
wheat crops

To Save the wheat and barley crop from Chepa (Al)

To Save the wheat and barley crop from Chepa (Al)

The Haryana Agriculture Department has issued necessary information related to the Chepa insect in wheat and barley crops. The children and adult leaves of this insect make the plants very weak by sucking juice. At the same time, its development reflects. Wheat and barley crops are most performed by the farmers of India. Because, both these crops are large -scale whole grain crops worldwide.

Wheat and barley are cultivated in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Himachal Pradesh, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana and Jammu and Kashmir. Farmers do various types of tasks to achieve great production from their crops. If seen, wheat and barley crops are very prone to various types of diseases and insects. In reality, the attack of Chepa (Al) has been seen more in wheat and barley. Chepa can completely eliminate the crop.

Procedure to protect wheat and barley crop from Chepa (Al)

By the attack of chepa ( al ) on wheat and barley crops , the children and adults  of this insect  sucks the juice from the leaves and make the plants weak .To control it, mix malathion 50 ml E.C. in 200 litres of water and spray it on the crop per acre. Farmers can also contact their nearest Agriculture Department officials to keep their crop safe from this insect.

Also read: Major Ratua disease in wheat crop

What do you understand about Chepa (Al) and what is it?

Chepa is a type of insect, which directly invades wheat and barley crops. If this insect is applied to the plant once, it sucks the plant juice  and weakens it much more. Because of this, the plant does not grow properly.

Most of the Chepa insect crop is seen in the middle of November to February. This insect first engulfs the most delicate and weak parts of the crop. Then gradually spreads inside the entire crop. Chepa insect is seen as a mosquito, it is like yellow, brown or black coloured worms in appearance.

The best and wonderful paddy harvesting machine

The best and wonderful paddy harvesting machine

Farmers use many types of expensive equipment to harvest crops. But, Chhotu Reaper machine is the cheapest and best paddy harvesting machine in the market. You can earn more income along with harvesting your crops. Farmers buy various types of expensive equipment from the market to harvest crops. But, small and marginal farmers are not financially capable of purchasing expensive agricultural equipment, due to which they use sickles etc. Keeping this problem of farmers in mind, companies in the technical sector have also started preparing equipment according to the budget of the farmers. Actually, the name of reaper machine is heard the most in crop harvesting. Let us tell you that this machine harvests wheat, paddy, coriander and jowar crops very easily. The specialty of this machine is that farmers can easily harvest other crops by changing the blades. There is a wide range of excellent machines for crop harvesting in the Indian market, which are quite economical for the farmers. Not only this, farmers can also buy these machines through online mode sitting at home.

The price of Chotu Reaper machine is quite economical

The use of Chhotu Reaper machine for harvesting crops is very beneficial for the farmers. Let us tell you that with this machine, harvesting of gram, soybean and berseem crops can be done very easily. This machine can easily harvest plants up to 1 foot tall. Also, if we talk about the engine of this machine, it has a 50cc 4 stroke engine. Along with this, other information is provided to the farmers through electronic display.

Also read: 40% subsidy on combine harvester, farmers can buy it for kharif crops

The Chotu Reaper machine is quite light in weight. Let us tell you that its total weight is only 8-10 kg. If the calculations are done, then the labor cost for harvesting wheat crop with this machine is up to 4 times less. Also, the amount of fuel consumption in this machine is negligible. The Chhotu Reaper machine in the field consumes less than 1 liter of oil per hour. In this machine, farmers can easily harvest other crops by changing the blades. If seen, blades with more teeth are used to cut thick and tough plants.

There will be excellent earning through Chhotu Reaper Machine.

If you use this machine in any other field of the farmer also, then good income can be earned from it per day. According to the information received, the rent of a Chhotu Reaper machine is up to Rs 300 for one bigha field. At the same time, if you harvest crops from 1 acre field in a day, then you can easily earn Rs 1500 to 1800 in a day. Also, this machine requires a minimum of half a liter of diesel for 1 bigha field. Apart from this, after taking out the expenses of its maintenance etc., Rs 200-300 are saved from your income. Now in this way this machine also provides employment opportunities to the farmers.

Complete information about storage after harvesting

Complete information about storage after harvesting

Most crop storage by farmers is done in various ways in houses. Storage of crops after harvesting is the most important task. Do not stock the crop in moist places, because moisture causes diseases like termites and other bacteria to be used in the crop. If the stock stock is done in sacks, wooden planks, or mat, etc. are laid on the floor below so that the crop can remain safe.

How to store crop after harvesting

After harvesting the crop, some crops are stored by farmers for seeds and some crops for their use. The crop that is kept by the farmers for themselves, storage it in a drum or any other closed -mouth container. So that it can be consumed when necessary.

Also read: Some measures for marketing and storage of wheat

Precautions while storage of crop

Pesticides are used in the storage that is stored for seeds. So that he can be kept safe for further sowing. Most of the farmers are stored by the crop in the jute or borio of the jute.

 * Let the crop dry in the sunlight before storage

Crop harvesting is done by most machines, due to which the crop is moist. If a similar crop is stored by the farmer, then there are more estimates of crop failure. That is why after harvesting the crop, let the crop dry in the sunlight for a few days, so that there is no moisture in it.

* Clean the grain thoroughly

Many grains are broken at the time of harvesting or dust can be dusty, unnecessary straws come, which reduce the beauty of the crop. Before storing the crop, clean it thoroughly, so that the crop can be protected from problems like fungal.

Also read : Know safe ways of storing grain

 * Stock the crop in clean sacks

Never store the crop in the old and already used sacks, because there is more possibility of crop failure and disease. If old sacks are being used by farmers, then they should be washed thoroughly. So that there is no disease in the crop.

 * Do not keep the sacks of the stocked crop adjacent to the wall

Do not keep the bore in which the crop storage is done by the farmers, because the walls get damp or moisture during the rainy season, due to which it can also affect the crop.

 * Use neem powder to protect the crop from pests

Sometimes in the stock crop, insects like mite etc. are applied, which make the crop hollow inside. To avoid these insects, neem powder is also used by farmers. So that the stock crop can be kept safe.

 * If the stock of the crop is done in sacks, wooden planks, or mats etc. are laid on the floor below so that the crop can be safe. Wash the storehouse thoroughly with malathion solution .

Also read: Bumper paddy purchase in UP, where will be storage

Stocking of crop is a very important task. Many scientific techniques are adopted for safe storage of crops. Due to these techniques, the fungus can be protected from fungus, pests etc. But sometimes people are damaged due to lack of complete information about storage.

The crop should be preserved stories during storage

When the crop is stored by the farmers, the crop should be protected from moisture, insects and mice. If there is more moisture in the crop, it promotes the growth of microorganisms. For this reason, it is said to be stored. So that the crop can be kept safe for a long time.

Crops are stored to keep it safe for a long time. Crops are produced only by small farmers for their consumption, but large -scale crops are produced only for marketing. Storage is done to meet future needs. Crop storage is also done to deal with natural disasters, such as flood, drought etc. There should be a system of the right space for storage of crops. Keep in mind while storing, there is no moisture in the crop, due to moisture, the entire crop can be spoiled.