

The government of India has released 10 new varieties of sugarcane after consultation with the Central Seed Committee.

The government of India has released 10 new varieties of sugarcane after consultation with the Central Seed Committee.

10 improved varieties have been made available in the market for sugarcane farmers. Let us tell you that these improved varieties of sugarcane can be cultivated easily by the farmers of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Gujarat, Maharashtra, UP, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh and Punjab. Let us today provide you with detailed information regarding these 10 improved varieties of sugarcane in this article.

Sugarcane is a cash crop in India. Farmers also cultivate sugarcane for commercial purposes. Let us tell you that farmers also prepare products like sugar, jaggery, liquor, and ethanol from it. Besides, sugarcane crop also provides good income to the farmers of states like Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Punjab, Uttarakhand, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Maharashtra and Gujarat. Farmers sow sugarcane from the end of October to November and sowing of spring sugarcane is done from February to March. Apart from this, from a scientific point of view, sugarcane crops have been considered a safe crop. The reason for this is that climate change does not have any significant effect on the sugarcane crop.

The government of India released 10 new improved varieties of sugarcane

For your information, let us tell you that keeping all these things in mind, the Government of India has released 10 new varieties of sugarcane after consultation with the Central Seed Committee. The main objective of releasing these varieties is to promote improved varieties of sugarcane for sugarcane cultivation. With this, sugarcane farmers can earn bumper income with higher production.

Know about 10 improved varieties of sugarcane

All these improved varieties of sugarcane are open-pollinated i.e. indigenous varieties. The availability or production of seeds of these varieties is done through them. For this, the best plants are selected and these seeds are produced. Apart from this, one advantage of the seeds of these varieties is that the taste of all these varieties is much better than their hybrid varieties. Let us now know about these 10 improved varieties of sugarcane.

Also read: Complete information about modern sugarcane cultivation

Sugarcane-15 (COLK 16466)

Excellent production will be achieved from the variety Ikshu-15 (COLK 16466). This variety has been approved for the states of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, and Assam.

Rajendra Sugarcane-5 (COP 11438)

This variety of sugarcane has been approved for Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, and Assam.

Sugarcane Company 18009

This variety has been approved only for the state of Tamil Nadu.

COA 17321

This improved variety of sugarcane has been approved for the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Also read: Very good news has come from the government for sugarcane farmers in Uttar Pradesh.

CO 11015 (Incredible)

This variety gives more production than other varieties. Because more buds emerge in it. This improved variety of sugarcane is suitable for the climate of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Gujarat, Maharashtra, and Madhya Pradesh.

CO 14005 (Arunima)

The improved sugarcane variety Co 14005 (Arunima) can be easily cultivated in Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh.

Phule Sugarcane 13007 (MS 14082)

The improved sugarcane variety Phule Sugarcane 13007 (MS 14082) can be easily cultivated in Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra, Gujarat and Karnataka.

Sugarcane-10 (COLK 14201)

Ikshu-10 (CoLK 14201) variety of sugarcane has been developed by ICAR. Let us tell you that the variety also has the ability to resist red rot disease. This variety suits the climate of Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh (Western and Central), Uttarakhand (North West region), Punjab, and Haryana.

Sugarcane-14 (COLK 15206) (LG 07584)

Ikshu-14 (CoLK 15206) (LG 07584) variety of sugarcane can be cultivated by farmers of Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh (Western and Central) and Uttarakhand (North Western region).

CO 16030 (Karan 16)

Sugarcane variety Co-16030, also known as Karan-16. This variety has been developed by the scientists of Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Karnal. This variety is a great combination of high production and red rot disease resistance. This variety can be produced easily in Uttarakhand, Central and Western Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Punjab, and Rajasthan.

Essential works to be done in horticulture crops in the month of March

Essential works to be done in horticulture crops in the month of March

 Special attention should be paid to seed vegetables by farmers. Farmers should keep monitoring of chepa in vegetables. If the crop is affected by chepa, then to control it, mix 25 ml of imedacloprid per liter of water and spray it when the sky is clear. Do not harvest ripe fruits immediately after spraying. Pluck ripe fruits at least 1 week later.

