

Know how beetroot is rich in nutrients and beneficial for health?

Know how beetroot is rich in nutrients and beneficial for health?

Many nutritional properties are found in beetroot, which are beneficial for health. The scientific name of beetroot is vulgaris. Beetroot is a root vegetable, it is produced in many countries. The active compounds in beetroot provide health benefits, which is why it is also called functional food. It is eaten raw by many people and used in salads and other vegetables.

Beneficial in heart disease.

Beetroot is beneficial for heart-related diseases. Due to hypertension, blood vessels get affected, due to which the problem of heart failure and respiratory failure increases. Beetroot maintains the blood flow inside the body and removes blood pressure and cholesterol problems. For any problem related to heart disease, use beetroot after consulting a doctor. 

Also read: How to cultivate sugar beet; Know complete information about the crop

Keeps the brain healthy.

Due to a lack of proper blood circulation in the body, many problems can occur such as: not being able to remember things well, poor reasoning, and many other problems. Eating beetroot maintains good blood circulation in the body. Due to a lack of good blood circulation in the brain, the problem of brain damage also arises in people. To get relief from brain-related problems, people can also eat beetroot juice or whole beetroot.

Beneficial in problems like inflammation

Beetroot is also helpful in problems like inflammation, it gives relief in problems like inflammation as well as infection. Due to inflammation, the affected area turns red and pain starts. If there is swelling anywhere in the body then beetroot can be used to get relief from it. If you are already taking any medicine related to this disease, then use beetroot only after consulting the doctor. 

Useful in relieving fatigue.

Beetroot is also used to relieve fatigue. Beetroot is consumed by people to relieve pain or stress in the body. It also reduces body fatigue, body pain due to excessive exercise, infection, or weakness due to lack of water in the body in summer. Antioxidant properties are found in beetroot, which reduces the problems caused by stress in the vessels.

Also read: Information related to beetroot cultivation (How To Cultivate Beetroot Farming)

Helpful in diseases like cancer.

Antioxidant properties are found in beetroot, which provides relief from diseases like cancer. The properties present in beetroot help prevent the development of cancer. Insomnia, fatigue, and many serious problems are seen in cancer patients. Beetroot is used as a functional food that promotes health. The nutrients present in beetroot provide benefits to cancer patients and also reduce health-related problems.

Remove Anaemia.

People who are anemic are advised to eat beetroot. Iron is found in abundance in beetroot, which helps compensate for the lack of blood in the body. Beetroot also provides relief from anemia. Beetroot is used to fulfill the lack of blood inside the body. Beetroot can also be eaten raw, it can be used in vegetables, salads, or even in the form of juice.

Also read: By growing vegetables at home in this way, you can get pure and fresh vegetables without spending money.

Helps in increasing digestion power.

Eating beetroot every morning on an empty stomach keeps the digestion process healthy. Beetroot can also be used as a salad during meals. Beetroot contains an abundant amount of fiber, which is helpful in digestion-related functions. Consuming beetroot daily provides relief from stomach problems like constipation and gas. Consuming beetroot juice daily is considered beneficial to keep the digestive system healthy.

Helps in skin glow.

The use of beetroot is beneficial for skin glow. Using beetroot juice daily on the face is beneficial in treating pimples and acne. Beetroot contains plenty of folate and fiber, which is considered very useful for skin improvement. Beetroot can also be made a part of the diet. 

Many nutrients are found in beetroot, which are very beneficial for health. Beetroot is also used to increase memory power. Besides, carbohydrate is also found in beetroot, which helps in increasing the energy level inside the body. Along with this, beetroot is also used to reduce heart-related problems, the nitrate present in beetroot is useful in reducing blood pressure.

You will be surprised to know the length of the Narendra Shivani variety bottle gourd.

You will be surprised to know the length of the Narendra Shivani variety bottle gourd.

 Our Farmer can earn a good income by cultivating bottle gourds of the Narendra Shivani variety. Apart from vegetables, gourd is used in preparing sweets, raita, pickle, kofta, kheer, etc. Various types of medicines are also manufactured from it. Because of the benefits of eating bottle gourd, doctors also advise patients to consume it. These days, the bottle gourd grown by the Agriculture Faculty of Mangalyatan University located in Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh has become the center of attraction. The reason is that its color and taste are similar to that of the common gourd. But, it looks completely different. The length of the gourd of the Narendra Shivani variety is about five feet. Professors and students of the Faculty of Agriculture have just prepared this bottle of gourd crop for obtaining seeds. Farmers can get excellent profits from the production of this variety of crops.

Bottle gourd farmers are being made aware

Vice Chancellor of the University Prof. PK Dashora says that this gourd is being grown in the university to make farmers aware and to prepare pure seeds. He says that bottle gourd is a unique vegetable that is also used as medicine, musical instruments, decorations, etc. He has said that the university will make the farmers aware as well as train them to earn good profits from the improved varieties.

Also read: Know complete information about how bottle gourd is cultivated.

What do experts have to say on this?

Let us tell you that the Chairman of the Agriculture Department, Prof. Pramod Kumar says that this bottle gourd crop was sown in July. The average production of this variety is 700-800 quintals per hectare. Its yield can be up to one thousand quintals per hectare. The taste and nutrients of this variety are similar to other species. It contains protein 0.2 percent, fat 0.1 percent, fiber 0.8 percent, sugar 2.5 percent, energy 12 kcal, and moisture 96.1 percent. Besides, round fruit variety Narendra Shishir has also been produced. Its seeds will also be ready by December.

