

Complete information about mint cultivation which brings profit to the farmers.

Complete information about mint cultivation which brings profit to the farmers.

The botanical name of mint is Mentha, it is also called a herbal plant. Mint plants are considered very beneficial for health. Apart from vitamins A and C, nutrients like minerals are also found inside mint. There is good demand for mint during summer, hence farmers can earn good profits by cultivating it.

The leaves of mint plant are about 2-2.5 fingers long and 1.5 to 2 fingers wide. This plant has a fragrant smell and is used in many things during summer. Mint is a perennial plant

How to prepare mint field

For mint cultivation, land with good drainage is required. Before sowing mint, plow the field thoroughly and then level the land. Cow dung manure can also be used in the field while re-plowing. Along with this, nitrogen, potash and phosphorus can also be used in the field for higher yield of mint. For mint cultivation, the pH value of the land should be between 6-7.

Also read: Demand for peppermint oil in India

Suitable climate and soil for mint

Actually, it is considered better to plant mint in spring season. But it is a perennial plant and can be cultivated in all seasons except the winter season. Hot climate is considered better for its production. More fertile soil is required for mint cultivation. Mint can be cultivated even in waterlogged areas; moisture is required for its cultivation.

Improved varieties of mint

Some varieties of mint are as follows, Kosi, Kushal, Saksham, Gaumati (HY 77), Shivalik, Himalaya, Sankar 77, MAS-1, all these are improved varieties of mint. Farmers can earn good profits by producing these varieties.

What is the method of mint cultivation?

Mint cultivation is done like paddy cultivation. In this, first mint is sown properly in a bed of the field. When its roots emerge, mint is planted in the previously prepared field. Farmers should choose appropriate varieties for mint cultivation, so that the farmer can earn more profits.

Also read: Farmers can earn lakhs by growing these crops in winters

Irrigation management for mint

Irrigation is done about 8-9 times in mint fields. Irrigation of mint mostly depends on the type of soil and climate. If there is good rain after monsoon, then irrigation work is reduced. After the departure of monsoon, the mint crop is watered about three times more. Along with this, mint crop does not require much irrigation in winter, farmers provide water as per requirement.

Weed control and management

To protect the mint crop from weeds, farmers should do weeding from time to time. Along with this, pesticides can also be used by farmers. To control weeds, the farmer should not produce only one crop, he should adopt crop rotation. By adopting crop rotation, problems like weeds in the field are reduced and crop production is also higher.

Also read: Microgreen farming will make you rich fast and can be done anywhere

Harvesting mint crops

The mint crop becomes ripe in about 100-120 days. The mint crop is harvested by farmers by hand. When the lower leaves of mint start turning yellow, its harvesting is started. After harvesting, mint leaves are used for many purposes. Mint can also be stored for a long time. Besides, its green leaves are also used for cooking.

Mint is commonly used in many things, like making chutney, adding it to buttermilk and many more. Mint is harvested twice, first after 100 -120 days and second after 80 days. Besides, mint is full of many medicinal properties. Mint is mostly produced in the states of Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh. Also, mint increases the immunity inside the body.

Detailed information about beneficial garlic crop for health

Detailed information about beneficial garlic crop for health

Garlic is cultivated on a large scale in most states of India. It is cultivated by farmers between October and November. In the cultivation of garlic, the buds are sown under the ground by farmers and covered with soil. Before sowing, see that the tubers are not spoiled, if the tuber is spoiled, the entire garlic crop can be spoiled.

While sowing garlic, the distance between the buds should be the same. Garlic cultivation requires very low temperatures. Its crop is neither required to have much cold nor too much heat. Garlic contains an element called Elsin, causing smell of garlic.

Climate suitable for garlic cultivation

We need a normal temperature for garlic cultivation. The ripening of garlic tubers depends on its temperature. Garlic crops can also be spoiled due to excessive cold and heat.

How to prepare garlic field

After ploughing the garlic field well, use cow dung in the field, and mix it well in the soil. Plough the field again so that cow dung manure can be mixed well in the field. After this, you can do irrigation work in the field. If any diseases like weeds are seen in the field, then we can also use chemical fertiliser for that.

