

Prevention of white braided insects is very important for good yield of groundnut.

Prevention of white braided insects is very important for good yield of groundnut.

Farmers expect a decent harvest from groundnut planting when they can eliminate white braid disease in groundnut crops. Whiteflies are omnivorous insects that live on the soil.These are also referred to as root braids. Let us inform you that white braided insects feed on organic substances found in soil and plant roots. Aside from groundnuts, white braided potatoes, walnuts, tobacco, and other oilseeds, pulses, and vegetable crops obtain their sustenance by attacking the roots of guava, sugarcane, coconut, and betel nuts. Whiteflies can cause a 20-80% loss in the groundnut crop.

When does the incidence of whiteflies peak?

Normally, white threads are visible all year. However, their activity becomes more obvious during the wet season. Adult males congregate in huge numbers for mating during the first monsoon rains in mid-May or June. Females found in and near the fields return to the earth in the early morning. Also, they begin to lay eggs. They then return to the soil to complete their life cycle. The earth remains inert at a depth of roughly one metre until the monsoon rains arrive.

Also  read: Prevent the pests and illnesses that most impact the groundnut crop in this manner.

Symptoms of white-braided infection in groundnut field

Because this insect lives underground, the damage it does is often overlooked. Infected plants seem yellow and wilted. In such a case, the plant ultimately dries out and may be readily removed from the ground. Plants perish with strong infestations. Also, dead plants appear in spots throughout the fields. Whiteflies also consume plant roots, destroying them. Braids cause a significant loss in groundnut productivity. Adult moths are the first to create holes in leaves at night. They then consume the whole leaf with the exception of the middle leaf's central vein.

White braided pest control in a groundnut crop.

Let us inform you that if a whitefly infestation occurs in any location, it cannot be managed by a single farmer. To do this, the farmer brothers as a society must take preventive actions. White hair management is only attainable through a community-based approach.

Also  read: Mungfali Ki Kheti: Detailed information on peanut/groundnut cultivation.

White Braided Adult Management

After the first rain, use one light trap per acre.

Cut down trees near fields in flood-prone locations. Also, trim and remove the shrubs around the field.

Spray pesticides such as Imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 1.5 ml/lit or Monocrotophos 36 SL @ 1.6 ml/litre on trees and shrubs at sunset.

Gather fallen strands near the trees and dispose of them.

White Braided Pest Management

If water is available, sow early.

Farmer brothers should utilise better-decomposed organic manure.

Farmer brothers should undertake thorough ploughing in the summer to expose the pupae to direct sunlight.

Pay extra attention to preserving tiny birds, which feed on these whitetails.

Before planting, incorporate carbofuran 3 cg @ 33.0 kg/hectare or phorate 10 cg @ 25.0 kg/hectare into the soil.

Spraying pesticides such as Thiamethoxam 25 WS @ 1.9 litres/ha or Fipronil 5 FS @ 2.0 litres/ha along the sowing lines in whitefly-infested fields. Use.

Before planting, treat seeds with Chlorpyrifos 20 EC at 6.5-12.0 ml/kg or Imidacloprid 17.8 SL at 2.0 ml/kg.

When adult whiteflies are detected in the crops, spray Chlorpyrifos 20 EC @ 4.0 litres/hectare or Quinalphos 25 EC @ 3.2% litres/hectare in the roots of the crops.

Farmers to earn large profits if they cultivate this variety of groundnuts

Farmers to earn large profits if they cultivate this variety of groundnuts

The DH 300 variety of groundnuts require much less water for cultivation. Also it requires barely 4-5 months to get completely cultivated and harvested.Groundnuts are delicious and a beneficial crop.Almost everyone in India likes peanuts. Gujarat is the leading producer of groundnuts in India. Following that are Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, West Bengal, Rajasthan, and Madhya Pradesh. If you, farmer brothers, are thinking about making a nice living by farming it. So, in this post, we will teach you about its cultivation, which will allow you to earn a solid living by producing high-quality peanuts in just four months.

The best approach to cultivate peanuts

Groundnut agriculture must be advanced and efficient, requiring both good seeds and sophisticated technology. DH 330 sowing must be done after the fields have been ploughed three to four times. Following this, after levelling the soil, organic manure, fertilisers, and nutrients should be mixed onto the field as needed. D.H. 330 is a kind of groundnut that does not require heavy watering. Peanuts should be seeded once the land has been prepared. For a higher yield, you should carefully select healthy seeds.

Also read: Preventing white braided insects is critical for a high peanut crop.

Irrigation is crucial in peanut agriculture

The DH  330 crop  version. requires less rain to develop. As a result, it is commonly referred to as a water-saving crop. If there is a risk of significant rainfall in your location, you should avoid cultivating this type entirely. Waterlogging in the groundnut crop raises the danger of rotting, as well as insect infestation.

Organic insecticides in the groundnut crop

There is a potential of over-weeding in this variety of groundnut crop. In such a case, you can increase your output by utilising organic fertilisers. Weeding should be done in the fields 25-30 days following groundnut seeding. Remove any hay generated in the field. Continue to apply pesticides two to three times each month to protect the crop from pests and illnesses.