
punjab farmers

Get quality potato seeds and the best production through seed plot technology

Get quality potato seeds and the best production through seed plot technology

If you produce vegetables, then to get quality potato seeds and good yield, adopt these best techniques which will give more profit in less time. In India, potato is considered an important crop among vegetables, because potato is mostly used in vegetables. If we talk about its cultivation, then potato is produced in 110.47 thousand hectares in the state of Punjab and its yield is 3050.04 thousand tonnes. The productivity of potatoes in Punjab is much higher than in other states of India. The seed potatoes produced here are sent to many states like Karnataka, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal and Bihar, etc.

Kapurthala and Jalandhar districts contribute 50 percent to the area under potatoes in the state of Punjab. Seed health is very important to obtain quality seeds and high production from any crop. Because seed is a significant investment, accounting for 50% of the total cost of production. Continuous use of the same seed without replacement significantly reduces seed quality. Standard seed potatoes can be successfully produced in the plains by seed plot technology. The main objective of this method is to get a healthy crop of potatoes in Punjab at a time when the amount of oil is minimal or viral diseases cannot spread.

Krishi Vigyan Kendra Kapurthala: About the method of preparing potato seeds through seed plot technique.

-For the production of seed potatoes, select an area that is free from disease-causing organisms/fungi such as blight and potato blight.

-The seeds used for sowing should be healthy and virus-free and buy these seeds only from a trusted establishment. Sort potatoes from cold store and bury diseased and rotten potatoes deep in the ground.

Also read: There will be profit from potato seed production

-Do not sow potatoes brought from the cold store immediately. 10-15 days before sowing, take out the potatoes from the cold store and dry them in a ventilated place with a blower, etc., or in the shade.

-It is very important to treat potatoes before sowing so that the crop can be protected from diseases like blight and potato blight. To treat seeds, treat potatoes with Sistiva 333 g/litre or Isisto Prime or 250 ml for 10 minutes. Ltd. Dissolve Monseron 250 SC in 100 liters of water and keep it immersed in water for 10 minutes.

-Keep the modified potatoes in thin layers in a shady and open place for 8-10 days to germinate till sowing. Using sprouted potatoes results in better and uniform crop performance. Potatoes of larger seed size are obtained and production is higher. A minimum distance of 25 meters is required for preparing base seeds, whereas a distance of 10 meters is required for certified seeds.

-Sow the crop in the first fortnight of October at a distance of 50X15 cm. For machine sowing, keep this distance at 65X15 or 75X15 cm. For sowing one acre, 12-18 quintals of potatoes weighing 40-50 grams are sufficient. 8-10 acres of crop can be sown from one acre of crop seeds.

-Never spray Metasystox within three weeks of digging potatoes. For weed control, spray Sancor 70 WP 200 grams before weeding and after first watering.

-To keep the seed crop free from weeds and diseases, inspection of the crop is very necessary. The first inspection should be done after 50 days of sowing, the second inspection at 65 days, and the third inspection at 80 days.

Also read: Bihar scientists develop new variety of potato

-The first irrigation should be light soon after sowing. During irrigation, take care that the water does not rise above the pots. In this way, the soil in the pots dries up and becomes hard and affecting the rooting and growth of the potato. Irrigation should be done at an interval of 5-7 days in light soil and at an interval of 8-10 days in heavy soil.

-It is very important to protect the potato crop from late blight disease because this disease spreads widely in a short time. It also causes considerable damage to the crop. To prevent this disease, spray Indofil M 45/Kavach/Antracol 500-700 grams per acre dissolved in 250-350 liters of water on the crop in the first week of November. Repeat this spraying 5 times at an interval of 7 days. Where the incidence of the disease is high, do the third and fourth spraying of Ridomil Gold or Curzet M-8 at the rate of 700 grams per acre at an interval of 10 days.

-Before December 25, when the weight of seed potatoes is less than 50 grams and the number of oil is 20 insects per 100 leaves, then cut the vine.

- After harvesting, leave the potatoes lying on the ground for 15-20 days, so that the potato peel becomes hard. Also, become fully mature. After digging, keep the potatoes in a heap in a shady place for 15-20 days.

-Sort the potatoes and separate them from damaged and cut potatoes. Afterward, grade the potatoes into sterile bags and seal them. Store these potatoes in cold storage till September for use next year. Where the temperature is 2-4º centigrade and humidity is 75-80%.

-Potatoes produced by this method will be free from seed diseases and virus diseases, due to which high-yielding and quality crops can be obtained.

 The air of many cities has become poisonous due to increasing cases of stubble burning.

The air of many cities has become poisonous due to increasing cases of stubble burning.