How to cultivate bottle gourd

For your information, to cultivate this species of bottle gourd, choose good quality bottle gourd seeds. While selecting a bottle gourd farm, choose a good location. To sow its seeds, choose good weather between March and April. The distance between gourd plants should be 1.5-2.5 meters. Irrigate the plants regularly.

To get maximum benefits from mango orchards, flower (landscape) management is essential, know what to do and what not to do.

To get maximum benefits from mango orchards, flower (landscape) management is essential, know what to do and what not to do.

In North India, especially Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, the appearance of mango starts in the second week of February, it is determined by the different varieties of mango and the temperature at that time. Mango (Mangifera indica) is the most important tropical fruit in India. In India, it is mainly cultivated in Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Bihar. According to the statistics of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Government of India for the year 2020-21, mango is cultivated in 2316.81 thousand hectares in India, from which 20385.99 thousand tonnes are produced. The national productivity of mango is 8.80 tonnes per hectare. In Bihar, it is cultivated in 160.24 thousand hectares area from which 1549.97 thousand tonnes of production is obtained. The productivity of mango in Bihar is 9.67 tonnes per hectare. Which is slightly higher than the national productivity.

To increase the productivity of mangoes, it is necessary to know how to scientifically manage the orchard after planting of Manjar Tikola. Flowering is an important stage in mango as it directly affects the fruit yield. Flowering in mangoes is highly dependent on variety and environmental conditions. Thus, proper management strategies adopted during the flowering stage of mango directly affect fruit production.

Arrival of mango blossom

Mango trees usually begin flowering when mature after 5-8 years of growth, before which the flowers should be plucked. The flowering season of mango in North India generally begins in mid-February. Mango flowering initiation requires 20-25°C during the day time and 10-15°C during the night with bright sunlight. However, depending on the timing of flowering, fruit development begins by May–June. High humidity, frost, or rain during the flowering period affects flower formation. Cloudy weather during flowering helps in the spread of mango hopper and powdery mildew and anthracnose diseases, which hampers the growth and flowering of mango.

Also read: Favorable environmental conditions and orchard management for mango flowering

What effect does flowering have on fruit production in mango?

Mango flowers are small, yellow, or pinkish-red depending on the mango species, clustered in clusters that hang down from the branches. They are bisexual flowers but cross-pollination by pollinators contributes to the maximum fruit set. Common pollinators include bees, wasps, moths, butterflies, flies, beetles, and ants. The number of flowers produced and the duration of the flowering stage directly affect fruit yield. However, flowering is influenced by many factors such as temperature, humidity, sunlight, insect and disease infestation, and availability of water and nutrients. These factors affect the timing and intensity of flowering. If the above factors are not optimal during the flowering stage, it will result in fewer or smaller fruits. Not all flowers produced will produce fruit. Proper pollination is essential for the fruit to fully set and develop. Even after adequate pollination, only a certain proportion of flowers form due to the mass dropping of flowers and fruits due to several factors such as weather conditions and insect infestation. This ultimately affects the yield and quality of fruits. The timing, duration, and intensity of flowering significantly affect fruit production in mango trees.

Mango Flower Management
Traction actions

Proper cutting and pruning of mango trees after harvesting of the fruit results in good and healthy flowers. Pruning – Due to lack of pruning, the mango canopy becomes dense, due to which light is not able to penetrate the internal parts of the tree and thus flowering and yield are reduced. Pruning the tips of the branches triggers flowering. The best time to prune is after the fruit has been harvested, usually from June to August. Tip pruning, done 10 cm above the last internode, improves flowering. Girdling is a method used to induce the formation of fruit buds in mangoes. It involves removing strips of bark from the trunk of the mango tree. It increases flowering, fruit set, and fruit size by increasing foliar carbohydrates and plant hormones in the aboveground parts of the girdle by blocking the downward transfer of metabolites through the phloem. By making a circle at the time of emergence of inflorescence, the accumulation of fruits increases. The depth of girdling should be kept in mind. Excessive girth depth can damage the tree. This work should be done only after expert supervision or training.

Plant Growth Regulator (PGR)

Plant growth regulators (PGRs) are used to control flowering and increase yields by influencing the physiological processes that control plant growth and development. NAAs also help prevent flowering, bud drop, and fruit ripening. They help in increasing fruit size, increasing and improving fruit quality and yield. Planofix @ 1ml The medicine should be dissolved in 3 liters of water and sprayed just before the flowers emerge and the second spraying should be done when the fruit is equal to a pea. This spraying is necessary to prevent the tikolo (small mango fruits) from falling. To promote flowering, apply phosphorus fertilizer at the pre-flowering stage. Adequate potassium levels can enhance flowering in mango trees and increase the number of flowers and fruits. Potassium helps transport nutrients and water to the fruit, which is essential for its growth and size. It also helps in increasing the resistance of plants to moisture stress, heat, frost, and disease. The use of micronutrients gives better results by improving flowering, fruit quality, and controlling fruit drop. 

Also read: How to manage the problem of tip burn of mango leaves?

Pests and Disease Management

During flowering and fruit formation, the chances of insect and disease infestation are high, leading to premature drop of flowers and fruits. Mango hopper, flower gall midge, mealy bug, and leaf webber are the major pests attacking mango flowers. Mango powdery mildew, mango malformation, and anthracnose are diseases that affect mango flowers resulting in reduced fruit growth. Check the symptoms and management of pests and diseases in mango flowers to increase the fruit yield - Diseases and pests in mango flowers should be managed.