1. Sowing of pumpkin vegetables is also done in this month. Pumpkin vegetables like cucumber, bottle gourd, bitter gourd, zucchini, chappan pumpkin, petha, watermelon and muskmelon. All these vegetables also have different varieties.

Cucumber - Japanese Long Green, Pusa Uday, Poinsett and Pusa Combination.

Gourd - Pusa Sandesh, Pusa Hybrid, Pusa Naveen, Pusa Samriddhi, Pusa Santushti and PSPL.

Bitter gourd - Pusa two seasonal, Pusa special Pusa hybrid.

Smooth zucchini - Pusa Sneha, Pusa Supriya.

Chappan Pumpkin - Australian Green, Patty Penn, Pusa Alankar.

Muskmelon - Green honey, Punjab golden, Durgapura honey, Lucknow Safeda and Punjab hybrid.

Also read: Why is the month of March, the treasure of vegetables: Full details ( Vegetables to Sow in the Month of March in Hindi)

2. Sowing of ladyfinger and cowpea is also done at this time. Varieties like A-4 and Parbhani Kranti can be adopted for early sowing of bhindi. Improved varieties of cowpea like Pusa Komal, Pusa Sukomal and Pusa Faguni can be sown. For seed treatment of both crops, treat 1 kg of seed with 2 grams of thiram or captan.

3. At this time, lightly irrigate the onion crop. Do not use any manure and fertilizer at this stage of onion crop. Fertilizer will only increase the vegetative part of the onion and not the onion, its lump growth is less. Constant monitoring of thrips invasion. In case of thrips insect, spray 2 grams of Carbaryl in 4 liters of water mixed with 1 gram quantity of any adhesive substance like Tipol. But while spraying, keep in mind that the weather should be clear.

4. This month is good for sowing radish in the summer season. The temperature is also favorable for direct sowing of radish. The germination of seeds is good in this season. Seeds for sowing radish should be obtained from a certified source.

5. Garlic crop may also be attacked by bloch disease or pests at this time. To avoid this, mix 2 grams of mancozeb with 1 gram of Tipol etc.

Also read: Detailed information about garlic crop beneficial for health

6. To control the pod borer pest in brinjal crop in this season, the farmer should collect and burn the plants affected by this pest. If the outbreak of this pest is high, then mix 1 ml spinosad in 4 liters of water and spray it. This remedy can be done to control pod borer pests in tomato cultivation.


Do not use any kind of pesticide in mango cultivation in this month. But in case of excessive outbreak of mango maggot, 0.5% monocrotophos solution can be sprayed. In general, 0.5% Dinocap solution can be sprayed in case of outbreak of Kharra disease.

 Irrigate if there is a lack of moisture in fruits like grapes, peaches and plums. Also, transplant the prepared seedlings of marigold keeping in mind the weather. Before transplanting marigold, add the appropriate amount of manure to the field. Transplant marigold only when there is proper moisture in the field. Do not allow weeds to grow in the field. From time to time, the field should be sprayed, hoeed.

Agriculture-related essential work in April.

Agriculture-related essential work in April.

Most of the work in April is related to harvesting of crops. In this month, farmers harvest Rabi crops and sow other crops. Some of the important work related to agriculture in this month is as follows.

Harvesting of Rabi Crops.

The harvesting of crops like wheat, peas, gram, barley lentils, etc. is done in this month only. It is very important to harvest these crops at the right time. If the crop is not harvested at the right time, the productivity and quality of the crop will be adversely affected. If harvested late, the pods and ears start breaking and falling. Apart from this, this crop can also be damaged by birds and rats.

The farmer can do the harvesting of the crop himself, or he can also get it harvested by machines. Some farmers harvest the crop with a sickle because there is very little loss of straw and grains in it. Harvesting the crop by combine is easier and takes much less time than sickle harvesting, and also saves money. 