Also read: Earn millions in 6 months by producing garlic biologically

What are the benefits of eating garlic:

  • Help in increasing immunity

Eating garlic increases immunity, it contains elements called Elsin. Which helps in increasing the immunity inside the body. Garlic contains zinc, phosphorus and magnesium which is very beneficial for our body.

  • Helps to reduce cholesterol

Garlic is helpful in reducing cholesterol, increasing cholesterol is harmful to our health. They are helpful in removing useless cholesterol. Garlic is helpful in reducing heart -related problems by thinning the blood.

  • Prevention of diseases like cancer

Garlic is also helpful in prevention of cancer disease. There are many elements found inside garlic that prevent the growing cells of cancer from spreading. Garlic is considered beneficial for people suffering from cancer.

Also read: Protect from garlic pest diseases

  • Aid in digestion process

Eating garlic is considered accessible to digestion. By taking garlic in the diet, it reduces inflammation on the intestines. Eating garlic ends insects in the stomach. Also, it benefits the intestines. Eating garlic destroys the useless bacteria inside the body.

What are the harm caused by eating garlic

Eating garlic has many benefits, but sometimes it is harmful to use more garlic. Know the disadvantages caused by excessive use of garlic:

  • Harmful for people with low blood pressure

Eating garlic is considered better for people with high blood pressure, but this can have side effects on people with low blood pressure. Garlic effect is hot, due to which it is not beneficial for people with low blood pressure. Its food can cause nausea and burning sensation on the chest etc.

  • Problems like gas and acidity can occur

Eating garlic can cause many problems related to digestion, eating more garlic can also cause diseases like diarrhoea. People with weak digestive bears do not get much garlic digestion well, due to which diseases like stomach gas, pain and acidity are also produced.

Also read: Garlic yield can be obtained in how long

  • Promotes problems like bloodshed and allergies

Those who consume garlic daily may have problems like blood pressure. Garlic should not be used by people suffering from allergies. If a person already has allergies, then he can use garlic by consulting health consultation.

Garlic is mostly consumed during the winter season, because garlic is hot. In winter, roasted garlic is eaten by most people, because it is helpful in reducing weight and keeping the heart healthy. But using garlic more than necessary can also cause many damage to the body. Consuming garlic on an empty stomach can also cause problems like acidity.

Garlic has some disruptions that dilute blood, which are good for heart related problems. If garlic is used more, it may face challenges like bleeding. The best way to eat garlic is that you consume garlic with a glass of warm water on an empty stomach in the morning. It controls health related problems. Also, it is considered extremely useful for skin diseases.

What is the reason for the rise in garlic prices?

What is the reason for the rise in garlic prices?

There has been a sudden jump in the prices of garlic. In the Bhubaneswar market, the price had reached Rs 400 per kg. This is happening due to the destruction of garlic crops. Prices are likely to decrease this month.

The common people are having to bear the brunt of inflation. Inflation has increased in all the things and if we talk about food items, it has also increased a lot. Garlic is essential to enhance the taste of vegetables prepared at home. But, if seen at present, the prices of garlic are also touching the sky. The price of garlic has reached up to ₹400 per kg. 

After all, why are the prices of garlic increasing?

If we talk about the last few weeks, the prices of garlic have increased rapidly. In the Bhubaneswar market, the price had reached Rs 400 per kg. Actually, this is the important reason behind the increase in the price of garlic. That is the failure of the garlic crop. Garlic crops have been ruined due to inclement weather in various states. Due to this, a huge jump in prices has been seen. Due to crop failure, it will take time to plant the second crop. Due to this, there is a delay in the arrival of new garlic produce, due to which the prices are increasing. 

Also read: Due to this, there was a huge rise in the prices of garlic

When will prices go down in Madhya Pradesh?

Garlic is cultivated the most in Madhya Pradesh. But, due to adverse weather conditions, the crop has been greatly affected, due to which there is a lot of delay in the arrival of the new crop. As soon as a new crop of garlic arrives in the market. Garlic prices will fall. According to market traders, after the arrival of Kharif garlic, the price will become very low. This means that garlic prices are likely to decrease in February.