For the last 4-5 years, the problem of the mealy bug (Gujiya) has been increasing year by year in Bihar. For the management of this pest, it is necessary to clean the garden around December-January and sprinkle Chlorpyrifos 1.5 D. dust @ 250 grams per tree in the soil and to prevent mealy bug (Gujiya) insects from climbing the tree, a 45 cm strip of alkaline should be tied with twine around the main stem of the mango. By doing this this insect will not be able to climb the tree. If you have not done this before and the Gujiya insect has climbed the tree, then in such a situation apply Dimethoate 30 EC. Or Quinalphos 25 EC @ 1.5 ml should be dissolved in per liter of water and sprayed. In mango orchards that are not managed properly, there are a large number of hoppers or maggot insects, hence the sunlight must reach the ground in the orchard. Where the orchard is dense, there also the number of these insects is higher. When insects appear on trees, these insects are very good food sources for these insects, due to which there is a huge increase in the number of these insects. The second sign of the presence of these insects is when we go near the garden. When we go, swarms of insects come near us. If these insects are not managed, they suck the juice from the plant and the plant falls. When 10-12 maggots are visible per blossom, then we should spray Imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 1 ml dissolved in 2 liters of water. This spraying should be done before the flowers bloom, otherwise, the bees coming to the garden get affected, which reduces pollination and affects the yield. 

           For the management of Powdery Mildew/Kharra disease, it is necessary to spray soluble sulfur @ 2 grams/liter dissolved in water before the arrival of the disease. When the temperature exceeds 35 degrees Celsius, the severity of this disease starts reducing automatically.

Also read: How to manage if the mango tree is drying from top to bottom (top dieback)?

The blossoms suffering from Gumma disease should be cut and removed. If there is a problem with stem borer or leaf-cutting insects in the garden, then use Quinalphos 25 EC. @ 2 ml of medicine should be dissolved in / liter of water and sprayed. But it is worth noting that from just before the flowers bloom to when the flowers are in bloom, do not use any chemicals at any time, otherwise, pollination is badly affected and there is a possibility of the soft parts of the flower getting injured.

5. Pollination

    The mango flower has both male and female reproductive organs in the same flower. However, mango flowers are relatively small and do not produce large amounts of pollen. Therefore, they rely heavily on pollinators such as flies, wasps, and other insects to transfer pollen between flowers. Without pollination, mango flowers may not produce fruit, or the fruit may become small or misshapen. Mango yield increases through cross-pollination. It is important to note that insecticides and fungicides should not be sprayed during the full bloom stage as pollination by insects will be affected at this time which will reduce the yield. To get a good yield from the mango orchard, it would be good to keep bee colony boxes in the mango orchard, this helps in good pollination and more fruits are produced. 

6. Weather Conditions

  Optimum weather conditions during flowering increase successful fruit set rates and yields. For example, excessive wind speed causes flowers and fruits to fall en masse. Thus, it is necessary to protect mango orchards from wind by installing windbreaks or shelterbelts.

Also read: Professor in this state is earning profits worth lakhs from mango farming 

7. Water Management

  Mango trees require adequate amounts of water, especially during the growing season. Insufficient or excessive watering can reduce fruit yield and quality. Proper water management also helps prevent diseases and pests, which thrive in moist environments. In hot and dry climates, irrigation can help increase humidity levels and reduce temperature fluctuations, providing a more favorable environment for mango growth. Excessive irrigation can reduce soil temperature, resulting in reduced plant growth and development. On the other hand, inadequate watering can increase soil temperatures, damaging plant roots and reducing yields. Thus, effective water management is essential to ensure healthy plant growth and fruit production. Irrigation should not be done between 2 to 3 months before flowering and when the fruit becomes the size of a pea. Some gardeners irrigate the mango at the time of flowering and flowering, due to which the flowers fall. Therefore, it is advised not to irrigate until the fruit becomes equal to a pea. 


Mango flower management for higher yields involves a combination of strategies aimed at optimizing plant growth, managing pests and diseases, and ensuring optimal environmental conditions for flower development and pollination. Following these management practices can increase flower and fruit production, leading to higher yields and improved fruit quality. 

Dr. SK Singh Professor (Plant Pathology) and Head of the Department, Post Graduate Department of Plant Pathology, Principal Investigator, All India Fruit Research Project, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Pusa-848 125, Samastipur, Bihar

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Leaving the government job, Mukesh is earning big profits from cucumber cultivation through polyhouse

Leaving the government job, Mukesh is earning big profits from cucumber cultivation through polyhouse

 For your information, let you know that young farmer Mukesh says that subsidized money is also received from the government to build a net house. Initially, he got a subsidy of 65% for setting up a net house. However, currently the Haryana government has reduced the grant amount to 50%.

 As we all know that even today people have gone absolutely crazy behind government jobs. It is the desire of every parent that his child gets a government job, so that his whole life becomes secure. Now the government job must be of low level. But, today, we will talk about a person who, leaving a good government job, is now coming to the village and doing farming.

Where is farmer Mukesh from?

Actually, the young farmer we are going to talk about is named Mukesh Kumar. Mukesh is a resident of Karnal district of Haryana. Earlier, he used to work in a government job in the Haryana Board. During the job, Mukesh used to get a salary of 45 thousand rupees per month. But, he did not feel like this government work, so he kicked this job. Today he is farming on his ancestral land with the net house method, due to which he is earning very well.