To harvest with a combine, it is necessary to have 20% moisture in the crop. If the crop is being harvested with sickle etc. then dry the crop thoroughly and then start harvesting. Do not keep the crop stored in the field for a long time. Get the crop removed immediately using thresher etc.

Sowing of crops for green manure

In April, farmers sow green manure crops to increase the fertility of the land. Dhencha is also included in green manure crops. The sowing of Dhencha should be done by the end of April. Dhencha cultivation maintains the presence of nutrients in the soil. 

Also read: Green manure will give life to the soil and the farmer

Harvesting of gram and mustard

Mustard, potatoes, and gram are harvested in April. After harvesting all these crops, the farmer can also grow vegetables like ridge gourd, cucumber, tinda, bitter gourd, and cucumber. Keep in mind that while sowing, keep the distance from plant to plant between 50 cm to 100 cm. If all these vegetables have been sown, then take special care of irrigation. For higher crop production, spray Hydrozide and Tri Iodo Benzoic Acid mixed in water.

Sowing of Radish and Ginger

After harvesting Rabi crops, radish and ginger are sown in this month. RRW and Pusa Chetki varieties of radish can be grown in this month. Before sowing ginger, do seed treatment. For seed treatment use a drug called Bavistin. 

Also read: Cultivating ginger in this way will yield huge profits

Pests in Tomato crop

The sowing of tomatoes is done before April. To protect the tomato crop from fruit borer diseases in April, spray the Malathion chemical drug by mixing it in 1 ml of water. But before spraying, pluck ripe fruits. After spraying, do not harvest the fruits for 3-4 days.

Ladyfinger crop

Ladyfinger plants start bearing fruits from summer itself. Soft and unripe fruits are plucked for use. The fruits of Ladyfinger should be plucked at an interval of 3-4 days. If the fruits are harvested late, the fruits become bitter hard, and fibrous.

 Many times the leaves of the lady's finger plant start turning yellow, and the size of the fruits also becomes smaller. This disease in okra crops is caused by a yellow mosaic virus. To save the crop from this disease, the diseased plants can be uprooted and thrown away or the crop can be saved from destruction by using chemical pesticides.

Digging Onions and Garlic

Digging of onion and garlic is started in April. Irrigation work should be stopped 15-20 days before digging of onion and garlic. Dig the plant only when it dries thoroughly. The farmer can identify whether the plant is dry or not by breaking the tip of the plant. 

Also read: Farmers are worried in Bhopal, they are not getting fair prices for onion and garlic.

Caring of Capsicum

Capsicum crop should be irrigated at an interval of 8-10 days. To reduce weeds in the crop, weeding, and hoeing should also be done. To protect capsicum cultivation from insect attack, spray Roger 30 EC mixed with water. In case of severe pest infestation, spraying can be done again at an interval of 10-15 days.

Brinjal crop 

Constant monitoring should be done in the brinjal crop, there are more chances of stem and fruit borer insects in the brinjal crop. That is why pesticides should be used to protect the crop from pests.

Jackfruit crop 

Jackfruit cultivation can get spoiled due to diseases like rot. To prevent this, spray zinc carbamate solution.

 Citizens will not face the shock of inflation during the festive season – Food Secretary Sanjeev Chopra

Citizens will not face the shock of inflation during the festive season – Food Secretary Sanjeev Chopra

For your information let us tell you that Food Secretary Sanjeev Chopra says that the Central Government is making every effort to control inflation. Strict action is being taken against those who hoard food items. Central and state government teams are conducting raids at various places. In fact, before the beginning of the festive season, the Central Government has made all preparations to prevent inflation. Now in such a situation, the general public does not need to worry about inflation. Food items will be available at reasonable prices on Ganesh Chaturthi, Durga Puja, and Diwali. The central government has said that it has sufficient reserves of sugar. Now the public will have no shortage of sugar during the festive season. The supply of sugar in the market will continue as per the demand so that the prices remain controlled. He said that currently there is a stock of 85 lakh tonnes of sugar in the government stores. In such a situation, the general public does not need to worry about inflation.