 Learn about the three best techniques for mushroom production

Learn about the three best techniques for mushroom production

Farmers, if you also want to earn a good income from mushroom production, then these three excellent mushroom-growing techniques can be very helpful for you. The technologies we are talking about are shelf, polythene bag, and tray technology. We will discuss these techniques further in this article. 

Mushroom is a cash crop for the farmers of India, which provides them with good profits at a low cost. These days, the demand for mushrooms is highest in the domestic and foreign markets, due to a significant increase in their prices in the market. In such a situation, if farmers cultivate mushrooms in their fields, they can earn huge profits. In this series, today we have brought information about the three best techniques of mushrooms for farmers, with the help of which the yield of mushrooms will be much higher.

Following are the three best techniques for mushroom production:

Mushroom Growing Shelf Technology

In this wonderful technique of growing mushrooms, the farmer has to make a shelf from one to one-and-a-half-inch thick planks of strong wood, which are attached to iron angle frames. Keep in mind that the wooden ply that is being used for mushroom production must be of good wooden quality. The width of the shelf should be approximately 3 feet and the distance between the shelves should be one and a half feet. In this way, mushroom farmers can produce mushroom shelves up to five floors above each other. 

Also read: Blue mushroom cultivation started in the state, tribals are getting bumper profits

Polythene bags for growing mushrooms

The polythene bag technique of growing mushrooms is most adopted by farmers. In this technique, farmers do not need to do much hard work. This technique can be done easily in one room. In polythene bag technology, polythene envelopes of 200 gauge measuring 25 inches in length and 23 inches in width, with a height of 14 to 15 inches and a diameter of 15 to 16 inches are used for mushroom production. So that the mushroom can grow much better. 

Mushroom growing Tray Technology

This technique of growing mushrooms is very easy. With the help of technology, farmers can easily transport mushrooms from one place to another because this mushroom production is done through a tray. The size of a tray for growing mushrooms is 1/2 square meters and up to 6 inches deep. So that 28 to 32 kg of fertilizer can easily come in it.

Huge Decline in the prices of oilseed mustard crops in India

Huge Decline in the prices of oilseed mustard crops in India

For your information, mustard seed prices have been the most affected among the crops in the same category. Prices rose significantly at the end of last year. However, prices have fallen dramatically. What is the current mustard price in India's granary markets?However the prices of other oilseeds crop are also declining but currently most of them are stagnant.

There is a crop shortage that has been recorded in some cases, particularly for mustard seeds, and prices have been affected the most since the end of last year. There was a time when the prices were near 9000 Rs per quintal but now those same prices are even under the minimum support price. Therefore this has led to an alarming situation among the farmers.

Prices of mustard in markets nation-wide

The central government established an MSP of 5650 rupees per quintal , but farmers in Indian markets are currently not receiving the MSP price for mustard crops.They currently cost 5500 rupees per quintal. 

According to the Union Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare's Agmarknet portal, on Saturday (January 6), except for one or two mandis in India, prices remained below the MSP. On Saturday, the best mustard price was achieved at Karnataka's Shimoga Mandi. Where mustard was  sold at Rs 8800 per quintal.

Also read :Spray insecticide to prevent aphid pest in mustard crop.

Similarly in Amreli Mandi of Gujarat Mustard is sold at 6075 rupees per quintal . If we keep these exception aside then in all other mandis it is sold at less than 5500 rupees per quintal which is even lower than the MSP. Alarmingly at some places prices are even 4500Rs/quintal. Experts believe that the drop in prices is due to a decrease in demand. If demand does not rise, prices will fall even further, which is extremely bad news for farmers.

Here you can see the list of other crops.

To inform you for any crop its prices depend upon its quality. In such a case traders decide the prices according to the crop quality. Higher the quality of the crop, higher its prices. If you are also keen to check crop prices in your state markets then you can search for the whole list on the official website of .

 Instructions to complete preparations to buy mustard crop on MSP

Instructions to complete preparations to buy mustard crop on MSP

This time the central government will purchase mustard on MSP. The government has made complete preparations for this. Union Agriculture Minister Arjun Munda has given this information on Wednesday. This time there has been a great yield of mustard in India, on which Union Agriculture Minister Arjun Munda has thanked the farmers.