Also read: Farmers' crop savings up to 75% on ShedNet

Farmer Mukesh is providing employment to the people

Farmer Mukesh is also providing employment opportunities for many other farmers. Mukesh, a farmer, says he has set up four net houses on his land. Farmers Mukesh cultivates cucumbers inside them. According to farmer Mukesh, the demand for cucumbers increases a lot in summer. Now in such a situation, farmer Mukesh has been cultivating cucumbers for almost 2 years. Explain that farmer Mukesh is earning very well from this. This is the reason that he has gradually increased the area of cucumber cultivation. Along with this, Mukesh has also provided employment to many people around him.

Cucumbers can be cultivated throughout the year

Mukesh says that it costs two and a half to three lakh rupees to build a net house. But, the income increases considerably by cultivating it inside. The young farmer says that there are many varieties of cucumbers, which can be cultivated throughout the year inside the net house.


Also read: Farmer Subodh has set an example by cultivating cucumbers with the advice of a friend

There is very little wastage of water when irrigation is done by drip method

 Farmer Mukesh says that he has found the biggest feature of cucumber cultivation is that its cultivation consumes very little water. Actually, crops are irrigated through the drip method in the net house. The wastage of water is very less by drip irrigation. Along with this, water reaches the roots of the plants. Farmer Mukesh supplies cucumbers grown in his field to many cities including Delhi and Gurugram. At present, he is selling cucumbers at Rs 15 per kg.

Merikheti team covered the fair organised at Punjab Agricultural University

Merikheti team covered the fair organised at Punjab Agricultural University

A grand two-day farmers and animal husbandry fair was organised at Punjab Agricultural University. Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann reached here and gave awards to the people who promoted the agriculture sector.

During this, Chief Minister Mann stated that PAU, which is the pride of Punjab agriculture and dear to the hearts of Punjabis, has provided guidance to the farm sector. Farmers attended the exhibition to learn about a variety of innovative technology.

CM Bhagwant Mann stated at the time that when I arrived, I was pleased to observe on the canal route that Punjabi youngsters were clutching sacks of seeds and heading out to farm. He stated that farming practices have altered. Agriculture has progressed thanks to scientific advances. There are now several irrigation techniques in the fields, rather than just one.

Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann says Punjab is the largest producer of Basmati rice in India.

CM Bhagwant Mann stated during the programme that the Punjab government has pushed farmers to grow Basmati rice. Punjab is India's leading producer of basmati. We learned about the Basmati standards used elsewhere. Pesticides that have been prohibited for Basmati in other countries. Ten of these sprays were prohibited by our government. So Basmati is bought as much as possible.

Meri Kheti's correspondent spoke with the Agriculture Minister

MeriKheti journalist Sonesh Pathak ji informed Punjab Agriculture Minister Shri Gurmeet Singh Khudian about all farmer-friendly initiatives on his website. In addition, he emphasised the usage and relevance of contemporary and cutting-edge technology in agriculture. Punjab is an agricultural state. There are several prospects for agricultural success here.

This variety of gourd changed the fate of the farmer

This variety of gourd changed the fate of the farmer

The Narendra Shivani Variety of Gourd has been developed by Dr. Shivpujan Singh, Professor of Acharya Narendra Agriculture and Technology, Kumarganj Ayodhya. The length of this variety of gourd is one and a half to two metres and weighs up to two kilos.

Farmers cultivate vegetables of different types of great advanced varieties in their fields. So that he can earn best by selling it in the market. If you are thinking about cultivating vegetables in your field, then gourd vegetables can prove to be a very good option for you. In this episode, today we have brought such a great advanced kind of information about gourds for you, which is different from all varieties of gourd. Narendra Shivani gourd is the name of the species we are talking about. This gourd species is one and a half to two metres long, while its weight is from one to two kilos. This variety of gourd has changed the fate of many farmers of India. One such farmer Jia Haq cultivates Narendra Shivani, the advanced variety of gourd in his field.

Information about Narendra Shivani variety of gourd

This magnificent variety of gourd has been prepared by Dr. Shivpujan Singh, Professor of Acharya Narendra Agriculture and Technology, Kumarganj Ayodhya. The length of the gourd of this species ranges from one and a half to two metres. Also, the total weight of its fruit is from one to two kilos. The month of July is best suited to sow this type. If farmers produce it with a scaffolding method, then they can achieve much more yields than this.

Narendra Shivani variety of gourd made the farmer rich

Progressive farmer Jia Haq, resident of Bahraich district of Uttar Pradesh, Block Chitora, cultivated gourd in his field of Narendra Shivani variety and currently he is getting the best production from it. Along with this, they are getting a great sense of this type of gourd in the market as well. Farmer Jia Haq says that he is also producing Narendra Haldi-2 in his farm along with the cultivation of Narendra Shivani variety of gourd. He says that both these crops will give a great benefit to the farmer. Because, it gives more benefits than the rest of the crops in terms of production and purity.