There will be no impact on sugarcane yield

Sanjeev Chopra says that wheat prices are increasing artificially. But, soon this too will be controlled. He said that there is a rumor that due to less-than-average rainfall this year, sugarcane production may decline. But, this is not true at all. According to him, there will be no decline in sugarcane production. 

Also read: Detailed information related to sugarcane cultivation

Prices of rice increased by 10%

He said that due to rumors, the price of rice has increased by 10%. But, there will be an excellent yield of paddy in the crop season 2023-24. Now in such a situation, prices will fall due to the arrival of new rice in the market. He has said that the storage limit on wheat has been reduced. Farmers also felt extremely happy when the price of rice increased. Because paddy is a Kharif crop. The right time has come for harvesting this Kharif crop. The time of harvesting of Kharif crop rice is going on. Now in such a situation, if the price of rice increases then farmers will get a lot of benefits.

How much paddy is produced in India

India is the second country in terms of paddy production. India exports rice to foreign countries. India ensures the food supply of rice to the world. Many countries depend on India. If rice production in India decreases, it affects the food security of the entire world. India is well known for the production of different varieties of rice. Nepal remains largely dependent on rice from India.

Sugar inflation broke 12 years record in international market

Sugar inflation broke 12 years record in international market

Not only the people of India are disturbed by inflation, but there is an outcry in the whole world with inflation. The problem of inflation is that sugar in the international market has reached a 12 -year highest level. It has become 48 percent expensive in a year.

Due to the rising price of sugar, the budget of the kitchens of people all over the world has been shaken. The price of sugar has reached a 12 -year high due to huge gaps in supply and demand. On September 19, the price of sugar rose to $ 27.5. In such a situation, it is being said that so far this year, the price of sugar has increased by about 30 percent. The special thing is that America is also not saved from the rising price of sugar. Even today, sugar is still trading around $ 27.

Inflation has increased all over the world

Business experts say that due to affecting production of sugar in India, inflation has increased not only in India, but all over the world. The price of sugar in almost all countries has reached the seventh sky. However, in view of the festive season in India, the central government has geared up to curb the rising prices of sugar. The government can release 1.3 million tonnes of sugar quota in the open market.

Also read: sugar products became expensive in many powerful countries due to ban on sugar exports by India

The government is constantly monitoring sugar

Hemant Shah, co-founder of AgriMandi, says that the government has been monitoring sugar continuously for the last two months. The government is also taking action from time to time. It is the effort of the government that the supply of sugar in the market should not be affected during the festival like Durga Puja and Diwali, so that prices remain under control.

Also read: Now government can ban sugar exports soon

Sugar has become 48 percent expensive in a year

According to the information, due to drought and low rainfall, there has been a decline in sugar production in India as well as Thailand. Due to this, the prices of sugar are increasing. At the same time, Brazil has a great yield of sugar. Despite this, the price of sugar in the international market is increasing. Sugar has become 0.22 percent expensive in the last one week in the international market. Also, in the last 1 month, there has been a 13 percent increase in the price of sugar. At the same time, it has become 48 percent expensive in 1 year.

Central government had made all the arrangements to stop the inflation before the festivals

Central government had made all the arrangements to stop the inflation before the festivals

Central government had made all the arrangements to stop the inflation before the upcoming festivals like Durga Puja and Diwali. The government has its focus on farmers too along with common people. For the same reason, the centre had abolished the export duty charges from regular varieties of onion. The central government has taken a big decision for Onion producing farmers. They have removed export duty over onions. Millions of farmers took a breath of relief after this. It is being said that it will benefit the farmers. They will get good prices for onions now. Whereas, the finance ministry has also issued a notification regarding removal of export duty over onions. The special thing about this is that the central government has removed export duty on only Bengaluru Rose varieties of onions. The government stated in its notification that the permission to export has been made on some terms and conditions. According to the government, from this decision, Onion producers will get the benefit directly.