The Agriculture Minister says that this year the farmers have produced a large amount of mustard. For this, all the farmers deserve congratulations. Munda said that he has asked the concerned departments to buy mustard at the minimum support price (MSP). So that farmers do not face any difficulty in selling produce and they can get proper amount of produce.

Mustard will be purchased at MSP

In a briefing to the media, Munda further told that the government has prepared to purchase mustard under the Price Support Scheme (PSS) during the marketing season of Rabi crops. He said, "The interest of farmers for the government is paramount. If the price of mustard goes below the minimum support price (MSP), the government will buy mustard from the farmers on MSP. He said that necessary arrangements have also been made for this."

Instructed to complete all the preparations for the purchase

He said that central nodal agencies have already been instructed to be prepared for the purchase of mustard under PSS for the Rabi marketing season (RMS), so that farmers do not face any difficulty. He said, "Purchase approval under PSS from the states of Gujarat, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Assam during Rabi marketing season-2023 was 28.24 LMT mustard."

Also read: Farmers will be happy due to increasing mustard area

Farmers will not have to face more problems

All mustard producing states have also been informed for RMS-2024, that if the current market price of mustard in the state is less than the notified MSP, then send a proposal for purchase of mustard under PSS in time. He said that the mustard MSP for RMS-2024 is Rs 5,650 per quintal. He said that it is the effort of the government that farmers can get the right price for their produce and do not have any problem in selling their products.

 Central government took steps for onion producing farmers and customers

Central government took steps for onion producing farmers and customers

Due to rising onion prices, the central government has taken another major decision. The government will continue the purchase of onions in all the mandis across India. The government will continue to interfere till the price falls.

The central government has so far taken various important steps to decrease the rising onion prices, the effect of which has also started appearing. After the intervention of the government, onion prices have fallen to Rs 60 per kg. In the middle of this, the central government has taken a big decision, which will give relief to onion farmers as well as customers.

Central government will continue to procure onion continuously

Actually, the government has decided to continue the purchase of onions. Consumer Affairs Secretary Rohit Kumar Singh has said that the government has decided to continue the purchase of onions. This purchase will be held in all the mandis across India. He has said that until the onion prices are reduced, the government will purchase onion.

Onion exports were banned last week

For your information, the government has banned onion exports till 31 March last week. The government has taken this step with the aim of keeping onion domestic prices under control and increasing availability. However, onion producing farmers are not happy with this decision and are opposing it in different parts of India. In Nashik district of Maharashtra, onion producing farmers are demanding to withdraw this decision. In the midst of this protest of farmers, the government has decided to continue the purchase of onions.

Export ban will not affect farmers

The Secretary of Consumer Affairs says that the government is expecting that by January onion prices will reach the current average price by Rs 57.02 per kg to reach below Rs 40 per kg. He said that the export ban will not have any effect on farmers. Also, it is a small group of traders who are taking advantage of the middle gaps in Indian and Bangladesh markets.

 Farmers cultivating this variety of groundnut will earn excellent income.

Farmers cultivating this variety of groundnut will earn excellent income.

Groundnut variety D.H. 330 can be cultivated even in areas with low water availability. Groundnut is grown in states like Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, and Karnataka. Due to drought in these states, farmers face a lot of challenges in peanut production. Due to less rainfall here, the yield of groundnut is less. Besides, the income of the farmer brothers is also less. In such a situation, today we have the peanut variety D.H. We are going to give information about 330, which requires less water for its cultivation.

When is groundnut sown?

For your information, let us tell you that peanuts are sown in July. It starts germinating 30 to 40 days after sowing. After flowering, pods start appearing in it. If there is a possibility of low rainfall and drought in your area, its productivity will not decline. For this, 180 to 200 mm of rainfall is sufficient.

Soil preparation for groundnut cultivation

To prepare the soil, irrigate it once after plowing the field. After sowing, when the plants start producing pods, cover the soil around the roots of the plants. Due to this, pods are produced well. Soil preparation is very important for better crop productivity.

 Also read: Prevent the pests and diseases that most affect the groundnut crop in this way

How to get good production of peanuts?