Central Chemical and Fertilisers Minister Dr. Mansukh Mandaviya Inaugurated the 59th annual seminar 2023 of Fertiliser Association of India

Central Chemical and Fertilisers Minister Dr. Mansukh Mandaviya Inaugurated the 59th annual seminar 2023 of Fertiliser Association of India

“The Indian agricultural sector has achieved the dual purpose of providing help and emerging support, agricultural facilities and fertilisers  to 14 crore farmer families when needed and coming out as a strong power under the competent and visionary leadership of honourable Prime minister Shri Narendra Modi. In this way, the Indian agricultural sector is playing a vital role in shaping the global market”. This has been stated today by the central minister of the Ministry of Chemical and Fertilisers and the Health and Family Welfare minister Dr. Mansukh Mandaviya in the inaugural ceremony of 59th annual seminar 2023 of the Indian fertility Association. Theme of the gathering was “Innovation in the fertiliser and agricultural sector”.

Dr. Mandaviya put light on works done by the central government in the Fertiliser sector. Central Chemical and Fertilisers Minister Dr. Mandaviya stated, “the government is increasing its help to small and marginal farmers, giving priorities to their welfare and in this way, they are fulfilling the aims of national food security”. In the last 2-3 years, the Indian government has kept the Fertiliser availability rate stable at Maximum retail price ( MRP), which has decreased the impact of increasing price of products at global standards. It led to record production of agriculture and the Fertiliser expense also remained stable as compared to fall in global expenses. He also stated that the government has taken active steps to strengthen domestic production and to stop leakage and diversion, as a result of which, record production has been observed.

There has been increase in urea production in India

“3 million tons of urea capacity have been revived and in the upcoming few years, more capacity is expected to start.” Mr. Central minister spoke about the government's steps towards self-reliance. He stated that the government is working for the prevention of phosphoric and potashik sectors and Indian companies are being motivated towards participation in foreign enterprises, mining and long term strategic partnership. He also focused on improving the soil health with the help of balanced nutrition, production of technically better products, durable agriculture systems and about taking technology from laboratories to Lands of farmers. 

Dr. Mandaviya said that under the PM-PRANAM initiative, people have started the campaign of durable and sustainable use of fertiliser, accepting alternative fertilisers, giving rise to organic farming and protection of Mother Earth by implementing conservation of resource technologies.

Mr. Central minister also talked about the recent technical developments in the Indian agricultural sector. He stated that India is the first country to showcase nano-fertilisers like Nano-DAP and Nano-Urea. He said- “it is one of the unique technologies of its type in the world and can bring revolutionary changes in nutrient application practices on earth.” He also put stress on the recently initiated “Namo drone Didi” Yojna of honourable prime minister Shri Narendra Modi, which will help farmers in getting drone spraying services at lower prices.

Dr. Mandaviya encouraged Indian companies to grow and develop smart nutrients like slow releasing, coated and liquid fertiliser, which can improve the direction of use of nutrients. According to him, the government is working on improving the reach of companies and making cost effective solutions with drone developers, service providers and agricultural companies. He also focused on the 2 lakh model retail stores made by the Central government named Prime Minister Kisan Samriddhi Kendra (PMDC), which works as a one-stop solution for all agricultural practices. 

Concluding his statement, he called the fertiliser fraternity to move towards green ways of Fertiliser production and to participate in aiming towards reducing global fertiliser crises. He promised to provide support to the central government in maintaining strong coordination and communication between farmers, government and companies.

During his ceremony, Central Minister acknowledged the excellence of companies, scientists and other people's contribution to micronutrients, biofertilizers, environmental performance, protection, marketing and advertising and also awarded them for their contribution in research and development. Towards growth in agricultural productivity. The Indian Fertiliser Association issued three orders: fertiliser (acarbonic, organic or mixed)(control) order, 1985; content statistics 2022-23; and also issued special fertiliser and micronutrients statistics in 2022-23.

The Central Minister also inaugurated an exhibition, where 56 exhibitors showcased their achievements and service in the sector of agriculture and fertiliser. 

The Secretary (fertiliser) Shri Rajat Kumar Mishra, and other senior government officials were also present in this event. Fertiliser Association of India (FAI) chairman Shri N Suresh Krishnan, Vice-chairman Shri S C Mehta, and Director General Shri Arvind Choudhary were also present.

 What is the Chief Minister Krishi Ashirwad Yojana and how is it beneficial for farmers

What is the Chief Minister Krishi Ashirwad Yojana and how is it beneficial for farmers

The Jharkhand government has started the Krishi Aashirwad Yojana for the financial aid of the farmers. Under the scheme lakhs of farmers are being helped. 

There have been different schemes launched to help farmers. These schemes are operated by both Central and state governments. One of these schemes has been launched in the Jharkhand state which is known as the Krishi Aashirwad Yojana. This game is being Run to provide financial aid to small farmers in the state. Under this scheme the government pays rupees 5000 per acre yearly to small farmers who have land 5 acres or less.

The purpose of the chief minister Krishi Aashirwad Yojana.

The main focus of the scheme is to increase the income of farmers. Also to finance them for their farming needs and personal needs. Under the scheme the farmers eligible will get 5000 rupees yearly transfer directly into the bank accounts. To avail the benefits the farmer has to apply for the benefits in the nearest district farming office.

The application form must contain the name of the applicant, address, aadhar number, bank account number and other important information. Under the Krishi Aashirwad Yojana formats can also apply online and can check their name in the list while sitting at their home on their mobile phones. To get more information on this farmers can go to the site

Eligibility criteria for Krishi Aashirwad Yojana. 

The applicant must be from the state of Jharkhand. 

The applicant should have land equal to 5 acres or less. 

The name of the applicant should be registered under land records. 