Read this also: due to decrease in the price of onions, problems have arisen for Gujarat farmers

At what rates, onions are being sold 

Actually, to Stop the increasing price of onions, the central government had put a 40 percent export duty on onions in the last month of August. At that time, the government justified it as their step to stop the inflation. The export duty will be charged on onion till 31 December 2023. The government expected that this will decrease the export of onions from the country and the stock of onion will increase. This will result in decreasing the rates of onions in the market. However, this decision of the government resulted in lowering the price of onions. At present the 40 rupees selling onions are now sold at 30 to 35 rupees per kilogram.

Read this also: the price of onion in this country has blown up the minds of common people

The supply of onion is done in these countries 

Let us tell you that this Bengaluru rose variety of onion has high demand in foreign countries. Its major export is being done in countries like Thailand, Taiwan, Malaysia and Singapore. Along with this, the exporters will have to show the certification of quality of Bengaluru rose onion for export in the horticulture commission of Karnataka. As the government has made it compulsory to show the certification.

Sowing of winter sugarcane by scientific method will prevent disease

Sowing of winter sugarcane by scientific method will prevent disease

To earn more production than sowing winter sugarcane, the farmers should accept this scientific method, so their crops don't get affected by any kind of disease & also a plenty of profit could be achieved in production capacity. In regards to such situations, we’ve brought some information about scientific sowing of sugarcane for the farmers today. Farmers have started sowing winter sugarcane in different states of India. In such a situation, if farmers sow sugarcane better in their fields, then they can get maximum profit. In this series, agricultural scientists have issued advice to take some precautions for sowing sugarcane. Actually, farmers should plow the field better to get the best yield of sugarcane. Along with this, high quality manure should also be added to the field, so that the crop can be increased rapidly. Also, there should be no disease of any kind in it.

Do these things before sowing winter sugarcane

Farmers, if they want to sow winter sugarcane recently inside their fields then they should first plough the field deeply, then add 10 tonnes of dung manure per hectare in the field. just to let you know that this is for the elimination of the diseases present in the field and for the crop to grow in a great & uncaptive manner. After this, you have to plough the field once again. After this, the soil has to be made uniform by running the leveller. After this, one can now sow sugarcane in the field with a single big method. To sow sugarcane by a single big method, farmers can easily plant 10-12 quintals of sugarcane seeds per hectare.

Also read: Government of India has released 10 new varieties of sugarcane after consultation with the Central Seed Committee

Fertiliser during sugarcane sowing

During sugarcane sowing, provide 100 kg urea and 500 kg single super phosphate per hectare. At the same time, apply MOP - 100 kg per hectare, Zinc Sulphate - 25 kg per hectare, Regent - 25 kg per hectare, Bavaria Bassiana Metarhizium anisopliae - 5 kg per hectare, PSB - 10 kg per hectare, Azotobacter - 10 kg per hectare. During sugarcane sowing, use chemical fertilisers in proper and prescribed quantities.

 Weed can highly affect the sugarcane crop

Weed can highly affect the sugarcane crop

Before sowing sugarcane, keep weed control in mind. If weeds are not controlled in time then there can be reduction in production. Production can be decreased by 10-30 percent. In this situation, let us know how to control weeds. 

These days, autumn sowing of sugarcane is going on in India. At this time weed control is also more important. Because, sugarcane crops can get affected due to weeds, which causes reduction in  production. In this situation, it should be controlled before sowing.Agricultural scientists have said that farmers should do weed control regularly.So that full development of their crop is possible.Dr. Sanjeev Pathak, Extension Officer of Uttar Pradesh Sugarcane Research Council, says that sowing of sugarcane is going on these days in various states of the country. Farmer brothers must keep in mind weed control before sowing. They have said that about 45 types of broad and narrow leaves of weeds are found in sugarcane. 

Yield of sugarcane decreases this way.

