop Irrigation Management.

After sowing, first irrigation should be done in the drain so that moisture remains in the ridges. Later irrigation should be done at an interval of 8 to 10 days. In summer, irrigation should be done at an interval of 4 to 5 days. The field should never dry up, otherwise the yield reduces.

Weed Control.

2 to 3 weeding should be done in the entire crop, at the same time thinning should be done and a distance of 4 to 5 cm should be maintained from the plants. To control weeds, a 3.5-liter stamp should be sprayed in the field immediately after sowing, while there should be sufficient moisture in the field. 

Also read: Carrot root disease and its remedies

Carrot and digging production.

Only when the roots of a carrot become edible, it should be dug with a trowel so that the roots are not cut and the quality remains good so that it can get a good price in the market. It should be cleaned and sold in the market. The yield of roots in carrots depends on the variety, such as the Asiatic type yields 250 to 300 quintals per hectare and the European type yields 100 to 150 quintals per hectare. 

75% subsidy on opening onion storage houses in this state

75% subsidy on opening onion storage houses in this state

Onions have become very expensive in India nowadays. Now you can also take advantage of this in such a situation. However, for that you have to open an onion storage house. If you also want to earn a strong income through onion, open an onion storage house. The big thing here is that you will also get a grant up to Rs 4.5 lakh on its construction. Nowadays onion in India is extracting a lot of tears from the public. The reason for this is its price. Onion prices have again become skyrocketing. According to the supply, due to no storage of onion, its prices have been increased. However, you can also get the benefit of the rise in onion prices. You just have to open an onion storage house, on which you will also get a grant. At the same time, later onion storage and auction will also be profitable.

Bihar government took important steps

Indeed, the Bihar government has done a big exercise to develop a wider onion storage system. The state government is providing grants for onion storage. So that onion storage can be ensured in the state. At the same time, people should also benefit from this. In such a situation, if you too are from Bihar and are thinking of starting a new business, then you can take advantage of this scheme of Bihar government. Similarly, farmers can make their local storage in rural areas, on which the government is giving subsidy of up to 75 percent.

How much subsidy Bihar government is providing

According to the horticulture department of the Government of Bihar, the State Government is providing grants for the establishment of onion storage under the Vegetable Development Program (2023-2024). According to this plan of the government, a cost of Rs 6 lakh has been fixed for 50 metric tonnes of onion storage unit. On this, the government will give you a 75 percent grant. In such a situation, if you construct an onion storage house, then you will get a subsidy of up to 4 lakh 50 thousand rupees on it. This means that you will have to spend only 1 lakh 50 rupees for construction from your pocket.

You can apply in these districts of Bihar

The Bihar government is currently running this scheme in a few districts. Under this, people and farmers of districts like Aurangabad, Gaya, Nalanda, Patna, Buxar, Nawada and Sheikhpura can apply for onion storage. The process of applying is completely online, which is currently started.

Also read: Bumper discounts being given in this state to open potato onion storage house

Apply like this to take advantage of the scheme

If you also want to take advantage of this scheme and open an onion storage house, then you can apply for this by visiting the official website of the Horticulture Department. To apply, first go to the website. After this, click on 'Vegetable Development Scheme', where you will get a link related to the grant on the construction of onion storage houses. After clicking on the link, fill all your information and submit the form.

Get to know why the  15th instalment of PM KISAN SAMMAN NIDHI will take time to arrive?

Get to know why the 15th instalment of PM KISAN SAMMAN NIDHI will take time to arrive?

If you also want to get the benefit of PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana, then you should complete your documentation work today... Various schemes are run by the government to provide financial assistance to the farmers. One of these schemes is PM Kisan Samman Nidhi... Under this scheme, farmers of our country are provided with assistance of Rs. 6,000 each year... An amount of 2-2 thousand rupees is sent through this scheme.

14 Instalments of PM KISAN SAMMAN NIDHI YOJNA has been sent

So far 14 instalments have been sent under the scheme. At present, the farmers are eagerly waiting for the 15th instalment. Which can reach their accounts soon. But, if you have not yet done e-KYC or have made some mistake while filling the form, then you will not get the benefit of the scheme.

15th instalment of PM KISAN NIDHI YOJNA is getting delayed

If you are viewing your details on PM KISAN SAMMAN NIDHI PORTAL. Also, waiting for the state's approval for your upcoming instalment, it will take some time for you to get the amount of Rs 2000. Because the approval has not yet been given by the state government. The state government will verify your documents and give a request for a transfer sign to the centre. Those who have not received the money due to state approval will include those farmers who have not been able to properly document their agricultural land. Along with this, farmers who have not been able to register agriculture.

Also read: 14th instalment of PM KISAN SAMMAN NIDHI  will be given only to these farmers

Let's learn about RFT Sign

Let me tell you that when you check your payment status by visiting the website of PM KISAN SAMMAN NIDHI, most of the times RFT Signed by the State for 1st & 2nd instalment is written. This means that the state government has examined the beneficiary's data, which is fine. After this, the state government requests the central government to send money to the eligible beneficiaries  account. In such a situation, you should take special care that all the documents given by you are correct. The eKYC process must also be complete.

 Know about the top 5 productive varieties of Fenugreek

Know about the top 5 productive varieties of Fenugreek

These top 5 varieties of Fenugreek, Pusa kasoori, R.M.T 305, Rajendra Kranti, A.F.G 2 and Hisaar Sonali give productivity upto 6 quintals per acre in less duration to farmers. The price of these varieties is also very high in the market. Fenugreek is a leafy crop and almost all the farmers of India are earning heavy profit by producing this crop in their fields. Actually, Fenugreek is very beneficial for our body. Because it contains dissolved protein and many micro vitamins. That's why their demand in the market is very high. In this scenario, if you cultivate these top varieties of Fenugreek, then you also can get awesome produce in very less time. These top 5 varieties of Fenugreek Pusa kasoori, R.M.T 305, Rajendra Kranti, A.F.G 2 and Hisaar Sonali are capable of producing 6 quintals per acre. 

Top 5 varieties of Fenugreek are listed below 

The Rajendra Kranti variety of fenugreek 

Farmers can earn a produce of almost 5 quintals from Rajendra Kranti variety of Fenugreek. This variety of fenugreek ripes in  around 120 days.

Also read :complete information about farming of fenugreek

The Pusa kasoori variety of fenugreek

Flowers come very late in the Pusa kasoori variety of fenugreek. Farmers can achieve product 5-6 times after cultivating this variety only 1 time. Seeds of this variety are very small in size. Farmers can get a produce of around 2.5 to 2.8 quintals per acre from this variety.

The R.M.T 305 variety of fenugreek 

This variety of fenugreek ripes very fast. The R.M.T 305 variety of fenugreek does not get Powdery mildew disease and root node nematode disease. Farmers can earn a produce of around 5.2 to 6 quintals per acre from this variety.

Also read : microgreen farming will make a millionaire in less time. Farming can be done anywhere

The AFG 2 variety of fenugreek 

The leaves of this variety of fenugreek have very broad leaves. Farmers can seed only one time the AFG2 variety of fenugreek and can get around 3 times produce on harvesting. The seeds of this variety are small in size. Farmers can get 7.2 to 8 quintals per acre of production from this variety of fenugreek.