What are the benefits of Krishi Aashirvaad Yojana. 

Farmers can get an adequate amount of money for farming processes.

Farmers have increased income. 

It encourages farmers for farming and Agriculture as a profession.

Lower Suktel irrigation project started in the state, and the picture of farmers and agriculture will change.

Lower Suktel irrigation project started in the state, and the picture of farmers and agriculture will change.

Great news! The Odisha Chief Minister, Naveen Patnaik, has recently inaugurated the Lower Suktel Irrigation Project, which has been pending for two decades due to various reasons. The project is expected to meet the drinking water needs of Bolangir Municipality and Patnagarh NAC, and will also play a crucial role in irrigating around 1.00 lakh acres of land in 203 villages, benefiting approximately 75,000 farmers. This is a remarkable development for Bolangir, which has always been a drought-prone area of Odisha, with only 31% of the land irrigated and an average rainfall of 110 cm per year. With this project in place, the picture of farmers and agriculture in Bolangir is expected to change for the better.

Drinking water supply will also be ensured

Under this project, the drinking water requirements of Bolangir Municipality and Patnagarh NAC will be met. Industry and tourism will also benefit greatly from this. CM Naveen Patnaik decided in 2019 that this project would be taken up under the 5T initiative. Also, it will be intensified with smart technology and teamwork.

Also read: State government's attack on irrigation problem, government will give 80% grant under this scheme.

Underground pipelines are being used 

Underground pipelines are being used to supply irrigation water, which is the first case of its kind in the state. This will prevent water leakage and waste. To complete the project on time, a composite girder has been used instead of RCC for the spillway deck slab. Automatic radial spillway gates have been installed to remotely control it through Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA).

The project will provide water for irrigation of land in hundreds of villages.

Let us tell you that this project has been designed for micro-irrigation.  This is one of the most modern projects in India. About 1.00 lakh acres (40000 hectares) of land in 203 villages will be irrigated. This will benefit around 75,000 farmers and provide drinking water to Bolangir Municipality. Due to this, there will be opportunities for agriculture-related jobs throughout the year. Also, agriculture will play a role in increasing income, socio-economic improvement, and reverse migration. Apart from this, horticulture, agro-industry, small-scale industries, tourism, etc. will also be encouraged.

Millions of acres of land can be irrigated

Presently Naveen Patnaik government has dedicated various major water infrastructure projects like Upper Indravati Lift Canal benefiting Kalahandi district. Due to this, Nuapada and Bolangir districts are benefiting from lower Indra. Let us tell you that this will benefit the districts of Haldia, Mayurbhanj, Balasore, Mayurbhanj and Koraput. These projects will collectively provide irrigation facilities to 3.64 lakh acres (1.47 lakh hectares) .

Dhanuka Agritech has spoken of strengthening Indian agriculture with modern technology in a press release

Dhanuka Agritech has spoken of strengthening Indian agriculture with modern technology in a press release

Dhanuka Agritech press release: As an effective solution to the problems of Indian farmers, Dhanuka Agritech has brought products that will increase the percentage of profit as well as the percentage of profit. Not only this, through the Dhanuka state -of -the -art Research and Development and Training Center, this company is also providing the latest solutions to the farmers without any obstruction.

Indian agriculture is currently going through major changes in the present time. Due to the wave of this change,  due to modern agricultural technology or agri -tech, the country is now ready to emerge on the international platform as an agricultural superpower. In the last few years, Agri -Tech has increased profit percentage and production capacity, which has once again strengthened the important role of agriculture in the country's economy.

Also read: From November 20, a small course  based on the use of advanced technology in agriculture will be held

By observing such increase, it can be said that by the year 2030, India's dividend contribution to GDP has a capacity to reach $ 600 billion, which will increase by more than 50 percent as compared to 2020. In addition, Agri -Tech is also contributing to the upliftment of rural areas, which is establishing India as a major producer in the field of food production globally.

This mission to strengthen India's position globally in the agriculture sector is carried forward by

Dhanuka Agritech. Playing the role of a leader, the company is providing new agriculture -techniques and modern methods to Indian farmers, making them even more competent. Not only this, the company has also promoted innovation in the field of Agri -Tech using state -of -the -art technologies and sustainable agricultural solutions.

To get the latest information related to agriculture, Dhanuka has joined hands with the top agri -input companies of countries like America, Japan and Europe. Using this, the company has introduced such state -of -the -art technology in Indian agriculture, which is leading the country to become a leader in the agriculture sector globally. Currently, Dhanuka has three such state -of -the -art manufacturing facilities through which the highest level of agricultural products are being produced.

Dhanuka is using these latest methods to prepare a large range of its products associated with the agrochemical industry. These products include weed pesticides, fungicides, biologicals, and plant growth regulators, which effectively solve problems related to the main crop pests, diseases and weeds. Dhanuka has brought new products to enable farmers to face these problems related to crops and keep the crop safe. Talking about the BiologiQ range of Dhanuka's products, it has bio -fertilizer, bio -insecticides, and bio -fangsides.

Also read: This bio -fertiliser manufactured by IFFCO company can increase both crop quality and yield.

Organic agents present in all these control the pests and diseases on crops to promote the growth of plants. Dhanuka's new product Tizom which was launched last year is a weed killer made specifically for sugarcane. It helps in managing the problem of weeds connected to sugarcane fields. For the problems of Indian agriculture towards development, the products coming in the range of Biologiq and Tizom provide such effective solutions that can prove to be helpful in increasing the production capacity and profits for the farmers.