Farmers can spray organic fertilizers at the time of sowing the crop to increase the production of groundnut. Apart from this, mix Indole Acetic in 100 liters of water and keep spraying it on the crop from time to time.

Also read: Prevention of white braided pest is very important for good yield of groundnut.

Protection of groundnut crops from diseases

There is a high possibility of collar rot disease, tick disease, and termite attack in groundnut crops. For this, fungicides like Carbendazim, Mancozeb, and a 2.5 kg quantity of Manganese Carbamate should be mixed in 1000 liters of water and sprayed about 4 to 5 times at intervals of 15 days. Farmer brothers were given this variety of groundnut by D.H. For best production from the sowing of 330 and information related to any disease, take advice from agricultural experts and scientists.

Farmers to earn large profits if they cultivate this variety of groundnuts

Farmers to earn large profits if they cultivate this variety of groundnuts

The DH 300 variety of groundnuts require much less water for cultivation. Also it requires barely 4-5 months to get completely cultivated and harvested.Groundnuts are delicious and a beneficial crop.Almost everyone in India likes peanuts. Gujarat is the leading producer of groundnuts in India. Following that are Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, West Bengal, Rajasthan, and Madhya Pradesh. If you, farmer brothers, are thinking about making a nice living by farming it. So, in this post, we will teach you about its cultivation, which will allow you to earn a solid living by producing high-quality peanuts in just four months.

The best approach to cultivate peanuts

Groundnut agriculture must be advanced and efficient, requiring both good seeds and sophisticated technology. DH 330 sowing must be done after the fields have been ploughed three to four times. Following this, after levelling the soil, organic manure, fertilisers, and nutrients should be mixed onto the field as needed. D.H. 330 is a kind of groundnut that does not require heavy watering. Peanuts should be seeded once the land has been prepared. For a higher yield, you should carefully select healthy seeds.

Also read: Preventing white braided insects is critical for a high peanut crop.

Irrigation is crucial in peanut agriculture

The DH  330 crop  version. requires less rain to develop. As a result, it is commonly referred to as a water-saving crop. If there is a risk of significant rainfall in your location, you should avoid cultivating this type entirely. Waterlogging in the groundnut crop raises the danger of rotting, as well as insect infestation.

Organic insecticides in the groundnut crop

There is a potential of over-weeding in this variety of groundnut crop. In such a case, you can increase your output by utilising organic fertilisers. Weeding should be done in the fields 25-30 days following groundnut seeding. Remove any hay generated in the field. Continue to apply pesticides two to three times each month to protect the crop from pests and illnesses.

Basmati producing farmers are facing losses due to this step of the government.

Basmati producing farmers are facing losses due to this step of the government.

India is the largest exporter of Basmati rice in the world. It exports about 80 percent of its produce. India has exported approximately 4.6 million tonnes of Basmati rice in the year 2022-23. The arrival of Basmati rice has started in the markets of Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and Punjab. But, this time farmers are getting lower price of Basmati rice as compared to last year. Farmers say that they are incurring huge losses in the sale of Basmati rice this year. If farmers are to be believed, this time they are getting Rs 400 to Rs 500 less per quintal. Also, farmers allege that due to the central government setting the minimum export price of Basmati rice at Rupees 1,200 per tonne, they are suffering huge losses.

India is the largest basmati exporter in the world

India is the world's largest exporter of Basmati rice. It exports 80 percent of its production of basmati rice. In such a situation, its price keeps rising and falling due to exports. If the minimum export price of Basmati rice exceeds $ 850 per tonne, then in such a situation traders will suffer huge losses. Farmers will also have to suffer huge losses due to this. Because traders will buy Basmati rice from farmers at lower prices. Meanwhile, there is news that the prices of new crop 1509 variety of Basmati rice have fallen significantly. Last week, a decrease of Rs 400 per quintal was recorded in its price.

Also read: 20% fees on export of non-basmati crops

Farmers are facing losses

Farmers Welfare Club President Vijay Kapoor has said that millers and exporters are not giving the right price to the farmers. He is putting a lot of pressure on the farmers to buy Basmati at a lower price. According to him, if the government withdraws the minimum export price after October 15, then farmers will get very good profits. He has said that traders of Punjab are purchasing 1509 Basmati rice from Haryana at lower prices. Due to this, farmers are facing huge losses.