 As you know, currently the paddy harvesting season is going on. Every year the governments of Punjab and Haryana talk about imposing strictness on farmers and stopping them from burning stubble. But, in reality, farmers are continuously busy burning stubble. For this reason, due to the pollution being spread due to stubble burning, the AQI i.e. Air Quality Index of Delhi-NCR is continuously increasing towards dangerous levels. Like previous years, the threat of stubble has started increasing in the states of Punjab and Haryana this year too. Let us tell you that despite the strictness of the governments of both the states, farmers are seen burning stubble in the open fields. The smoke rising due to stubble burning is proving fatal for the breathing of the people of Punjab, Haryana, and Delhi-NCR. The monitoring done by CPCB in Delhi-NCR has reported an average AQI of 263. Because of this, people are at risk of serious diseases.

Stubble is being continuously set on fire in the states of Punjab and Haryana. As the paddy harvesting season is progressing, the cases of stubble burning are also increasing continuously. Due to the smoke and pollution generated by stubble burning, the AQI of many cities of Haryana including Delhi-NCR has reached very poor levels.

Stubble is being burnt without fear in Punjab

Even though it is being claimed that the cases of stubble burning are decreasing in the state of Punjab, the process of openly burning stubble is also continuing. In Derabassi around Chandigarh, stubble was seen burning openly on the side of the highway. Today, if you pass through any national highway in Punjab and Haryana, you will see burnt-black fields on the side of the road. Where the stubble will be seen completely reduced to ashes, farmers cleverly set fire to the stubble in their fields and then leave their fields, so that no legal action can be taken against them.

Also read: Haryana government plans to save environment from residues like stubble etc.

In Haryana, conscious farmers are managing stubble properly.

For your information, let us tell you that there are farmers who believe in managing the stubble instead of burning it. In Naggal village of Panchkula, farmers were seen using the stubble as fertilizer in the fields and directly sowing wheat seeds through a Super Seeder machine. These farmers say that the farmers who can buy expensive machines are the ones who manage the stubble. But, small and marginal farmers have no option other than burning the stubble.

What complaints do farmers have against the government?

In Mankaiya village of Panchkula, some farmers are making heaps of stubble after traditionally harvesting the paddy crop. But, they also complain that instead of employing laborers, they are managing the stubble to burn it. But, they have neither received any assistance nor been given any kind of grant from the government. They have to manage the stubble at their own expense.

Also read: Farmers became aware of the pollution caused by stubble, the percentage of cases reduced in these states

Cases have decreased significantly from before

There has been a decline in the cases of stubble burning in Punjab this year as compared to last year. So far, incidents of stubble burning have been reported at 1764 places in the state. These figures are the lowest in the last 2 years. In the same period, 4327 cases were registered so far in 2021 and 3114 cases in 2022. If we talk about Haryana state, 714 cases of stubble burning have been reported this season. However, if compared to last year, 893 cases had been reported so far last year. If the government of Haryana-Punjab states makes the farmers fully aware and provides them resources, then the challenge of stubble can be rid of. Let us tell you that the recorded AQI of some cities of Haryana is frightening. 255 air quality index was recorded in Karnal-243, Rohtak-182, Jind-155, Faridabad-322, Bahadurgarh-284, Kaithal-269, Kurukshetra-256 and Gurugram.

Good news: Punjab government increased the price of sugarcane crop to 391 rupees per quintal

Good news: Punjab government increased the price of sugarcane crop to 391 rupees per quintal

In the present, sugarcane Farmers will get more price than before. Punjab has been the maximum price giving state for sugarcane in India. The Punjab government has taken a big decision for the benefit of farmers. There is good news for sugarcane cultivators from the State government. The government has announced to increase the rates of sugarcane. In the present, 391 rupees per quintal will be given to the state's sugarcane Farmers accordingly. 

Apart from this, Punjab has now become the highest payer to sugarcane farmers in india. States like Haryana and others come after Punjab in this list. In paying highest to sugarcane, Punjab is at the first position and second position is acquired by Haryana. 386 rupees per quintal is given for sugarcane in Haryana. UP and Uttarakhand farmers are paid at the rate of 350 rupees per quintal. 

Farmers will get profit of this much rupees per quintal 

For your knowledge, let you know that state farmers have been demanding to increase the price of sugarcane for the past many days. State had been paying 380 rupees per quintal which has been increased to 391 rupees in present. At present, farmers will be getting 11 rupees extra per quintal after this decision. The Punjab government has decided this after the demands of farmers of the state. 

It will be proven as a beneficial decision to farmers 

Sugarcane farmers were demanding an increase in the price for a very long time. Government considering the demands of farmers, undertook this decision, for which farmers have also protested in past days. After this decision, the representative of farmers had a conversation with the chief minister of Punjab and the government assured them a hike in price. Along with this, demands of farmers was to increase the price upto 450 rupees per quintal. According to reports, after this decision of the Punjab government, Farmers will get more benefits. Let you know, after this decision along with the increase in wages of farmers, their financial condition will also improve a lot