Has brought some effective and modern solutions for. The BIOLGIQ range has made products keeping in mind many needs like crop protection, soil health, plant nutrition. These include bio -pesticides, fungicides and crop nutrients. Biological Insecticides make the targeted insects their hosts and eliminate them from inside. Its quality makes it a powerful pesticide. At the same time, Fungicides control the activity of pathogenic fungus and bacteria of plants. This helps to keep the plants healthy and safe. This range provides products such as Nemataxe, Whiteaxe, Sporenil, Downil, Myconxt, and Omninxt, which effectively give long -term solutions to special problems related to crops.

The products of the Biologiq range are prepared from natural things. It does not contain artificial chemicals. Instead, these products are manufactured from pure microbial strain. These products contribute not only to the best crop yield but also to rejuvenate soil health. This increases the chances of more economic benefits through farming, on the other hand it does not harm the environment. The products of this range live on stringent government regulatory standards including FCO and CIBRC. They also have international certificates like IMO, Indocert, Ecocert, OMRI. It shows the reliability of these products and proves that the global criteria has been fully followed in the process of making them. This product range provides agricultural solutions to the thinking of Dhanuka Agritech, committed to providing agricultural solutions, which ensures that every product of the company definitely live up to the highest security standards.

Tizom product will save Indian sugarcane farmer's crops from weed

Indian agriculture is full of many variations, in which the need to solve different kinds of agricultural problems remains continuously. In such a situation, the tizom presented by Dhanuka Agritech appears as a revolutionary weed. It is a wonderful mixture of two chemicals, which is easily capable of controlling a variety of khataparvars. It is an effective solution to control complex weeds that include wide leaf weed (BLWS), narrow leaf weeds and weeds of Motha species. In particular, Tizom has been designed for the Khanpatvars who are coming to the sugarcane field which is proving to be a boon for Indian sugarcane farmers.

Also read: Weed can greatly affect sugarcane crop 

The specialty of Tizom is that it enables sugarcane farmers to control the weeds coming to their fields. This weed killer  prepared with Japanese technology does not allow the sugarcane crop to have any side effects due to its selective properties. Along with this, Tizom is also capable of controlling the weed for a long time, which is helping Indian sugarcane farmers to increase the yield of their sugarcane crop, which is causing them.

In every type of situation, Tizom weed killer is making the control of complex weeds easy and effective for cultivated farmers using different types of resources. Along with this, it is proving to be helpful in increasing sugarcane yield while keeping the crop safe.

Dhanuka Agricultural Research and Technology Center in Palwal, Haryana, Dhanuka, has been well understood since the beginning, showing the ambition of Dhanuka to become a leader in agriculture renovation. It is very important. This is the reason that he established a large R&D setup. Currently, Dhanuka is one of the largest research and development teams, with experienced scientists and technical experts, who have worked in the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), State Agricultural Universities (SAUs) and various prestigious research organisations of the country.

Also read: Detailed information related to sugarcane cultivation

Dhanuka Agritech has recently established a state -of -the -art Research and Development Center, Dhanuka Agricultural Research and Technology Center (DART) in Palwal, Haryana. The establishment of this center reflects the company's commitment to research further. Dart is focused on developing agricultural solutions that can meet the growing needs of Indian farmers. For this, this center has been equipped with a wide range of laboratories including biological synthesis, analytical, formulation, soil and water analysis, agricultural research and development, botany, bio -insecticide, bio assure and insect -removal. With these characteristics it comes as a center that tries to resolve the current and future challenges related to farming through basic, practical and favorable research to ensure sustainable development of Indian agriculture. .

For comprehensive research at this center, distinguished scientists, agronomers and industry experts work together so that the farmers can be provided with practical and latest solutions. Not only this, this center also provides services such as soil testing, water analysis and bio -insecticide testing to farmers. Through DART, Dhanuka Agritech provides the knowledge and equipment required to successfully deal with modern agriculture challenges. The mixture of advanced research with practical use also ensures that whatever new and modern solutions are there can reach the farmers working directly in the fields. Not only this, Dart also provides various types of crops related to crops by experts to farmers

Dahej Plant: Increase Agricultural Production Capacity

Last year, Dhanuka Agritech also focused considerable attention on increasing production capabilities. In August 2023, it established a new manufacturing centre in Dahej in Gujarat. The goal of Dhanuka is to ensure the safety of raw materials through this unit and pursue backward integration in the manufacturing process.

This unit displays the resolve to maintain its self -reliance and stability in Dhanuka's agriculture sector. However, the unit located in Gujarat will also prove to be very helpful in ensuring low cost of raw materials and increasing production. This strategic step suits Dhanuka's approach that targets to reduce dependence on others and spread high quality products to farmers across the country.

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At a time when the agricultural sector of the country stands at a significant turn, Dhanuka is continuously working on providing transformative products and leading solutions to Agritech farmers. It will play an important role in opening new dimensions to increase agricultural development and productivity. Whether it is the Biologiq range that protects the crop or Tizen, a successful managing weed, Dhanuka is directly addressing the emerging needs of Indian agriculture. Being a part of this initiative, Dhanuka Agricultural Research and Technology Center is united scientific research on the one hand, while on the other hand, they are working to increase self -sufficiency by expanding production capacity.