For your information, let us tell you that the field of sugarcane is sown by trench method because of a lot of space in between, and weeds grow rapidly. If weeds in sugarcane crops are not controlled in time then there may be a decrease in yield of sugarcane. Let us tell you that yield can be decreased by 10-30 percent, because weeds grow with the crop. Therefore take control over the weeds on time so that crops don't get harmed. 

Control weeds like this.

Dr. Sanjeev Pathak has said that weed control in the first three months of sugarcane sowing. Two methods can be used for weed control. The first method in which weeds can be eliminated is by chemical spraying of herbicides. Whereas, the second method is the mechanical method, in which weeds can be eliminated by weeding.

Weeding helps in the circulation of air in the soil, which helps in the excellent development of sugarcane roots. Let us tell you that when the roots are fully developed, the plants will absorb the nutrients present in the soil, the fertilizers given by the farmers and the irrigation water, which will also improve the growth and development. Now in such a situation, farmers will get a very good yield. Besides, the weeds growing in the crop will also be eliminated.

Farmer brothers should spray medicine in this way.

If a chemical method has to be used in any special circumstances then to control broadleaf and narrow leaf weeds, apply 500 grams of Metribuzin 70 percent simultaneously And make a solution of 2 4 D 58 percent in 1000 liters of water corresponding to 2.5 liters per hectare and spray it. During this time, be careful that the medicine is sprayed only on the weeds in the space between the two lines of sugarcane. Try to ensure that the medicine does not fall on the sugarcane plants. Spraying of medicine on sugarcane plants can significantly affect the growth of the plants.


Good news: Punjab government increased the price of sugarcane crop to 391 rupees per quintal

Good news: Punjab government increased the price of sugarcane crop to 391 rupees per quintal

In the present, sugarcane Farmers will get more price than before. Punjab has been the maximum price giving state for sugarcane in India. The Punjab government has taken a big decision for the benefit of farmers. There is good news for sugarcane cultivators from the State government. The government has announced to increase the rates of sugarcane. In the present, 391 rupees per quintal will be given to the state's sugarcane Farmers accordingly. 

Apart from this, Punjab has now become the highest payer to sugarcane farmers in india. States like Haryana and others come after Punjab in this list. In paying highest to sugarcane, Punjab is at the first position and second position is acquired by Haryana. 386 rupees per quintal is given for sugarcane in Haryana. UP and Uttarakhand farmers are paid at the rate of 350 rupees per quintal. 

Farmers will get profit of this much rupees per quintal 

For your knowledge, let you know that state farmers have been demanding to increase the price of sugarcane for the past many days. State had been paying 380 rupees per quintal which has been increased to 391 rupees in present. At present, farmers will be getting 11 rupees extra per quintal after this decision. The Punjab government has decided this after the demands of farmers of the state. 

It will be proven as a beneficial decision to farmers 

Sugarcane farmers were demanding an increase in the price for a very long time. Government considering the demands of farmers, undertook this decision, for which farmers have also protested in past days. After this decision, the representative of farmers had a conversation with the chief minister of Punjab and the government assured them a hike in price. Along with this, demands of farmers was to increase the price upto 450 rupees per quintal. According to reports, after this decision of the Punjab government, Farmers will get more benefits. Let you know, after this decision along with the increase in wages of farmers, their financial condition will also improve a lot

Sugarcane price will increase in this state, sugarcane farmers will get benefits

Sugarcane price will increase in this state, sugarcane farmers will get benefits

The Yogi government may soon give a gift to the farmers of Uttar Pradesh. The state government may increase the price of sugarcane in the coming days. Keeping in mind the interest of farmers, the UP government may soon announce the prices of sugarcane. After implementing this decision, farmer brothers will get a much higher price of sugarcane.


According to sources, the government may increase the prices of sugarcane by Rs 15 to Rs 25 in the next few days. Besides, the sugarcane minister of the state has also given such indications in his talks. However, by how much will the increase be made? There is no confirmation of this at present.