Farmers will suffer a loss of Rs 1,000 crore

Basmati rice is cultivated in a total area of ​​1.7 million hectares in Haryana. Of this, about 40 percent share is of 1509 variety. According to Vijay Setia, former president of All India Rice Exporters Association, if Basmati prices continue to rise like this, farmers will suffer a total loss of Rs 1,000 crore.

Varieties of number one class rice , the name of India is also

Varieties of number one class rice , the name of India is also

As we all know, Basmati rice is considered the world's number one rice. At the same time, after this, rice grown in Japan including Italy, Portugal, and then US comes . People consume rice with pulses, curry and sometimes as biryani. Rice is consumed almost in every household in India. Also, it is used in homes around the world.

According to reports, basmati rice is considered the best rice in the world. This long grain rice is grown in India and Pakistan. The taste of basmati rice is very different. While cooking it does not stick with each other and remains separate. Basmati rice is used in casserole, biryani and salad.

Arborio rice grown in Italy

Now after this, Arborio rice produced in Italy comes. The medium -long rash produced in Italy is rice. Also, Arborio rice is known for its soft, sticky texture. Thick and creamy rice is formed when rice is cooked. Arborio rice is used on normal toast to make risotto. In Portugal, long rash rice is called Carolino. Carolino rice is known for its soft and creamy texture. It cooks thick and creamy rice. Portuguese foods, such as pork biffons and fried rice, often use carolino rice.

Also read: New variety of rice prepared, once sowing can be taken for 8 years

Japan's rice is also included in this

Arizona Royal Rice is a long rash rice grown in the US. Arizona Royal Rice is famous for its soft, creamy texture. Thick and creamy rice is made when it is cooked. Rice grown in Japan is a round, small rash rice called Japanese Sushi rice. Its soft and sticky texture is known as Japanese Sushi rice. It becomes thick and creamy when cooked. Japanese Sushi rice is used to make sushi. 

What is the taste and production of Doon Basmati variety rice?

What is the taste and production of Doon Basmati variety rice?

Let us tell you that due to rapid urbanization, Doon Basmati rice is becoming extinct. According to reports, its cultivation has decreased significantly in the last few years. Doon Basmati, a rice variety known for its rich aroma and distinct taste is disappearing rapidly. According to the recent report of Uttarakhand Biodiversity Board, the area under cultivation of Doon Basmati rice has decreased by 62% percent in the last five years.

According to the report, Doon Basmati rice was being produced in an area of ​​410 hectares in 2018, whereas in 2022 this figure has reduced to just 157 hectares. Not only this, due to the shrinking area of ​​farming, farmers have also started withdrawing their hands. In 2018, 680 farmers were producing Doon Basmati rice. In five years, 163 farmers have stopped cultivating Basmati rice.

What is the aroma and taste of Doon Basmati rice?

Due to its specific agro-climatic conditions, this rice has endemic importance for the Doon Valley. Furthermore, this species of rice grows only in running water. This is a “very delicate” variety of rice. It is a completely organically produced grain, its aroma and taste is lost if chemical fertilizers or pesticides are used.

 Also read: New variety of rice prepared, once sown, crop can be harvested for 8 years

Doon Basmati, apart from being a rare variety of rice, is an important part of the rich heritage of Dehradun. Doon Basmati was developed by rice growers in the Doon Valley. Doon Basmati rice was once grown over a large area, which has now developed into a vast urban area. Now the cultivation of Doon Basmati rice is limited to only a few areas that can be counted on fingers. 

This variety is becoming extinct very rapidly

Specific varieties of rice are becoming extinct rapidly due to many reasons such as decreasing agricultural land due to rapid urbanization. Reasons like lack of marketing facilities and lack of subsidy have brought Doon Basmati rice to the verge of extinction. Various other varieties of Basmati rice are being sold in the name of Doon Basmati. There is a need for the government to take important steps for the conservation and promotion of Doon Basmati.