Dhanuka Agritech is ready to launch the new product in the year 2024, which is already being witnessed. Due to these latest products, the standards of India's current agricultural practices will be seen rising, while revolutionary changes will also be seen in the field of farming. This upcoming product chain is fully prepared to introduce state -of -the -art techniques and long -lasting solutions according to the growing needs of Indian agriculture.

On the basis of all these products and other things, Dhanuka Agritech is once again proving itself as a leader in the field of Agri -Tech. It can be seen as transmitting positive changes in the Indian agriculture sector. The company's continuous efforts towards innovation, stability and self -sufficiency are fully prepared to give better shape to the future of agriculture in India.

Important information about Chief Minister Village Industries Employment Scheme 2024 of Yogi Government

Important information about Chief Minister Village Industries Employment Scheme 2024 of Yogi Government

Mukhyamantri Gramodyog has been launched by Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath to provide employment opportunities to the poor unemployed youth of rural areas of the state. Under this scheme, Uttar Pradesh Khadi and Village Industries Board will provide loans of up to Rs 10 lakh as financial assistance to educated unemployed youth of rural areas to start their employment. Mukhyamantri Gramodyog Rozgar Yojana 2024 is a very good initiative of the Yogi Government to promote self-employment. This will not only increase employment opportunities but will also lead to the overall development of the state. 

Under Gramodyog Rojgar Yojana 2024, funds are made available at 4% interest for general category beneficiaries. Along with this, beneficiaries of reserved categories like SC ST, backward class, minorities, disabled women, and ex-servicemen will be provided an interest rebate on the entire amount under this Mukhyamantri Gramodyog Rozgar Yojana. Interested beneficiaries of the state who want to take advantage of this scheme can apply online by visiting the official website of the scheme. You don't need to go anywhere to apply. Now you can apply very easily with the help of the internet while sitting at home. Under this scheme, more and more unemployed youth in rural areas will be included to provide employment.

Important information related to the Uttar Pradesh Village Industries Employment Scheme

Name of Scheme - Mukhyamantri Gramodyog

Rozgar Yojana Issuer - By Chief Minister Yogi

Aditya Nath Department - Uttar Pradesh Khadi and Village Industries Board

Beneficiaries – Rural unemployed youth of the state

Objective – To provide financial assistance

Application Process – Online

Official website -

Also read: Loan waiver scheme announced in Haryana, know which farmers will get 100% exemption

Necessary Documents for Chief Minister Gramodyog Rozgar Yojana 2024

Aadhar card

 caste certificate

 educational qualification

 age certificate 

mobile number

 passport size photo

A copy of the certified certificate of the unit location where the business is to be started which should be attested by the Village Head Executive Officer.

How to apply for the Chief Minister Village Industries Employment Scheme 2024?

Any interested beneficiary of Uttar Pradesh who wants to apply under this Mukhyamantri Gramodyog Rojgar Yojana 2024, should follow the method given below. 

First of all the applicant will have to go to the official website of the scheme. After visiting the official website, the home page will open in front of you.

On the home page, you will see the option of Village Industries Employment Scheme. You have to click on this option. After clicking on the option, the next page will open on your computer screen.

Also read: Good news: Finance Minister launches Kisan Loan Portal, now subsidized loan will be available easily

On this page, you will see the option “Click here for online application”. You have to click on this option. After clicking on this option, the registration form will open in front of you. 

In this registration form, you will have to fill Aadhar card number, name, mobile number, confirmed mobile number, etc. After filling in all the information you will have to click on the Register button.

After online registration, the candidate will have to log in. After this, complete the online registration for Mukhyamantri Gramodyog Rojgar Yojana by completing all the steps given in ‘Dashboard’ like ‘My Application’, ‘Upload Document’, and ‘Final Submission’.

United Kisan Morcha calls for Bharat Bandh on 16th February

United Kisan Morcha calls for Bharat Bandh on 16th February

United Kisan Morcha (SKM) has called for a Bharat Bandh on 16 February amid the farmers' Delhi Chalo march. SKM has requested other farmer organizations and farmers to join this Bharat Bandh. The Bharat Bandh called by the Samyukt Kisan Morcha and other trade unions will continue from 6 am to 4 pm on February 16.

Let us tell you that the Delhi Chalo March of farmers started from Tuesday and violent clashes have been seen between the protesting farmers and security forces. There is also news of many soldiers being injured in the clash.

Till what time will India remain closed?

The Bharat Bandh called by the Samyukt Kisan Morcha and other trade unions will continue from 6 am to 4 pm on February 16. Apart from this, farmers nationwide will block the main roads from 12 noon to 4 pm. During this time, especially in Punjab, most state and national highways will be completely closed for four hours on Friday.

Also read: Section 144 imposed on Delhi border on farmers' call for 'Delhi Chalo March' on 13th February

What are the demands of the farmers?

In fact, the demands for which the farmers are calling for Bharat Bandh include pension for farmers, MSP for crops, implementation of the old pension scheme, and withdrawal of amendments in labor laws, among other demands. For this reason, Bharat Bandh has been called. At the same time, not privatizing PSUs, not contracting the workforce, guaranteeing employment, etc. are included in the farmers' demands.

Which services will be affected during Bharat Bandh?

During Bharat Bandh, transport, agricultural activities, MNREGA rural works, private offices, shops and rural industrial and service sector institutions will remain closed. However, emergency services like operation of ambulances, marriages, medical shops, students going to appear for board exams etc. will not be stopped during the strike.