 Sugarcane farmers are continuously demanding price increase

As we all know, there is a continuous demand from farmers to increase the SAP of sugarcane. However, its price has increased in the state over the years. In Uttar Pradesh, the last time before the 2022 assembly elections, the sugarcane price was increased to Rs 350 and Rs 360 per quintal. In the meeting of the State Consulted Sugarcane Pricing Recommendation Committee held on Friday under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary Durga Shankar Mishra, sugarcane farmers demanded a price increase due to the increasing cost of production.


Also read: Now the price of sugarcane will be Rs 290 per quintal.


Sugarcane price will be announced as soon as possible

At the same time, representatives of the Sugar Mill Association have raised many problems and demanded to keep the prices unchanged. After hearing everything, the Chief Secretary said that the sugarcane price would be declared as soon as possible. The related proposal will soon be placed before the Cabinet for approval. RLD and SP are continuously demanding from the government to increase the sugarcane price. According to many reports, the government may also relieve sugar mills. To reduce the expenses incurred due to the increase in sugarcane prices, the government can provide a facility of one to two rupees in transportation freight to the mills.

The Yogi government increased the price of sugarcane by Rs 20, and farmers have given their reaction to this.

The Yogi government increased the price of sugarcane by Rs 20, and farmers have given their reaction to this.

 Before the Lok Sabha elections, the Yogi government of Uttar Pradesh gave a gift to the farmers by increasing the price of sugarcane in the state by Rs 20 per quintal. However, BKU leader Rakesh Tikait is calling it a joke with the farmer. Rakesh Tikait, while talking to the media, Chaudhary Rakesh Tikait, National Spokesperson of the Farmers Union, said, " The price of sugarcane announced today by the Uttar Pradesh government is not enough. Farmers are disappointed with the increase of only Rs 20. Farmers of the state of Haryana Like I was expecting sugarcane prices to be declared above Rs 400 because the expenditure on farming is increasing every day. In proportion to this, farmers are not getting fair price for the crop."


Tractor parade will be held on 26th January

He said that on January 26, we will take out the tractor parade at block and tehsil level across the country. We had also taken out a tractor parade during the farmers' movement in Delhi. Along with the Bharat Bandh on 16th February, the farmers of the country will not do all the farming work for one day. Tikait said that the Bharatiya Kisan Union is pending. Regarding all its demands, it will organize a one-day Kisan Mahapanchayat on March 14 in the country's capital Delhi, in which farmers from all over the country will participate.


Also read: Haryana government giving highest price for sugarcane


The future of farmers will be decided by the movement, not the government – ​​BKU

Before this, the national spokesperson of Bharatiya Kisan Union (BKU) Chaudhary Rakesh Tikait said that the future of the farmers will be decided not by the government but by the movement. Whoever forms the government at the Centre, the voice of the farmers will have to be heard. He said that our organization is apolitical. We have no active role in the Lok Sabha elections. Capitalism is dominating the country. Farmers' children do not have employment. They are making their living by selling land. Farmers get the lowest level of health facilities. Under compulsion, lakhs of farmers are becoming landless and becoming laborers.

How many times did the Yogi government increase the price of sugarcane?

Yogi Adityanath government has given a gift to the sugarcane farmers of Uttar Pradesh. The support price of sugarcane has been increased by Rs 20 per quintal. This decision has been taken in the cabinet meeting held on Thursday. During this period about a dozen proposals were also discussed. Sugarcane farmers of Western UP have expressed happiness over this decision of the UP government. Let us tell you that this is the third time after 2017 that the Yogi government has increased the support price of sugarcane for the third time. For the first time in 2017, when the BJP government was formed, the support price of sugarcane was increased by Rs 10 per quintal. After this, before the 2022 assembly elections, the price of sugarcane was increased by Rs 25 per quintal in 2021. If seen this way, in the last seven years the Yogi government has increased the support price of sugarcane by Rs 55 per quintal.